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Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire Records

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Gerald Report 26 Feb 2009 10:52

Have been searching for one of my ancestors for 3 years, with the help of you great lot at Genes managed to locate his death records, but his birth still eludes me, have obtained lots of certificates but to no avail. Following up clues I have come accross with lots of recurring family names I feel I am almost there, would love to prove/disprove my lates idea. This is what I would like help with:
WILLIAM SMITH BORN 1841ish (yes I know what a name) I know from his marriage cert that his father was Benjamin, latest idea is, mother maybe Mary Gelsthorpe (various spellings), born and living in Teversall Derby/Notts married Benjamin Smith 1840? Possible siblings for William Mary Ann, Esther, Eliza, Benjamin, Elizabeth John George and others. There is a great connection with Pleasley/Ault Hucknall and that area. Father Benjamin could have been born in Oxfordshire - clutching at straws here.
Any help would be great. Thanks Karen (wife of Gerald)


AnninGlos Report 26 Feb 2009 10:59

Karen have you enlisted the help of Derek who has some derbyshire records? I will see if I can nudge his thread up for you.



Gerald Report 26 Feb 2009 15:49

Thanks Ann,
Not encountered Derek, would be grateful if you could "nudge" his thread for me. How do you do that and what does it mean, seen it in messages before but I am in the dark???
Regards Karen.


Sharon Report 26 Feb 2009 17:15

hi gerald
marriage benjamin smith to mary gelsthorpe 7 6 1840 sutton in ashfield
possible baptism for william smith 13 8 1848 newark st mary to benjamin and mary albion st nottingham milkman there is another one i will send you i am going to check for siblings
regards sharon


Sharon Report 26 Feb 2009 17:20

hi gerald
heres the other one william smith 26 7 1840 sutton in ashfield fathers occ labourer benjamin and mary
im still looking for siblings
regards sharon


Sharon Report 26 Feb 2009 17:48

hi karen
sorry didnt notice you had posted the thread
esther smith 15 3 1845 mansfield st peter occ labourer pleasley hill
eliza 29 1 1850 mansfield st peter pleasley hill
diana 29 6 1856 mansfield st john pleasley
elizabeth 21 1 1854 mansfield st peter pleasley hill
joseph geldsthorpe smith 21 9 1847 mansfield st peter pleasley hill
rosie 9 11 1864 man st john
ann 12 9 1858 man st john
emma 5 10 1862 man st john all pleasley hill
there is benjamin 18 1 1852 skegby so not sure about this but same parents and occupation
hope this helps regards sharon


Gerald Report 26 Feb 2009 20:47

Thanks everyone and especially Sharon, think I am favouring the birth for William as the 26 7 1840 as my possible one, looks like they just got married in time! By any chance is there any record of the names of Benjamin Smith and Mary Gelsthorpe's parents with the marriage record.
Thanks for the siblings details too, yes I had Benjamin 1852 as one of the children, any sign of a Mary Ann 1843?
If I don't get any closer will have to send for the 1840 Birth cert ( to add to my collection) just for the fun of it, William has been a thorn in my side for so long now, every now and then I put him to one side and go on to someone else, but he is always lurking there in the background, niggling away at me.
Anyone else found any info to add to Sharon's, is Derek still out there?
Any info on the Gelsthorpe line anyone?
Will keep a look out for more replies, thanks again. Karen.


Sharon Report 26 Feb 2009 23:18

hi karen
no the dics does not give parents
possible parents of mary ann
joseph and mary goodwin 23 3 1818 teversall also on the same day
thomas and johannah goodwin looks like both sisters married the same day
im off to bed know up for work tommorrow will have another look whwn i get home
regards sharon


Gerald Report 27 Feb 2009 19:12

Hi Again Sharon,
Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to search for me, I do believe that at long last I have tracked down my SMITH family. I shall send off for the marriage cert of Benjamin and Mary Gelsthorpe and the birth cert of William (1840), they've proved to be a slippery lot to trace, but I am feeling much more positive with your info. You are a treasure, I'll let you know the outcome of my certificates.
Thanks again, good wishes Karen.
P.S. Isn't it annoying when things get in the way of our research, as in work, housework etc, could easily do this all day!!


Sharon Report 27 Feb 2009 19:55

hi karen
yes you can easily spend hours researching, you just get a good lead and things annoyingly interupt but abit more info possible marriages
emma smith to harry burdett 14 8 1882 mansfield st john have looked at the census she was born pleasley hill
rosa (rosie) to fred blackburn 8 3 1884 mansfield st john looked at the census and she was born pleasley hill they have quite a few kids if you need anymore searching let me know
hope they help sharon


Derek Report 28 Feb 2009 00:45

Hi Karen.......Ann in Glos and othgers are loyal followers of my two threads about Derbyshire on here......I do have a good collection of Records and they are all for peeps like you to plunder as you need....I noticed for instance a reference to Ault Hucknall......I have it!!
So talk to me..either here on your thread or on mine . I'm bookmarking this in case i can help you.



Gerald Report 28 Feb 2009 12:21

Sharon, Again a big thank you for the marriage info of Emma and Rosa, had a look at the census records, can find Emma and Harry in 1891 but not 1901 and Rosa and Fred in 1901 but not 1891, did you see them in the other years and I'm just being dense?
Any other info turned up? Do you have buriel records too?
A second cousin I "found" thanks to Genes has been on the Smith trail for even longer than I have, and she had recollection of someone known as "Aunt Emma", so will pass on your info in the hope that the married names ring a bell.
Cheers Karen.


Gerald Report 28 Feb 2009 12:30

Hello Derek,
Nice of you to get in touch and offer your help, as you can see Sharon has been doing a great job for me, but if you can add any more info on any of the family members or off-shutes from the records you have that would be a bonus, as you can see the Smith family have been giving me grief for years - what a name to juggle with, but as I can now pin them down to the Pleasley/Ault Hucknall/Teversall area I feel at last I am getting there.
Just remembered folks, when I found details of "my William Smith's" death in 1914, I found that he had a sister who had died in Nottingham Asylum, no other details, name or year unfortunately, thought I would throw that one into the pot as well!
If you would like any more details from me Derek, let me know and I'll dig up all the family info I can.
Thanks again, Regards Karen.


Derek Report 28 Feb 2009 13:39

Hi Karen..I have Ault Hucknall 1692-1910..if you give me some dates i can start there.



Sharon Report 28 Feb 2009 21:12

hi karen
yes i have burial discs as well notts general cemetery basford and the notts burial that covers alot of parishes
i have had no luck yet finding rosa and fred in 1891
but emma burdett remarried to charles william jacobs on 28 7 1895 mansfield st john and had more childen
hope this is of some help
best wishes sharon


Derek Report 28 Feb 2009 21:23

Hi karen..I sent you a message earlier..except it seems i didn't press Send!!...........only too pleased to help if i can........for a start i have the Ault Hucknall records 1662-1910...........give me some dates......



Sharon Report 28 Feb 2009 21:33

hi karen
me again fred and( rose now) in the 1891 census name spelt (blackburn)
harriet 8 harry 6 ben smith blackborn 5 alice 3 and joseph 9/12
freds parents john and harriett in 1881 census john born lincolnshire and harriett derbyshire i have not looked for theie marriage as she was born in derbyshire that could be one for derek our main derbyshire man
best wishes sharon


Derek Report 1 Mar 2009 00:59

Hi Sharon........thanks for the compliment..."Derek our main Derbyshire Man" love it!! thanks as lot xx


Gerald Report 1 Mar 2009 10:30

Quick reply to Sharon and Derek, Thanks again both, good info again Sharon and thanks for the updates on Emma and Rosa, I'll be taking a look. Derek I'll be with you later today, got a log jam of stuff I need to do and for once (and only once) ancestors have to move down the list! I'll be back!! Karen.
P.S. Like the compliments flying around.


Gerald Report 1 Mar 2009 22:41

Here I am Again Derek and Sharon,
Derek, me interest in Ault Hucknall stems from when I first began to look for my gt gt grandfather William Smith (the one Sharon has been searching for), on the 1901 census he states his place of birth as Ault Hucknall Notts and I calculated it to be 1840/41. In other census records he says Pleasley Hill and Mansfield, I don't know how far apart these places are and if they were at one time in just one registration district. I have never been able to put him with his family as he seems to have gone into apprenticeship at a very early age away from that area. Between us we (hopefully) have pinned his parents down as Benjamin Smith (1818) and Mary Gelsthorpe (1823), Sharon has unearthed siblings and marriages for two of them and of course I would be interested to know all there is about any of them. I found a marriage for Benjamin Smith (hopefully brother of William) to a Sarah Ann Hinchliffe as I had a feeling that their daughter Eliza Annie born February 1882 married Richard Cook July 1913 at Pleasley, the interest in this connection is that I am trying to prove or disprove that Benjamins and Williams sister (the one Sharon found marriages for) is the Aunt Emma referred to in later years by Richard as no Emmas seem to appear on Richards direct side, that is unless anyone can find one??
Think thats enough to be going on with, hope it helps, Thanks Karen