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GR - My B****y tree!

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Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 17:34

Sorry to go on.........(if you saw my thread earlier)....but now I need MORE help - see below in a mo. Merry x


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 17:42

Right, so now I have uploaded a new gedcom. Looking at the tree, there are some people who do not have a year of birth showing (I don't know why not), but they do have a full date under Extra Details. If someone searches one of these names, I assume the name will pop up with no date, and be an irritation to all??? So, I would like to copy the year across. HOWEVER, then I am forced to add the place of birth details. That's OK, because I have full place of birth for these people......however, the places (towns and villages) don't appear on the drop down boxes. So what do I load?? Do I have to get my atlas out to see where the nearest large town is that GR DO list??? Then will others thing I am under the impression my ancestor was born there and not in the nearby village???? I need a DRINK. Merry (stroppy)


Vicky Report 28 Feb 2006 17:48

now you know why the Hot Matches don't work LOL As for place of birth, I type whatever I want into the first box. As long as you also put in a country, you can leave the county & town blank.


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 17:49

Humph......can't even put my own name on. CROSS! Merry


Unknown Report 28 Feb 2006 17:56

Merry <sending you a large drink> the places thing sometimes workes on mine but mostly not lol if i dont know the name of the village i just put the county in DURHAM that seems to work. Steve


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 17:56

Not on my tree!!!! It's insisting I enter County and Town. The vast majority of my rellies have had their years of birth soon as someone in their descendants has no year of birth, GR randomly removes the dates from various people up the tree (I know this because of the error message it's giving me). My tree has about 2500 people and I guess several hundred of them now have no date. Well, that won't take long for me to remedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 17:57

Make mine a bottle of scotch, thanks Steve! merry


Vicky Report 28 Feb 2006 18:12

Merry, I'm not sure what's going on here ... better have another large drink (would you like some ice for that?) ... I last imported a gedcom about 2 months ago, I'm assuming GR haven't altered things at their end since. I have some also with missing year of birth. This is probably because FTM lets you put in an incomplete date - Feb 1861 or whatever. I see some of these in the DOB field in my tree on here, and these are OK as long as you don't try to edit it. (Then it tells you the date is missing...) As for place, on here I have loads with a village name in the first box, that just says ''place of birth''. There is nothing in the country, county or town boxes. If I want to amend something, I have to put in a country, but I can leave the rest blank. (There's a red asterisk next to the boxes you HAVE to fill in)


Unknown Report 28 Feb 2006 18:21

One very very very expensive bottle of orkney 25yr old single malt on it way hun. I think the prob is this site it needs a total re build, and its bandwidth increased, it just cant cope with the traffic, infact, no i aint going there Steve


Vicky Report 28 Feb 2006 18:23

I don't like Orkney malt either Steve (why else would you be giving it away?)


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 18:23

Vicky, Thankyou, I am strating to sound like some of those threads on here that don't sound believable! I see the red **'s and so each time I get to the end of the red *'s boxes I click to save the details......about ¼ of the time it insists on the next two boxes.....the rest of the time it is happy, but I can't see any difference between the accepted record and the one's it doesn't like. Then, tells me a mother cannot have a birth year making her younger than her child. The reason is that the child has no birth year. Fair enough. Add a rough year for the child - I can then add a year for the mum. But it's very strange that the dad is allowed to have his year, right from the start!! Another bit of the family, it's the dad who's birth year is missing, the error message says it's for the same reason....................................... Ice?? yes please - two elephants - thanks Merry


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 18:25

Can't remember if I've tried Orkney Malt (so perhaps I have??) But if Steve is giving it away, then I can always mix it with a cheap ten litre crate of Ginger Ale!! LOL Merry


Vicky Report 28 Feb 2006 18:33

now if it was a nice bottle of 21 year old macallan, I'd drink it neat, slowly savouring its fine bouquet, and imagining I'm back lying in the heather on a gorgeous summers day, sun beating down... * Wakes up & remembers why its so flipping freezing * its definitely time GR did something about sorting this ***** site out, its not as if they don't have any money (***** insert as many adjectives as you want)

Kim from Sandhurst

Kim from Sandhurst Report 28 Feb 2006 18:35

Merry When you upload your tree, if the dates you have are Baptism's, GR system does not recodnise these, so no date appears. I have a seperate GR copy, so there are no baptism's, I put them in as birth dates instead, it is a pain when you have to put the stuff in twice, but then I get no errors from GR (as I still can't make head nor tail of their tree system!!) Kim


Unknown Report 28 Feb 2006 18:41

Vicky I would send Merry anything she wanted lol she is such fun and so sweet. Steve


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 18:54

Thanks Kim! Everyone on my home tree has some sort of birth date. I accept GR might refuse to recognise some types of date, but mine are rejected randomly amongst the dates that are entered in full, ie dd/mm/yyyy Mystery?? Vicky, pass the bottle please! Steve, I am not fun or sweet, at the moment :o(( Merry

Kim from Sandhurst

Kim from Sandhurst Report 28 Feb 2006 18:59

Merry Do you want a glass of Chardonnay? I tend to to drown my tree when things don't go as they should! Kim


Joy Report 28 Feb 2006 19:23

How frightening. May I have some Chardonnay, please?


Rachel Report 28 Feb 2006 19:31

Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble Merry. I was going to upload a new tree as the one on here is not as complete as it could be. However ....... I don't think I'll bother just yet, I'n not in a particularly patient mood and it sounds like far too much hassle! I'll mebbe just add the new bits myself.


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 19:50

Oooooh, yes please - I'd love some Chardonnay!!! Hubby made me have an alchohol-free week, bu tthat's up now!! Merry