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useful tips on how to irritate those that help you

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Joy Report 26 May 2005 12:02

SKS - some kind soul - that I had to ask about on a rootsweb mailing list. :-) Joy

The Bag

The Bag Report 26 May 2005 12:03

Thanks you for that- I wondered too 'SKS- some kind soul' Yes i thought 'lol' was lots of love,- they dont love me, they are LAUGHING at me -HUH! I don't use those abbreviations unless the poster has used them first, ;-) is better Jess

Itsonlyme ****

Itsonlyme **** Report 26 May 2005 12:16

I have just read through all the replies in this thread, and from what everybody is saying there are a lot of ungrateful, thoughtless people out there. I am fairly new to these boards, although I have been with GR for quite a while now, it is only recently that I scrolled down far enough to see the message boards (I was too busy adding my names to my tree mostly). I was at once struck by the helpfulness of the people on the tips board etc., nothing seemed too much trouble for them. I personally will only post a question or ask for help if I am really stuck. I have discovered a wealth of family information for myself, perhaps not always in the most efficient way, but it has been a learning process for me and I now feel quite proud of my accomplishments! BUT there will always be people who want the legwork done for them, who would like a really impressive family tree, but can't be bothered to do the research. I have seen threads about people who try to import whole trees from others and claim hundreds of rellies as theirs in one swoop. What satisfaction they gain from this I can't imagine, there doesn't seem to be any point if the rellies aren't really yours. I have noticed that Jess seems to go out of her way to be really helpful and do hundreds of look-ups for people, so on behalf of the ungrateful few, THANK YOU JESS, and all the others who regularly help us we do need you, and the majority of are gratefull really! Jak


Phoenix Report 26 May 2005 14:03

Having printed off 100 posters before noticing that I hadn't said where the event was taking place, you may gather that I do sometimes miss the obvious. Everything is perfectly clear in my own mind when I post, but it is fatally easy leave something out. If you just have half an hour on a computer, then it is sensible to draft a message one day, re-read it the next to check that it makes sense, and then post at the beginning of the session, rather than the end. It is also sensible to remember what the teachers said about exams: don't only put down WHAT you know, but WHY you know it. Oh, and by the way, have you noticed that GR has listened to Nell at last and put some beginners help links on the Home Page? Not that they are big and visible, but it's a step in the right direction.


Wishful007 Report 26 May 2005 14:14

Jess you have helped me a couple of times on my posts and I am always eternally grateful to any help I receive. Always leave a positive thank you in my threads. I think the help you get on here is fantastic and in return I try to help other people ... not that much at the moment Im afraid because I am still very much on a learning curve myself regarding genealogy.


Margaret Report 26 May 2005 14:17

The trouble is: The people to whom these type of threads are intended, don't read them. I think some people pop on a board, post what they need to know, but don't read what's already there. How many times does the same type of question crop up? Sometimes on the same page. I agree with what is being said here but it will fall on deaf ears. As I said, those the comments are aimed at aren't reading it!!! Margaret

The Bag

The Bag Report 26 May 2005 14:22

Actually Margaret, I have Private messages that actually say differently... But if onlyONE reads it, thats one less... The point is to keep it humours so they do read and learn Jess


Jools Report 26 May 2005 14:29

Hey Jess - you've missed off the 'minimalist info' brigade - and the 'that can't be him/her on the census as they were born in somewhere 10 miles from where the census says they are living' brigade. My 'plonk' file is getting bigger by the day as my brain cell shrinks and I get ever more grumpy. And p l e a s e - don't start me on poor punctuation :)) Jools


Daisy Report 26 May 2005 14:44

Hi everyone, I would just like to say a real big ‘thank you’ to anyone on this site that many have helped me in the past. I always try to post a reply thanking individual members for look-ups etc that they may have done for me, but I work full time and I also have a part time job so sometimes it can be difficult to keep an eye on my postings. I have always found the members of this site really helpful no matter what kind of questions I have asked and I hope this will continue. Best wishes to everyone


Twinkle Report 26 May 2005 18:36

GR has added the note on the Records Board about how members do research out of a desire to help and are not paid, but I know people don't read it. Perhaps it should be part of the registration email? I must also warn people: I have had to reset my computer to factory settings and lost the Word document with bits of info in. Most was already printed off and most of the look-ups I requested are still on the boards, but I might end up asking for a look-up someone has already done! If I do, sorry.

Joe ex Bexleyheath

Joe ex Bexleyheath Report 27 May 2005 05:11

Just to pout in my two pennyworth - I agree with Elizabeth Mary that it is better to tell people how to find rather than giving direct answers. Speaking to A prof Family Historian a few days ago he is also saying the same thing as you .... really getting fed up with people who cant be bothered to say 'Thanks' or just ignoring the replies in any case. Possibly a lot can be put down to the TV show 'Who do you think you are' where you see a celebrity has all his tree (to a point) unravelled in no time and from that it is probable that many people think that you can just pop in to a site and your whole tree will be infolded as you watch - no aggro, no expense ..... People should be taught, in the first place, how to use their computers and then how to do searches - it is only when they are completely stumped should anybody have to spend their time and their money in doing searches that could probably be easily done. They should also be aware that in genealogy there are expenses and as the saying goes 'If you cant stand the heat ........'. My apologies to all 'newbies' but I do stand by what I have said and that from the outset you should know that this is an expensive 'hobby' and most of the time you will find no more than ag.labs despite the fact that you may have shed many, many pounds in many certs only to find that 2 centuries ago things in your family have changed little, so if you are having a hard time financially it may be better to stick to knitting or something that is less financially stressful. I am told that I must be related to King Duncan III but what good that will do me I havent the slightest idea - any more than the oother 30,000 also researching the same name !


Joy Report 27 May 2005 09:53

Joe, I agree entirely! Twinkle - GR did that because so many of us asked them to put it there. But I really do wonder how many people bother to read that, and how many read the home page! Joy

The Bag

The Bag Report 27 May 2005 10:09

Joe, I agree with so many of your points. i got a great deal of satisfaction recently when someone made this request:- They had looked and couldn't find, Please could I look , check they were there, so she knew they WERE there, and then give her just a tiny clue. As it was theywere mis-transcribed and i was able to say ' imagine how it would be PRONOUNCED rather than spelled'- and hey presto she found then for herself-GREAT STUFF - very satisfying for me too. I love the 'help me to help myself' people jess


Unknown Report 27 May 2005 10:12

delete a thread that you spent hours developing a comprehensive family view - 1861->1901 .................