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we dont all have money! Sioux and Gary

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Mary Report 13 Nov 2004 00:33

Hi All If you want to get on Ancestry Plus just Google Ancestry Plus and hit "I'm feeling lucky".It may load automatically or you can hit the first site shown at top of results page. Just tried it and it works for me . Mary

Jonathan B

Jonathan B Report 13 Nov 2004 00:40

This depends on whether you have managed to get into the Ancestry Plus site before. For those who got in with the password a while ago, a cookie has been stored on their computers which autmatically logs them in. This is unlikely to work for those who haven't visited before. Jonathan


Wendy Report 13 Nov 2004 01:11

Please leave Mr Betts alone. He has a point and is entitled to make it. I do not yet subscribe to Ancestry because I am not sure if it will give me any further info than I have already found. If I thought it would then I would willingly pay the subscription. I cannot believe that so many family researchers are on such low pay that they cannot afford a few pounds for their hobby. Wendy


Stardust Report 13 Nov 2004 09:55

Oh dear Mr Betts, do you want us to give you a medal for your charity to a former girlfriend. I for one have taken great delight in accessing Ancestry Plus for free and will continue to do so while it is available, I think to be able to sneak in and get freebies makes it all the more fun, after all what harm are we doing, and I am sure at the end of the day Ancestry Plus will still be able to continue without our contribution. Grace R


Unknown Report 13 Nov 2004 09:58

Wendy There's a lot of researchers on here who are retired and living on pension and several of us who are disabled with children. Getting to a family records centre is impossible, as is affording to subscribe to everything going when you live on a low income. I agree that Mr Betts is entitled to make his point but he doesn't need to be quite so rude about it which is what everyone has been protesting about. You can make your opinion known without being downright insulting to everyone else on the thread. And whether you believe it or not, a lot of researchers started this hobby BECAUSE we are unable to get out of the house to do much else and we DO have a low income, yet you'll find when it comes to helping out and offering advice, us so-called 'freeloaders' are usually the first to offer to assist. I'd love to be able to work full time to fund this obsessive hobby but it isn't going to happen at the moment, so until it does I remain incredibly grateful to all those who DO help me out when I need it. Ali


Irene Report 13 Nov 2004 10:11

Mr Betts But do you have to be so rude when voicing your opinion, we all feel strongly about different things but try to be helpful without upsetting people. There is no need to voice what you did the way you did. I know that in Australia and NZ it is even harder to get any information, at least we can travel to our records office and confirm what we want, they travel much further unless we can do that for them. So please before you offend anyone else think before you type. If others are willing to help then that is their choice. This is a helping site not a offending one. Irene


Seasons Report 13 Nov 2004 10:31

Those of you who use Ancestry seem to think its a very good site. However I've had a look and couldn't find what I was looking for - BMD's, Census - Is there a lot missing? A lot of the sites I went onto in the hope of finding something turned out to be of american records. Am I doing something wrong or is it just that the information I want isn't available???


BABZ... Report 13 Nov 2004 11:35

Mr ??? Bets. your reply...... ** amd the people fom aussie are the worst, they earn treble for a job there and pay a tenth for property so they should be more than able to pay. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ... We, from Australia (the word aussie is slang for an Australian person!) dherr! The word -treble (high in pitch) don't you mean TRIPLE??? Yes...with the exchange rate, currently 7.50 GBP converts to over 18 yes! we Australians pay nearly TRIPLE if certificates and subscriptions are required from the UK. So, with the exchange rate, it would seem like wage earners here in Australia, earn triple! You DO NOT know MY situation, so DO NOT make sweeping statements about 'the people from aussie being more than able to pay'...Thankyou! To COME ACROSS as an inept, illiterate, uneducated young 'person'... maybe just out of school? But...your not, are you? I will not be rude and call you names! (as you have on numerous threads) I would suggest that you get your facts right before you put your mouse on ADD MESSAGE and click. ...Babz :O( Sunday Nov 14th UPDATE...I NOTICE YOU HAVE REMOVED YOUR OFFENSIVE COMMENTS MR BETTS? AN APOLOGY might be in the right direction as well. Might make you feel better afterwards. Best Wishes to you ...Babz :o)


Debbie Report 13 Nov 2004 12:18

Mr Betts You are paying all that money for an ex girlfriend from 10 years ago. What a complet and utter prat you are, get a life she's taking you for a ride.

Glenys the Menace!

Glenys the Menace! Report 13 Nov 2004 15:02

Can I shove my five penn'orth in again? Oh alright then. Gary, reading your replies you do have some - I repeat, some - valid points, and I respect that. What I don't respect, however, is the wording you use. You have in effect branded me various things, which frankly is completely uncalled for. I appreciate what you've done for your ex; that's commendable. But you then spoil things by saying some truly nasty things about people whose circumstances you don't know. In addition to my other replies, no, I'm not pleading poverty, but you don't know our particular circumstances. Like a lot of people, we give money to various charities - animals and humans - amongst other things. We have 5 cats who were all abandoned, of course by humans, and they cost money (they're worth it though). Also, having adopted 2 children who had a very bad start in life, 5 years ago, they (bless 'em) cost money too. These are just a few things, OK? It sounds as if I'm blowing my own trumpet - I'm not. I don't know why I'm justifying myself to you, but I guess I'm trying to make you see that most of us are not meanies and takers. Yes, there are some, but most of us are genuine. Think about what I've said, eh? Sorry I've rambled on, friends! I'm just a gasbag! Glenys x


Irene Report 13 Nov 2004 15:22

In other words Mr Betts grow up. Irene