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If you are not well

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BrianW Report 28 Nov 2008 16:54

Must admit I had a day off a couple of months ago for a cold/sinus infection.

It affected my ears and I was going dizzy if I bent over.

Didn't think I was too safe on the motorbike.


Annx Report 28 Nov 2008 16:23

All depends how you feel...Listen to your body as they say. I always try to get up, even for a few hours, but go back to bed if I start to feel worse.

As for struggling into work whatever, that only has merit if you are not infectious. How fair is it to your employer and colleagues to give them flu, colds or a sickness bug. An employer would rather you be off sick for a few days than half the office if you come in.

Teddys Girl

Teddys Girl Report 28 Nov 2008 12:20

Some of the excuses I have heard for people taking days off-

My husband got sunburnt so I had to rub the cream into him - All day?

I dreamt I had a holiday.

I worked so hard yesterday, I had to spend the day in bed.

My mother is having a party at the week end and had to help her with the housework.

I went horse riding and got a sore behind.


Blue Moon

Blue Moon Report 27 Nov 2008 15:54

Yes Ann,that was the first time i've ever had off work,
I did't know how to get a sick note or what to do with one.
After a month I was ready to go back to work but the doctor was having none of it,
made me stay off for three months.


AnninGlos Report 27 Nov 2008 15:45

Lol BM I know what you mean!!

I only ever had 5 days sick all the time I worked from 1976 to 1000. and when I worked in Personnel (now HR) I used to get so annoyed with people who had time off for petty things!
My children tend to be the same!

Blue Moon

Blue Moon Report 27 Nov 2008 15:25

Touch wood,Ive been lucky,as far as I can remember I have only ever spent one full day in bed
( and that was ) when I had a heart attack in April,
I knew I had to take thing easy but I just couldn't stay in bed.
It made me feel ill.


Valerie Report 27 Nov 2008 14:33

If I have a cold or the flu I too just tend to get on with things even though I am now retired. I always feel too guilty to stay in bed.


blackrose Report 27 Nov 2008 13:01

Hi Joan here I'm a firm believer that if you can still stand up you should get out and get some fresh air. If you lie in bed you become unfit. I think that attitude came from my mother. It irritates me when people keep their children off school because theyve got a sniffle but then mother trails them around the supermarket etc.


AnnCardiff Report 27 Nov 2008 13:00

I pray I don't have to take to my bed as OH is no longer here and I'd have no one to look after me - fortunately in the six years he's been gone I haven't really been ill - just hope it stays that way


Lindsey* Report 27 Nov 2008 12:47

I was sent to school every day however sick I felt. I went to work every day even if I was dying because that was what was expected of me.Being absent was a sign of weakness.
It wasn't until I was older that my heart surgeon showed me what damage I had done to myself by not resting. I got a severe dressing down from him, about the extra strain on my heart from working while ill .and It cost me several operations and a lifetime of drugs.
Being told to take it easy and now having to rest more is completely alien to me, as now I have to look after myself properly.So I guess the answer is to stay in bed and rest and let your system recover.
No prizes for being heroic !


StrayKitten Report 27 Nov 2008 12:39

i wish! dog always trys to get me to but i think if i dont get up and do me bits they wont get done or they will but not right lol

so i plod on always have i may have a sneaky half hour on the sofa but not very often i tend to just get on with it and moan lots! lol


Kate Report 27 Nov 2008 12:39

If I've got a cold, I tend to try to keep going (which is not a good thing) because I'm never sure I'm ill enough to be doing nothing. Even at uni, I only had about two days off through being ill - and one of those I had to get up anyway because a friend send me a text to say there was a lunchtime meeting for a project I was doing. So I went in.

If I have a migraine, though, I have to go to bed. A few weeks back, I had the worst one I ever hope I get - I was going to Preston on the train so I tried ignoring it, thought I'd get myself some Nurofen when I got there. But it was so bad I was sick twice on the train and once I got to Blackburn I decided to go back home. Spent most of the following two days in bed, in the dark.


JustJean Report 27 Nov 2008 12:37

Ann, I am like you, must be the old school training, but if I am unwell I do get up, but I go and nap in bed in the afternoon, although I do that most days anyhow lol, daughter usually sleeps and sleeps,oh moans and whinges all day but wont go to bed....
most days I just get very tired so can sleep for a hour or so..

Jean x

Teddys Girl

Teddys Girl Report 27 Nov 2008 12:26

I felt absolutely rough yesterday, think I had a chill, as I was cold and shivery, headache, and ears ached, heavy eyed.
I spent morning on computer, and then the afternoon in a big easy chair, just with my eyes closed.
Watched TV until 10pm, then went to bed and had a good nights sleep.

Dont feel as bad today, and been out for my big weekly shop.

I only stay in bed if I feel really ill.


Forgetmenot Report 27 Nov 2008 11:51

Never for a stomach bug or cold unless I get a chest infection, then I might go to bed early or get up late but I'd rather get up with a cold as I think a dose of fresh air will do you good.If I was as ill as Daff and Caz I'd definately go to bed.

Gillie XX

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 27 Nov 2008 11:35

I think it depends on how ill I feel.

On the few occasions I've had something like flu or tonsilitis I have felt so rough that I needed to lie down and sleep.

When I was a child we had to be half dead to be allowed to stay off school and if we were ill enough not to go then we had to go to bed. I suppose that was one way of parents making sure we weren't wanting a day off playing!

At boarding school matron would only let us off going down to lessons if we were ill in bed. Anyone poorly got given soluable aspirin (her answer to everything then) and only given Bovril and toast to eat for the day. That meant anyone not really poorly had had enough and got up the next day.

It didn't stop those of us in my dormitory taking it in turns to have a day off though! I used to try and make sure I was ill occasionally on cold hockey days! A few minutes before we were supposed to get up putting heads under the bedclothes could make any of us look a bit hot and flustered.
Anyone who genuinely had a nasty bug ended up in the sickroom in Matron's cottage though and was nursed properly....but I was never that ill.

I've struggled into work feeling dreadful sometimes. In seven years in one school I never had a day off due to illness but I came close on one occasion. I asked the Head if he could take over my class as I felt so ill and he told me to hang on till break time. He never did come and relieve me.
Fortunately one of the girls in my primary class (they were aged 9 and 10) came over and asked if I was OK. I said not really and all on her own she stood at the front of the class and said " Leave her alone she's not well".
The whole class got out either their special topic books or reading books and they all got on quietly with something they could do on their own. They were a lovely bunch of kids.


**~~**  Mad Moo  **~~**

**~~** Mad Moo **~~** Report 27 Nov 2008 11:32

In a word Yes.

As weird as it may seem, I along with two out of my four children are the same.

Whenever we are ill, no matter what the illness we sleep like the dead for the duration.

When we do wake up we are on top of the world, all signs & symptoms mysteriously disappear.

It's easy to tell if there is any lead swinging going on with the ankle biters, well two of them anyway lol

Claire xxx


Elisabeth Report 27 Nov 2008 11:28


You have reminded me of my last 'proper' day in bed - when I had real flu. Unfortunately it was Christmas and the rest of the family had to survive, as it was difficult enough to stagger to the bathroom, never mind cook a meal.

It wasn't helped by some relatives calling during the morning, on their way to a lunch somewhere. My dear old Auntie, of about 90 years, wasn't going to be put off by my husband telling her I was sleeping. She staggered her way upstairs, carefully put my clothes on the floor from the chair and pulled it up to the side of the bed. She chattered away for about 30 mins. She was a treasure.

Edit - she didn't get much conversation from me!!

So in answer to your question, yes I have had a day in bed.



AnninGlos Report 27 Nov 2008 11:24

I suspect I may have just been lucky and not felt ill enough to remain in bed, also my back is more painful in bed than up. I have bee retired for 8 years+ now.



TaniaNZ Report 27 Nov 2008 11:18

No I dont get the day in bed either,with kids you crawl if you have too but you definitly get up