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Almost Pen Pals. Used to be Daily Diary.

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SpanishEyes Report 25 Aug 2012 06:31

Good morning Tess and everyone else who has posted.

Pleased to hear about your grandson passing his exams,Tess.
I tried Tia Chi a year or two ago but just didn't click. So rely on running up and down the stairs, playing with the dogs and walking with OH about 2 or3 days each week, we walk at normal pace and have found that we are walking further and further without getting out of breath!

Gerard I hope you and your wife are both OK.

Ann, I am sure that you will have a delightful time with your daughter and family....and I know what you mean about how quickly the day goes by..

That is all for now, so have a splendid day everyone.

:-) :-)


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 24 Aug 2012 16:38

Hi everyone, tried to post on here a few days ago, but after "chatting" at length, the whole post vanished before I could click on "Submit" I can't really remember what it was I said though!

Bridget, I am pleased that you are back in your own home, nowhere like it is there?
I hope that future lettings go well.

Jan, it does seem that I attend more funerals than I used to. I know that it is partly that now that I am no longer at work, so am more available to attend, but it is sad that so many of my family and friends are reaching the end of their lives.
I hope that you are still enjoying your Tai Chi. I have often thought of going but never got round to starting.

Recently I have started going to an exercise class. It suits me as many of the exercises are done while sitting down.
Lots of exercises to "limber up" very good for stiff joints.

I'm extra lucky as the class is free, and I can go on the Ring & Ride Bus (special bus that is door to door).

I have ticked an interstd in Tai Chi leaflet there. so might be starting Tai Chi, if they have enough interest in a class.

Son is now with his family (partner and three sons). He is still rather down, and has problems with his shoulder, so decorating has come to a standstill (again).

Will now be looking for another decorator.

Will have to go now as a friend will be coming round to see if my oven can be repaired.

Will be back later.

Oh, just before I forget, oldest grandson Ben, aged 16, has just had his GCSE results. He has done well, including a few A's and B's (I don't have ful details at the moment).

He has done well enough to get into the college of his choice.



Greentiedmonster Report 23 Aug 2012 17:28

No not on holiday - been watching the thread with interest - just not a lot happening at the moment at my end!!

Gerard <3 :-)


AnninGlos Report 23 Aug 2012 16:36

Not on holiday but been quite busy with various appointments and buying another car. Just picked it up now so OH is happily fiddling with things and finding his way round it.

We have our daughter and her husband coming for the weekend so have to get the house ready and had to go food shopping this morning. That was sandwiched between my fasting blood test (cholesterol etc) and his dental appointment. then we came home, put the shopping away, cut up a whole salmon fillet bought for half price, put in a load of washing and had lunch before going to pick up the car. Not a l;ot of time left in my day.


SpanishEyes Report 23 Aug 2012 16:11

Everyone must be on Holiday or forgotten to come back here! I hope that you are all well and not suffering from the very high temps in the European area, it is 36 in my garden, I had to come back inside the house after 30 minutes in the pool and another 30 mins sitting under the shade with a cold non alcohol drink or two!

Hope to hear from someone soon

Bridget :-)


SpanishEyes Report 20 Aug 2012 05:44

Good morning to you all, it is 06.27 here and still dark. I am now back in my old way of waking up fairly early and having my first coffee of the day in peace and quiet and watch the dawn rise.

The first surprise this morning was that I had slept all night, the second surprise was that my eye was not painful so the medicines and antibiotics must be working, thank goodness.

Berona, although I am to.d that the marriage ceremony is "on the beach" it actually takes place on very large wooden flooring , nearly all the restaurants and bars "on the beach, have these so we can still wear our shoes. However I have decided that I will wear my flat shoes which I seem to be wearing more and more often in the summer. I have about 6 pairs now, all from the same shop in different colourise and patterns.
I have quite a few hats as well and have a favourite dress to wear so no great expense this time!

I must say that the menu sounds delicious and there is lots of music etc. my son and his wife to be are fairly well known in the town so I expect that there will be a lot of people who I do not know.
A bonus for me is that I will see my granddaughter Evie for the first time as Army son and his wife are coming over for the wedding and staying for ten days with us.

Quiz night tonight, this is always fun and as it is not my husband who is the Quiz master we usually do quite well....... Very different style to my husbands quizzes .

Well that is about all my news for now, so sending everyone wishes for a happy and good day. :-)

Bye bye for now

Bridget :-)


Berona Report 20 Aug 2012 00:39

A beach wedding? Sounds delightful. However, my immediate thought was that if you are 'dressing up', you will need to leave your high heeled shoes in the car and have others, (or none) if you are going to be on the sand for a lot of the time!

Don't know what made me think of that first.


SpanishEyes Report 19 Aug 2012 15:00

Thank you Ann ,

I am delighted that my granddaughter is doing so well and to know that we are friends as well as grandma & granddaughter.

Emily wants to learn about her family history so I am going to send her a message with her uncles and their family and her grandparents and great grandparents back to her great grandmother. I think this will be a good start.

I was thinking today that if my granddaughter cannot get as far as being a doctor, maynpbe she could be a childrens nurse.
We will have to wait and see.

My eye treatment is beginning to work thank goodness but I still cannot see clearly and another two weeks of medication.....what a bore that is 3 times a day!

Hope that you are well

Bridget in hot hot and very hot Spain.

PS has anyone been to a beach wedding? This is what my eldest son is having in September.

:-D <3


AnninGlos Report 18 Aug 2012 21:56

So pleased to hear that your Granddaughter is progressing well. Fingers crossed that she achieves her ambition. Good may yet come out of a sad accident. :-)


SpanishEyes Report 18 Aug 2012 21:02

My younger sister became a grandma again this morning. Her new granddaughter was born 16 days late and is the daughter of her only son.

Our family continues to grow.

My granddaughter who was injured a year ago this month has progressed really well and told me today that she wants to be a Doctor as a specialist in Children's burns unit. \wouldn't it be great if that came true.
Same Granddaughter has asked if I can help her make a family tree for her...I sense a likeness to me.
Good night to you all



SpanishEyes Report 17 Aug 2012 17:52

Just finished talking topmost of the family. Army son has so much leave left that they are coming over for the wedding and to represent the brothers and sister who cannot be there. We will take lots of photos and I may try to make a absentee board, thought your idea was really good. Thanks Tess.

OH went out a few hours with the "boys" and has returned home and eaten his meal and gone to rest his eyes!!

It is just tooooo hottttt here today

From Bridget


Greenfingers Report 17 Aug 2012 17:08

You name it, it has happend....Two funerals,....birthdays.....just getting through each day.
Surprise party for my son in law tomorrow, then a BBQ on Sunday with friends.....have cooked loads for Surprise party but won't have to cook on Sunday. !!!!!!!!!Yipee/............

Have taken up Tai Chi...on it...very relaxing, and interesting, that you think it is gentle, but you do feel you have had a work out of sorts...

Have a lovely weekend everyone...gonna be hot,hot,hot here in rural Norfolk

Regards Jan


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 16 Aug 2012 11:33

Hazel, sorry to hear about your son, Duane. It's good though that he is now getting the help he needs. I hope that he improves considerably very soon.
My son is rather down at the moment. Not serious enough to go to hospital but needless to say rather worrying. It is difficult to know what to do for the best.

Bridget, enjoy your son's wedding. It is a shame that his sibs. will probably be unable to attend. Any chance of taking some cardboard cutouts or photos on a stick, just little ones should be okay (or am I being foolish?).

A cousins family were going to (or near) Barcelona during the London Olympics. They were not worried about pick-pockets, as we had been told (in the media) that the pick-pockets were coming over to London and would be working overtime!

We have got sun at the moment, so washing in the machine, with a lot more stuff waiting for their turn.

Gerard, I hope that the buses were not too badly affected by the Olympics and you were able to get to and from work okay.

Take care everyone,



Treehunter Report 16 Aug 2012 10:08

Hi all

I have come home for few days rest as been looking after grand children, back over there tomorrow again for i dont know how long for. Be glad when schools go back.

Also my son Duane has had a break down so in hospital and getting the help he needs. I hope to go see him tomorrow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to all Take care.



SpanishEyes Report 16 Aug 2012 07:10

Good morning to everyone from sunny Spain, this week the top temp has been in the high 80s and it looks as if it is going to stay that way!

Not sure if I have mentioned this before eldest son, in his 40 s has decided to get married........I really thought that this would never happen. The marriage will take place just outside Barcelona and a lot of his longstanding friends are going to be there. The downside is that the news was quite sudden and so his brothers and sister may not be able to be there. The have had their holiday allowance and the cost from both England and Iteland is around £1000, if only eldest son had given earlier notice I guess that more would be attending.

We will be there and then we will visit family and friends in the UK, I think we may be there for almost 3 weeks. I am looking forward s to seeing them all.

Well that is about it for now, so enjoy your day



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 15 Aug 2012 15:55

Birmingham UK. We got rain!


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 14 Aug 2012 12:37

Watched the Olympics + + + Loved it.

Started to go out and about again a bit more this last few days. Bus routes in Birmingham City Centre have changed. Quite an adventure getting on my usual bus to see where it will take me.

Managed, on a different day and a different bus, to go to Birmingham Central Library. The Huge new one should be opened September 2013. A little further away for me, but will try to get there at least a couple of times to check it out.

Still sunny at the moment, rain promised for tomorrow. This afternoon I'm going to my new exercise class. Only the second time I'll have been.
It really suits me as most of it is done sitting down.

The decoratng has come to a standstill. Son was doing it for me and has done all the prep. plus some of the painting. Has strained his shoulder, so will be trying to get someone else to finish it.

Looking forward to putting furniture back in the right place (or even the right room).

Garden is all overgrown again, now looking for someone who can help.
I reckon that I will be making a lot of phone calls in the next few days.

Hope that everyone is well.

Tess :-D :-D :-D


SpanishEyes Report 11 Aug 2012 12:19

Good afternoon to everyone. We are moving back into our house on Monday which is earlier than expected but the gent and his family own a business in France and it looks as if it is going to fail in the next few days.........however we have been asked if we could let the house again and we have said yes......extra income always welcome and it would pay for our visits to our family...

Thank you to each of you who have kept this board alive, it means so much to me, who knows I may even meet some of you one day.

Well the rain has stopped so time to hang a out the washing.

<3 :-)



Greentiedmonster Report 10 Aug 2012 07:49

Hi Everyone

Well 25 Golds and possibly more to come - to be honest I am pleased for the athletes, but I have very little interest in the Olympics (wherever they are held) - some of my friends are really up for it - OH and I totally indifferent!.
We are more worried will our bus to work be affected!
Bridget - so glad your pension is sorted - finally got mine sorted this week backdated to May (very pleasing for the bank balance) - but I am still doing my two or three hours in the evening (so rewarding - not necessarily financially!)

How are those twins?? - talking of twins my great niece Jessica in California is expecting twin boys shortly - all is going well.

We are still doing the flowers at church as the regular flower lady is still on holiday - again so rewarding.

Think of you all as always keep well, warm (or cool), dry if possible and happy of course
:-) <3


Greenfingers Report 4 Aug 2012 13:44

Thanks everyone, yes the garden party went well, though it was hardly sitting in the garden weather, instead I had ladies sitting everywhere in the house, and they went round the garden in between the showers !!

Since then have been so busy, not time to look or do anything on forgive me. Also have taken up Tai Chi once a week, its sooooooooo good. Here we are in August and hardly any summer egh...!!!

Have a lovely weekend, watching the Olympics