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wouldn't it be nice if in 2010

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AnninGlos Report 22 Mar 2010 17:42

Tess, is the 'outhouse' not over two and a half metres then? what is that in feet? About 7? I would have thought over all area would be governed as well. I would keep fighting this it sounds to me as if he is going to pull a fast one. But surely he is not allowed to build over a public footpath/right of way? Do you have an active ramblers association in the area? if it is a public footpath they would advise you.

Jill, pleased the meal went OK and I hope your lettings do well this year.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 22 Mar 2010 18:09

Ann, have been to The Neighbourhood Office, who spoke to the planning Dept. for me.

Two and a half meters is arpund eight foot, two inches.
The inspector from planning says that he is building within millimeters of what is allowed. She is keeping in eye on the building, but up till now, he hasn't broken any planning laws.

The pathway is just my right of way, so it is up to me to sort this out. I have now got the official measurement of the gap that he should have left, between the endwall of the house on the corner, and his officail boundry.
Have also got a friend to verify the gap he has left. (this gap is for two oaths, one for me and the other for the neighbour on the other side of me.
The gap is already too small (by a couple of inches). Any overhang of roof or guttering will infringe further.

Have seen the Citizens Advice, they have taken a note of my concerns and I will now be seeing a Solicitor, (in a little over three weeks time).

I am determined that he doesn't get away with his actions. He will HAVE to knock down some the building at some stage.
It is low at the moment, but the higher he builds it, the more he will have to knock down. He really is trying it on, but he won't get away with it.

My heels are well dug in!


AnninGlos Report 22 Mar 2010 21:04

Good luck, I hate to see people take advantage and get away with it.

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 24 Mar 2010 20:28

Hello all.
We have had a lovely warm week and our apricot is in flower and all the rest of the fruit trees are tinged with green buds.Its good to not have the heating on and Winter seems to be over at last.
Have my daughter coming over with my two year old grandson for a few days at Easter, doubly good as she is a hairdresser:)
Hope you all have a good Easter planned

x Jill


AnninGlos Report 24 Mar 2010 21:15

We will be travelling back from Spain on Easter Saturday. We go this Saturday to Andalucia. Glad it has been warmer for you Jill, your little lambs will be pleased


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 25 Mar 2010 21:50

As I don't recall every seeing an Apricot tree in flower, I have just Googled.
They are really lovely, so pretty with the shades of pink. I bet your grandson will enjoy seeing all your lambs. I suppose that the ones that were born first have grown quite a bit by now.

Ann, I hope that you enjoy your holiday in Andalucia, (will Google that later).

I went to the Gym at my local leisure centre this afternoon. (It's free!) Second time this week, didn't exercise for a full hour, as still trying to build up my strength.
Walked back through the park, cutting across the grass, which had a lot of daisies in it.
Seeing the daisies, took me back to childhood, when we made daisy-chains. Don't think that my fingers are nimble enough to do that now.


AnninGlos Report 25 Mar 2010 21:56

do children still make daisy chains?


Fairways3 Report 26 Mar 2010 06:13

Hullo all,
I have not been able to reply to anything because of the glitch in the Aus. website so I complained and the next day it was fixed then ever since then it has not worked. Had an email from GR to say log in through the U.K. site while they sort out the problem.

Jill . Lambs skipping about in among the daffodils sounds like the South island of N.Z. in spring or the East coast of the North Island.
Their paddocks are so green and smoothe better than my lawn ever was in the days when I used to have a lawn and the lambs are so beautiful skipping around among the daffodils.
We Just have bare dirt now in summer and the capeweed and wild oats cover it in winter so we mow that and it looks just the same as lawn grass.
Also in the south Island fruit trees grow wild in the orchard growing districts and there seems to be pink flowering trees everywhere. It is so pretty and I really miss the trees coming into bud in the spring as our trees here in W.A. are all evergreen.

Theresa. Stick to your guns re your illegal shed.
I was going to suggest that if the solicitor can't do anything what about publicising it.
Get on to your local paper, T.V. station, Talk back radio station and put the matter before the public. They might like to do a human interest story and look into it for you. You don't have anything to lose.

Also ring up the Fire Brigade and ask if that path would be wide enough for them if you had a fire at the back of your house or do they think it is adequate as a fire escape in the event of a fire at the front of your house.

Then you could try your local M.P. to see if he can do anything to help you who don't enjoy the best of health ,defend your rights in the face of unsympathetic officialdom.

Ann I showed my grandaughters how to make daisy chains with the yellow capeweed daisy like flowers when they were staying with me one spring. Otherwise no, as we don't have daisies growing in lawns.
How nice to be able to trot off to Andalucia for a week. It conjures up pictures of Flamenco dancing with a rose in your teeth, tell us what you will be getting up to when you get back.

Where I live we are three thousand miles from the nearest big city in any direction except Adelaide which is only nineteen hundred miles away so slipping off somewhere is a big undertaking.
Wednesday I went with a group of friends for a little trip down to the south west to take two donkeys down there to be mated with a jack that had been recently imported from N.Z. Very enjoyable chatting about donkeys all day as we are all donkey owners. Thursday was our shopping day in Perth catching up with the family and grandchildren.

Perth has just had a huge storm, rain, hail, thunder and lightning and high winds. They had a month's worth of rain in twenty minutes. Did an enormous amount of damage to houses and buildings , broke windows everywhere as well as smashed holes in patio roofs, twisted trees off their trunks, power lines down , streets flooded, car windows smashed and bonnets and roofs dented. The hail was the size of golf balls and cyclists and people on motor bikes got the worst of it. Luckily no one was killed and it has taken all week to restore power to normal.
We only had rain, thunder and lightning for two nights and a day which was enough but we had the power off for a very long time and it still goes off when you least expect it.


Persephone Report 26 Mar 2010 11:09

I just typed a message on here and it went into outer space.

The boards are really doing some strange things - one day I have a name and another day I don't.

Sylvia do hope you have your mask now. My OH wears one - but y/day he decided to soak the straps of it before breakfast - but then he forgot it and went off to work. When he went to bed last night he found it all wet so I chucked him a small towel, he dried it as best he could and then he put a clean towel over his head and then the straps. Didn't half look silly - but it kept him quiet (bit like a cover on the parrot's cage).

Glad to see all lambs present and accounted for now Jill.

Well reply box jumping around so that will be it for me.
I am still confined to barracks with this darn foot - but with him home on the weekend I will at least get out to so the grocery shop. I hate not being out and about driving here and there.

Prersey xx
edit I am not drunk Persey fancy slurring my name like that. it's this jumping reply boxes fault.


Fairways3 Report 28 Mar 2010 05:26

I have not been able to reply like everyone else on the Aus. site so am here courtesy of the U.K. address. I typed my email address and password in only it had changed to name, search etc. and guess what . My email address and password have come up on ninety five records. Isn't that amazing.
We had a big storm in Perth and the power including mine was off for a couple of days but that didn't bother us as we have a generator so just started that up. I didn't use it for the computor only lights, dish washer and stove, ceiling fans, t.v. just the essentials.
Ever since Syvia in Canada mentioned her husband's teeth, I have felt that mine might be dropping out. Mine are still all my own except one crown but as I haven't got up enough courage for my next checkup I am imagining all sorts of terrible scenarios.
We are almost back to summer after some very useful rain, the first since November.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 29 Mar 2010 14:32

Just checking in with everyone.

Margery, it was reading about the cattle on North Island and the sheep on South Island, as well as the beautiful descriptions of all of N.Z (especially Christchurch), in a Geography book when I was ten, that made me want to live in N.Z.
At the time I was living in Malaya (now Malaysia). I remember that the book also talked about the Manchester Ship Canal, and said that factory (and or mill) workers in Manchester, sang while they worked!
Reminds me of the Radio programme, "Music While You Work"

Syliva, I hope that you have now got your mask, enabling you to sleep better. Hopefully then you you feel a bit better during the day. Apneu must be quite scary at times.

Persy, I have had the "jumping box" too. It vanished when my son opened Fire Fox for me. (Had been using OutLook Express).

Ann, Have had a quick look at Andaluia, looks really interesting, must be lots of material for your scrap booking.

Don't fancy going to the gym today, so off for a walk instead. (before the snow gets here)


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Apr 2010 01:31

Hi all

sorry ............... I don't have to have a mask, I don't have sleep apnea. Not sure where Persey got the idea from. Me talking about the Masked Ball fund raiser maybe?

Today was another hard day for the retired!!

Had to go to the GP ............ he wanted to see how well I was handling the pain, check my bp, etc etc etc

Anyway ................... he gave me a prescription for enough painkillers to last through our trip back East, and decided to ignore the fact that my bp was still bouncing around. They've decided that the stress and worry of a new grandson might be having an effect ............. howsumever, if it is still bouncing around AFTER we get back, then more investigations might be in order!

Very strange day today ...................... rain in the early morning, then it gradually cleared up, sun is now out (just after 5pm), but it has been really chilly.

Got thoroughly wet walking down to the dentist's on Monday. I don't think I have seen it rain so hard for a very long while. And, of course the 4th downpour had to happen just as I was ready to leave the house! I decided that walking for 15 minutes would probably leave me less wet than taking 2 buses, standing for about 10 minutes at each bus stop with NO shelter. Still not sure! I announced myself to the dentist receptionists as "drowned rat has arrived"! Fortunately .................... one of them knew me!!

Just missed getting drowned again yesterday when I had to walk down to the same area to the hairdressers ................. made an appointment to get hair cut for trip. Arrived to be greeted by the news that my gal had been called to the local school ................... a mirror had somehow badly cut her daughter's finger and child had to go to Children's Hospital. I shall learn the details when I go to the replacement appointment tomorrow.

Huia ........ OH is beginning to fulminate about many of the people in the choir he goes to ........ not being ready, not listening, and chattering. There's also a couple who behave as if they were the conductor! I'm wondering how long he is going to stick it out.

Take care everyone



SylviaInCanada Report 2 Apr 2010 22:34

Everyone must be away!! I hope you're all having a good time!

The weather today is incredible ......... more like November or December. Heavy rain and gale force winds! In fact, the wind has blown the rain away ................ and birds are flying sideways!!!

The ferries to Vancouver Island have been halted because it is too dangerous ........ one of the earlier sailings (8:30am) had to turn back because the bow doors to the car deck were damaged by the wind. The wind eased off a little just before lunch, but it's back in full force again, just from a slightly different direction.

Sole for dinner tonight ....... and toasted Hot Cross Buns for breakfast on Sunday morning (that's our tradition!).

Will have to spend quite a lot of time over the next few days finishing sweaters for MJB ................. they're all at the stage I hate, ie sewing up, front bands, buttons, etc!!

So if I'm missing, that's the reason

We leave on April 8, spend 10 days with daughter. We board the train in Halifax on April 19, and arrive home on April 24th. Probably will not have any internet access while we're away. Son-in-law always seems very reluctant to have anyone use his (ie, their!) computer, never asks if you would like to use it. And we're not bothering to take our laptop ...... too much trouble taking it through airport security, and it will be no use on the train anyway!

I did get my hair cut yesterday ............ hairdresser's daughter was running (or walking very fast) towards a door, girl in front of her let the door swing shut, so daughter stuck her arm out ............ but instead of catching the door, she put her hand right through the window in the door. The school wanted MOM to take her to hospital in case there was any glass in the cut. Apparently not much blood, no tendons cut, so just some little "butterfly" stickies ................ so not even any stitches!!

take care everyone


AnninGlos Report 3 Apr 2010 22:09

Just to say I am back. I will copy what I put on another thread to save writing it all out again.
We had a lovely time, and we liked the area very much we were south of Malaga on the coast. The weather was lovely, like late spring, early summer here, warm and sunny nearly all week. A bit breezy the beginning of the week but seemed to get better when the clocks changed. we were an hour ahead of you which seemed strange. we had a nice apartment for the four of us with lovely views over Nerja and the sea. We drove around a lot (son in law drove the hire car) and went up to Granada and several other places. The food was great and we were surprised that it seemed to be cheaper than the Canaries. The flights out and back (Fly Be) worked well, no delays and very untraumatic. All in all a good week.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 4 Apr 2010 00:09

Holiday sounds great Ann, had you been to Spain before?

Sylvia in Canada, your weather sounds horrible. It must have been scary for the people on the ferry with the damaged bow doors.
I remember a few years ago, one sunk (I think in the North Sea,) not far out of port as the bow doors were not closed properly, many people died. Other people will probably have clearer memories than me.

Enjoy your toasted Hot Cross Buns on Easter Sunday Morning, they sound very tasty, I bet they smell good too!

There you are, the last two posts on this thread, talking about food, and I am trying to lose weight!
(I WILL lose weight, I WILL lose weight, I WILL lose weight).
I am now about two stones heavier than I was when I was nine months pregnant, so really need to get rid of a lot of excess fat.
Just a little at a time suits me fine, I don't want to crash diet.

Will try to go for a walk in the Park tomorrow, the flowers are starting to come out, so should look good.

Happy easter everyone,



SylviaInCanada Report 4 Apr 2010 04:43

Hi all

Ann .... that sounds a lovely holdiay! Glad to hear that you ahd a good break.

Tess ........... I remember that ferry capsizing. Ours yesterday turned round and went back to the dock. I find it hard to understand some people ................. people were actually getting angry that a) the ferries stopped sailing because the weather was too dangerous, and later b) the damaged ferry was taken out of service for repairs, so there were delays caused by that.

This is the first time I've been on the computer all day!

I had to go to the mall to do a bit of shopping, and managed to tire myself out. I did feel better after a little snooze in the chair

........ I've been told that we will be over there when a Baby Shower is held, arranged by m-i-l and sis-i-l so that we can attend.

Oh how I wish they were not so thoughtful!!!

Showers are not in our culture ........................ nor I must say in that of most of our friends. J only had one Wedding Shower, held by her best friend. I've heard of some brides having 8 or 10!

I am not looking forward to this Baby one ....... partly because it is being held on our last full day there, when we had hoped to a) have a quiet day with the family, and b) arrange our packing for the next 6 days of the trip!

Anyway, I thought I had better go and pick up a little gift .......... thinking at least it would be different if bought on this side than over there!



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 4 Apr 2010 05:45

Just remembered more about the ferry sinking.

It was The Zeebrugge Disaster and it happened on 6th March 1987.
The ferry was "The Herald of Free Enterprise" 193 people died.

I Googled to find the name of the ferry, date and numbers of deaths. Reading the details sent a shiver down my spine. Many of the people died of hypothermia.
A very sad day for all concerned.

Sylvia, your Baby Shower, has reminded me. I must add a "little gift" to my shopping list for this week. I'm going to a Christening next Sunday (11th), it's my sisters grand-daughter. So I would like to take her something, any ideas?

I have got three grandchildren, all boys, and only one child, a son, so not used to buying things for little girls.


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Apr 2010 06:33


I'm the opposite!!

I've only ever had anyhting to do with little girls ....... that is until one of my nieces had a boy about 15 months ago. I always know what to buy or do with little girls!

May I suggest

-- a little piece of jewellry, eg silver bracelet, child's necklace, silver charm to go on a future charm bracelet

-- a little photo album, to be filled with photos of the christening, plus ???

-- the old standby of feeding spoon, possibly combined with knife and fork

-- a photo frame, (as per the album)



AnninGlos Report 4 Apr 2010 10:44

Hi all
I remember the Herald of free Enterprize sinking and how horrific it was.

Sylvia I would suggest a little silver locket or similar, or a silver charm.
Tess, no we had never been to mainland Spain before. We were pleasantly suprised at how very clean it all was, in that area, no cigarette ends on the ground, or paper blowing around etc. and one seaside place we were in on Good friday we didn't hear another English voice, it was very much a Spanish holiday town but all the cafe owners etc were very friendly and the food was excellent.


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Apr 2010 21:58

Hi all

just a quick look in

then back to that knitting and sewing up
