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New proposed smoking ban

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East Point

East Point Report 2 Feb 2010 15:40

I don't often post on here, but feel compelled to this time. I am a smoker, have been for 50 years and am fed up of being targetted by the do-gooders! Why on earth don't they have more of a go at the binge-drinkers who do far more damage to society then we do!


nannie Report 2 Feb 2010 17:09

I had to go to my GP in october i had,had the Swine flu and just couldn't
get my energy back to what is was, the first thing my GP said to me is,
it says on your records you are a smoker" whats getting swine flu got to do with smoking i asked she could not answer me she just shook her head.

another time when i had an hospital appointment i knew i would be there
for a while (not a smoking related problem) i was aproached by a member
of staff to put my cig out, i replied that i was carrying a small ashtray and that my ash was being put in it and not on the floor in their grounds and as far as i am concerned no one owns fresh air and therefore i am breaking no rules.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 2 Feb 2010 18:50

I do get a bit fed up with the lack of consideration of SOME smokers. I was coughing today before I realised that it was owing to the smoke of two smokers in a non smoking zone. I have seen the affects of smoking on a loved one and don't want to go through something similar through passive smoking. I get a little annoyed when some smokers rant on about their rights as smokers without affording me the same rights of breathing fresh air and working or living in a smoke free environment. They may not be worried about their own health but I don't expect mine to be harmed as a result. Clothes and hair that smell of smoke, as well as gag ends is another point but I won't go into that. I can understand why they have a smoke free work place including pubs etc however I was surprised of a call for smoke free homes. I think I read that the other day. I think that may be a step too far if I read it correctly.


nannie Report 2 Feb 2010 19:32

you would never have to breath in any of my smoke Lynda i have not and never will smoke around people that don't, i smoke in my own home but i have many friends that don't smoke and when they come to my home how ever long they stay i don't smoke until they have gone. and if they call not
letting me know and i have been smoking i then open the doors to clear any smoke thats in my home now i call that consideration, and i don't stand in doorways either because i don't drink therefore no reason to go to pubs and clubs, i will always consider none smokers as i also live with one.


Diane Report 2 Feb 2010 21:38

I understand a non smoker's right's not to have to breath in my smoke but don't you think we have a right to a comfortable social life as well, I would like to go to a pub were I can sit and have a drink and smoke in comfort, so why can't we have some pub's were the staff don't object to working were there are smoker's and non smoker's can work in pub's were there is no smokeing, I also think there could be area's in hospital's were patient's ( not visitor's ) were able to smoke rather than go outside in the cold and have a smoke, these area's could have a air condition system to take away the smoke in the area. I myself don't like people to smoke by me when I'm eating but there could be a area within a restaurants for customer's to have a smoke and drink after they have eaton or before they have a meal. I respect the right's of non smoker's but please let me also have a choice.


Frances in Norwich

Frances in Norwich Report 2 Feb 2010 21:43

Well said Diane!

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 2 Feb 2010 21:59

Re pub staff, it's difficult.

There's probably a health and safety implication about letting staff work in a hazardous environment ie where there's a chance of passive smoking.

Also, what member of staff would say that they wouldn't serve smokers? They may lose out on a job if they refuse when they could have a smoker that may not object and get the job.


George Report 2 Feb 2010 22:19

I am a non smoker, have never smoked, I do not like the smell of cigarette smoke, but one has to give and take in this life.
I do feel that arrangements should be made for people who wish to smoke, and we should not outright bar them from places where there is people gathering.

I have seen more trouble caused by people who drink.
Fights, being sick and urinating in public, taking up valuable resources having to be treated in hospital A&E units for being paralytic. ( I do like a drink by the way ) so it cuts both ways.



Diane Report 3 Feb 2010 15:17

Thank you for understanding what I said, I only want it understood that I feel thing's have got out of hand were the smoker is concerned. I totally understand the right's of a non smoker and there wish not to have to breath in the smoke of a smoker, but we also have to have a choice and at the moment I feel our choice is being taken away from us in the area's of socialising in public. I have stopped going to the bingo, out for a meal or a drink, especially now with the weather being so cold, I work 7dys a week so don't get much chance to socialise but it would be nice if when I can I could go somewhere and not feel as though I was unwanted. Surely in this day and age we could all be accommodated to suit both the smoker and the non smoker.
Well I think I have had my say on this subject and thank you all and hope what I have said doesn't affend anyone.



Merlin Report 3 Feb 2010 15:24

I used to Smoke,gave up twenty plus years ago. got fed up with smelling like an ashtray, However ,years ago in most Pubs Etc. there used to be "Smoke Rooms" ( And Snugs where ladies could have their little Tipple) so why not now?should,nt be a problem.**M**.