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Why did you or your family choose to live abroad?

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Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 15 Sep 2012 00:05

I have just watched Coronatioon Street and in it Gloria turns up after living in Spain for years she has come to visit her daughter, they haven't seen each other for ages Stella, the daughter, asks her mother what she's being doing in Spain and Gloria keeps going on about the fabulous bar she owned and ran and about her handsome partner who is Mr Big and has mafia connections.. Eventually the truth came out that she just worked in a dry cleaners, which she accidently burnt down, and her partner had nothing to his name.

This little scenario made me think of some of the people that come to retire here, something happens to them on the plane coming over, they leave the UK as a warehouse man and arrive in Tenerife as the head of ICI.

True story...a couple came over and he said he had been a police inspector, a judge and in numerous other high up occupations his wife was a top lawyer. Nobody was impressed and just let him rattle on. A few years later someone else arrived who really had been a police sergeant and quite by chance in the same force as the first person and he recognised the inspector immediately.

It turned out that the inspector had never got past being a constable and had left the force under a cloud. He had then started up a window cleaning business. With his cover blown he denied knowing the sergeant and claimed it was a case of mistaken identity but the sergeant knew too many facts for this to be true, names of his children etc.

This is a very small island and the truth will out eventually.


Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 15 Sep 2012 00:07

Spanish Eyes...If I could go to another country for six months I would choose America as there are so many places I would like to see there.



SpanishEyes Report 15 Sep 2012 07:05

Wendy, thanks for telling us where you would choose to go, may be those who have lived in America or who have spent a decent amount of time there could tell us what they enjoyed / didn't enjoy.

I was fortunate enough to visit the USA several times, with my first husband and with my second husband. With my first OH I was in a privileged with the places we stayed in, especially in New York . Our four children came with us each time and were cared for with a "nanny"! We went to some truly great restaurants in New York city. Wined and dined and loved the shops, hustle and buslie.
We travelled into the countryside which was very different to where we lived in Essex England.
We went into the towers which sadly was destroyed when they were blown up. OH worked there I think it was in level 15, which was high enough for him as he really does not like heights! We lived in the hotel directly opposite the Towers.
The shock of "the Terrible Day" will never leave me, I was in UK and OH1 was in New York as by then we were divorced..........never dod I have a better telephone call than when he called to say he had not been in the building as he was meting another colleague for an external meeting..........

San Fransico was great fun as we're many other places, so I hope you get there one day.

Most of the places I would like to visit now are where I would not need to spend to much time, I would choose seeing the Northen Lights as I have longed to go there but it is very expensive!

Other places I visited are Italy, Germany, Holland, Canada, Many parts of USA, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Belgium, Norway and Sweden. Great experiences but now looking forward to going back to the UK to live there at some time in the next year......

:-D. Bridget


SpanishEyes Report 16 Sep 2012 06:48

Good morning to you all.

Last night it was the Moors and Christians Parade and celebrations. This is always a spectacular event and lasts for at least two hours and often much longer. So, here we are in a so called depression and this year the event was the best I have seen or heard about!!

At midnight the fireworks display was up to the usual standard and as we watched on the verandah we all agreed that it was a magnificent display and then happily went to bed! AHHHH.....exactly one hour later I was woken with the most enormous bang and the fireworks had stated again!! OH managed to sleep through it all, how I will never understand!!

So I and my Cocker Spanials sat together and watched everything and I wondered where does the money come from??? So many people unemployed. So many houses, apartments, caravan sites etc are empty, the holiday period was shorter this year than another we have seen in nearly 10 years BUT events of most discriptions are the best we have experienced.....

Another thought about living we ever truly understand the indigenous population and their ways??

One experience I have enjoyed since day one of arrival is exactly what I am doing now......sitting quietly either on the verandah or in the living room and looking across the sky and sea as the day opens the colours of the sky and sea are constantly changing, the birds twitter, there is a sense of great peace and wonder. I cannot imagine that I will do this in England.
Here we do not have as many street lights as in the UK, well there are a lot of lights but not all are on. This means that if one fails another automatically turns on and one can see magnificent sky's.
The many different birds are twittering, the bats have left for the day, there is a sence of peace and quiet. No lorries, cars, motorbikes etc on the roads, absolute peace.


wisechild Report 16 Sep 2012 07:26

I think the thing that has struck me most about the Spanish is that while they welcome people from other countries & are friendly & helpful, they carry on living their lives & following their customs. Nothing changes to fit in with the life style of the incomers. They are expected to adapt to Spanish ways & quite rightly too in my opinion. You never see them cancelling fiestas because they fall in the middle of the tourist season & it will be inconvenient for the visitors to find shops shut, no buses, banks etc. They just carry on.
What a pity England hasn´t taken a similar stance.


Malcolm Report 16 Sep 2012 09:30

Ha Ha Ha.....Nobody at the Town Hall (Ajuntament) asks where the money comes from. If there's one thing the Spanish are good at it is Partying and woe betide the Mayor who cuts the Fiesta budget.

All Spanish towns have Fiestas for various reasons religious, cultural, harvest. The biggest one is called the Fiesta Mayor and every town and village has one. Regions and Provinces also have a Fiesta Mayor so every town and village celebrates those too. Then there are the National Fiestas so everybody gets those also.

Our town, Salou, actually has TWO Fiesta in February and one in October. We also have a Saints day on 16th August each year which is the culmination of a weeks special events. I can't count the parades which are held the biggest of which is the "Cos Blanc" a confetti parade in which air cannons shoot twenty tons of confetti up ino the air while 50 floats pass below. It's massively noisy and very colourful. LOcal business does very well from all this as people come from all around and even may from abroad to our local airport of Reus especially for the Cos Blanc.

If you want to see my view google salou-spotlight and look for the webcam link. It's on 24/7. This morning it's a bit cloudy but there are plenty of people on the beach. Saludos!


SpanishEyes Report 16 Sep 2012 09:32


I could not have written your message any better, it is truly spot on!!


wisechild Report 16 Sep 2012 13:42

Don´t you just love them for it Bridget. Once you get used to the idea that YOU are the offcomer & the locals are not even considering changing things to suit you, life becomes easier & if you don´t speak the language, learn it. It´s not rocket science.
I have the advantage of liking to chat to people, so if I wanted to talk to the neighbours, I had to learn their language, not the other way round.
None of the pandering to the minorities that you get in the UK.


SpanishEyes Report 17 Sep 2012 17:27

Well, son and family caught the plane home. And we have everything ready to leave for the UK at around 23hrs when the roads in and around Barcelona will be almost empty. Once we are past there we will have a few breaks, OH decides which route he will take. We hope to get to France for the tunnell crossing and then our feet will be on UK land!

I hope this thread stays alive whilst I am travelling.

I will be back ASAP



UzziAndHerDogs Report 17 Sep 2012 18:46

I know that I have answered this thread before BUT

I never at the time when I moved here got into the health system, some recent things have made me decide to do that. UNFORTUNATELY just as Spain has decided to stop expats from draining their economy instead of going off my OH´s social number I now need my own and proof that my OH can afford from his wages pay for any costs I occur. Yes it´s a pain as I should have done it years ago BUT I still prefer living here than the thought of having to live back in the UK. I also agree that they should put a stop on non working expats draining their economy.
I couldn't go back to the UK , I would get less than those born there lol what would the UK say to me if I went I want a half million pound house my taxes paid and you pay all my bills.
I stand by my decision to leave the UK and move to Spain.


wisechild Report 18 Sep 2012 07:42

I think (& it´s only my personal opinion) that whatever nationality you are, if you choose to live in another country, you should be loyal to that country & respect it´s laws & customs. I can´t see any reason why anyone should expect more than the indiginous population are entitled to.
Uzzie, what a shame you missed the boat with the health care. Luckily. I´m over pension age & was entitled to be cared for by the Spanish system from when I moved here. Mind you, apart from the health care, any pensioner concessions are getting fewer & fewer.
Spain is in a financial mess & I can´t see things improving any time soon, but I chose to live here & I stick by my decision.

Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 18 Sep 2012 16:43

Just slightly off track but I have just finished reading a book called More Ketchup Than Salsa by Joe Cawley. It is based on his true story. He and his brother and their two girlfriends decide to give up working on a fish market in Bolton and buy a bar in Tenerife. It is just so funny and, although I think a little poetic license has been used, it is all so believable. It is in Tenerife but could be anywhere in Spain where all the same rules and regulations apply. Where it always 'manana' when you want something done and a dozen or more pieces of paper and a six month wait to get anything official attended to. I downloaded it to my Kindle and just couldn't put it down until I had finished it.


SpanishEyes Report 19 Sep 2012 20:50

Good evening to you all from sunny Attleborough in Norfolk.
Our travel from home to UK was very smooth including tha train ride Calais to uk .
How fast thar service is, is so amazing.
Tired now so will only say it feels wonderful to be back.
However I do also like my home and friends in Peniscola but still want to be back to my homeland.

Good night

Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 19 Sep 2012 23:49

Enjoy your time with your friends and family. I hope the weather stays dry for you.



SpanishEyes Report 21 Sep 2012 08:02

Thank you for your entry and so far shhhhhh the weather is good.....long may it last!
Went to Norwich yesterday and looked around the shops which were a little disappointed. So many really "cheap shops" and most from China!

However I did manage to buy a very once black skirt and a couple of tops from M&S and we had afternoon tea with
Overly freshly made muffins from a Tea Shop which sold so many different teas for sale. Bought some Lapsong which is always refreshing.

Have ordered new specs and so did OH.

Not sure what agenda we have today but I must contact my friend Linda who I have not seen for a few years and have afternoon tea in a very good tea and coffee shop in Attleborough.

Some time ago someone on one of my boards offered to collect information for one of my relations had worked for the Norwich Union. She told me that I could have copies if I could give her further details to take to the NU.......I cannot recall her name or where to find her. That is which of my threads was this kind offer made????

I hope someone can find it.

:-) :-( <3


SpanishEyes Report 27 Apr 2013 10:44

I have just re read some of the entries and wonder if we might resurect this thred?

We have improved our garden with more pots and plants and due to the wet weather they are all thriving.
We have painted our kitchen and noow it is white with pale green and white tiles, it is amazing how much this has improved the area, it looks twice it's size.

My new glasses in last September are a boon, I can see so much better both in the sun and generally, much cheaper in UK than in my part of Spain.

We have put our house up for sale and hope that by the end of theyear we just may be back in Norfolk.

I do hope that someone replies, so bye bye for now

Bridget :-)


wisechild Report 27 Apr 2013 13:50

Hi Bridget.
Like you, we are still where we were last time we spoke & at the moment it´s lashing down with rain & if anything, the economy is in a worse state.
OH had his hernia op last September, without any problems, but we´ve had a pretty dreary winter & money is getting to be more of a problem & now, as if that wasn´t enough, he´s suffering from clinical depression, so I spend my life walking on egg shells.
Still, never mind. The weather will improve soon & everything feels better when the sun shines. We have a long succession of friends coming over between now & September, so I shall at least get a bit of a break.


SpanishEyes Report 27 Apr 2013 15:07

How delightful to see you have posted so quickly, sorry to learn that Your husband is suffering with Clinical Depression, does he take his medication, it is surpising how it can help.

The weather here is very strange, torrential rain during th night and the first part of the day, then just gloomy and now it is sunny...I wonder what will happen in the next hour or so....

We have certainly noticed the lack of my income on the other hand we are very happy with each-other and I even go out and watch him play darts, watch the Football and so on...

Oh is happy watching football, Jet and Joe my cocker Spanials are sound asleep and OH has just turned onto watching the Snooker, which I also quite enjoy.

Well that is about all for now, I wonder who will be the next person on here?

Best wishes



wisechild Report 27 Apr 2013 15:24

Me again Bridget.
No, OH refuses to consider medication. He has been diagnosed, but says he knows what´s wrong & he´s dealing with it.
Problem is, he´s not dealing with it & that´s one of the eggshells I´m walking on. I keep trying to get him back to the doctor & he´s resisting at every turn.
Like Jet & Joe, Oliver, our cat is curled up asleep on his chair, but any minute now he´ll be coming to remind me it´s teatime.
No rest for the wicked. :-(


hazel Report 27 Apr 2013 20:25

well, my daughter emigrated to Canada six years ago, but now wants to come home, but her children have settled there, friends etc, and have nothing to come back to. so she is stuck in the middle now, doesn't want to stay, and can't leave. something of a dilemma. there must be a permanent solution somehow?