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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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Cooper Report 23 Oct 2012 16:41

Coooeeee, Im back :0)

I have been busy ladies tidying and sorting and my dear Husband and I had a happy trip to the tip today to rcycle much rubbish and toot. I will back read the posts and return in the next day or so. FTE has a blog thingy, it makes for interesting reading :0)

FTY can paly a whole tune on his guitar now. We are most impressed and feel he needs to find a beat combo to join. We have much tallent in our part of the world and he needs to join it and keep us in luxury or at least a cook and bottle washer :0)

We (the royal we) are in the middle of decorating FTEs room. OH has used up the paint which was left over from the Hall earlier this year. Im now looking for bright and zingy bed covers to complement the rather cream interior!

I will be back on normal service next week or maybe this week

~~~~~~ to everyone

Teresa :0)


CherryCrumbles Report 23 Oct 2012 18:08

Hello Susan, are you the Prodigal Child, or the Wanderer Returned? Of course you must wear a hat dear, so I shall make you a sun hat, and you will love it .... or else ;-)

Oh .... how I wish MFH would store all his bits n bobs in the shed or garage, instead of all over the house. I bought him a little wooden box to keep his pocket items in overnight - the idea being that when he goes to work he puts his pocket items back in his pockets for the day. The little wooden box is now full of all sorts of rubbish so there is no room for his pocket items, which are now left overnight on the dressing table.

It seems that the rain clouds are everywhere at the moment. Which is more than I can say for my cat, who has gone missing again.


How brave you are Petunia dear, so full of fortitude, to be able to go and stare at that nasty exhibition, pickled in brine. The creator must have been pickled, when he did it. Perhaps I should have a few stiff ones, and put my Unmade Bed into an exhibition.

I wonder if a Closed Order ever opens its doors .......

Do you like old bones? Yes of course you do, given the age of your own bones. But I digress ..... last night I watched the most fascinating documentary of our ancient ancestors who came Out Of Africa. We are closely related to the Neanderthals, because we both share a common ancestor from even further back. Plus, many Homo Sapiens interbred with the Neanderthals. And yet the Neanderthals died out .... leaving us in total charge of the planet. The show ended with the fleshing out of the Neanderthal bones, including a skull reconstruction so we could see what he really looked like. I expect his mother loved him.

Did someone mention the hair dressers? What a coincidence. I must get myself shorn, as my long locks are starting to tangle when I wash my hair, and breaking when I brush it. I have an appointment with my stylist tomorrow. Prepare to be surprised!


Hello Teresa, we were about to send out a search party. I was also at a recycling centre today, parting company with unwanted cardboard and paper etc. But I let the council collect the cans each fortnight.

Do you insist that FTY practises his noise in the garage? Can he play over the hills and far away? Actually, I thought you *were* the head cook and bottle washer. How much do you pay yourself? LOL

I must be orf .....


Susan-nz Report 23 Oct 2012 19:58

I wish the weather gods would make up their minds, this morning we have a very heavy frost and sunshine - which I suppose is better than rain... It does seem like we are all under water, though Petunia, I fear I am too far away to board your ark. Though perhaps you could sail on down to the Pacific and collect myself, my family, my grand dog ( now she WOULD love it) and any other waifs and strays we find along the way..

I suppose we could call our journey a 'cruise' ? Perhaps Teresa's FTE could teach us the art of 'cruising', how to put up with pain in the harse passengers :-D.

If the sun stays out all day I may just start painting our new fence :-). I tend to end up with a fair amount of paint on my person... What is a few more freckles.

Nice to see you Teresa, I hope FTE is happily settled into shiplife?

I am tempting fate and hanging out the washing this morning ;-).

The talk on the radio this morning is all about the garden party for Charlie boy when he is here. There has been a ballot for those sharing the same birthday, the chosen ones have been told and it is all excitement :-D. Lets hope the sun shines that day.

better be orf and on with my day - again :-(. groundhog springs to mind



MotownGal Report 23 Oct 2012 20:07

Dear, dear Teresa, how we missed you. Your tales of your fruits are very interesting. I know of a young lad who took possession of a very large box when the courier delivered. He hauled it upstairs, because he was at home when he should have been at school, and locked his door. Well put a chair under the handle. Then when his dear Mama came home, we was practicing on a DRUM KIT. Oh my. All the native american indians far and near could hear him on the war path. He then sold said kit.

Peace was restored.

However, one afternoon when again he should have been at school, he secreted a package outside front door, to check if he was alone. Yes he was. He then took second package to his room. Mama returned to hear Smoke on Water being twanged out at full blast.

Luckily this bedroom is at the end of a terrace, at the back of the house, with no neighbours as such, so with the window closed, hardly any noise escapes. The vibration through the floorboards is real enough though.

I digress.

How are we all dears? Rather misty again this morning. I could not go out because the humidity would play havoc with my tresses.

As you know I wear my hair up these days. Over the age of 21 I thought it better not to have my hair hanging about my shoulders. I usually wear it in a barrette.

I did not watch the documentary Cherry dear. It would have reminded me of my childhood. No..................not in that way. Did I not tell you I had an uncle who was a pale........palien..............a bone man. He was always somewhere digging up fossils. That is where he met his wife....................find your own punchline!!!!!

I am orft to exercise Trickey Woo, she is not getting enough walks. I shall take her down to the garden, a quick turn around the Ark, and she will be exhausted. Me too for that matter.

My Paradise is on tonight. I do so love shopping, even if it is virtual.

Keep warm dears
Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 23 Oct 2012 23:49

Good Evening to a Full House.

Can you believe my luck today, our 3 fruits, gr fruit and myself went into Colchester to do a little shopping :-) driving out of town on the roundabout outside the police station I got bumped up the rear :-( I jumped out of the car had a quick look at the bumper, I couldn't see any damage but still gestured to the other driver to pull over out of the traffic so that we could exchanged details, unbeknown to me all of this had been witnessed by a traffic policeman in an unmarked car :-| thank goodness he was there to help me though as the Chinese gentleman that had shunted me couldn't speak a word of English :-S the policeman had to use the gentleman's mobile to speak with someone who then related to the man what was needed :-0

When we got home MOG checked the car and agreed with me (for once) that the tiny dint wasn't worth claiming for, he telephoned the Chinese gent to tell him that no claim would be made and the telephone was answered by a lady who kept saying is everyone okay and how much do we owe you....... bless her <3 MOG had a real job to make her understand that we didn't want any money and that everyone was fine.

That's twice I have been hit in my little Punto, please don't let there be a third time.


CherryCrumbles Report 24 Oct 2012 19:02

hello Lesley, I'm glad no one was hurt in that prang, and I think its very nice of you and your OH not to claim for the little dent. Some would. Also its rather reassuring that the other party would have been willing to settle a claim, because so many bad drivers try to get out of it. I hope you're over your shock by now and having a relaxing evening.

Everything goes in threes. Break a glass you no longer need and that should be the "third" thing.



CherryCrumbles Report 24 Oct 2012 19:12

Hello Petunia dear, I expect you wanted to tell your young male relative to take his drums and go play Over The Hills And Far Away ..... ;-)

I see my Emoticons are displaying again. I am speaking to you now via Firefox because I have been able to update it to the latest version. I so much prefer Firefox and detest having to use IE8. The other bonus is .. NO MORE ADVERTS. YAAAAY !!

I remember your uncle the bone man very well. I also remember his wife, and her amazing collection of hats. I once heard her say that when she was down in the dumps she bought a new hat. And he replied "oh, so that's where you buy your hats".

Has Patricia finished overseeing the Ark yet? I havent seen her all day. I havent seen my pussy all day either. Ah well I must talk to Mrs Berry now and collect my dinner.

BTW - what do you think of my hair cut?



MotownGal Report 24 Oct 2012 20:21

Good evening Ladies,

Dear Upsidedown Susan, have you painted your fence yet. You should employ Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, they will get it painted in no time, and get all the local urchins to have a go too. Only trouble is...............they may put the paint on upsidedown, or use that tartan paint that is all the rage. Anyway it will be done in double quick time.

Freckles dear? I hear lemon juice is very good for fading them. I think they look lovely by the way. They give an added zing to a healthy young complexion.

Now Lesley, are you fine dear? Make sure you are all in one piece. We need your input on this high quality, refined thread.

Our quartet is viewed by many people, not many of them have shown their faces yet.............but we live in hope!!!!

Cherry, turn around dear, look to the left, and then to the right. Shake your head.............oh my dear you look lovely. Even a tousle of the head and it falls right back into place.

Have you located the missing pussy yet? Have you tried putting a saucer of milk and a few tit-bits out for it. A missing puss is no laughing matter.

No, we have not reached the topping out ceremony on the Ark yet...........I feel it will be a long, long job. I think the outer frame is nearly done, but the inside needs to be fitted out with living quarters and of course the necessary animal requirements.

Has Mrs Berry finished dinner yet? I could smell a lovely aroma a bit earlier, but then I heard washing up, so where is it?

The guitars, two at least, have gawn, along with the drum kit, and I forgot to mention, there was an electric organ in between. That Mama is a Saint!!!!

I feel that The Paradise is heading along the road to romance with Denise and Moray, those lingering looks, the heaving boooosum, and that is only him! The undertaker chappy is a bit of a worry though. I wouldnt fancy meeting him down a dark alley!!!!

Ah I can see Pat-trish-aaaaah trudging along the corridor. My Dinner, hurrah. Bread and cheese....................................bread and cheese........................why have I got bread and cheese?


Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 24 Oct 2012 21:47

Good Evening.

Thank you ladies yes I am over the shock and we are all still in one piece :-) the only aches and pains I have is from carrying yesterdays shopping :-( the younger family members are not even suffering from that. :-D

Auntie Petunia or should I now call you Saint Auntie Petunia ;-) I do hope you haven't been in need of anymore little white firemen :-D

Nice new hairstyle CC :-) pleased to see you didn't have to much cut off it could feel a tad draughty around your lugs this time of year :-0


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 25 Oct 2012 18:31

Hello Ladies.

The appointment for the very special children's hospital has arrived :-) it's for a week Friday, as ma and pa are very happy with the results so far and very comforted there is nothing to worry about pa said rather than lose another day's pay would I accompany ma on this day :-) he didn't have to me ask twice :-D

I have just checked train times and prices for our travel on I can't believe the results. :-S

Return travel MKT to Holborn

2 adults = 53.40

3 adults = £52.95

4 adults = £53.40

A very confused Lesley


CherryCrumbles Report 25 Oct 2012 18:43

hello ladies, another very damp day. Yep Lesley the stylist left enough to keep my ears warm, but short enough to wear a hat during the winter. When it was longer I was bunning it into the nape, but I cant have a bun and wear a hat as well. Also, the length meant it was tangling badly when wet then breaking off when I was combing and drying. Shorter hair isnt quite so versatile, but I do need a warm head.

Hmmm, I can quite see why you are so confused over the rail prices.

*feeling quite bloated from too much food ......sidles into back passage and disappears before Petunia can say Jack Robinson*



Susan-nz Report 25 Oct 2012 20:22

Lesley, pleased you and yours were unhurt in the collision. Do you mean the shopping was all yours or you were carrying your fruits purchases :-D.

The train fares sound quite expensive to me. Is that booking online and in advance?. My Mama and I used rail travel in the UK in 2010. We prebooked everything from here and saved quite a few pounds in the process.

Petunia, I did another stint painting yesterday afternoon. (it is a bigggg fence). As my neighbour had workmen in his garden, I decided to paint a section of fence which has a shed quite near :-(, I managed to wriggle myself into the gap and slap enough paint around to cover the boards. However, after reversing myself out of the gap, I noticed I had not painted the very bottom of the boards, they were not visible to me at my angle, I think I may need to shimmy into the gap on my belly to be at eye level with the unpainted wood.... Alas, my painting trousers have a hole in the backside :-D, I don't want to be showing off me harse to all and sundry do I..
The colour of my paint is 'Ebony'... the drops are a bit hard to find in my salt and pepper tresses, though I managed to scrub off the extra freckles..

Fruit and I walked the dog this morning, very pleasant it was too. Just had a text from fruit to check if the dog was here. The front door was open and the dog made her escape :-|. She has been found and for her punishment she is currently in the shower getting clean ;-). She knows the word 'shower' and is not best pleased when it is mentioned.. I don't suppose she will reason that absconding is not the done thing.

Wish me luck for tomorrow, I am off on a MOB shopping expedition, a little closer to home than Wellington. I have a dear friend accompanying me, I am sure she will give me an honest opinion - gulp, do I want it - yes I do ;-).

Petunia, I am pleased that neither of my fruits ever posessed a drum kit, guitar or any other noise making instrument.... They were quite successful in making enough noise to wake the dead by themselves... Alot of it laughter :-).

I had better get my skates on and get on with making our lunches...
Here we go again :-(,

have a lovely weekend, stay safe and warm.



MotownGal Report 25 Oct 2012 20:39

Good evening Ladies,

Now Lesley, are you sure about travelling on the train? It seems an awful lot of money...............are you not able to catch a coach. The National Express seem to travel in most directions. They are doing some good deals, and the Peter Pan Hospital is not too far from Victoria Coach Station. Might be worth a quicky shufty online.

Cherry dear, I told you already you look lovely, why are you fishing for compliments still? I quite agree about the hat in Winter though, one does need to keep their extremities warm.

Now dont forget it is the Autumn Fayre this weekend, have you managed to fill the herb bags? Yes? Good! We will also be having a cake stall so Mrs Berry will be filling tins with her delicious offerings, and I will be organising anything that has not been organised already. Now do make sure you have a warm hat and coat Cherry, as we will be standing in the Green just outside St Paul and the Donkey Church, and they have forecast very chilly weather. Make sure you pull your hat well down, and wear your furlined boots dear, all that cold will do nothing for your tootsies.

Susan, how exciting, MOB wear. Dont forget dear, if you do buy something to come back to us and try it on, so that we can see how beautiful you will be looking. Just make sure you scrub all the paint flecks off before you go.

I am off to scrutinise the contents of the box that Cherry said she put all the herb sachets in. Strangely enough, they all smell of lavendar................

Oh dear.........................
Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 25 Oct 2012 22:02

CC I don't suit long hair so mine is always kept short :-)

I thought the cost of the train travel was confusing but quite good....................a non pre booked rush hour return ticket for 1 costs me £45.40 :-0 now that is expensive :-D

No I was only carrying my shopping Susan I would have needed a wheel barrow if it were all our purchases :-D wishing you luck with your shopping expedition tomorrow :-)

Auntie Dear I have just had a shufty at National Express times and prices, depending on the time of travel the journey can take anything from 2hrs 35mins and 3hrs 20mins :-S the cost also varies 2 return tickets range from £13 to £37 much cheaper than the train time wise not so good, on a normal day I can easily be in Oxford Circus in 1hr 30mins :-)

I think we will be letting the train take the strain :-D


CherryCrumbles Report 25 Oct 2012 22:24

oh oh oh ... Petunia, I have a bone in my leg. And the other leg. And then there is my chest. I do not get on with standing around in the cold. I dont think I can help with the Autumn Fayre. I feel a decline coming on ..... where is my comfortable bed, with the pile of blankets. I need at least six mattresses you know, and no hard impediments. I am descended from the princess with a pea, look at all my blue veins, and the chilblains ..... and we have had so much rain lately I am sure I have trenchfoot.

You go to the Green, Petunia dear, take Pat rish aaaah with you; and I shall be brave, all by myself in Motie Towers, with Mrs Berry's cooking. It's a hard life, but someone has to live it ! :-D



MotownGal Report 26 Oct 2012 20:15

Whisks into thread, leaving all in my wake.....................

Come now Cherry dear, dont be faint-hearted, you will be fine tomorrow. I have seen the forecast, and it is going to be sunny tomorrow, a little chill, but I have sorted out a fur coat for you to wear. There is a matching hat and boots, so you will have the complete Nanook of the North look. Nevermind about Evelyn Eastwood and her designs, you will look lovely, and remain toasty all day.

Come and help me put the stuff into the boxes, I have sent Pat-trish-aaaah off to the Lotus Blossom for a take-away. Mrs Berry is too busy packing up the cakes and biscuits for the tea stall.

I think you are probably right about the coaches dear Lesley, they may be cheaper, but they take forever to get wherever they are going. I shall never forget one coach trip to Sunderland......................................but that is another story.

Susan dear, please give us glorious details of your shopping trip for the MOB outfit. We will be with your in spirit dear, and I am sure you will make the right decision with your very good friend. But if there is an inkling of doubt, just ask me because, as your know, I have very, very good taste!!!!!!

Come on Cherry, grub up, let us fortify ourselves for the day tomorrow.

Sit down on that futon dear.

Creaking as I ease myself down.
Auntie Petunia


CherryCrumbles Report 26 Oct 2012 22:49

*wonders to self how one is going to get out of this one ......*

yes Petunia dear but dont you think I would be better off gainfully employed at Motie Towers? I am not afraid of hard work, as you know, and your Spode, Wedgewood and Doulton all needs dusting, and the silver cutlery needs polishing, and the Edinburgh crystal glassware needs buffing up. Who will do this work if I am freezing my ..... if I am standing on the Green all day, however snug as a bug I might be in this coat hat and boots which all look a little moth eaten dear.

And, will there be a portaloo nearby? only all the public conveniences are being closed down in London and you know what the cold does to my kidneys ........ I cannot stand there all day with crossed legs and crossed eyes, the wind might blow and then I'd be stuck like it !!

Aaaachoooo sniff burp - oh dear me, I think I am coming down with triple pneumonia and the Martian Lurgy.

Do please tell me why you went to Sunderland ...... I am all agog, as I have Wearsider connections.



MotownGal Report 27 Oct 2012 08:37

Come along now Cherry,

#pulls coat over Cherrys' arms#

I will not take No for an answer

#buttons up front of coat#

you will enjoy it once you are there.

Think of all those tiny little urchins you will be helping

#pulls hat onto Cherrys' head, firmly#

pick up those boxes of biscuits, and off we will go.

Get into the tuk-tuk dear, and I will tell you all about Sunderland as we go....................

Pip Pip
Auntie Petunia


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 27 Oct 2012 13:53

Hot soup winging it's way to CC :-)

Auntie Petunia something stronger for you maybe? can I suggest sloe gin in a hip flask ;-)

Keep up the good work Ladies

Lesley in a cosy warm house :-D


CherryCrumbles Report 27 Oct 2012 14:58

*windblown, cold and shivery, very wet as the rain is tipping down, and thoroughly fed up now because all the potential charity givers are all sensibly staying in their nice warm dry homes.......*

thank you for the soup Lesley, what a shame I spilled most of it down the front of my coat because my hands were shaking from the cold.

Petunia dear, there is no one around, except you and me Pat rish aaaah - and the tuktuk. Dont you think a little common sense should apply here? I'm sure that is frostbite on the end of your nose. We could do more good by going back to Motie Towers, getting warm again, and writing letters to put through letterboxes, asking householders to donate their hard earned cash to your Good Works.

Ooooh - there is a police officer approaching. I hope he does not think we are ladies of dubious and easy virtue .......

"good afternoon, officer, its Miss Mortimer here who is the ring leader" .....