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martynsue Report 27 Sep 2013 18:27

why is it that some thing's are strange but true.

why is it that when you do the washing up and check the bowl before emptying you never find the tea spoon until the bowl is tipped out?

bread alway's land's butter side down


ButtercupFields Report 27 Sep 2013 18:54

Why is it when I look in the mirror I see an old lady when I just KNOW I am still a young flippertigibbet :-D Strange but true :-D


martynsue Report 27 Sep 2013 19:00

it must be true as I have the same mirror as you,strange.


AnnCardiff Report 27 Sep 2013 20:33

when I look in the mirror I always see my mother looking back at me :-D


Annina Report 28 Sep 2013 15:35

Why do cats eat grass then come into the house to be sick?

Why are they always,ALWAYS, sick on the carpet and not on the kitchen floor tiles?

Why do stray cats keep moving in with me? I now have five,plus countless that just wander in for a free meal.

Why am I indoors playing with this lappy when the weather is so beautiful??


Island Report 28 Sep 2013 15:41

Why do only two bits of pasta stick to the saucepan?

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 28 Sep 2013 15:46

Why when I know I am still the slim slip of a girl that is in our wedding pics does the distorting mirrors show a fat bird with everything drooping !!!!

it show s too a hubby with a fat tum when I know he was an underweight guy who had to have his suits made to measure at the CO OP tailors cos he couldnt buy off the peg .

Lies all Lies i know it is :-( :-( :-( :-(


Wend Report 28 Sep 2013 15:46

Why do flies fly round in circles under ceiling light fittings?

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 28 Sep 2013 15:50

Wend and the little blighters go inside the ceiling light fittings and die and when you put the lights on the corpses are on show. How they get there when the light is flush is a puzzle


Island Report 28 Sep 2013 15:53

Why does something I've been seeing for days suddenly disappear when I want it? :-S

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 28 Sep 2013 16:48

Why do husbands follow you around switching of the lights and leave you in the dark or like today start putting shopping away , think "Oh cupboard could do with a sort out" and continues to do so right at my feet while I'm trying to bake!
Or why does the phone or door bell go just when you go to the loo?


Robert Report 28 Sep 2013 19:07

Why do I only hear from some people when they want something?


GlasgowLass Report 28 Sep 2013 19:40

Why, do so many household appliances break down in quick succession?
Since mid September....
My shower leaked and caused a hole in the kitchen ceiling.
It also caused a partial power failure ( downstairs sockets) which lasted 3 days.
The power was restored, and the microwave blew when plugged into the socket.
Bought a new microwave.. and yesterday, the dishwasher broke down !

Nearly forgot... The IMac was repaired this week too!


ZZzzz Report 28 Sep 2013 21:20

Why is it that wasps fly in through the door way and go straight to window and try to get through it?


Florence61 Report 28 Sep 2013 23:14

Why is it always sunny on sunday when i cant put out my washing?

Why is the loo roll empty when i go to the bathroom and nobody else replaces it?

Why does it rain when the cows are lying down?
Why do things always come in 3's?

Florence in the hebrides :-S


PollyinBrum Report 29 Sep 2013 09:47

Why am wide awake during the night and sound asleep when it's time for the alarm goes off ?


martynsue Report 29 Sep 2013 10:30

all of these are so true and I am sure there are quite a lot more out there.

how come dog's know when it is time for their owner's to come in from work.
mine alway's goes to the door 5 mins before my husband come's home.


ZZzzz Report 29 Sep 2013 15:45

Why the 3 Rs when, clearly it is not!


GlasgowLass Report 29 Sep 2013 22:54

This is for Martynsue.....
On the book thread this week, I mentioned a book that I have just read.
The Art Of Racing In The Rain by Garth Stein.
This story is told by the family pet. A dog called Enzo.

It could explain how your dog knows everything!
Enzo could tell the time, he just couldn't speak... due to having the wrong type of tongue!


martynsue Report 30 Sep 2013 11:49

sound's a interesting read Glasgow lass.

here is another,when out shopping you only find thing's you like when you cannot afford it.go back with the fund's and it is no longer there.