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Doz thi speak Yorksire ?

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Bobtanian Report 21 Nov 2013 12:08

No Sue,

I wasn't directly referring to you,(unless you are the phantom whistle blower(RR'r))

but as I said people read into things what they expect to see........... and as the written word is anonymous, different interpretations will occur to different readers............


ps as I am a bit of a luddite, what has the Ipad got to do with versions of English

some kind of US of A spellcheck? I presume............ :-S


Susan10146857 Report 21 Nov 2013 12:40

don't mean to be picky Robert but it is SUSAN not Sue :-P

Couldn't think of the word I needed so wrote ENGLISH ......I find the iPad a bit colicky when trying to write in the box......I very often have to go back to add commas capital letters! or even whole words sometimes....very frustrating.......I. Am leaving in one of the other examples....or even two.....a full stop where it shouldn't be and the word colicky instead of clicky :-D

as for being the phantom whistle I am not......but I have to say that I certainly feel as if I am treated as one......but even if I what! can still see why they would stay invisible.....why would they want to be torn to shreds......<( yes I know there are some people who would RR just to be awkward.....but maybe.....just maybe there are also some who think the T&Cs are being upheld when GR in their sometimes infinite wisdom decide to said before....there are some not so phantom T&C breakers who upload threads just to see the sparks don't tell me you don't think that is true our Bob.


AnninGlos Report 21 Nov 2013 12:45

Bob, The Ipad is a horror when it comes to changing words it doesn't recognise. I have sent out some real horrors when 'writing' on it in a hurry. I have to try and remember to check everything, and then it is not always easy to access the word/punctuation you want to change it. Other than that it is very convenient, and it is the touch screen really rather than the actual IPad that causes problems.


PollyinBrum Report 21 Nov 2013 14:44

On the topic of iPad (as much as I love mine) it does do some very strange things.
I was adding on another thread last week, in the middle of the paragraph came a text message I sent to my son a couple of weeks previously, and which I had already deleted from my phone. Yesterday in the middle of typing on another thread a sentence about the Berlin Wall appeared (don't laugh) it only happens when I am typing on GR.


Dermot Report 21 Nov 2013 14:59

The nurse told me yesterday to wear an eye-pad for a few hours after I was accidentally poked in the eye when all I wanted was a reassuring hug from her indoors - not the nurse, lovely as she is!


Bobtanian Report 22 Nov 2013 00:22

AH! Susan............

technology rears its ugly head!!............. newspeak!(1984)
seems ................I, not too far away...........LOL

as to regarding iffy posts............otherwise known in aviation circles or

"pushing the envelope!"

seeing how close you can get without actually hitting the wall.........


Susan10146857 Report 22 Nov 2013 01:42

just re- reading your thread Jonesey

Re your OP

Do you have the link or email address for Rhoda who you suggested the well respected members of GR contact if they wish to be heard? I, like another poster, would also appreciate it :-)


Renes Report 22 Nov 2013 03:09


I am sure Jonesey will comment on your question. But just to add

I think he is referring to

Rhoda Breakell, Head of Genes Reunited

If there is no email address known .. I am sure a letter would reach her


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Nov 2013 04:34


several of us have had conversations with Rhoda in the past.

it's not just Jonesey ................. who you seem to think has a "special person".

She even used to post on the Boards as she was actively researching her family

try emailing

[email protected]


Jonesey Report 22 Nov 2013 08:59


Those stalwarts Renes and Sylvia have answered your latest question to me.

Not including that information in my opening post was quite deliberate on my part. If I had included a link then it would have made it very easy for anyone to send an email even though they may not have been fully committed or in agreement with my sentiments. By not including a link ensured that anyone who took the trouble themselves to find out the email address would be more likely to fully believe in what they were about to write whether it be pro or anti.

Cunning little devil aren't I. ;-)


Susan10146857 Report 22 Nov 2013 13:16

cunning for your deed is not a word I would have used Jonesey ;-)

So, I assume by your wording that you think those who agree with your sentiments are the only respectable members of the board. yes I suppose others who disagree with you could find the email address. Wouldn't it have been more even of you to have shared it so that we could have all had the same advantage....after all if you are so certain that most of the so called respectable members love smutty or sick jokes and content are in the majority, what would have been the harm in helping us who don't like them and are deemed as not so respectable, judging by your words, to also voice our opinions to the powers that be......we are a minority in your view. Although I would love to know where you get your statistics. apologies John...'.sick 'jokes then.......perhaps that is a good enough word for you


JustJohn Report 22 Nov 2013 13:44

I didn't think the original joke that upset this reporter person was smutty. Never saw it, but I thought it was to do with E by gum and linking that to either drugs or dentures.

And it was the link to drugs that upset one or two.

So not sure why the smut patrol (and I am an affiliate member of that) has entered this thread :-S


Susan10146857 Report 22 Nov 2013 14:09

there you go John, I have changed it just for you.....sick, smutty.....some of the threads that get deleted....perhaps that would have been a better sentence to point is exactly the same whether sick or smutty. This type of thread will go up and the same people join it no matter if t is about smut or sick's RRing of threads that is the point.....isn't it?......Phantom RRs RRing threads that some deem to be sick, smutty, obscene, .....any in fact that are against T&Cs.....then there are the odd few that are RRed maliciously......please don't make me go on, I need a cup of tea.

Sometimes I think that the point is missed while the sword fight of words is more important to some and the scoring of points with ones abilities....... A bit like Lawyers etc.....the truth will out only if the best lawyer wins....whoever has the better way of speaking with the twists and turns of each word.....wordsmiths in fact.....pretty words sometimes but none the less just that......I am sure there is many a person in clink because their lawyers words were not as good as the prosecution......but there....maybe I digress too much :-D

Edit yet again......sorry Sylvia, didn't see you there. Thanks to Sylvia and Rene for the addy :-)


JustJohn Report 22 Nov 2013 15:16

I am sure you make a good point there, Susan. It was always possible to get off speeding points with a good lawyer, and I remember that one very clever Barrister made a small fortune out of representing wealthy clients and getting them off driving bans.

You are a bit of a wordsmith, yourself - no, not patronising or leg pulling. Quite genuinely enjoy reading the way you use words :-) :-)

I also enjoy posts of those who are not so good with words - but what they mean is very clear and usually very interesting.


Jonesey Report 22 Nov 2013 17:00


I am disappointed in you. You are making assumptions, quite incorrect ones I might add. You appear to be trying to make out that I am somehow championing those who post what you describe as smutty jokes believing that those who don’t like such jokes are in the minority. Both assumptions are untrue. Because I chose not to include a direct link to Rhoda Breakell you assume that I did that because I believe that only those who agree with my sentiments are the only respectable members on the boards. What utter nonsense. Your comments in your post made at 13:16 would certainly be worthy of a request for review under the Hateful/Abusive Content category but don’t worry I do not intend to ask for a review. I have no desire to enter into a war of words with you. I treat you as an adult please have the good grace to treat me likewise.

My opening post of this thread related to the original post of the first thread entitled, “Doz thi speak Yorksire” which did not contain any jokes that in any way might have been called smutty by anyone. The entire thread had been deleted by GR which I and others felt unnecessary as we did not believe its content had breached the guidelines, terms and conditions of board use. Before the original thread was deleted several other GR members had posted their view that the opening post did not warrant being referred for review. Someone or some persons (I know not which) then reported those members posts for review. Draw your own conclusions as to why they might have done that, I drew mine which was that the posts had probably been reported maliciously rather than because their content contravened any T&C. Only later was it discovered that the thread had been deleted because someone felt that the inclusion of a play on words involving a well known Yorkshire phrase and what is known as a recreational drug was inappropriate and likely to corrupt.

I freely admit that I enjoy a good joke and that if its content is of a sexual nature if it is cleverly thought out and well told then I usually laugh at it in the same manner that I laugh at most other type of jokes I may hear or read. I do however draw the line at jokes which belittle people because of their religion, race or disability. There are many reasons to cry in this world, a little laughter never goes amiss.


Susan10146857 Report 22 Nov 2013 18:00

RR it then Jonesey' is all I can add. I am sorry you are upset by my post but your's honestly came across to me as the way, I was not being hateful or abusive to you, perhaps you have taken what I have said the wrong way as an insult....not so it was an answer to what I thought was insulting, as I say it came across to me as such and indeed 'I' felt to be the aggrieved by what looked to me as an insult to myself and others.....I am sorry but I haven't read the rest of your post......If it is in the same vein as the first part then perhaps I too should RR as I feel quite upset off to sulk......throws in a few winks and smiles perhaps that will soften any so called insults I may have inadvertently thrown in the pot. ....perhaps we should all be watching what we say and how we say it.....then perhaps 'touchy' wouldn't be one of the symptoms of the day :-(

:-( :-D :-) ;-)


Edit.....just read the rest of it.....well, that is not entirely true because the way I saw it, the other RR's were because of the hateful abusive vile content toward an RRer who as I see it, had every right to be concerned about the posting....not nice reading.....worse than anything you feel I have written.....slagging off someone because they daren't show their hand because of abuse hurled toward them, is not a debate in my books. Not everyone is able to put into words the justification for RRing.....maybe they just feel but can't express those feelings to sufficiently appease the GR Judge jury and noose.....or a witch which case the Rr button may be their only way of protesting without the fear of coming up against a wordsmith or what I would call, fish wife sentiments.......sorry, am I being abusive again? sheesh, you can't speak you mind on where have I heard that before :-D


JustJohn Report 22 Nov 2013 18:50

Hang on!! I've still only read half of Jonesey's academic treatise. Have Genes go a speed reading course available, and explanatory notes :-S :-S

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 22 Nov 2013 18:54

* removes wooden spoon from John's hand and smacks him over the head with it *

:-| naughty boy


JustJohn Report 22 Nov 2013 18:55

Spoon was covered with cake mix, Hayley :-D :-D Chocolate cake :-( :-(

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 22 Nov 2013 20:50

Yum yum :-D :-D :-D