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Gossipsville..........fastest growing village in t

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Unknown Report 24 Jun 2005 19:24

Duck n Firk It Downs drink....looks in mirror, mmmm, touches up the lippy and fluffs hair up. Thats better and he likes this dress.....put a drink in for Bruce Babs please. Takes bottle of wine and sits at a quiet table in the corner. Looks at text just received, oh ek, its from Andrew. Call when you can. Got a case of wine for you. Andy xx Why would i want a case of wine? Oh well. Ill text him later.


Bev Report 24 Jun 2005 19:33

Duck'nfirk it hi debs....err sorry babs *thinks* bit tetchy that one* wheres str......sok...i see here oh is that for me? cheers doll *site down next to strump and pecks her on the cheek* ok whats the plan????? is that your phone or mine??? *checks phone* not me babe must be the boyfriend.....hahaha


Unknown Report 24 Jun 2005 19:38

Duck n Firk It Plan?? Oh, yes, silly me......well, i thought id take Andy to bed, bit of pillow talk....sees Bruces face, im joking! *thinks* but then again. Bruce, why would some one send me a case of wine? I run pubs for heavens sake.......oh by the way, the fire, it wasnt 'them'....Andy assured me. I havent got a plan in mind really, well i have sort of......ive got a Swiss account, would that help us?


Unknown Report 24 Jun 2005 19:43

Duck n Firk It Yes, my mobile again, oh its no one.....i'll turn it off.


Bev Report 24 Jun 2005 19:46

Swiss account???? help???? well just a bit babe *thinks this girl is full of surprises, and loaded it seems* so this boss ....andrew Wallis is it? his your dead hubby's twin? errrr identical twin? and he wants to sendd you a case of wine? sure it's wine in the case? i mean you said no more safety deposit boxes


Unknown Report 24 Jun 2005 19:52

Duck n Firk It Yes, identical....amazing really! So my account will help then...beams, thats good, cos ive got two accounts! So, you dont think its wine in the case then? The case is up stairs, think we should check it? Ok, lets take our drinks up and look.


Bev Report 24 Jun 2005 19:54

wow this Andy works fast if you already have the 'wine' think babs will do me a refill whilst we take a look? *whispers* don't think she likes me


Unknown Report 24 Jun 2005 19:56

Duck n Firk It Oh dont worry about Babs.....its when she sees Andy ill need to worry. It is a case of wine Bruce....takes lid off....not even sealed, never seen such a large case though.....lifts off the packing straw.....Bruce....look!!! Jesus, how much do you think is there?


Unknown Report 24 Jun 2005 20:00

Duck n Firk It Youve gone very pale much is it?


Bev Report 24 Jun 2005 20:02

*whistles* a lot so how do we shift it????


Unknown Report 24 Jun 2005 20:04

Duck n Firk It Well, through my pubs i guess, plus the salon and theres my accounts, oh!! The hotel in France! Fancy a trip to France? smiles, im so excited!


Wendy Report 24 Jun 2005 21:26

Oh God, a text from Bruce. Trust him to phone home and get mum. Typical. Think now .... Bruce Sorry missed u. Out getting cleaning stuff for kitchen (oh yes). Got talking with girlfriend in S.bury's. Sorry missed u. Luv W xx Right that's him sort .... I hope! Better speak with mum and find out what he said. Wonder when he's coming home. Now I've got a reply from Sam, hope not tonight now. Hi Mum. Yes, Bruce text me. Did he happen to mention when he's coming home. No, oh right .... No, no problem .... Mmmm .... No nothing's wrong (hopefully everythings going to be very alright) .... You ok with the boys for a while .... Thanks mum your one in a million .... Yes, I'll be careful driving home (hopefully I won't be driving) .... Right see you later. Kiss the boys for me. Bye. Sorted. Now to text Sam the Man. Sam Meet you in Duck n Firk It asap. Wendy Well, hopefully, here goes nothing.


Bev Report 24 Jun 2005 21:33

Duck n firk it geez Frnce sounds great, have to clear it with Wendy just got a text from her, tied up with a mate at the supermarket or something thats ok then another drink???? err bev 2 more drinks hun oh sorry babs *whispers* she doesn't like me you know


Wendy Report 24 Jun 2005 21:51

Just get myself another drink and sit and await Sam's arrival. Wonder where the nervy barmaid's gone? Yes, can I have another wine and soda please .... takes glass and goes back to seat by window .... just sit here and wait. Thank goodness I tarted myself up whilst I was in the Ladies .... Bloody Hell! .... That's Bruce's car in the car park .... Oh my god .... when did that happen. Must have been while it was in the Ladies. Think quick here girl .... where is he? Can't see him anywhere .... Quick text him, try and find out where he is. Hi babes, Just wondering where you are. Are you working or on your way home? Love W x Now text Sam. Have to meet somewhere else just in case. Sam Something's come up. Can't make Duck n Firk It. You suggest place & I'll be there asap. Wendy Leaves drink and makes quick exit out of nearest door. Thank goodness I parked my car round the side. Hopefully he didn't spot it. Ok, I'll just drive down the road some way and pull off the road and wait for Sam's reply. Oh, my goodness, I'm not sure I'm up to this lark and nothing's happened yet!!


Bev Report 24 Jun 2005 21:54

thanks err babs, yes babs omg Strump i think i just saw wendy there in the seat by the window NO don't look!!!!! *peeks round* it's ok shes gone what was she doing here? god you don't think shes sussed us do you???


Unknown Report 25 Jun 2005 02:18

Duck n Firk It Darling, stop worrying! If Wendy was here, she would have found, lets book this trip, you can tell Wendy you have to go away....*thinks* and im sure Sam will help her in her grief!! Need to talk to him!!! FLAMING FIREMEN! In the meantime........i know you like me out of this dress!


Unknown Report 25 Jun 2005 02:26

Duck n Firk It Flat Sorry, was just checking my mobile, i had no idea i had ten its no one babe, well it is, its Andy.....yes ill look: Strump Where are you???? Need to see you!! Andrew xxxxxx *thinks* god, ten messages saying same thing! Sorry babe, best text back, it must be to do with the money.... Sorry, been busy wasnt ignoring you When do you want to meet? love Strump xxxxx clicks send * thinks* i put kisses! Oh god!! I told you Bruce, i dont fancy him! Now, where were we?


Unknown Report 26 Jun 2005 12:34

The Angel Pub in London I got here as soon as i could, i do have a business and children you know! Yes i got your case £500,000 i make it....good, glad we agree, now what am i meant to do? Ok, yes i can do that and who,s going to the Hotel in France? What!!! She said she wasnt getting involved anymore, sighs, so now i have to lie to my Dad? And i thought my days of this stuff were over when i met your brother! How wrong could i be. Bruce? You leave him alone, you deal with me and ill deal with him, yes i do trust him and please also leave his family out of this. Do i have your word on that Andy? Good. Yes, lunch would be ok, can we not talk about this over lunch though?


WhackyJackieInOz Report 26 Jun 2005 17:54

Was Just reading first few pages of this thread and BBQ were mentioned. Reminded me of a joke George and Mildred in garden George says to Mildred good grief Mildred your backside is getting so big its as big as my BBQ Don't be so rude George says Mildred George then goes and gets his tape measure and measures the BBQ George then goes over to Mildred and measures her backside He says to Mildred I told you it was as big as my BBQ Mildred ignores him After a few minutes George says to Mildred Oh my love whats a matter with you. Come on love lets go to bed and make mad passionate love Mildreds reply I'm not firing up this BBQ for one little sausage Regards Jackie


Wendy Report 27 Jun 2005 10:32

Well, it looks like Sam isn't going to answer my text message. Been sitting in this lay-by ages. Just my luck .... he's sitting in the pub waiting for me and he's switched his phone off .... I'm not cut out for this sneaking around lark .... well, back home I guess ....