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Depression / Anxiety

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Kathy near the

Kathy near the Report 29 Oct 2012 22:35

Not been on for a very long time but sending my thoughts and prayers for Caz a lovely lady and her family

Kathy xxxx


Carolina Report 29 Oct 2012 17:18

so so sorry to hear about my very brave friend caz thinking about you and sending all my love and prayers to you and your family

love and hugs caolina x


dutch Report 29 Oct 2012 14:31

I have added on the GR thread but thought i would put it on here for those who might not see it ,had phone call from my pal Y/Caz OH the hospital have told her hubby she may not survive so could i have your thoughts and prayers for her i know some of you ladies on here have already added to my thread,but we need all the help we can get to try and bring our Caz thru this ,Caz my love you have fought along hard battle i pray you can get thru this one
Love Dutchxx


AnninGlos Report 29 Oct 2012 11:12

Welcome to the thread John, as you will have seen it has been going a long time and many people from all over have been helped. I have stayed on the thread to support people although, thankfully, never having suffered depression but have received support for other things along the way.

I am pleased that you recovered from your breakdown and I am sure that prayer does help those who believe in it.

Please feel free to come back any time you need support of any kind, this is a non confrontational thread and all are welcome. :-)


JustJohn Report 29 Oct 2012 10:18

Noticed this lovely thread and hope you don't mind my contribution. A close member of my family has now had two first episode psychotic attacks, now appears to be well but is still on tablets.

My own life was almost ruined 11 years ago, not by psychosis thank goodness, but by an almost total physical and mental full stop. I could not even lift a pen for over a year. Or answer my phones. All I did was walk long distances in open countryside talking to myself.

The doctor dealt with my physical problems (overweight, BP, mini strokes etc). And he wanted to give me drugs to alter the chemical balance of the brain. I refused, perhaps stupidly.

It was a long climb back. Prayer was my medicine and it has worked. Whether better than drugs or counselling I don't know. I have been a happy chappie for some 9 years now and, although you are aware you are always walking close to the edge, feel I will be ok from now on.

Thanks for reading. Have not been able to read all the thread, but can see how much mutual help has been given.


AnninGlos Report 29 Oct 2012 08:47

Yes poor Caz she needs all the help from angels she can get bless her. I hope they are keeping her pain free, she has suffered so much.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 28 Oct 2012 23:07

Don't worry Ann, I didn't think that at all. I don't get on the boards much now as I have a lot of other things to do and run out of time.

I hope our Deanna is keeping her loving eye on our Caz - Caz always believed in angels and I hope she has many helping her right now.

love to all



AnninGlos Report 28 Oct 2012 09:34

How lovely to see you, in triplicate too.

Yes and do you remember also the 'competition' to be the 1000th post? I think the lovely Deanna won that one. I look back on your stories about Toby with pleasure, they always made me giggle. Not sure who was the greater character, him or you. So pleased he is enjoying his 'retirement' to Torquay.

Belated birthday wishes and congratulations ion proving them wrong. So pleased that you are still here although I wish we saw more of you. (not literally of course).. :-D

Good morning Liz, was not ignoring you :-)

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 26 Oct 2012 04:32

I thought about this thread the other day but didn't have time to look for it, so am glad you have resurrected it Joyce, even if you did end up posting in triplicate lol

May I wish you a belated Happy Birthday and hope you will continue to outfox the doctors with their 'death sentence'. You are the same age as my o.h.'s Dad, who has just had a hip replacement op and is hoping to be home in the next couple of days if things continue to go well.

You must have been delighted to have your son staying with you, and to have a nice new computer too, what a good son he is.

I often think of our Deanna, and I am sure she keeps an eye on us all too, bless her.

Take care and stay warm and safe - I am not looking forward to the winter at all but am busy trying to find the cheapest way to book our holiday next June, Crete again but a different time of year for us to go abroad, we will have longer days and I hope it will be as warm as it was when we there earlier this month.

love to all


Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 26 Oct 2012 03:55

Well folks, sorry about my posting being activated three times!..seems GR have lost my edit button to enable me to rermove two of them...will check it out later in the day xx

Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 26 Oct 2012 03:48

Good morning Ann x....a blast from the past when I checked back on my saved threads and saw a posting on our brought back so many happy memories of years spent listening/helping persons less fortunate than ourselves, have often wondered what happened to them all, still going strong I hope..
Oh so wonderful were the days when Deanna, Caz and myself were in strong competition in how many words we could post before the deadline of 500 characters!, we fought many friendly battles, to the amusement of the members,all great fun in what we hoped would cheer people up just a little, it worked most times xx
On Sunday I celebrated my 81st birthday and later in the day reflected on how lucky I was to still be here, remembering I was given the death sentence in 2007, must be doing something right, yes
I do see Toby occassionally but suspect he much prefers the fresh air of Torquay and running with 'his' horses, lovely, I will be seeing him during the frestive season though when the family come to visit. My son flew in from Brisbane last month and stayed with me for a fortnight, we went shopping and he bought me a new computer/plus which is magic compared to my old and worn out one, actually that description could be applied to me I reckon ;-)
To all my friends still out there who remember the good old days I send my love and best wishes..
For now I am going back to my bed, perchance to dream...
Take care all...

Joyce xx

Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 26 Oct 2012 03:46

Good morning Ann x....a blast from the past when I checked back on my saved threads and saw a posting on our brought back so many happy memories of years spent listening/helping persons less fortunate than ourselves, have often wondered what happened to them all, still going strong I hope..
Oh so wonderful were the days when Deanna, Caz and myself were in strong competition in how many words we could post before the deadline of 500 characters!, we fought many friendly battles, to the amusement of the members,all great fun in what we hoped would cheer people up just a little, it worked most times xx
On Sunday I celebrated my 81st birthday and later in the day reflected on how lucky I was to still be here, remembering I was given the death sentence in 2007, must be doing something right, yes
I do see Toby occassionally but suspect he much prefers the fresh air of Torquay and running with 'his' horses, lovely, I will be seeing him during the frestive season though when the family come to visit. My son flew in from Brisbane last month and stayed with me for a fortnight, we went shopping and he bought me a new computer/plus which is magic compared to my old and worn out one, actually that description could be applied to me I reckon ;-)
To all my friends still out there who remember the good old days I send my love and best wishes..
For now I am going back to my bed, perchance to dream...
Take care all...

Joyce xx

Justice of Peace

Justice of Peace Report 26 Oct 2012 03:45

Good morning Ann x....a blast from the past when I checked back on my saved threads and saw a posting on our brought back so many happy memories of years spent listening/helping persons less fortunate than ourselves, have often wondered what happened to them all, still going strong I hope..
Oh so wonderful were the days when Deanna, Caz and myself were in strong competition in how many words we could post before the deadline of 500 characters!, we fought many friendly battles, to the amusement of the members,all great fun in what we hoped would cheer people up just a little, it worked most times xx
On Sunday I celebrated my 81st birthday and later in the day reflected on how lucky I was to still be here, remembering I was given the death sentence in 2007, must be doing something right, yes
I do see Toby occassionally but suspect he much prefers the fresh air of Torquay and running with 'his' horses, lovely, I will be seeing him during the frestive season though when the family come to visit. My son flew in from Brisbane last month and stayed with me for a fortnight, we went shopping and he bought me a new computer/plus which is magic compared to my old and worn out one, actually that description could be applied to me I reckon ;-)
To all my friends still out there who remember the good old days I send my love and best wishes..
For now I am going back to my bed, perchance to dream...
Take care all...

Joyce xx


AnninGlos Report 25 Oct 2012 12:44

Hallo Carolina, what a sleepy thread this has been but I hope that means it is not so much needed now. I hope you are OK, it is good to see you pop on here.


Carolina Report 25 Oct 2012 10:03

hope everyone is ok as can be

love and hugs carolina x <3


AnninGlos Report 3 Aug 2012 15:24

Good to see you on here Carole I have missed seeing this thread popping up on the board. What a busy time you have had though. I am on fce book but still don't like it and prefer to be on GR, when it is going OK. :-D


Carole Report 3 Aug 2012 10:45

What a busy year it has been. I have spent many hours doing a family tree for the grandfather of my nieces husband. He has cancer and has been very poorly. He had a fire at his and his wifes home and they lost everything. I found some interesting stories in British newspapers on line to add body to the tree. The family loved it. And it gave back a little of all they had lost in the fire.

My daughter and her boyfriend bought a house together. So Steve and I were painting and cleaning carpets in James house which he is renting out. Also in their new house, we washed walls painted cleaned carpets took up curtains and moved furniture. Its a lovely house but needs some updating.
They are so happy together.

In June we were lucky to be able to go to America, We (me Steve and my son) drove from New Jersey to Waverly Ohio to spend time with a cousin of my Mum who I found through researching my family history. Bud is 92 this year and an amazing man who was awarded a certificate this year for his volunteer work from President Obama. Buds daughter and grandson also came down to meet us. We then drove to Pennsyvania and met Buds son and his wife for the first time. It was amazing.

I haven't been coming on GR very much. I have moved over to FB! I feel quite guilty about not coming on here but I was having problems getting onto the threads! Every time I tried to post a reply it wouldn't go through. I gave in. But I have thought about all my friends on here.The email I got to say look at the new style of GR made me look at the threads. Haven't looked at my tree. Wonder if there have been many changes there.

Well a day off work at last. I am worn out. Its been a really hard week with lots of IT problems this week. Its so frustrating to not be able to get on with a job and have to wait for others to sort the problem out while not telling us what they are having to do. Hope next week is better.

What an awful summer we're having! It's been hard deciding where to take Mum out to. Have to think about keeping dry and warm.. Mum was 80 in Feb, (See photo thats Mum me and my sister)

I did mess up my tablets while away and after I got home. Had a set back but trying hard to stay strong.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 19 Jun 2012 05:58

Can't usually get on to this thread, so here I am now.

Hazel, I am sorry you are having such a difficult time, it's like banging your head against a wall with DSS sometimes, I had problems years ago and had to go to tribunal when I won my case, but the stress is debilitating.

Hang on in love, I keep telling myself what doesn't kill me makes me stronger and that seems to help.

Eileen, I am sorry you had such a nasty fall and hope you are recovered now. It knocks the stuffing out of you I know, it took me a long time to get over that fall on the ice a few Christmases back and then earlier this year I missed the last stair and fell down, winding myself and bruising wrists and ankles and back. The old body doesn't like being shaken about now.

Take care all



AnnCardiff Report 18 Jun 2012 21:54

Hi everyone, so pleased this thread is still going after so long - as I said right at the beginning, I have suffered from clinical depression for years - diagnosed after a serious overdose in 1996 - I'm still on Venlafaxine and will be for ever, but my GP said it doesn't matter - I can increase the dose if I wish and decrease it according to how I feel - on the whole I feel fine, only fall back if some family trauma occurs and we've had a few so far this year, but hey - I'm still fine - keep taking the tablets!!!

Hazel - I've read your posts on the Welsh thread - you really do have an uphill battle but I hope your GP is sympathetic to your depression - is he monitoring your medication? perhaps it needs changing?

As I have said on here previously, I asm a good listener and if you would like my phone number to talk, send me a pm - or if you would like my email address



Treehunter Report 18 Jun 2012 08:26


I am feeling very low today, Just everything builting up over last 6mts. Still my appeal hasnt been sorted. Doctor been away for 3 weeks so still waitng on his letter to send to help my appeal. Got to keep phoning people to get them to look at paperwork as misstakes have been made.

I am going deep down in a black hole again. I dont want to go down there again, i was so pleased with myself that i got out of it last year. I know life is hard and with the way the world is at the moment going to get harder,

