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Can you add to this without using any ‘e’s

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JemimaFawr Report 13 Aug 2018 22:07

Shock Horror - It doz not rain but it pours! :-0

Grandson 1 was put in hospital a day b4 today with Carbon Monoxyd poisoning from a mishap with a gas ring :-0 GS1 is now ok and back staying with us for a tym.

A good thing for a variation....
I again won "Pic of 7 days" in our local rag! :-D
Myk will b happy to catch sound of this as Myk was inspiration to Mima to start taking photos :-D Myk is a fabulous photograph taking man :-)

This was my photo ....

Back soon with story of my day out at BBC Studios :-D


JemimaFawr Report 13 Aug 2018 23:00

My Pobol Y Cwm (Vally People) Day at BBC Studios

OH and I had a fabulous day out in Cardiff last wk to visit production layout of my most liking soap- Cymru's Lingo drama Pobol Y Cwm which is on nightly on wk days on S4C (Cymru's' Conduit 4).

It's about folk living in a fictional villij in a rural part of Carms, not so far from us. It has had it's filming in Cardiff for about 6 yrs (BBC Studios had it's building in Cardiff at that tym) but it had it's showing start on TV in 1974.

It was a short walk to BBC Studios from car park and walking along Cardiff Bay was amazing- Bay, boats, watching folk busking, sitting having a drink or food, or just strolling along.

Cymru's National Cultural Occasion (You will know it by it's monica which starts with a not good non-consonant) is in Cardiff Bay this yr and OH & I did walking along many stalls taking in it's air. TV gangs did filming in many parts too.

Soon us got to BBC Studios in Roath Lock.
At tym of waiting to go in, who should b coming out but 1 of the long tym actors from Casualty (Casualty also has it's filming in studios) D'r'k Thompson who plays Charly Fairtopofbody. "Charly" was passing us and did say Hi and shook our hands.

TV folk did show us in to a big room. In front of our chairs were 6 big cardboard cutouts of show's folk. Show's hairstylist has had killing, and 1 of 6 is culprit. All visitors had to pick (in opinion of visitors) who did it!

Following this was a tour of all production layout- rooms, buildings, shops, pub and also out of doors production layout. TV Production folk and a woman actor from Pobol Y Cwm took us around and could not do 'nough to b giving us a brill day!

I had my photo took in good positions ...
Pulling a pint in Pub! dishing out chips in chip shop and lots of positions in show's production layout. :-D
Also a good photo of I with show's woman actor.

It was so much fun!

What follows?
Praps Coronation Road? ;-)

Mike *

Mike * Report 29 Aug 2018 20:35

Oh Mima

what awful situations you r in.
I know about autism as my grandson is autistic.

Congrats with photo comp.

You did mostly good with your avoiding that symbol but I'm afraid I spy this .... (Vally People) ... tut tut ;-)
That's two slaps of wrists !!

So busy at mo but looking in for a bit.
Back again soon


JemimaFawr Report 29 Aug 2018 21:22

~~~~~~~~~~~ to Myky :-D :-D :-D

Taking Myk's slaps on wrists humbly! :-D
I was worrying about original word for "Vally" but missing original word for "Folk" .... Silly Mima! :-D :-D

Good to c you Myk and thanks :-)

Mike *

Mike * Report 12 Sep 2018 15:03

No worry Myma.
Can dish out slaps any occasion you want !
Posting a photo to you from my last trip.


DorothyG Report 21 Sep 2018 21:59

This looks difficult, but fun :-)

Got to think hard ... all my surroundings contain that !!! including my hobby, which is drama and musicals in a particular local building in our town, which is famous for its trio of Bs, Biscuits, Bulbs and that liquid sold in pubs! Nowadays not in our town :-(

Son and family now living in a coastal town too far away, down a long motorway, so photos and chats usually, with just occasional visits. Two grandsons and a young girl, growing fast.


JemimaFawr Report 21 Sep 2018 23:21

Good to c you on this yarn that forbids a particular non-consonant, Dorothy :-)

You r right. This yarn can b difficult but also good fun.
It's a yarn to chat and laugh on, or to air our difficult situations and support our pals.

I'm sorry you do not c your Grandkids as oft as you would lyk.

Now I'm racking my brains to try to work out which town is famous for 3 Bs :-D
Mayb Googling can assist I? :-D

~~~~~~~ to Kathy and Myk :-D


DorothyG Report 21 Sep 2018 23:52

Our town has a Football Stadium but that has the non-consonant too, occasionally First Division. Not far from London via Paddington. KW who was in Titanic was born in it - also was a young star of AmDram in a similar group In our town. Biscuits world famous until not long ago.... Bulbs and plants now grown in Torquay and Pub ‘liquid’ bought out - sad all round. Now known for big IT units - Microsoft and similar occupy Bulbs and Plants land,


JemimaFawr Report 22 Sep 2018 16:38

I'm thinking it could be Crimsonding, Dorothy? :-)

But I may b wrong :-D

I am having my living situation on a South Coast part, in a town with 2 pairs of LLs in it and a particular non-consonant that has a ban on this yarn :-D.
You will b knowing that if it has LLs in it- it must b in Cymru :-D

This position has lots of rain, as it is having at this hour :-D
It would b good to c sum sun again for a bit :-D


DorothyG Report 22 Sep 2018 20:53

That’s sounds about right :-)
3 junctions on M4 - and so on to your town?
Sadly now not much to brag of any particular
But a Prison, now shut down
That famous Irish Author was in it you know!
A Ballad of it to all did b’stow.

A vast building was nigh, now in ruins
With sum walls still standing- that Tudor king
Brought it down.
Our Drama Group has it for a fortnight annually
To act out works of the famous Bard
Attracting many patrons from our town.

We had rain all day too - lawn, plants and shrubs loving it!



JemimaFawr Report 25 Sep 2018 21:56

Nor much to brag about in my town Dorothy- but a famous Rugby Club! :-D
....who did triumph against NZ's mighty All Blacks in 1972! :-D

What fun you must b having in your drama club Dorothy.
As a young child I did some acting and singing, but sadly shy took I away from this as I got big. But I did win a holiday on 1 occasion in a holiday Park from singing :-D

Us hav had sun for sum days in my part of world, but coldish! Hoping it will b warm as TV folk are saying by conclussion of this 7 days. It will b good to b out walking. :-)


DorothyG Report 25 Sep 2018 23:06

Horribly chilly today first thing
Not a good day for annual visiting
To look at that which that comfort
Brings - by warming radiators.

Sorry, I don’t follow Rugby -
Nor any Sport much :-)
I’m now thinking if that’s the Town
That starts with S or mayB a C ?

You must B good at singing to win
An award - a Holiday, What fun!
Your Mum and Dad, so proud of that young girl
Smiling at family and bragging to 1 and all.

Mike *

Mike * Report 14 Oct 2018 17:18

Wind and rain and cold and dark
Months in front of us will b stark.

Just passing through so popping in to say Hi.


DorothyG Report 18 Oct 2018 22:06

And soon Its Christmas and all that brings
Cooking and shopping to buy gifts and things,
- so much to do!

January arriving with frost, chill and snow
But indoors will B all warmth and glow
Snuggling down cosy and warm.

Soon Snowdrops and Daffodils tips start to show
Sun is shining, buds start to grow, and birds with chicks
So Spring is on its way!

Mike *

Mike * Report 26 Oct 2018 18:49

Loving your ditty Dorothy.


JemimaFawr Report 26 Oct 2018 21:39

Hi Pals

Dorothy, Ditto to Myk's saying. V good ditty :-)

~~~~~~~~ Hi Myk, good to c you :-)

Mima's got a much bad cold
And flushing muchly hot
Achoos and coughs not good I'm told
And that's what Mima's got

So withhold your ambit far from I
You won't want to catch this flu
Until many days hav past us by
I'll stay away from you!
:-D :-D

You may lyk this yarn....



JemimaFawr Report 29 Oct 2018 13:18

I just cannot stop consuming my habitat-baking product ... Banana Loaf!:-D
I'm not much of a cook it must b said, but this is my optimum banana loaf production so far!

Just had to divvy up that info with you! ;-) :-D

Mike *

Mike * Report 12 Nov 2018 16:39

Mima I'm with you on banana loaf front.
Baking I can do but not so hot on cooking.
Can do it but find it boring.

Sorry about your flu ..I know how that is. Not good.
Busy with painting just now.
Not pictorial I must add ... but glossing woodwork and such.

Stay warm.

Mike *

Mike * Report 29 Apr 2019 15:35

Pity this looks as though it has cum to a standstill.

My old ( as in long-standing) pals don't visit this post much now.

Just saying I'm thinking of you.


Kathryn Report 11 Jun 2019 19:59

Hi Myk, Mima, how's things with you both? It has bin a long paws hasn't it.
Do stay in touch if you can x