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Thomas William Rhodes

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Julie Report 25 Feb 2009 14:17

Hi Grumpy, its St Martins in England, were in England this is I dont know, the report I have just says St Martins


Grumpy Report 25 Feb 2009 14:30

i still cannot find this marriage perhaps one of the other members can see it?

june 1920 st martins.

as i said before one of the birth certificates from this marriage should confirm it was him and his real age therefore allowing you to choose his birth certificate?


Diddydoris Report 25 Feb 2009 16:26

For ref


Registration County : London.
Created : 1.7.1913 (out of Strand and Westminster districts).
Abolished : 1.10.1933 (succeeded by City of Westminster district)
Sub-districts :St. James & St. Anne; Strand.
GRO volumes : 1a (1913-33).


Julie Report 26 Feb 2009 11:40

Hi everyone, Maybe the 1st marriege is wrong but it still says on the certifacte of marriege to Jessie he was a widower and 31 in 1924 i still dont know if he was born 1893 or 1897, when there is no record of him born 14/02/1893 and all the records point to 1897 with parents that match what i was told, then again what i was told might be wrong.
To everyone thanks for helping me on this but its opened a can of worms and now i dont know what to think, but keep digging if you can someone might get some were. THANKS


Julie Report 24 Apr 2009 11:18

Hi grumpy, found out that Thomas and Christina marraige in St martines is St Martines in Scotland. I now have all Christinas brothers and sisters and mother but not her father, he was not on the cencas. So i have got a little futher but not finding the true age of Thomas is still a puzzle to me.