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Cancer chat line

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ladylol Report 9 Aug 2010 21:39

hello our joy how are you all xxxx


MrDaff Report 9 Aug 2010 21:54

Just a very quick post.... some may know that I have recently had a bit of a blip, and had to have a bonemarrow biopsy. I went today to get the results.

It is not good news, I am afraid.

The biopsy showed that there is a malignancy back in my marrow... the cytogenics aren't back yet, so they can't say for certain which malignancy, whether it is the AML or something similar. Either way, there is more chemo on the way, and almost certainly a stem cell/bonemarrow transplant. With AML it will happen sooner, but there is some breathing space (a few weeks) for the other.

It is very very early, which is why they are not able to determine which way the baby cells are going to develop, as the cytogenetics take longer at this stage. It wouldn't have displayed at all in the blood, it is so brand new. I go back next Tuesday next week to find out. I will see the transplant specialist then, as well, as the chemo is different for the two types.

There is a very very very remote chance that it is something else, but even that will require chemo. Whatever *it* is, it is a malignancy.

As all those at the Newport meet will tell you... I look the picture of perfect good health with an old fashioned farmer's wife's clear complexion and physique, lol

*sighs* back to the drawing board then, lol... but at least I have time to draw my breath this time, and time to go and get some nice new knickers and jim jams. ;¬))

I will beat this, once again. I just needed to let folk know if I suddenly disappear it is cos I am away having my cancer zapped, lol


Daff xxxx


ladylol Report 9 Aug 2010 22:09

Thanks for letting us know daff, of course you will beat your a strong determined lady and i know i can speak for everyone who knows you that we wish you all the love and luck in the world our special friend, have a look in peacocks there doing some lovely cotton knickers very pretty and comfortable, jim jams too lots of love from puss xxxxxxxxxx


Florence61 Report 9 Aug 2010 23:13

have just come on daff and sorry to hear your news. i know you are a fighter and withh all our positive thoughts to help you, im sure you will beat it. will be thinking of you lots. sending big hugs

puss hope all goes well on wed with s dad and i hope the new medication will start working quickly s o you be feeling a lot better than of late.
hugs to you too

love florence

Annie from NZ

Annie from NZ Report 9 Aug 2010 23:20

Daff, so sorry to hear your news. My thoughts will be with you and I will cross everything and pray for you that you will beat this. Hugs to you.

I am, emotionally, feeling a little better. OH has snapped out of his mood, has apologised and is now talking about the cause of his moods. He is stressing and is very worried about our financial situation. It seems to be dominating all of his thoughts. He didn't sleep last night with worry, thats what he told me this morning. I wouldn't have had a clue as I slept right through : ) Still feel as though I have been awake all night though.

I am suffering a bit with bone pain today so have had some codeine and can feel that is starting to work now.

Had a job interview yesterday which I think went ok, just have to wait to hear back from them. I think if I can get away from my current working environment I will be able to rid myself of some of the stress I have been suffering.

I have an appointment on thursday (2.15pm) for a checkup at the hospital. Had a blood test the other week, so it will be to get the results of that. If levels have gone up again could possibly be having bone marrow test.

Am still waiting on the results of my biopsy from the colposcopy clinic. Hopefully will have the results this week.

I am thinking of you all constantly and wish that one day I can meet you all for hugs and a chat : )

Florence, OH cooked dinner for me the last 2 nites, it felt nice to have been spoiled for a change :-) (((((hugs)))))



ladylol Report 10 Aug 2010 07:25

Thankyou florence xxxx

Annie good luck with your results will be thinking off you, and im really pleased oh has been helping you really good to hear xxxxx


Florence61 Report 10 Aug 2010 10:29

annie, so pleased that you oh is being kinder towards you and is at least talking about what is stressing him. that in turn will help you. good luck for you job, fingers crossed
take care florencexx

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 10 Aug 2010 19:36

Daff. isnt it magic that they can do these tests now. A few years ago any test would have been too late. Let us hope that it is not too extreme this time, its time you had some luck in your life. PM me if you want to let off steam about it all.


ladylol Report 11 Aug 2010 02:02

off in the morning with dad for op and confirmation of the weeks of chemo starting xx

Annie from NZ

Annie from NZ Report 12 Aug 2010 07:08

Just got home from hospital. Leukaemia levels have dropped again which is good news. Have got a pain in my right lung since last night that I have to monitor, if it doesn't go away have to go back to hospital for investigation of possible clots on lung.


ladylol Report 13 Aug 2010 10:48

Hi annie good news about your levells hope the pain in lung has stopped and your ok xxxx
dad went to have tube stretched it wasa far to painfull to be done by local aneasthetic so they arranged for him to go in wed he did that , through the operation they called mum and specky ( sadly i was ill in bed) and said the hole in his bladder had started closing around the tube preventing urine passing out causing inflamation and soreness, so they have fitted him with a bag, in 12 days time he will have that removed and go back to a tube and valve, so they have postponed his chemo untill that is done, could anyone tell me by postponing his chemo 3 times since may we are now in august are they convined they will still get the cancer or are they thinking that the cancer cannot be cured so it dont matter, i couldnt ask these questions as i was to ill to go love to everyone xxxxx


Florence61 Report 13 Aug 2010 12:34

hi puss, sorry to hear you were not well yourself, hope you will feel better soon. as for missing the chemo and will it make a difference, im afraid the only person who can tell you would be the oncologist.he would have all the test results, biopsy results etc and can make a prognosis based on these. its not something you can generalize on as each persons chemo treatment is tailored to the you were in bed, are you able to speak to the doctor on the phone or someone from his department to clarify s dads position?
hope they get him sorted soon and back on track with treatment.

take care


ladylol Report 13 Aug 2010 18:42

Thanks florence i spoke to his doctor today as dads tube is leaking but didnt think to ask, we go back on the 25th aug so i will be asking then providing mum and dad agree, they had him down for 31st of aug but that is to far away luckily they changed it but he will be at end of list all these aneasthetics cant be doing him any good either xx
hope your ok florence xxx


ladylol Report 14 Aug 2010 19:46

Hello managed to get hold of consultant and they have brought the date forward till 25th which is better and dad seems more settled, ive just bid on a bungalow for them near us so fingers crossed.
How are you all ? xx


Florence61 Report 14 Aug 2010 20:11

hi puss. thats better and obviously s dad will be happier. are you bidding to buy the bungalow on line or is it at an auction? you must be quite excited, wish you luck. come back and tell us if you get it. that would be lovely for all of you to be near one another and not have to travel miles.
are you feeling better today puss?
take care florencex


ladylol Report 14 Aug 2010 20:17

Hi florence yes feel a lot better thanks, bungalow is the local housing assosiation, you get put in 4 groups priority gold silver and bronze, there in silver, hope they get it its ideal xxx

Annie from NZ

Annie from NZ Report 15 Aug 2010 23:09

Hi Puss,

I hope your parents are able to get that bungalow you bid on. How long will it take before you hear about it? It will be so much easier for you all to be close to each other.

Love Annie


ladylol Report 16 Aug 2010 09:24

Hi annie im hoping i will hear today if not will ring them, it would be so ideal, but i guess who ever gets it it will be ideal for them too fingers crossed xx

Annie from NZ

Annie from NZ Report 16 Aug 2010 20:41

I will be thinking of you and hopefully your parents get the bungalow



ladylol Report 17 Aug 2010 20:49

Thanks should hear next week, it seems now that my mums stepdad who is 90 has bowel cancer , no bleeding just a change in bowel habits and general feeling of being unwell he has been farming up until now but only partime on his old farm now his sons , he stopped eating recently too so i hope they dont let him suffer and leave his dignity intact for the rest of his time very sad xx