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Tonight's Debate:) prompted by a tract delivered

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Sue from Wakefield

Sue from Wakefield Report 20 Nov 2008 14:01

My uncle who has recently died of cancer, lived with severe mental illness for all of his adult life and spent a lot of time in psychiatric hospitals.

He eventually lost so much because of this, his wife, son, job, home...and so much more.

Just days before he died we had a long chat about his life and eventual death. He told me that his life had been a torment and that every day he felt he had to battle through hell...dreading all his tomorrows.

Like myself, he was not a religious person and had no belief in God. However, he found comfort in his belief that once he died he would cease to be and his living hell would be over.

I hope his belief came true for him.



suzian Report 20 Nov 2008 23:25

Interesting what Stella said, ie

"different people... different generations ... transcribe things in many different ways"

My daughter's a historian and she likes the quote

"The past is another country - they see things differently there"


**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 21 Nov 2008 00:12

i like that too Suzian.....