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Birthday Girls Card Making Thread CLOSED

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Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 9 Jan 2010 22:38

Have email Sylvia and she has got back to me. She cannot get on here. been a problem for her for ages. No idea what to advise her to do. She has not been well and is going backwards and forwards to the doctors. They have lots of snow at the moment so she has not managed to get out since before Christmas.
At least we know that she is OK.


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 10 Jan 2010 12:50

Afternoon girls, thanks for the info from Issy, Jo, I'm definately joining in with the atc's, i love em :-)

Could you tell me if we still have the yahoo group? I've lost my login details for it, and wondered if anyone could send me a post from there, it might jog my memory... thanks.

Sorry you have been poorly Sylvia, hope you get better soon (((hugs))) xxxxx
Jill does post on FB, think one her doggies has been poorly tho xx

Anyway, off to start the atc's, keep warm and well everyone xxxxxxxx

Heather xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 11 Jan 2010 11:37

Happy Birthday Silvia hope you have a lovely day and a better year ahead health wise!!


AnninGlos Report 11 Jan 2010 11:59

Happy birthday Sylvia. Sorry you are having pc problems as well as health problems. are you able to use the internet I wonder? Is it just GR? If so are you able to send PMs at all? I am hoping that youa re able to read if not post.

Please forgive me not having sent you a card, we have not been out to the post office, too afraid of slipping. You will receive a belated one I promise.


Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 11 Jan 2010 12:13

Ann, Sylvia replied to my email so hopefully she might be able to read all the birthday messages.


syljo Report 12 Jan 2010 20:42

help where is 2010?
dylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 12 Jan 2010 20:47

Hello Sylvia, is that you at last? Hope you had a good day yesterday. Apologies that my card will be late not able to get out as the roads are so icy and paths not gritted.


syljo Report 12 Jan 2010 21:04

January 12 2010
I think I've found a way of getting into our thread again.
Thank you to all those who sent me birthday wishes, whether it was a card or just a message on the BG thread, it meant you were thinking of me.
I had a quiet but nonetheless happy birthday. My husband spoilt me with breakfast in the sitting room sitting at our coffee table in my nightgown. I had a lovely warm croissant and coffee. No, none of this bacon and eggs for me. it's all too much.My first visitor was my neighbour and her husband and when they went my eldest daughter and her partner came, with all my shopping I had ordered. She bought some lovely pink roses and also a bunch of pink hyacinths. So, my sitting room now looks homely. My grandson popped in before going to Amsterdam to work. I had lots of perfume, shower cream, soaps, drink (liquer).
It was nice to see that several of you had taken my advice and put a piece of bubble paper on your card to protect it. It could have been your own idea of course, but I did advise doing this a few weeks ago. It certainly does help.
My daughter picked up my granddaughter from work and on the way home picked up a chinese meal for us all.
They left here around 8.00 pm and just after they left my youngest daughter and her husband arrived. So on and off I had the whole day visitors,
So we are now with 30 members. Really not too bad a number for a group.
So girls get sewing or cutting for making your Valentine cards or are you too old,like me, for sending Valentine cards?
Keep yourself busy, Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 12 Jan 2010 23:55

Silvia lovely to see that you managed to get back on the site. You sound like you had a very busy day with all your visitors on your birthday, glad to hear that you had a lovely day. I love hyacinths they smell so lovely make you think spring is already here instead of all the snow and freezing fog!!
Do not make valentine cards unless someone specifically asks me to make one, would not send one to hubby, he would wonder what I had been up to!!

Silvia, I was going to use bubble wrap on my Christmas cards but found it put them, for the cards in the UK, into the next postal price charge. We are now charged on size and thickness as well as the weight. Its OK if you are only send a couple but not when sending out lots. Using it on cards being sent abroad makes no difference to the cost, very strange. So for the UK ones I folded them inside out, hope they arrived safe!!

Just making my ATC's trying to get them finished on time.


Jill in France

Jill in France Report 13 Jan 2010 09:25

Good morning to you all from a very icy Maine et Loire
Sorry but last two cards for Carole and Sylvia might be a little late as in a panic rushed out and posted on Friday.
Hope everyone is coping with the bad weather, been watching on the news and it looked bad, we have just had frost and very cold winds plus icy rain during the night.
We didn't have a good start to the year as our 8yr old German Shepherd S'Jenna had a stroke. The vet was very good and opened the surgery for us on the Sunday and gave her injections to help the brain.Each day she has shown some progress and can now walk and feed herself with a little help. She has lost her sight in one eye but the vet says she will adapt and learn to correct her walking as she does tend to go round in circles.
We were due to book a last min trip skiing to Lapland but that has been put on hold as don't want to leave Jenna somewhere she will not remember, we might try later if we think she will be OK and after our lambs are born.
Card classes still going very well and we are in the process of setting up a website for crafting long weekends and short breaks, got lots of ideas ready for that:)
For all of you with Cuttlebugs, look out for the Nellie sets of dies, work well in the CB and lots cheaper than the Nestabilities, have a look at acard4u, the better ones are the single sets of oval ,oblong £7.50 and square and circle at £6.50.The larger piece will cut a lovely aperture from the front of a small card. Please pm if you want any more info on them.

x Jill


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2010 10:12

Good morning Jill I do hope S'Jenna continues to improve. We have had yet more snow this morning albeit not as much as some.

Hope the craft weekends etc take off for you.

My OH bought me the nestabilities circles for Christmas, I haven't heard of the others though so might be interested in ovals. Haven't used the nestabilities yet as I have got caught up with other things.

Good to see you back on here anyway.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 13 Jan 2010 10:32

Sorry to hear about S'Jenna, Jill, I am sure she will continue to improve and get used to only having site in one eye.

Well it snowed here all through the night on top of the frozen snow at least before you could see where it was very slippy now it is covered in snow it is lethal out there on the pavements even with my walking boots on, the dog is going to have to wait for his walk we only got about 500 yds and I turned round and came back, looked like a snowman! Went out to feed the birds but there does not seem to be as many around as there normally is.
Still at least I can spend the day crafting.

Jill was watching Create & Craft yesterday and they had magnetic nestabilities that I had not seen before they looked interesting. Will go and have a look at the ones you suggested as they are so much cheaper than the others.

Keep warm and safe everyone.

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 13 Jan 2010 11:04

Ann, when you use the nestabilites, try putting a thin bit of card between the C and B plate to give a clean cut. I also do the same with the Nellies as C and B not always enough to give a clean cut

xx Jill


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2010 12:37

Thanks for that Jill I will try and remember that.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 13 Jan 2010 21:20




syljo Report 18 Jan 2010 21:47

Hallo everybody,
Well, is Spring just around the corner or not. Most of our snow has disappeared over night so I think I will get out this week.
I was going to Eindhoven today with Johan to our daughter's partner's birthday but my face looks so awful i couldn't face seeing lots of strange faces - and them all looking at me. I have anti-bacterial tablets for yet another lot of urine bacteria and these tablets have made my mouth sore, swollen lips and large red patches on either side of my mouth. I now have yet another tablet to help this allergy.It is painful trying to open my mouth to eat.
I did manage to catch up on some paperwork today. I had had some letters - mostly bank papers - which needed filing away.
On Saturday last I made a huge pan of Dutch pea soup and have frozen 10 portions in. When I am cooking or making cards it takes my mind off my aches and pains.
See you all tomorrow. Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 18 Jan 2010 22:13

Sylvia this thread is closed. I will copy your post onto the new 2010 thread.



HeatherinLeicestershire Report 18 Feb 2010 12:53

Sorry for bumping this thread up, but I can't find the new one.
Can someone 'nudge' it for me please............ been offline for a while, but fingers crossed, back on now & catching up :)

Heather x