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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 6 Aug 2009 20:38

Hi Everyone,

Well our visitors have gone home--it's all vey quiet again with just the two of us. I think we women talked for the whole of Britain-- certainly for more than one of our home countries. It was lovely seeing them, they even brought the nice weather with them.

Marilyn, I'm so pleased to hear your good news from the hospital. Hope you have had your new hearing aid, and that you are finding it okay.
The weather was lovely here today up until about four o'clock, now it's raining. At the moment it's a bit humid, hope we are not going to have a thunderstorm.

Huia, it's so annoying when you can't get off to sleep no matter how tired you are. I hope you have now managed to get some. I get times when I have trouble sleeping, like you said, as soon as my head touches my pillow, it's as though someone has switched my brain back on.

Jean, it sounds as though you and J had a nice day out. I love having a picnic, I always think that the food tastes nicer than eating at home. Shame you can't book up in your favourite place for your holiday. Hope you can book somewhere soon.

Mo, I've been thinking about your granddaughter, I was wondering when she is due to get her results--it can't be too long now. I'll be thinking about her and hoping the results will be fine.
Jennie went to the hospital yesterday, her white blood cell count is back up to normal, so it's a question of trial and error with finding the right dosage of the tablets she still has to take, along with her new medication.

Marie, I hope you have managed to get some more sleep. Hope your grandchildren are now much better. Take care!

Sue, we haven't heard from you for a while, I hope everything is alright with you and your family.

Debbie, hope you are all having a good holiday, and that the weather is nice.

Grace, hope all is well with you, and are still enjoying your holiday.

Well, I'm going to watch New Tricks, so going to make a cuppa before it starts.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Best wishes to you all.



Huia Report 6 Aug 2009 21:00

~~~~to all.

I am feeling a bit brighter this morning, had about 9 hours sleep last night having taken a whole sleeping pill and gone to bed early. I was woken 2 or 3 times in the night but managed to get back to sleep. I am wondering if I might have a touch of the flu. Yesterday afternoon I was sweating and had to take off my jersey, sat in a short sleeved top feeling hot and it isnt summer and we didnt have the fire going. I will make sure I drink lots of water today and I wont overdo the naughty word. (Good excuse).


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Aug 2009 21:14

Thank you for the e.mail Jean,you are a true diamond.
Well,my goodness me Sallie. Did you get writers cramp printing all your news. lol
Mind you it is so lovely to hear you had such a nice time,with your friends.
It's true that your friends bought the good weather with them. BUT,could they not have cooled it down a little bit. It's been so unbearably hot here.
I thought I was going to pass out,on my way back from town. There was no shade anywhere. I was really glad to get back home,and to strip down
to my shorts.
Theres no way I would wear them up in town. I would be to embarassed
that people would be looking at me.
I am a terrible people watcher. And some of the sights I see,are unbelievable. Does anyone else do that?
Well girls,I will say night night to you all.
~~~~~~~~~~to Marilyn,Marie,Huia,Sue,Debbie.xxxxxx to Jean xxxxxx


Zack Report 7 Aug 2009 14:01

Hi All, this has to be quick.
Huia did you get the pics I sent and were tkey tagedwith the names? like you I havent had much sleep Barbara had to take Emily to the hospital at 2 am thursday morning She has croup and stryder and last night I looked after her so Barb could get some sleep, she coughed most of the night poor little dear I had her in bed with me, she seems to be a little better to-day.

Marilyn I am pleased all is well with you.

Mo it is very cold here to-day really high winds, I thought I was going to lose the washing off the line.
I am so looking forward to my short holiday out in western NSW.
I hope every one is well ,goodnight to you all Love Marie from OZ


JustJean Report 7 Aug 2009 14:04

Huia, thanks for the photos they are fantastic, I was aware that you had beautiful scenery, so to see them is great, do you have a photo of yourself for my memory book, I will be able to add the ones you have sent too.
if you have any more photos I would love them , take care hope, you are able to get some rest Jean xx


Sallie Report 7 Aug 2009 16:17

Hi All,

Marie, I'm sorry that Emily is poorly. Hope she will soon be better.

Mo, Jennie always tells me that I write essays to you all. I've either got a lot to say, or not very much. It was raining this morning, but it's nice and bright now--although a bit too warm for me. I've been to Derby with Jennie today, we weren't there too long, but got what we went for.

Jean, I've still got to try to find a photo of myself for you. After we've had our dinner I'll have a look for one and send it to you. How are you doing with your scrap pages? I'm hoping to do some more later on, if I can get a bit of peace.

Hope everyone else is alright.

Speak soon.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 7 Aug 2009 16:43

Hi, Sallie, I cant stop I have done a lot of new pages, I am doing an 8x8 book at the moment of lots of bits and pieces, I have sorted all my phots out took nearly two days , I have always taken lots, so now I am doing some of the places we have visited ,nice to remember them, they go back along way, I have put all the scrap pages that have been sent to me in a file seperate from my photos, so I can go back and look......if you can bear to look at any more of mine I will send some through.....

Marie, I do pray that Emily is improving daily you take care too....

love to all Jean xx


Sallie Report 7 Aug 2009 16:49

Jean, I would love to see some more of your pages, when you have time to send them. Thank you!
Love , Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Aug 2009 16:51

Oh dear who deleted I wonder?
Hello dear cyber friends,how are we all today.
Welcome to a dull and overcast Kent. No rain today thank the lord,but miserable all the same.
Marie,so sorry to hear about your grandaughter. Croup can be so distressing for children. My eldest son used to get it on a regular basis. We were told to hang damp washing in the room he was in,to create moisture in the air,and to raise his bed up on books,at one end so that the mucus would not lay on his chest.
I am afraid,I have no idea what stryder is.
Enjoy your holiday,and see you when you get back. Take care of yourself.
Hey Sallie,I want a photo as well,and I dare say Marilyn would like one as
I am the same as you,with my script,I get a bit carried away sometimes.
What comes into my brain,seems to end up on here.
Glad you had a nice trip into Derby.
Hi Marilyn. How are you getting on with the new hearing aid?
How's your day been. I bet you have been busy washing,and cleaning again. Oooops sorry did not mean to use the swear word, H--s-w--k.
I wonder what has happened to Grace and Sue lately,we haven't heard from them for a while. Come on girls where are you,come back to us we miss you.
Hello Huia,hows you honey. Getting some rest I hope.
Jean Jeanie my lovely lady. How are you both today.?. I bet you have not had a picnic today have you. Have you had rain today?
What about your holiday? have you managed to get booked in anywhere yet. Give my love to J,and your daughter.
I am going to prepare the dinner now. Corned Beef Salad today,I can't be bothered to cook. Besides,apart from the meat,it's healthy.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 7 Aug 2009 17:29

4.25am. What am I doing here? OH went to the loo without turning on his bedside light at 2.10 and when he came back he tried to climb in across the foot of the bed. Now I cant get back to sleep so decided after tossing and turning to get up and see how you all are at this silly (for me) hour.

Yes, Marie, I got your pics. I just forget to reply sometimes. I have a lot on my mind - that is why I cant get back to sleep, thinking of this that and the other and songs going through my head and getting frustrated when I cant remember one of the words.

Better get back to bed soon or it will be time to get up.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Aug 2009 17:37

Oh Huia,I hope you can get back to sleep.
Tommorrow night strap a bottle to your OH and tie him to the bed. lol That way he wont disturb you. I am only joking with you though. Night Night love,sleep tight. Moxxx


GRMarilyn Report 7 Aug 2009 18:10

hi Everyone,

Funny about the deleted ones wonder who's they were ?

Well Mo I am delighted with my hearing aid , but its not good for answering the phone as the speaker is at the back of my head , well not exactly at the back, but further away from where my old hearing aid was,
But How lucky am I ?.......I have got my name down for an even better one in 6 weeks time....It s a state of the ark !! You can even put plug in an IPOD not that I walk around with one ,but I do like to listen to music when I'm traveling.

Now that's enough of me,hows everyone else.

Jean I bet looking at all those photos are bringing back so many memories ..!
Got granddaughter today and I have just been shopping and my bill was £8 more ....!!

Got to get our tea now...I have washed my winter duvet and its dry I'm so pleasd.

Bye for now .
Marilyn x


Huia Report 7 Aug 2009 18:53

OH decided just after 5a.m. (6p.m. your time) to get up and make a cuppa so I have given up the struggle, have had a cuppa and my breakfast and replied to an email from my 'new' American relative. Tonight I will take a sleeping tab, otherwise I wont be fit to drive OH up to go hiking with his girlfriends on Sunday morning.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Aug 2009 19:08

Marilyn you are so lucky to be able,to get your winter duvet into your washing machine. I tried it once,cor what a joke,I fought with it for ages,and the darned thing won. I conceded that I had lost,and iv'e taken it to the dry cleaners ever since.
Was the extra £8 spent on your grandaughter. I know when any of my gang come with me,I always seem to spend more. It's nan can we try this,
or can we try that. Still they are not young for long are they bless them.


JustJean Report 7 Aug 2009 19:49

big wave to huia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for the photo of you
and your its great, I will send you one of me and J so you wil have to let me know if it arrives.I havent had any luck trying to send to Marie....

can I ask Marilyn if your hearing aid is on the Nhs...

lo, Mo.....xxxx

ove Jean xx


JustJean Report 7 Aug 2009 20:04

Huia, so sorry I had the same trouble as with Marie so will have to think of something else,will let you know if there is another way...

Jean x


GRMarilyn Report 7 Aug 2009 21:02


MO I never wash my duvet in the washing machine ,its too big a KING size.
I put it in the bath !! Stamp on it ,let it soak, then pull the plug and rinse.
The hardest part is after it run out of water ( this is where hubby comes in handy ) WE put it in a huge black bin liner and chuck it out of the bathroom window onto the patio outside.

Then its a laugh trying to put it on the rotary line, mind we get soaked ! LOL
But I would rather do it this way as I like the smell of clean soap powder & Softener, rather than dry cleaning.
Got another one to do another time !!..............
Yes it is a NHS hearing aid.......the private ones I have bought,but are not as good as the NHS ones ..xx


Huia Report 7 Aug 2009 21:19

Jean, I have just sent an email suggesting that the trouble might be with your server. I know another server which will not send to/receive from my regular email addy. Luckily I have another which I have sent to you now.



Huia Report 7 Aug 2009 21:23

I am wondering, dont you have separate covers for your duvets, ladies? I have duvets with removable covers, so they are no trouble to wash and dry. I have to say that when we married we were given a large candlewick bedspread. I tried to wash it in the old agitator washing machine. It filled the machine, and I could not get it through the wringer. Never again. I just made sure my OH didnt sit on it in his dirty work clothes or pull it up over his face at night. It was a white one which didnt help!



JustJean Report 7 Aug 2009 21:31

Huia, I haave tried again.fingers x

Jean x