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Almost Pen Pals. Used to be Daily Diary.

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SpanishEyes Report 12 Aug 2010 07:57

Mary in Spain
If you visit peniscola again you must let me know and we could perhaps meet up, or you could even come to my house and look across the bay etc.
So pleased that you enjoyed your visit



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 12 Aug 2010 18:44

Hi everyone, feeling a bit better today and managed to get up the road to the chemist to get some Gaviscon (Yuk). I hadn't been out since Friday and have had horrible "tummy troubles" since Sunday.

Sorry to hear about your fall Ann, hope that you are okay now and that you are able to "rescue" all the clothing that you baptised in wine.

Thanks for bringing my attention to Jeans Thread, I am prettty sure that I used to post on Jean's original Introduction thread, so have just left a message on there.

Need to go and sit down. Will be back tomorrow,

P.S. Thanks for all your good wishes ladies.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 13 Aug 2010 23:50

Hope that everyone is ok. This thread has been going for over a year now, (sorry if this has already been mentioned and I messed it).

So a belated happy first birthday to BBs Daily Diary.

My football team got promoted to the English premier Division. The first Premier matches of the season start this week-end, so I will be cheering them on for the rest of the season.

I wonder if The World Cup will cause an increase in attendance at matches. The trouble is, it is very expensive to get in.
I used to love going to the away matches too, in my teens. A social as well as a sporting event. A great way to meet people with a shared interest, from other parts of the country.


SpanishEyes Report 14 Aug 2010 07:10

Oh My goodness, now I really should have realised that it was the first birthday of this thread, as the person who started this I want to say a very big THANK YOU to each and every one who has helped to keep this going. A specuial thank you to those few people who kept it live when I was unable to do so.
Well year two "here we are again".
Bridget the Fidget, you must now be our archivist, !!!

My football team is West Ham United, whispering "they were awful last year they must be better this year". My husband , sister and brother-in-law are going to the match next weekend, so please keep you fingers cross that they do well.
Congrtaulations as well on your team being promoted I shall keep my ears open if you tell us who your team is!

Just had the thought that we should now all try to write a small piece on:
1. My Favourite sport
2. My favourite sports person
3. My favourite spotrs memory.

I wonder who will write the first piece.

I tried to look at the metiorites last night but no luck did anyone see them. It only happens every 133 years so who knows if you did see them and add it in a little story about yourself on your tree one of your descendents may make a note of their ancester seeing it in 2010!!
OH and his yiougest son (30) this week, have gone away for a week to Skegness....I have never been there so hope they have some good weather and lots of fun. they are both very competitive so I am glad that i will not be there when the play tennis, snooker, swim etc but they will say " it is only banter" but soentimes it seems more than that...not sure what the weather is like up there but guess that there will be plenty to do..

Well time for another coffee so bye bye everyone, I shall be back latter today.
Take care



SpanishEyes Report 14 Aug 2010 07:15

Ann, Where do we find the Just jean thread
Hope you are a little less sore now


Valerie Report 14 Aug 2010 07:24

Glad that you are feeling better Tess, I must say Yuk to Gaviscon too!! I used to take it but now take Altosec capsules one daily and what a difference, I simply can't be without them.

Hard to believe that this thread has been going for a year - my how time flies when one is having fun!!

May I ask who is your football team? I don't know much about the game and never watch the SA matches on TV, but have watched the English football on TV at times especially when Man. United play. My daughter for some strange reason supports Accrington Stanley and when she mentions this everyone says WHO?? She even got friends from London to bring her an anorak and a scarf over!

I was really lazy this morning and only got up at 7 a.m. I don't often get up that late, I am usually up around 5.30 a.m. It seems as if to-day will be quite a nice day.

Hope you have recovered after your fall Ann , a fall like that is a shock.

Take care.

Val in SA.,


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 14 Aug 2010 13:06

My football team is West Bromwich Albion. Nowadays I am only an armchair supporter.
However once I left school aand started work (1965) I had some money of my own and started spending (some) of it going to football.
The first "proper league" game I saw them play was the first game of the season in 1965.
We played West Ham (at home) and one of our players, Tony Brown, scored the first goal of the season, 90 seconds after kick-off!
That season I was a Cadet Nurse at a large local hospital (take home play three pounds thirteen and tenpence). Had to work some weekends, but went to every game I could, (home and away) and never saw them loose!
We won The League Cup that year, which in those days was not played at Wembley, but was a two-legged affair, (one game being plated at each ground) the other finalists were .... West Ham, if your husband was a follower in those days (1965-66 season), he might have been at those very same matches.

Albion play their home matches at The Hawthorns which is the highest ground in the English Football League. Somehow, perhaps because it is in a built up area, in an industrial setting, it doesn't give that impression. No sign of rolling green hills here - how different it must have been before the Industrial Revolution


AnninGlos Report 14 Aug 2010 22:05

sorry Bridget, the Just Jean thread is on gen. Usually somewhere in the first two pages.

and I am still very sore, these things take a lot longer to heal when you are older. The bruises are very 'pretty', I think I also twisted my middle too as I fell as the muscles in my side hurt when I bend over.
I suppose (hope) it will all go eventually.


SpanishEyes Report 14 Aug 2010 23:02

Ann, I am so sorry to hear that you are still in some considerable amount of pain. Have you been seen by your GP or at the local hospital? You may need an xray just in case you have done more damage than you thought.

I hope that you get some sleep tonight.



SpanishEyes Report 15 Aug 2010 21:45

Well good evening everyone and I hope that you all had a happy and pleasant day.

I was full of good intent this morning, was not needed at work so just phoned in to make sure that all was well and it was.
Intended to Autumn clean the flat.......well it is half done but that is all. i kept peeking on various threads and posting on some of them. OH and stepsone telephoned and they were full of high spirits despite West Ham United loosing the first match of the seasonn. then younger sister phone, "just a quick call" she said, 50 minutes latter i suggested we speak again during the week!

Decided I need something nice to eat before I started, ham sandwich in lovely wholemeal, bread so rather greedily had some more...well musn't waste food. 2 yougurts, well they will be out of date by tuesday. did some work and then had to have a cuppa but milk had gone off so had some nice Lemon flavoured water from T...o which was delicious and finally put washing on two lots of bedding , dried and ironed same, back on computer posted a message and in 30 minutes someone sent me a copy of a birth cert and a copy of the marriage Cert, so quite a day.
Must have another day off. !!!
Oh yes also collected 3 black bags of unwanted clothes, paper work duplicated, etc...
Just the irioing to finish now.

Good night every one sleep well and God bless



AnninGlos Report 15 Aug 2010 22:16

No, haven't been to the docs Bridget. It is, I am sure just a muscle sprain, I pull muscles easily. But I will keep an eye on it in case it gets worse. About 15 years ago I sprained my ankle, it took 6 months before it was completely healed so i don't hold out much hope for a quick recovery.


SpanishEyes Report 15 Aug 2010 22:33

My favourite Sports Person.

I admit that I did not write this but felt it caught why Bobby is my favourite.

“Of the hundreds of defenders who played against me during my career I pick Bobby Moore as the greatest of them all.”

Praise indeed when you consider the speaker is Pelé, who famously swapped shirts with the skipper after holders England were beaten by soon-to-be winners Brazil in the 1970 World Cup.

.Moore was the complete defender.

Strong in the air, clinical in the tackle, his distribution was impeccable. He was no sprinter but his ability to read the game meant that he was rarely caught out for pace.

And he was so even-tempered that he rarely flapped or got booked (Pelé, again, called him the fairest defender he had ever played against) He had won 17 caps when he became England’s youngest captain at the age of 22 against Czechoslovakia in May 1963.

Moore would equal Billy Wright’s record of leading his country 90 times in an international career whose pinnacle was lifting the Jules Rimet trophy in 1966 (he was also voted the Player of Players in that World Cup).

Moore was more than just a footballer. He was a national icon, as much a symbol – in the 1960s – of his changing country as The Beatles.

Fittingly, it was his 40-yard pass that found Hurst for England’s fourth goal at Wembley on 30 July 1966.
Age 51 (deceased)
Date of birth Saturday 12 April 1941
Place of birth Barking

All time match stats
England Senior Team(108)Played 108
Won 67
Drawn 23
Lost 18
Goals 2
Bookings 0
Dismissals 0
First match v Peru, 20/05/1962
Last match v Italy , 14/11/1973

For those who do not like football I will write about someone else during the week but wanted people to start thinking about writing again
Night night



Valerie Report 16 Aug 2010 08:36


Do hope you are feeling a little better this morning Ann.
Sorry to read in the paper this morning that your teams lost their matches Tess and Bridget.

My favourite sports person was Hansie Cronje, the former SA cricket captain. He was a gentlemman on and off the field. He was a competent bowler and batsman and it was always a pleasure to watch him play. He became captain at the age of 24 and was the youngest person to captain SA. He was a great tactician and led SA to much success..

He was a devout Christian. so it came as a great shock when he confessed mhis involvement in accepting bribes. He was banned from international cricket for life after his admission of guilt in accepting b ribes from bookmakers. I admired him for coming forward and making this admission. I think he showed more integrity than those cricketers who, although they had done the same thing, did not own up but went into hiding. He was the only player who came forward and then accepted the consequences of his actions. At the time I thought , as did many others, that he took the fall for all those involved and I still believe that to-day. I also feel that he was abandoned by the international cricket world, so-called friends and also by the SA Cricket Board who I thought should have supported him but instead they chose not to.
He died tragically in an aeroplane crash in 2002.

I must be off to hang up the washing, not sure it will dry as it is cloudy here to-day.

Take care.

Val. in SA.


SpanishEyes Report 17 Aug 2010 19:21

Hello Val,
As soon as I read the name Hansie Cronje I could picture him and recalled his decision to confess what he had done. So sad that his fellow cricketers were not brave enough to do the same.
I had forgotten his untimely death, although it is said that only the good die young........

Another subject, the weather is rather miserable here with partial sun during small parts of the day and then clods and rain. Right now as I sit by the window I can hardly see the house across the way and the sky is grey athe rain is falling and it is August, surely the summer isn't over?
At work we have the summer fete on Saturday and whilst we have good marques it will not be conducive to people coming to join in the fun etc if it is raining and cold!

Any ideas of what we should be writing about in the next week?

The only thought I have had is
Why I like ........with a word limit of 750 words. What do you think?

Well I am going to have my supper now and then finish tidying the wardrobes and then clean the bathroom.OH it keeps everything tidy whilst I am working BUT he does miss things such as dust on the skiirting boards the back legs of furniture etc..
Have a good evening everyone



SpanishEyes Report 17 Aug 2010 19:32

I have sent you a personal message about West Ham, and have just learnt that my husbands family tree may have one of the founders of west ham United football I really must chase that info.



Valerie Report 18 Aug 2010 10:04

Hello All,

I have just finished defrosting my deep freeze, a job I have been putting off for too long, anyway it's done now and as usual I'm pleased with the result. I should, of course, do it more frequently and then it wouldn't be such a big job.

Jimmy tried his hand at making Turkish Delight, but it turned out, to quote him "more like Turkish Nightmare". It was so difficult to cut, very "stretchy" like cooked cheese
on the inside and the outside was rather crunchy. We had a good laugh and he is determined to have another try. He wasn't put off and ate it.

Your topic sounds fine to me Bridget, but I must admit I'm not much good at writing, will give it some thought though and see if I can manage something.

Hope you have good weather for your Fete on Saturday and that all goes off well.


Val in SA.


SpanishEyes Report 19 Aug 2010 04:48

Oh I do find that when I defrost the freezer I always find items that have forgotten or I thought were a good idea at the time. Well done to you.

I have never made Turkish delight but do enjoy eating it so if you find a recipe that works I just may give it a try.
Thanks for your message about the fete, the forecast is not looking to promising but we do have some marques so that will help and of course never forget the good old English Spirit.

Other than this short piece there is not much news today but I will be back on here this afternoon/evening so hopefully we will have some more contacts.
Well time to do another round so bye for now Val in SA
from Bridget in UK (for another few months)


Valerie Report 19 Aug 2010 10:21

That delete was me, a senior moment I hit the wrong button!

We had a few drops of rain during the night, good for the garden. The sun is shining now and there is a breeze blowing so there will be no more raindrops.

It's strike time over here - civil service, hospital staff, motor industry, teachers and probably some I don't even know about. I realise people have the right to strike but they intimidate those who don't want to take part in the strike as has happened at some hospitals where nurses wanted to work. The nurses amaze me, they just leave the poor patients with no care, no food , medicines or treatment.

I must be in out-of-season spring cleaning mode as this mornin g I started on the kitchen cupboards.

I will leave you for now.



SpanishEyes Report 20 Aug 2010 22:31

well no postings today and I have only had time to pop in now. Busy busy day preparing for the Fete to morrow. I hope it goes well, the Marques look nice and sturdy with side panels as well, and plenty of seeting, The stalls are ready to be put into place, the raffles have been put in various groups, the dancers are coming, the violinists are coming the belly dancers, the ballet and modern dance groups are coming, the food is all home made etc etc so please Lord let iit be dry and possible even sunny.

I wil let you know how it goes.

Best wishes



Valerie Report 21 Aug 2010 07:53

Good luck for to-day Bridget I hope you have lovely weather, the entertainment sounds good, belly dancers fascinate me.
