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Almost Pen Pals. Used to be Daily Diary.

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SpanishEyes Report 7 Oct 2010 19:39

Good evening eveyone,
I finally went to see a doctor today, what a lot of paperwork one has to complete. I expalined that I had hurt my back recently giving full details of how it had happened and it seems that is is nothing to serious. I need to rest more, by that he meant that I have to lay doen on a flat hardish surface. I have had major back since I was about20 and a patient caused me to be in hospital for 4 months on traction and all sorts of paraphenalia have generally been fairly carful.
Then came the surprise,,,I may have type two diabetes, now if this is so I am going to have to be very carefiul so if anyone has this please tell me how you manage? We love entertaining and eating out etc and I thoroughly enjoy cooking. OK i hear you say "Bridget is a nurse so why doesn't she know what to do?" Well the answer is" I didn't need to"
Well that is enoough about me, How are you all, what are you doing, what can you see from where you are?
How about telling us all about a precious moment in your life, or what is happening in your part of the world.

Bye for now



SpanishEyes Report 8 Oct 2010 21:15



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 8 Oct 2010 22:37

Very tired day today and will have a busy one tomorrow.
Will try to be back on Sunday for a chat.



SpanishEyes Report 9 Oct 2010 08:31

Here in Hastings it is damp, grey and cold and we were promised, sunshine and is it the forecasters that are getting it wrong or .............

Today I feel so much better than I have for the last few months and I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone on here who has read and tolerated all my worries, and concerns .
I feel at peace with myself again and tyhat means a great deal to me. I will be back on here sometime later today and will try to write about something that I hope you will all enjoy.

Maybe I will even nudge a few people who used to write on here but have drifted away..

Bye for now and enjoy today


Valerie Report 9 Oct 2010 10:52

Good morning,

It is good to hear that you are feeling better Bridget, and I hope Tess is also feeling a bit better to-day. I am afraid I have no experience of Diabetes at all, like you "I didn't need to know".

The Weavers are back and I can hear them twittering away in the tree outside, such a lovely sound. I just hope the neigbours cats don't catch any of them.

The builders were on the job bright and early this morning, 6.30 a.m. to be precise fortunately I was up! Our garden is looking a lot better now although everything needs water. We were without water from sometime yesterday afternoon until 10.30 p.m. - the result of a burst water pipe just around the corner from us, we certainly take things for granted. We had to flush the pipes as when the water came on again it was very dirty, but we watered the fruit trees, something we haven't been able to do. I spoke to the Municipal Official in charge of the Water Department to explain that if we used more than our quota this month they were not to charge us as it was not our fault.

I think the National Health Scheme envisaged by our Government is going to mean taxpayers will have to dig deeper into their pockets. I haven't yet figured out what this will mean for those of us who are members of Medical Aids. Apparently everyone will have to contribute.

That all or now, have a lovely weeken and take care of yourselves.



SpanishEyes Report 9 Oct 2010 12:46

I promised to write some motre abou Peniscola and it was agreed that something I would write about how we celebrate Christmas in Peniscola.

So here is my attempt!


The first thing to know is that it is certainly different than Christmas in UK, and as far as I am aware in America.
When we were still living in the UK we used to discuss just how commercialised Christmas had become with children of all ages seemingly wanting more and more expensive gifts, each family trying to out do the each other and parents becoming ever more fraught. So what did we do? We put a limit on the amount of money we were going to spend for each grandchild, and only token gifts to anyone more than 18...well that is the coming of age in the UK !
We were somewhat taken aback when all the adults, that is anyone over 18 expressed their relief as well and suddenly the real meaning of Christmas came back into our lives.
Now you may be wondrering what has thIs got to do with Spain?

We arrived in Spain in late October 2003 and went to Peniscola on the advice of a cousin of mine who lives in Madrid, he thought that we may like the simplicity of the village/town. How right he was. The first few weeks we lived in an Hotel and during that time we found and bought our beautiful house. We moved in on the 11th of December and our furniture arrived on the 17th just in time for Christmas!
So what did we discover about Christmas.?

The first thing was that there is relativley little commercialism, the Spanish still respect the religous aspect and the family all get together, it is not unusual to have three and sometimes four generations all staying together.
The first sign of Christmas is the El Gordo in English The fat One! when on the 21st of December the biggest lottery in the world is drawn and children sing out the winning number of the tickets and it goes on all day, every home, bar , restaurant, house the announcements blaring out. (Strangly enough it is also has one of the best odds of winning a prize and when I ggogled it this morning just to be accurate it is estimated to have a 1 in 6.5 chance of winning one of the prizes!)

After this event the street lights come on, and they are not gaudy! Christmas trees suddenly arrive and are everywhere as are some wonderful pointsettiers, from bars and gardens to streets and avenues, in the parks and high above shops.

Belens or Nativity Scenes as we call them in the UK. appear everywhere all with the Three wise men, Mary, Joseph and of course baby Jesus, I had brought mine with me as I couldn't bare to throw it away and we still use it now.
Nochebuene or Christmas Eve is is the most important day of the year for the family to be together. families get together and have their main meal in the evening after they have promenaded along the sea front, met their friend in bars, and then they go home and have their Christmas Dinner. Different parts of Spain have a differnt tradition as what is the meat/fish they have for that meal.

For example in Southeren Spain they eat Pork and the reason for this is again historical becausewhe the people from North Africa came into Spain they could be detected as Muslims by not eating Pork! In Peniscola we eat Turkey and in northern Spain they eat Lamb. The starter is usullay fish or seafood and the desert normally Turron is served, this is made from sweetend almonds. Of course the wine flows and Cava is the most common drink which is referred to as Spanish Champagne. but after the toast for Christmas many bottles of wine are drunk and it isnot uncomme=on to ive the children a small amount of wine topped with water or lemonade.

Part two to follw this afternoon as I need to make some lunch!! it is all this talk about food!


SpanishEyes Report 9 Oct 2010 14:09

OH NO! I thought that I had pressed Addbut didn't. not sure what I did but it isn't here so will write again soon
Sob Sob


SpanishEyes Report 9 Oct 2010 15:21

Hello to you all.
I have just trawled through all the pages from one to number 30 and they are all still very interesting, I shall look at the others tomorrow.
On the September 2009 there are three dates 4th, fifth, and 7th where I have written descriptions re Peniscola or places of interest in Peniscola.
I was also amazed at the number of people who are still in touch and I want to simply say thank you to each and everyone of you. I am looking forward to writing more about my daily life and surroundings and now I know just when I finish work I am feeling great again!
There are also some people who seem to have fallen off the thread and I wonder how they all are.
In case any of you are in contact here are the names of those people so maybe just maybe they will come back.

King Keith I know that you have posted a few messages recently but "did you ever start writing your book"?

Catchthecat. Where are you and what are you up to?

Jenxx, Mummo and Nundah how are you all?

Tree Hunter how is that baby you so proudly told us about and who was 9 weeks old when you wrote on here in august 2009.

Val. A very special thank you for you have remained in contact with me from the beginnig and a similar thank you from me to everyone who has been involved in this thread. We are now on page 50, can we try for pages 60 and then 70...of course we can and I am confident that we will have smiles, sadness, celebrations and the delight of learning about each other. so my aim now is NOT to talk aout my work any more well I might when we get into january because I shall be preparing to go home, but not a word more til then. I am going backe to my original purpose to talk in wriyting to people across the uk and further.
Onwards we go, well we will if you all stay with me for the Journey!


SpanishEyes Report 9 Oct 2010 18:27

I have just worked out that there are 119 days before I finish work, so if I take out weekends and my 12 days holiday that can't be to bad really can it!
I think that I will do a daily count down or would that drive you all mad??


SpanishEyes Report 10 Oct 2010 07:50



MaryinSpain Report 10 Oct 2010 10:41

Only 118 days left Bridget - the time will soon go.

Blustry here today and heavy ain forcasted for next 2 days - and guess whose water heater has broken !! Yes, ours and it is housed in a cupboard on the roof terrace - got someone coming to look at it tomorrow but not expecting to get it sorted until the weather is dry. Although I did say to hubby he could hold an umbrella up so workman would be dry !!! haha

Oh well next door neighbour is away until end of month so I sent her a text and she said we could use her shower - so I will be feeding the cats and then popping in the bathroom for a shower and hair wash.

Take care all

Love Mary xx


SpanishEyes Report 10 Oct 2010 22:43

I am back to work in just over an hour as the night shifthas proved to be buit of a problem so I am left to do the second half. This is why I am adding a little note now as tomorrow morning I shall, hopefully be asleep.
Had a nice long chat with OH a while ago and he has been telling me all that has happened whilst we were away. He is delighted that I shall be home forthe new year and insists that we go out to the local English/Spanish bar to celebrates as he doesn't want me working all the time I am there,Also of course it will help the couple who run the bar who also looked after our house.
When I get back home tomorrow morning it will only be 117 days left before I go home for good!!

God bless and sleep tight if you are in the same hemisphere if not then I guess it must be Good Morning!


SpanishEyes Report 11 Oct 2010 14:13



SpanishEyes Report 11 Oct 2010 19:56

My night shift went well and most of the residents slept all night and lo and behiold I did nt stay and work through the day as even I can learn something. Bye 10am I was in bed and fell asleep quite quickly and only woke when the telephone rang and it was OH from Spain...

He is being so good at keepingin touch with me twice a day and it os amazing what a difference it makes.

We are looking forward to new year when I shall be home for two weeks....

Has anyone read about Peniscola yet only I cannot see any point in writing any other tales or descriptions if they are not really interesting anyone.

I am finding it very strange to buy food and cook for just one person day after day..and eating alone does not seem easy,any tips.

The weather today has been beautiful with warm sunshine and no wind I am not sure how long it is expected to last but hope it is for at least a week or so.

Another thoght does anyone else celebrate Halloween? what do you do> we are thinking of haveing a halloween party at the of course the residents permit it!!!!

Perhaps some of you will have special memeories or even some recipies.

I do hope that someone replies on here soon.


SpanishEyes Report 11 Oct 2010 19:58

I keep forgetting to ask you, How is your husband these days"


Valerie Report 12 Oct 2010 09:43

Good morning,

Oh, Bridget do continue writing I for one really enjoy what you write. It is good to know that you will be home for New Year, a wonderful two weeks!

Apart from a back problem from an old rugby injury which he just has to live with, to quote the doctor "an old b******ed back", Jimmy is well and his knee after the surgery is fine. Thanks for asking.

We don't celebrate Halloween here, although there might be the odd one who does.

Nothing new about our weather to-day - wind!! Such strong winds at this time of the year is not usual.

Tess, I do hope you are feeling better.

We have a pet sensor for our burglar alarm in the garage as the cat spends the night in the garage, we don't like her to be out at night in case she is run over. Now for some reason this alarm has gone off 3 times in the past week - twice last night!! Of course always in the early hours of the morning. We had the technician here this morning to have a look at it but he doesn't seem to know why all of a sudden this should be happening. - so here goes to a peaceful night to-night.

Have decided to make meatballs for lunch to-day so I will be off now to make a start.

Have a lovely day and take care.



MaryinSpain Report 12 Oct 2010 10:22

Good morning all
Well today in Spain is a Fiesta - Columbus Day
Since 1987, Spain has celebrated the anniversary of Columbus's arrival in the Americas as its Fiesta Nacional or "National Day".[8] Before that, since 1957, Spain had celebrated the day as Día de la Hispanidad, emphasizing Spain's ties with the Hispanidad or international Hispanic community.[8] Before 1957, the celebration had been called "Dia de la Raza" along with most of the other Latin American celebrations. In 1981 a royal decree established the Día de la Hispanidad as a national holiday.[8] However, in 1987 the name was changed to Fiesta Nacional, and October 12 became one of two national celebrations, along with Constitution Day on December 6.[9] Spain's "national day" had moved around several times during the various regime changes of the 20th century; establishing it on the day of the international Columbus celebration was part of a compromise between conservatives, who wanted to emphasize the status of the monarchy and Spain's history, and Republicans, who wanted to commemorate Spain's burgeoning democracy with an official holiday.[9] Since 2000, October 12 has also been Spain's Day of the Armed Forces, celebrated each year with a military parade in Madrid.[9] Other than this, however, the holiday is not widely or enthusiastically celebrated in Spain; there are no other large-scale patriotic parades, marches, or other events, and the observation is generally overshadowed by the feast day of Our Lady of the Pillar.[9]
And as I type the church bells are ringing.
Our weather is not 'holiday weather' today - before going to bed last night it was thundering and lightening and around 4 am was still doing the same. The sky is very heavy looking like more rain.
As if that is not bad enough we have had no hot water since Friday - the water heater tripped the electricity off and as Saturday was also a fiesta day could only get someone to look at it yesterday - so hopefully tomorrow the heater will be replaced by a new one and I will have HOT water - well fingers crossed.
It wont be long before you go back home for a holiday Bridget and then the time to return for good will be even less. How many days left ?
Well must go hubby said there is a band coming down our strreet
Take care all
Love Mary xx
ps Bridget please write some more about Peniscola


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 12 Oct 2010 22:29

Hi everyone, am enjoying reading Peniscola Bridget. Also about Columbus Day Mary, so keep it up.

Had a good day on Saturday, met my sis-in-law and we went to a meeting of The Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry.
It was a course about researching British records before 1837. Very helpful, now all I have to do is remember what they said!

I had hoped to come on here again on Sunday for a chat. Unfortunately, had a row with my neighbour (again), so not in the mood for chatting!
Feeling ok today, neighbour is not worth wasting my time on.

Tomorrow I am off for (another) head and shoulder massage. This should help to put me in a relaxed mood.

Next week I hope to meet two old school friends for lunch. We all have our free bus passes, (don't know for how much longer) and really try to take advantage of them.

Will be back again soon,
take care everyone and thanks for your good wishes,



SpanishEyes Report 12 Oct 2010 22:55

Good night and God bless you all and if you are not a believer do not worry I include you anyway!!
I am begining to understand why my nickname was BossyBoots!!
Do you all have nicknames??


SpanishEyes Report 13 Oct 2010 06:14

I really enjoyed reading abut Columbus Day, I did not know very much about it. Will you join me in writing some more sunjects form your part of spain, people do appear to like this information.?
Maybe we could encourage everyone on here to write a piece about where they live??
I will start by asking
"Please will everyone write some description or something special about where you live? What may seem mundain and unteresting may be very interesting to those of us who do not know your area."
Tess, a neck and shoulder massage, I could do with one of those.
Valerie. How about writing a piece about your part of SA?

Only 114 days before I finish work and then a few days latter I shall return home....