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Slimming? New members very welcome

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Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 22 Nov 2013 12:53

Forgot to say on my last post I lost a pound this week.

Shelly you're a star. A star that is never going to be 10 stone something again. Hopefully :-D :-D


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 23 Nov 2013 01:12

TS i wouldn't like to say as this is the second time i have been on a diet
to loss weight
the last time was about 7 years ago but this time im going to try harder to keep it off
as it has only been about the last 2 years that i have been puting it all back on

off to bed now nite nite xxx


AnnCardiff Report 29 Nov 2013 17:52

well I lost another 1lb on Wednesday and am now two and a half pounds under my target weight - will have to be careful - you only have to go three pounds either way or you have to start paying again :-(

Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 4 Dec 2013 12:07

Well done Ann. I forgot to check in last week but I lost 2lbs and was a very happy bunny. This week I lost one pound, I am now only about 4lbs from my target but I may lower it in the new year as I still have clothes that I like and can't get into comfortably.

Hope everyone else is doing well


AnnCardiff Report 4 Dec 2013 12:42

brilliant TS - keep going :-D

If I've lost more than half a pound this evening I'll have to start paying again :-(

Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 4 Dec 2013 13:35

You need to put something heavy in your pocket then Ann :-D


AnnCardiff Report 4 Dec 2013 13:39

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 6 Dec 2013 23:50

sorry though i poped in last week but seem i did not
any way i stayed the same again this week

well done TS keep up the good work

ann you will have to put on an extra jumper next time

i think its only us three left now
wounder were every one has got to


~Lynda~ Report 6 Dec 2013 23:59

I'm here shelley :-D but haven't been here for a couple of weeks, been out and about,. I have stayed the same for the last two weeks, I'm happy with that as I have been eating out quite a bit, and will be doing so for the next couple of weeks. I doubt I'll be losing any weight before Christmas, would like to but with so many functions coming up, i can't see i will. I am going away at the end of January, so once Christmas is over, I'll be, hopefully back on track. I think because i only have a few pounds to go, it somehow feels harder to lose it.

The rest of you are doing so well, you put me to shame -D

Keep up the good work ladies :-D


PollyinBrum Report 7 Dec 2013 13:22

This week I have been out to lunch twice and out to dinner dance Friday night. I was dreading the scales, but weighed myself this morning and I have lost 1/2. :-S :-S


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 8 Dec 2013 10:06

sorry lynda i did forget about you

i dont think i will loss any think over the 2 weeks christmas periad
although i am not going to get as much goodies this year as i nomaliy do
that way i can not eat it if it is not there :-( :-( :-(

paula you are so good you always seem to loss some think :-D :-D


PollyinBrum Report 8 Dec 2013 20:42

I have just been reading the Weight Watchers magazine and it says that 5lbs is the average weight gain at Christmas and New Year sees the biggest intake of new members.


AnnCardiff Report 8 Dec 2013 21:37

I lost half a pound, so that's the limit now!!! 9st 11lb - I was 9st.9lb when I married in 1959


PollyinBrum Report 8 Dec 2013 21:38

Excellent Ann well done.

Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 11 Dec 2013 13:00

That's brilliant Ann. I don't think I will ever get to the weight I was when I married the first time in 1962 and very young. but I am almost the same as when I married the second time (as in my avatar) I would like to get a bit below what I was then.


~Lynda~ Report 12 Dec 2013 10:37

Morning Ladies :-D

First of all, well done Ann, you have done amazingly well, good for you :-D

I, on the other hand, have gained a pound this week, I have been out for lunches and dinners frequently, and off out for a 3 course Christmas lunch today with the girlys, and tonight I'm off to the theatre, and will probably have something light to eat beforehand, so diet is off today. I will eat sensibly, but obviously I'll eat things that I wouldn't usually. I'm not beating myself up about the gain, I'm pleased I'm invited out :-D I'm assuming I won't lose this week, and may even have a gain, but I hope that after Christmas, I get back on track and lose the few pounds I want to before my holiday at the end of January, that's my incentive.

Have a good week everyone, enjoy yourselves, but not too much eh ;-)


AnnCardiff Report 12 Dec 2013 10:54

I think we're all doing extremely well - I stayed the same yesterday :-D

Last night we all went out for a Christmas meal together - one of our members is the landlady of a local pub - lovely meal, not Slimmer friendly!!! - we all fairly stuffed ourselves :-D I haven't eaten so much naughty food for ages - even had a chocolate, which, wait for it - I found it rather sweet :-)


~Lynda~ Report 12 Dec 2013 11:23

Before dieting I couldn't leave any chocolate, I'd have to eat the whole bar. I couldn't eat a whole bar now, and I happily leave some for another day, it just shows that we often eat for the sake of it, your body soon gets used to eating sensibly.

There is a lady at our club who joined just 8 weeks ago, she has lost a stone in that time, she said last night that already pains she had in her knees have practically gone, and because it isn't painful to walk far now, she walks even further than she would of done, so is slimmer and fitter, she's quite an inspiration to a lot of other members :-D


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 14 Dec 2013 23:33

you are all puting me to sham :-D :-D
i stayed the same again this week

not to botherd as long as i dont put on
and i will nether in this world be the same as when i got married
as i was only i size 8 so was only about 8st
i was one of them small and very skinny kids

any way i will pop in when i can as i will not be on the laptop
much this side of christmas

so you all better be good
<3 <3

Tenerife Sun

Tenerife Sun Report 15 Dec 2013 09:25

I gained one last Wednesday and forgot to check in. There seems to be a lot of eating out before Christmas, some just because it's Christmas and some because some people are going back to the UK for Christmas and want to go out before they go. I do decline at times as I can't physically eat so much food and it gets expensive. I am out today for lunch, the whole Christmas works followed by three days of cutting right back. I really don't want to put much weight back on. It has been a real struggle to lose it. If I say this to people when turning down yet another invitation to eat out they think I'm being a bit miserable and keep saying "but it's Christmas" But just how long is the Christmas period?

Good luck everybody with your next weeks dieting/healthy eating.