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For slimmers.....

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~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 15 Apr 2014 17:31 bless, they are nice

Pat...well done to you in losing the weight, that must be very difficult or frustrating or both to deal with. Keep up the good work:)



Annx Report 15 Apr 2014 18:30

Pat, I have tried to cut out more sugar and carbs this year as my blood sugar readings, though normal range, are creeping up. I also have an underactive thyroid (treated) which makes weight harder to shift and dodgy knees.

I bought some of those Slim N*odles to try and have found them to be very good. I have them in a stirfry with lots of veg and a bit of chicken. A 100g serving has 0.2g carbs, no sugar or fat and is only 21 calories, a LOT less than other traditional noodles. You just rinse them in warm water, then add to your stirfry. I have bought some online now (cheaper) and am going to try some with salmon, veg and low fat creme fraiche next. Jean I had reached a 6 week plateau after 6 weeks losing weight, but now I have started to lose some more again. I did try the Slim rice, but didn't find that as filling.

That desert sounds nice AnnC, I will try that.


JemimaFawr Report 15 Apr 2014 22:23

Hi Jude :-)

First of all I should have explained that the lady involved in the leg incident was a brilliant laugh! It was a bit of trick that she had played on me! :-D
I would not have laughed at her,only with her! I shall amend my post accordingly!

When I first started in the slimming business, I worked for a mid-wales based firm. I joined as a member. It was pre-calorie counted meal /recipes choices, which you could vary yourself with a calorie counter. This suited me as I could have complete flexibility, while bearing in mind healthy eating. I lost over 3 stone.

The Lady who's firm it was (who became a good friend) then changed the diet to low fat unit counting. This worked well for many, but not everyone, as some thought as long as the food item had no fat, then you could eat endless amounts, despite the calories involved.

When my boss wound up her business, I started on my own, using her diets (with permission) at first, but on researching, I felt that there were dangers involved with extremes that might be taken by members who were low fat counting. So I devised a point system, for the weight loss, but with a tier system of food groups, to encourage balance of nutritional requirements. It also included a daily treat.

I would say that it was nearer to WW than SW.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 15 Apr 2014 22:39

Hello Annx....not seen these slim N*odles, will look out for them:)




~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 15 Apr 2014 22:59 bless you l did'nt think you laughed at her, but thanks for editing...x

Its very early days for me with any diet, although l did sort of diet a couple of yrs ago and lost just over half a stone.
My weight went on when l gave up smoking about 6 -7 yrs ago.....l'm uncomfortable now and get bloated, thats because of bread and some cereals.

Tonight we cooked in abit of butter with onions, peas,1 hard boiled egg, salt and pepper. Cooked and mashed some potatoes, added cheese, fromage frais (fat free),
Put fish in a dish and covered with potato with more grated cheese on top with a sliced tomato...cheese was half fat:) had it with salad ;-)

Edited....l also put peas in:)


JemimaFawr Report 15 Apr 2014 23:06

That sounds delish Jude :-) :-)


PatinCyprus Report 16 Apr 2014 07:48

Thanks Jude.

The frustrating part was when everyone around me was eating far more than I was yet I was very slowly putting on weight. Never been a big eater and have for many years eaten all the correct things.

Was rushed into hospital last May with what was thought to be a severe angina attack. Had camera in my heart to find blockage(s). None found, in fact heart pretty clear only small amount of plaque, doc impressed.

They found my aorta was only half the size it should be, this is from birth. Due to fat storage around neck I'd had a severe sleep apnea attack and stopped breathing whilst asleep and my heart couldn't get oxygen quickly enough around the body. Heart started is really speed up and started mimicking an angina attack. Had to have a barrage of tests - was in a pre diabetic situation due to intolerance, also had a night at a sleep clinic.

It looked a difficult diet to follow but it really isn't once you work out what you can eat. I love salad so I just have lots of salad or lots of veg with meat (preferred is chicken or fillet steak, that's doc's orders) fish, eggs and cheese. I also have strong cheddar so I don't use a lot.

Went from an 18 to a 14 in 2 months, now weight is coming off very slowly but still happening. Doc is not worried it has slowed down he says I'll naturally stop about the right weight.

Was taking 3 tablets a day to combat sugar now down to 1 and doc says I'll soon be off that as body is also correcting that problem. Sleep apnea disappeared with loss of fat around neck.

Have had to have new clothes - now that's a shame isn't it.

My daughter didn't recognise me at the airport last November.

This just proves some people have other problems that make them put on weight. I have never been a big eater, not a big cake, sweet or chocolate eater. Glad my doc realised what my problem was and I've been able to combat it.

I wouldn't suggest everyone do as I have to do but my doc says people are meant to eat salad, veg, fruit, nuts, meat and fish and not processed foods. Drop some of your carbs not as severe as I have to and see what happens.

It's curry and quiz night for me tonight. Where we go they do a chicken curry for me and instead of rice I have cauliflower and broccoli florets. I love it. The restaurants we go to have all been great, I get extra salad or veg instead of potatoes. I go to a Chinese buffet on a Friday, I have stir fry veg instead of rice or noodles and talk to the chef about what's in the dishes and with the veg there is usually at least 2 dishes I can have. Just needs a bit of knowledge, there's plenty of help on line.

Keep going on your diets, you can do it. When you start seeing the results you'll feel so much better. I don't weigh myself at all, I can see by my clothes what is happening. :-D


JustJean Report 16 Apr 2014 08:20

Hi, all, I have just had a big surprise , we have just got back from a weeks holiday we ate out most days although neither of us were not too well so had sandwiches every day which is not what I do when at home, however I went on the scales and was delighted to see I actually lost one and a half pounds, :-D :-D :-D
so onwards and downwards ;-) tonight we are having homemade meat loaf, jackets, and salad. if I have afters it will be strawberries and lite ice cream.....
lunch will be salad , I am trying to drink water rather than coffee and juices...
Anncardiff,I shall try your recipe it sounds great...thank you...

love Jean x


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 16 Apr 2014 08:24

Blimey Pat, you have been through it, and again very well done to you.
l was just getting into a size 18, mostly 16 though!!
l do realise that not every overweight person is that way because they eat badly, but l do also realise that alot of people are eating badly just because its easier and they are lazy....also there are alot of people who can't afford to eat properly....equally there are so many medical reason why people put on weight...

l have just eaten a bowl of Jordan natural museli, no added sugar and the correct amount with half a banana...and l am bloated :-| :-|...l will ask a neighbour if he wants it.

Not sure yet what to have for dinner....lamb chops in freezer or lean mince.......decisions

l have lost some weight, will reveal in a week :-) :-) ;-) ;-)



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 16 Apr 2014 08:39

Yahooo well done JustJean:))))...we're all doing well are'nt we:)

jude x :-)


PatinCyprus Report 16 Apr 2014 09:08

I start with muesli but I make my own. I take a handful of oats, 1 dried fig, 2 dried apricots about 6 almond nuts (I chop them all up) with a sprinkle of sultanas.

My husband puts half a banana on his breakfast so halfway through the morning I eat the other half. 1 banana has lots of sugar but the goodness in half out ways the bad sugar. I'll eat a few strawberries for my afternoon snack. Strawberry time is Christmas to early July here. I'll then be snacking on a few grapes.

To reduce the sugar I have to snack regularly. We're lucky that fruit out here is cheap and plentiful. The other day there was a special offer but I couldn't eat 3 kilos of strawberries in a week. They were only £8.50.

I agree Jude that the best things for you can be financially out of the range of some people but I think laziness and not knowing how to cook some good old fashioned dishes are problems.

They do say the food eaten under rationing in the WW2 was a very good diet. Perhaps we should all look there for ideas. :-)

Eat well and in moderation is perhaps the way we should all go. :-D <3


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 18 Apr 2014 08:42

Morning.....can't stop have the painter arriving soon, will catch up asap today:)

jude x


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 19 Apr 2014 08:07


Well it seems l have been a naughty girl....l was doing very well with diet, actually enjoying it, but have also consumed a bottle of wine since how many calories in a glass. So where l had lost 4 lbs l have put on 3lb.... :-( :-|...

Pat.....l have gone back to my porridge and that seems to be ok,l just don't have as much. l am eating more fruit, even Kiwi's, yummy.
Yesterdays lunch was salad and tuna, dinner was salad 2 small jacket spuds and baked beans, followed by a fat free greek lemon yog. For snacks l ate a hard boiled egg and we are out for lunch and that will be chicken and salad do l have my usual glass of wine or not??

Definately no more of those fish/crab sticks, which is a shame cause l liked them with salad.
Sunday is a roast of brisket and the usual, l will use the fat spray, the beef usually has loads of water anyways.

l've been meaning to make butternut squash soup for the past 2 days but keep forgetting to make veg stock, so that will be sorted today, l have SW recipe for that ;-)

Ok off to have me porridge then shower before the workman arrives.

Have a good day everyone:)



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 19 Apr 2014 17:42

Pan of butternut squash, carrot (optional), potato, onion, garlic and veg stock with abit of seasoning SOUP on the cooker simmering, the smell is amazing.. ;-) :-)
l'll have a slice of nimble wholemeal bread with it for me tea ;-) :-)

jude ;-)


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 20 Apr 2014 08:24

That was yummy, although l may have added too many carrots, another bowl in fridge for me lunch.

Roast brisket and spuds today all cooked in water or spray fry:))

lam back to original 4lbs that l lost from Mon to onwards and upwards wine for a while :-0 :-0

Have a love Easter Sunday...x

jude x


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 22 Apr 2014 10:22


Spent the day at son's yesterday and ate chocolates and ice cream....and did'nt put on any wine!!

Hope all you dieters are doing ok??

jude :-)


PatinCyprus Report 22 Apr 2014 10:58

Have been out last 2 days, both days for BBQs. Ate the BBQ meat, mainly chicken but did have a small portion of lamb on Sunday and a bit of pork yesterday. Ate salad both times, can't have dressing on salad. Didn't eat any sausages as there could be cereal in them, couldn't eat the potatoes so piled up the salad.

I am not allowed alcohol as it alters sleep patterns so I drank Zero Coke and water.

No pudds they had too much carbs, had an apple for afters yesterday. Don't know what I'm doing this evening yet, may go out but I may be catering here, will let you know.

Jude I'm sure chocolate on the odd occasion is ok, it's a reward for being so good. It does look like the wine is what makes you put on weight more than the chocolate doesn't it?

Hope everyone is doing ok.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 24 Apr 2014 09:46


Since the 14th April l have lost 5 lbs not as much as l had hoped not sure what l am doing wrong at the moment but will keep going, saying that there are possibly a couple of things l should'nt have Muller greek fat free yogs with and peach, ordinary mayonaise (one dollop), gravy made with cornflour, bisto and oxo.
l have 39g of porridge but it still leaves me with abit of a bloated stomach for a short time, l make it with water but add abit of milk to cool it and g/syrup (l know ...yeh g/syrup will have to go :-| )
No wine for ages, but l know l can have some as syns, so will do so at the weekend when family arrive:) without any other syns!!

Pat...sounds like you had a good BBQ :-) must be difficult for you though sometimes, does it bother you watching others eat things you can't have, or are you used to it now??

Have a good everyone:)



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 25 Apr 2014 08:14

Yippeeee another lb lost:) x


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 29 Apr 2014 08:50

Yippeee another lb lost, even after a busy weekend with family here, l was eating chocolate and drinking wine ;-) ;-) ;-)
