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Dear Scotland.... don't read if easily offended

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Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 19:15

Please don't do anything rash when voting in June I for one would miss all the jokes that flow from the North. :-D :-D


Robert Report 20 Apr 2017 19:38

Caroline, you are on dangerous ground AGAIN.

The SNP could have your card marked!!


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Apr 2017 19:43

I have some wonderful Scottish friends
I would hate for any of them to be offended
By anything said on GR


Island Report 20 Apr 2017 20:38

I hate to say this but.....give it a rest Caroline!

Most regular members have been reported, maliciously or justly.
It is upsetting if we feel there was nothing offensive but suck it in and move one.

edit. I didn't see your OP as, yet again you have been reported but please stop.


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Apr 2017 20:44

Well said Island :-D :-D :-D

Things are getting a bit like the BBC
repeat after repeat after repeat ;-) ;-)


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 21:02

Sorry but nope it's not offensive and everyone knows if I've posted so feel free not to read.


AnnCardiff Report 20 Apr 2017 21:03

agree Island and Joy


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 21:05

As it wasn't offensive why should I be censored ?


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 21:08

Maybe it's about time some people stop assuming offence and just lightened up it's boards for everyone not just a few.


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Apr 2017 21:09

You have had a Scotland thread up today and it was removed
Putting repeat threads up is against T&C
we are trying to help you

Same as your Threads about getting Reported
like island said we have nearly all been reported at some time or other
There is Milking something and Milking something over the top

Move on Caroline Please :-D :-D :-D

And if your wondering No I have not reported you


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 21:12

It wasn't the same thread therefore wasn't against the rules...on that logic no threads about weather cats sickness etc could ever be added.


AnnCardiff Report 20 Apr 2017 21:13

well suffice to say we've all had enough now!!


AnninGlos Report 20 Apr 2017 21:16

Caroline most of the regulars have been on your side regarding the RRing of your posts, it has been entertaining. However as when you eat too much rich food, You get indigestion, so when you get an overload of threads that are goading the RRer people get a mental block. Instead of livening up the board, even though nothing said is offensive, it becomes boring. You will then possibly lose the support of the people who have been behind you. Maybe draw back now, ignore any RRing and get back to the interesting posts you have been putting up. :-) <3


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 21:18

But the trouble is it doesn't matter what I post it gets RR so I'm banned from posting...oh sorry that's right if I say that I'm being silly.....

Not once has anyone said to the RR to stop RR interesting....


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Apr 2017 21:22

I have said all along post away and ignore them
But you have goaded them and goaded them over and over again
If ignored they go away quicker

I supported you 100% at first
now when I see RR er I just Yawn :-( :-( :-(


maggiewinchester Report 20 Apr 2017 21:43

I have to say, the constant RR'ing of Caroline's posts is verging on bullying, and GR should do something about it.
Even before Caroline 'confronted' the RR'r, they were constantly reporting her totally unoffensive posts.

GR said they'd be monitoring the situation - looks like more patronising hot air from them!

If Caroline was perhaps a less secure, more 'delicate' and easily hurt person, and less 'oh well', this sort of situation could become really horrible for the victim.

For the sake of others, GR should provide some sort of protection for their paying members from this sort of self censoring/bullying.

To the person who has decided what we can and cannot say, you should take some of your own medicine, and either 'put up' (ie say who you are - you obviously believe you have higher moral standards than the rest of us, so show some honesty) or shut up, and go get a life.


AnninGlos Report 20 Apr 2017 21:55

Maggie, yes I agree with you, I am appalled that GR said they would monitor it, offered their help then just did exactly the same as before when the RR struck again. It has happened before when other people have been victimised, it often happens in school holidays, but as with all bullies, it is a reaction they want and that is what Caroline is giving them. Caroline we know where you are coming from but maybe if we all ignored it they would get bored. And maybe don't put threads up aimimg to antagonise. Insulting the RRer doesn't work as like all cowards they hide behind anonymity.


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Apr 2017 21:59

Its not that I don't think continues reporting should be dealt with

Its just the Wallowing and Wallowing
that was depressing :-( :-(


Caroline Report 20 Apr 2017 22:00

I wasn't wallowing I was taking the P if anything


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Apr 2017 22:12

A storm in a tea cup :-D :-D