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Autistic Spectrum and Special Needs Kids

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Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 25 Jul 2005 23:05

Hi Val - hope John is ok now? Yes, it is a relief. Going to see the Paediatrician tomorrow for the usual check up - she will be pleased too. Then next week have a follow up appointment with the shrink. My only worry at the moment is that Jamie is supposed to have two blood tests - for DNA and chromosone testing - and dunno quite how I am gonna persuade him!! Got a friend who will do it at home, but still dreading it. Any tips would be very gratefully received. Maz. XX


Heather Report 28 Jul 2005 07:15

At the risk of being boring, can I again add that I belong to a forum called for parents, partners, adults with autistic spectrum conditions including adhd, aspergers and autism. Its a brilliant site, uk based, so please join it. Lots and lots of info and very experienced people on there, including a world specialist who gives advice, so do have a look in. Also all the latest info on statementing and education issues. There will shortly be a sponsored picnic at Hever Castle if anyone is down that way - details on the site.

Deb Vancouver (18665)

Deb Vancouver (18665) Report 28 Jul 2005 07:44

Hi mAz, I don't know it anyone has addressed the issue of OCD. Sorry I haven't read the whole thread, I have just seen it and read the first few entries. Having survived??? the affects of OCD, I am a good listening ear. Deb


Val Report 28 Jul 2005 22:36

Yes Kaye I have the same problem with 2 of my boys my eldest who is 18yr still sits up to 3am in morning and John he is on sleeping tablets as he doesn't sleep at all. Maz tell him you will buy him a treat if he lets you get it, but I woould get someone he is comfterable with to do it

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 28 Jul 2005 22:45

Hi Kaye, yes I think that unfortunately with things like ADHD and Asperger's it can be very difficult for them to diagnose until the child is 5/6 years old. It would be a good idea for you to try and find a local support group - have a look at some of the websites listed at the top of the thread, or look for links at www(.)adders(.)org - don't forget to remove the brackets. Val, thanks for that - seeing the psychiatrist next week, will have to confess to him that I haven't done it yet! Maybe he will explain to Jamie why it is needed, then I can get it organised. Maz. XX


Val Report 28 Jul 2005 22:57

Kaye go back to the doctors and tell them you need sleep and hopefully they may give you something my son is on melatonin 4 mg a night but he is 12yrs. I do know what you are going through and it is hard my husband had to be up all night and I was up in the day time as he was playing with the fire which we had removed now. Maz he will be fine blackmail does go along way lol


Val Report 28 Jul 2005 23:11

I know what you mean Kaye sometimes you just want to give up but you can't. My eldest has ADHD and so has my middle boy who is 12yrs old he is on 54mg of ritalin a day and 4mg of melatonin a night my eldest is trying to come of the ritalin at the moment but you can see he is hyper


Val Report 28 Jul 2005 23:19

It is very hard sometimes when decides to kick off my eldest usually trys to calm him down but when the 2 off them kick off I usually have no doors left. My eldest son broke his sisters thumb and knocked her jaw out of line


fraserbooks Report 29 Jul 2005 00:17

I have a twenty five year old son with autism. I was suprised how many other people on the board seem to have children with similar problems. I think there is a strong genetic base to autism. I have known families with more than one child affected so my be the family history research will help[ with the genetic links. I think the best piece of advice I would give younger mothers is to keep asking what next. We kept being told Paul would grow out of it - it was usually called childhood autism - he didn't. There never seemed to be links between primary and secondary schools and secondary school and college and college and employment. Life has been so much easier for my four 'Normal children'.


Val Report 29 Jul 2005 13:45

Anne I have 2 boys with ADHD my eldest has a metabolic disease as well my youngest boy has dyspraxia but my eldest child is fine but she is a girl it seemed to affect boys


Val Report 30 Jul 2005 21:59

Yes he went in yesterday and everything is clear except his blood they found something in his blood


Val Report 30 Jul 2005 22:18

yes it is all the doctor said was they found an abnormal thing in it will check it again tomorrow


Val Report 30 Jul 2005 23:14

I know how you feel

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 28 Aug 2005 15:48

Jamie has been really struggling with his anger over the last couple of weeks. May be something to do with his dad being away so much I suppose. He is taking it out on his sister - scratching and punching her. So difficult to deal with it. Today I went out a bought a stretch Homer Simpson - same as the old Stretch Armstrong toy - so that if he gets angry, he can take it out on that instead of on her. Worried that this may be a continuing thing after he goes back to school - not sure if they will let him take it in with him or not! Maz. XX


Val Report 28 Aug 2005 15:57

Maz have word with the school even if they don't let him in with it they can keep an eye on him and his behaviour

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 28 Aug 2005 16:04

Thanks Val I will! Bit worried about how he will fare with his new teacher as I have heard some unsettling things about her! How is your boy now please?? Maz. XX


Val Report 28 Aug 2005 16:24

John starts High school on the 7th September I was dreading it but the high school offered his helper a full time job to be on hand when he kicks of. Damien's doctor is getting the school nurse to talk to the school about the problems he is going to have as just before they broke up he fell down concrete stairs and hurt his leg and know one told me except my son. David kept getting pains turned out he had a liver infection so we will need to keep an eye on him

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 28 Aug 2005 16:29

You have certainly got a lot on your plate Val!! Fingers crossed for all of us for the new school year eh?!!! Maz. XX


Val Report 28 Aug 2005 16:32

well we will try won't we but if you need to talk Maz or anyone else give me a shout and I will listien ok

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 28 Aug 2005 22:37

Hi Kaye, nice to meet you! Have you explained everything to the teachers yet? If not then please speak to the Head and the classteacher. They should put you onto the SENCO (the special needs co-ordinator for the school) and between you all an agreement should be made on the best course of action for your daughter. You don't say if she already has a diagnosis - if so then they should be able to organise a Statement of Special Educational Needs relatively quickly. If she has not been diagnosed yet, then the school should be able to bring in professionals (educational psychologist/speech therapist etc) to begin assessing her, and then they can put her forward for a Statement. If you don't know, a Statement sets out the provision that she will be allowed for the next year - i.e. one to one help in the classroom, speech and/or physical therapy etc. Any help or advice you need - someone on here will have been there before and be more than willing to help!! Main thing I would say is that you know your child best - you need to put her needs first and be heard! Best of luck, call on us anytime please!! Maz. XX