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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Frank Report 27 Oct 2010 14:27

Afternoon girls,
Lis, they tried acupuncture last week at the Phiso's, Not done any good. They think she has a trapped nerve in the bottom of her back, I have told her to tell the doctor she needs to be refered to the hospital. She can't go on like this. Like us, we don't see Lewis as much as we would like. He's at Scouts every Friday. Football every Sunday morning, so it tends to be school holidays that we ger him. That's why he gets spoilt. Ros says you can't spoil a perfect child. !!!!! thats nanny for you.!!!!

Mandy, We didn't ring first thing, That to us is after 9am.

Jill where are you.?? Close to Leicestershire/Northamptonshire. Don't know what happened there. !! We see the Red Kites around Corby when we go to our son's in Rutland, very close to Rutland Water. We also see the Fish hawkes (Can't think of their name) That have been nesting there for a few years. What a loverly idea, doing falconry. Never known anyone who does it. But there is a place at ISLIP, near Kettering, that do this sort of thing. He's writing pieces in the local paper.


Jane Report 27 Oct 2010 14:45

Poor Ros Frank.I hope you are waiting on her hand and foot.
Liz are you all packed up and ready to go.I bet you will be exhausted by the time you get back home lol.Make sure to check the travel reports before you leave.I had the car radio on this morning and there seemed to be horrendous hold ups on lots of the motorways !!!!!

Jill we have lots of Red Kites and Buzzards here .The Kites are beautiful.When Ann came down the other week we actually saw 2 sat next to eachother on some fence posts in a field.Did we have a camera between us? No !!!
Many years ago I spotted a manat the bottom of our garden trying to climb over the fence into nxt door.He was carrying an ariel or something.It turned out he was trying to find his Hawk .I think it had a tracking thing on ,but it had flown off lol.Poor chap was in a right old state .

I have just PM'd everyone.


Jill Report 27 Oct 2010 15:40

Had a lovely walk,ended up going to local farm..bit wary of the cow pats though with dog pulling!

I live just outside of Rickmansworth Frank, Hertfordshire.On the edge of the Chilterns..totally spoilt for walks.

Have been doing a lot of reading up on s going to be a lot of training and in process of persuading OH to build the avairy and shed,then booking on course.Already know someone who breeds birds of hopefully early next year will have my bird. There is a very good falconery school where i went at the Shuttleworth grounds off the A1m at Biggleswade.

Frank sometimes an epidural can work on lower back problems,hopefully your wife wont be waiting to o long for referral.

Now i must hunt for my passport..seem to have mislaid it and got a flight booked in three weeks time!!! Flying to Germany and back in one day!!! Taking dad to see his brothers war grave near Hannover.


Fiona Report 27 Oct 2010 15:41

Jane just PM you.

Went down to visit dad but he was fast asleep in bed, seemingly he has not been sleeping these past few nights they are struggling to get him to stay in bed and to go to sleep. they didn't tell me how they finely managed it but I do wonder if they gave him a sleeping pill to go to sleep.
it's not so good about Roz Frank must be very painfull for her. Drs are hard work these days to get appointments,
I need to sort out my medication but could not get appointment this week , managed to get one for next Tuesday, good job it can wait till then


Annx Report 27 Oct 2010 15:53

Afternoon All,

Sorry to hear Ros is in so much pain Frank. These trapped nerves can cause a lot of problems. That is what they have decided is wrong with MIL with her bladder now, so she is on painkillers and wait and see. If we wait outside the docs and get in as soon as they open, we can usually get one of the first appointments, before the phones are open and they all get booked or you can't get through.

I think the Rutland birds are Ospreys Frank. I tried to book one of the boat trips on the Rutland Belle to see them this summer but they were all full. Next year I'll see if I can book up early.

The Red Kites I saw with Jane were lovely, never been that close before.......the Herons nearby were keeping a beady eye on them though.

Do be careful Jill. These things can give little warning......hope it soon goes. My OH had balance problems a few years ago, it was very unerving for him. I have never done Falconry either, but I love to watch the displays. The bigger Hawks look as if they could be quite heavy on your arm.

Hope you have a nice trip Liz and that those winning looks aren't too expensive. lol A bit of charm goes a long way in life doesn't it!

Mandy I bet your OH's broken tooth feels horrid too. I bet they will fit him in quickly if it does start to hurt.

Your daughter's boyfriend has got himself a really interesting job by the sound of it Fiona. Even if it is only short term, there will be more skills and experience to go on his cv.

Today I saw something I haven't seen for years and years......a coalman and lorry!! The same big sacks with rope handles I used to see and the man lifting them as black as the coal himself. Wish I'd had my camera.


Frank Report 27 Oct 2010 16:35

Ann, We have one of the old style coal merchants, not far from us.His yard in on the Canal side. been there for years, you see the lorries stacked high with bags of coal and logs.
Thats Ann, thats was I was trying to think of.
Have been down the Canal with Lewis, took us about an hour. It's a wonderful afternoon, should have taken my camera. The trees were all different colours (even to me) slight breeze on the water and the odd narrow boat going by. Would have been nice to have recored the scenes.Will have to remember next time.

Better correct myself, before Jane does. The place in ISHAM. not ISLIP sorry.

Hope you have a nice weekend Liz. enjoy them while they are young. We have three children close to us ages 5 and 6. They know there is always a sweet for them when we see them. Always polite, and say thank you. What a change.
We have some youngsters in the village, (who will be caught) breaking glass aroung the play area. close th the swings and slide. fortunately someone found it and cleared it away. If and when caught. What will happen, nothing I suppose. Give them a good smack that will teach them.!!!!

Jill thats a good thing you are doing for your DAD. not many children would bother.

Jane Got your PM thanks.


Jane Report 27 Oct 2010 17:08

You being cheeky again Frank!!.Is it the Safewing Bird Sanctuary place you are talking about?

Yes Jill, what a nice thing to do for your Dad.I'm sure he will be really grateful.
Have you found that passport yet?????


Sheila Report 27 Oct 2010 17:10

Hi i have been to a birthday party at Mcdonalds it was my turn to do the community help around here so I took Eugene a little boy who lost a arm in a car accident to a party at Macs he loved it but after eating three big macs and double chips he wanted to go and get some Kentucky fried chicken. I got him some with free baked beans and a coke his mum went mad when he rolled up with it. I went in the house for a cuppa and while we were talking Eugene ate the whole lot of Kentucky chicken . I do not know where he put it all and April did not help matters she called him a dustbin and I had to get her out of the house quickly.Then April said I told Eugene to eat his chicken.I said April why and she said it was going cold silly billy.

I think Roland MacDonald does a good job he got hit with baloons covered in chips and slipped on a toffee sundea
I was tempted by all the lovely food but had to meet Beryl in the coffee shop after for a chat. I have just arrived home.Beryl had been for a flue jab and she said the doctor when he did it said just a small prick and Beryl said Oh blimey dont need another one of those have one already.
Oh poor Ros two years ago I was like that used to walk round almost in tears and getting upstairs was agony hasd every test possible and then found Antithax capsules never had another problem and glucosmine not sure of spelling


Jane Report 27 Oct 2010 17:29

You were brave Sheila lol.I remember spending many hours at Mac Ds at childrens parties.They had the upstairs,away from the rest of the customers.I wonder why ?? I'm surprised little Eugene wasn't sick.Although I suppose it could still happen lol. Naughty Beryl.I bet the poor Dr wants to run when he sees her coming!!!!


Sheila Report 27 Oct 2010 17:33

Fiona you should talk to my daughters about breast feeding
My two daughters both said its horrible I remember those puppies all going at the poor mother no thank you. The other one said oh remember seing a pig once with babies tugging away. I hope they mellow later on I decided to give up when talking about it.

Buteo Jamaicensus Harris Hawk no not showing off about falconery i have a picture sat in front of me on a calender
from Tweed national trust. I went with a old age pensioner
club we all had a go it was great but those birds are very heavy and red kites I found a bit scary although beautiful
birds.But how lovely to learn.

I forgot I had a blood test today I did get a rocketing from the doctors surgery.

I was so sad about the poor Exmoor stag being shot in spite of what experts say should he not have lived out his life poor old soul he was lovely.

trapped neves are awful my ho had one in his neck he was in ago he had to walk sideways to the doctors surgery.


Sheila Report 27 Oct 2010 17:35

haha my keys are sticking should have been agony well he mite have been in ago he moaned a lot.


Jane Report 27 Oct 2010 19:23

Frank I had a trapped nerve in my neck which caused horrendous pain in one of my arms and also gave me numb fingers.I can't even begin to describe the pain so I know what poor Ros is feeling.It's no joke.

As to the Breast feeding business.I lasted just a very short time with both of my 2.I was in agony !!!!!!.The relief when I changed to a bottle was bliss.Much better for me and babies.

Remember the bottles that were shaped like a banana with teats at the end.I remember my sister being fed with those.I think they were ridged.Am I right?


David Report 27 Oct 2010 19:47

Cow & Gate milk pooder and Farleys rusks


Jane Report 27 Oct 2010 19:55

I used to take a Farleys Rusk to school every day at primary school for my break.The Farleys factory was just down the road from my school.The smell was just lovely.That was in Plymouth .I don't know if the factory is still there .I will have a little look on google.


Sheila Report 27 Oct 2010 19:56

Beryl meant Donnie nothing rude may I add
Ronald Mcdonald gave up Jane now its Roland at the local MacDonalds. The party was upstairs but Eugene was downstairs most of the time having only one arm and he gets a bit nasty with the artificle one he is a bit agressive since his accident poor chap

When I read the details of the killing of that stag it really upset me.

I do not think the Doctor was very amused with Beryl
woke up one morning and could not get out of bed
I dragged myself out after my ho rushed to the doctors and got me some morphine it did the trick but could only take it for a while and had to go for physiotherapy a very nice young man.I hated it but fancied the chap who was bending me in two so put up with it. I was sorry when
he said I did not need anymore I think he was glad to get
rid of me.

Poor doggie he should have some of jasper tablets he had what your doggies got Jane and he seems better.
i kept on thinking Jasper had trod on a bee or something.

I did laugh at the threads yesterday.


Sheila Report 27 Oct 2010 20:01

Oh used to love Farleys rusks David I used to eat them myself. Cow and Gate yes used that and SMA


Sheila Report 27 Oct 2010 20:02

I used to nick the chocolate pudding the little jars
my baby would be sitting there lickings its lips for some and I was spooning into my mouth hows that for being wicked. !!!


Sheila Report 27 Oct 2010 20:15

I hated breast feeding my boobs were so big I could have rested a dinner tray on them.

Memories from childhood I was given a Worrels book and someone had written to Joyce for you birthday 1952 and there was some flowers pressed in it. Also Joyce had written in it I hate being called Joyce I like Georgia much better and Blossom I thought that cute. I paid 20pence for it from the Oxfam shop. well nite i have to go and wash
this little grandaughter oh amagine three all that soaping and bubble bath in my eyes


Fiona Report 27 Oct 2010 21:41

Breast feeding-
lasted only 3 months with daughter no 1. not to many problems, but daughter no 2 was too greedy and she would have fed all day given half the chance, so only managed a month with her, just didn't have enough milk, then on to the bottle
daughter no 1 managed to use the breast pump when feeding Sofia for 7 months as she couldn't breast feed normally but wanted Sofia to still get the breast milk even though it was given in a bottle,

Sheila I love the baby fruit jars, and the the biscutes that are for children, the only things that tasted disgusting was the savoury meal jars, because of course there's no seasoning
so Glad Sofia eats our food now.
i'm packing up now off to get a drink of milk from a milk carton lol and watch the tele.
BB 2morrow.


Jill Report 27 Oct 2010 21:47

I still eat farleys rusks!! Well they re in the cupboard again,with the grandchildren coming over. Lovely with butter and marmite on!

I love bathing my grandchildren Sheila...when i shampoo their hair,i make big sticky up 'ears' , used to do same with my children.

NO PASSPORT! Am now getting worried, i ve put it somewhere too safe,i remember thinking i must file it away when i last used it,and stuffed it somewhere. Lawks!!

Dad turned eighty this summer,so this will be part of his pressie...sent him up in a tiger moth on the day...would you believe,he tried to do a loop!!! Thank goodness for the instrutor...we just held our breath as we saw the plane plummet from the sky!