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Mazfromnorf Report 3 May 2009 19:48

evening all am now chilled out after being a bed and breakfast for two days ,we have booked the reception ,now looking for DJ, photographer ,and a wedding car


Huia Report 3 May 2009 21:04

Daff, you have my sympathy re your lack of sleep and your mum.
My OH had a CT scan almost 3 yrs ago, diagnosis was cerebral atrophy. I call it alzheimers as it is shorter to say and to type! and people know what it means. Yesterday we were going to go to Rangitoto Is. but missed the ferry by 5 mins due to his constant dithering so just walked up Mt Victoria in Devonport instead. Got home earlier than we would have from Rangitoto but he was very confused last night. Tiredness seems to make him very confused. He thought he was in his home in Halnaker (Sussex) but he left England in 1950. He asked if he could sleep on my settee with my cat! I told him it was OUR house and our (mainly his!) cat, and he had a perfectly good bed of his own (and mine) and I had even turned the electric blanket on to warm it up for him. He didnt want to climb into bed, wanted his sleeping bag to save somebody from having to change the sheets. I told him I didnt want to have to wash the sleeping bag. Then he decided he was going to sleep on top of the duvet but I told him I wasnt going to wash that either. It was a real battle to get him in between the sheets. He kept waking me during the night asking me things. This morning he was convinced his tramping friend Ruth had been with him yesterday on the walk and had stayed the night here, but we havent seen her for 3 weeks as she has been away.
As soon as I can get rid of a lot of my 'junk' I am going to get somebody to come and stay with him while I have a holiday, which will probably consist of going somewhere and sleeping 24 hrs a day!


ButtercupFields Report 3 May 2009 21:26

Ahhh Huia....wish we were nearer and we could all give you a hand and let you have a rest:-) BC XXX


Jac Report 3 May 2009 21:46

Oh Huia - what a struggle you have. I am so sorry that your OH has this dreadful disability - it must be so wearing for you and so sad to watch him deteriorate.. As BC says, it's such a pity we cannot help you out.

A short break will be just the thing to help you out - you get on to it straight away love .

Jac xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 4 May 2009 05:01

Jac, I am the same only my lad doesn't have any pets, except an ancient goldfish won at a fete in 1997!

Daff, you take care and hope the cold doesn't amount to much and little lady is soon fine too.
Sorry to hear about your Mum but I am sure she will be fine with all her girls supporting her in different ways.



Mazfromnorf Report 4 May 2009 07:04

morning all well it bank holiday weather here cold wet and breezy just put the third load of washing in too ,I am now going to get stuck in to NVQ today ,catch you all later ,


Taff Report 4 May 2009 08:54

Morning Daff,
Have you avoided the "lergy"?Fingers crossed for you.
Well, its dry but very still here, lets hope its not the calm before the storm!!LOL
I promise not to put any washing out, so it should stay dry!!LOL, (well thats my excuse, and I'me sticking to it!!)
Oh Huia, my heart goes out to you, Have a break,you sound as if you deserve it.xxxxx
Love as always.

Lin in Sussex

Lin in Sussex Report 4 May 2009 09:55

Morning Daff , sorry I have been very remiss in not catching up sooner.....must have been the Welsh air lol.
A very watery sun is trying to appear here, but they have said rain later ....typical lol.
Hope all is going ok.

Hugs from Sussex xxxx


Huia Report 4 May 2009 10:47

Lin, if you see an elderly man in Sussex looking very confused, ask him if he calls his wife 'Tub'. If so, shunt him back down under.

He was convinced we had 2 wild cats on our bed last night. I did hear him at the time say something about a cat but I ignored him, thinking he was just telling me our cat was on the bed, and I did hear her jump off just afterward. He still believes there were 2 wild cats. In a way it is quite interesting to see the way his brain is going, but I wish it wasnt.

Things have been much better today and tomorrow we will go shopping as his mower seems to have broken down. If it is too expensive to fix I will insist that in future we pay somebody to come and mow the lawns. Although there are quite a lot. Or get one of the old push mowers. Not so much to go wrong with them. Or I could learn to use the present one, but then I am trying to clear out a lot of my junk. And scan a lot of old photos. So much to do, not enough time.

Off to bed soon, OH went almost an hour ago.



ButtercupFields Report 4 May 2009 11:28

Good morning Daffy and glad you have had a better day Huia:- I do hope you are feeling ok Daff and the Princess's cold has magically disappeared over night! Cloudy day here, lots to do but no inclination to do it. lol....Enjoy the day everyone:-) BC XX


MrDaff Report 4 May 2009 12:30

Morning all... Huia, like the others, I wish I was closer... when I am fit and well myself I would have been able to help out. There are two lines of thought with dementia, one is to keep correcting the sufferer, the other is to go along with what is being said... and shoo-ing off the wild cats etc. I'm not too sure, I have used both with the people I used to work with, as it depended on the individual and also on the circumstances.

I hope you get your spare room sorted soon, so you can have that break.

Taff, no snotty nose for me, yet, lolol!! I am keeping everything crossed!!

BC... she is all bright and sunny.... but I have to keep changing her as she will insist on wiping snotty nose in the hems of her clothes, lol.... grotty little Mary learned it from her best mate at nursery!! The tissues I have placed everywhere get used as an afterthought, lolol The cough still gets a bit bad, but not as frequently, and is so much looser, so I know she is on the mend... but she remains sunny and cheerful. I have been out in the garden all morning.... bally freezing!! But madam wanted to build sandcastles with the pebbles.... she finds it hilarious when they all fall down, lol... then it was bubbles, thank the good lord for inventing bubbles, lol Then counting games with the pebbles, then stalk the cats (Jethro is no fun as he follows her everywhere and is not in the slightest bit phased by her and her antics at all... so she just ignores him and he tags along!!

I am off for a shower in a moment to warm up.... she now has Grampa's full attention, and is shouting up the stairs to call me anyway. I really didn't have the energy to play with her last time she was here... about two weeks before I was diagnosed.... but having worked with little 'uns for 6 years, I'm normally full of games and diversions for the little darlings.... ;¬)) So it is bliss to find I have so much more energy this visit!

Hiya Lin... did you have a good time in God's own Country? lol! Nice to see you back.

Jac... you love having him to stay really, lololol My little princess has a snotty hem, not a snotty sleeve... nothing so decorous... up come the skirts or t-shirt, lol baring her all to the world... but it's the big sniff she gives afterwards that creases me up... and she just looks so cute, with her huge blue eyes and thick, long blonde hair, complete with totally natural ringlets, lolol... but believe me, that gal ain't no lady, lololol She loves glueing things... half the time I'm not sure what she has been using, snot or glue cos they both look the flippin same, lolol

Maz, hope the NVQ's don't frazzle your brain too much!

Hiya Liz......... my poor mum, lol..... all five of us are right bossy little (and not so little, lol) so and so's, she'll be glad to have some space for herself.... I don't really boss her, just take her out shopping, which she enjoys... the others can do all the *stern parent* stuff, lolol

Well, must be off... one of the bossy so and so's has just arrived with my current favourite nephew... he is such a cheeky beggar, lol


Daff xxxxxxxxx


AnninGlos Report 4 May 2009 18:24

Hi All from Tenerife, managed to get access via our hosts wireless connection (with his blessing of course).

Daff have sent you a PM, hope you manage to stay bug free.
Huia I so admire you as you stay so upbeat. You are where many of us dread that life will lead us.



ButtercupFields Report 4 May 2009 18:50

*waves frantically to Ann!! Yoooohooooo!! Hope you having a glorious time and enjoying good weather...Grey and drizzly here at the moment.....



MrDaff Report 4 May 2009 22:19

BC... *glum face* Ann couldn't wait to get out into the sunshine, lololol!! ~~~~~~ waves to Ann-getting-a-tan ~~~~~~

I am still waiting to hear if they got stuck at Madrid for smuggling in Mexican flu... waht with Ann sniffling and sneezing all last week, lolol

Have a wonderful time, and am not in the slightest bit envious, no sirree!! :¬))

*checks nose quickly*

Am off to bed now, nighty night everyone


Daff xxxxx


ButtercupFields Report 4 May 2009 23:06

Goodnight Daffy:-)) Hope you had a wonderful day and will have a restful sleep. mwahhh BCXX


Huia Report 5 May 2009 02:19

Ann in Teneriffe, I am not always upbeat. In fact I sometimes feel in a beating up mood. Well not quite, but I have been getting through panadol tabs at a terrific rate. And anyone would think paper tissues grow on trees, I have gone through a lot of forests with them this year.

The other day in Devenport OH wanted to go to the loo so I went too (he in the mens, me in the womens). He usually waits outside for me after he has finished but when I came out there was no sign of him. I waited a while, and asked a man if there was an elderly man in a blue check jacket in there. He went and looked, but no. Then his wife saw a blue check jacket walking our way. OH had decided I had finished before him and he had gone to look for me. I am now going to have a whistle with me all the time and if he disappears I will blast on it loud and long in the hopes he can hear it and come running. We used to use cell phones each but he no longer knows how to turn his on and use it, otherwise he could ring me to tell me where he is. Even if I turned his on before he disappeared, if it rang he wouldnt know what to do with it :-((((

Must go and get a nap before we start getting up to our elbows in s**t trying to clear a blocked sewer line.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 5 May 2009 03:55

Morning Daff and little Princess, hope the snotty nose is less snotty, your house must look like Wishy Washy's chinese laundry with all her washing lol

Huia, I love the whistle idea, I constantly lose o.h. when he wanders off to the loo in a store without saying anything, I used to have a call put over the tannoy for him - he loved that, not! - as he won't carry his mobile phone or if he does, he forgets to turn it on! Now if he hears his name, he just ignores the call! I am forever losing him when we are out, unfortunately not permanently, but just annoyingly so, when I have to spend time and energy looking for him cos he forgets where I was when he last saw me and I get fed up standing in the same place waiting for him to return or pass by that aisle searching for me! We spent ages looking for his specs before going out on Sunday, and again yesterday one pair got mislaid - the thing is he has no excuse like dementia or such. Grrrr!

Hope you got the sewer sorted out, what a grotty job.

take care all, suppose the sun will shine again now Bank hols are over for a week or so!


Huia Report 5 May 2009 05:43

We got the sewer partly cleared but need to go in to town in the morning to get a long bit of reasonably stiff (but still bendy) pvc hose to shove down it to clear any more blockages. I suspect it is our tree ferns getting their roots at the liquid fertiliser in the sewer. Yummy yummy! Maybe the tree ferns will be coming down soon!


Blue Moon

Blue Moon Report 5 May 2009 08:28

Morning Daff & Mr Daff

Well the garden's around here won't need watering today.

Not been on much lately so i dont know what you've been up to,
hope your keeping well and everythings going to plan.

Take care.x


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 5 May 2009 11:36

Morning Daff & Mr Daff:o))

Its a lovely bright day here with a wee bit of wind and some clouds.
Sorry to hear about your mum Ann, as you say she'll have loads of support from the family, so important is that!!
Hope little Missy is'nt too snotty today, bless her!!!
Have a nice day, take care:o))

l've been away since Saturday, got back last night, l'm knackered having played rounders and done so much walking and carring of grandchildren etc but thoroughly enjoyed ourselves:o))

Huia.....we lived in Tangmere and our telephone number area was
Hope you get your room sorted and get your well deserved rest. My friend has the same, she's 59yrs old, its heartbreaking is'nt it.

Take care everyone:o)

jude xxxx