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maggiewinchester Report 11 Mar 2020 22:46

Son in law went to Morrisons this afternoon - no toilet paper - despite them re-filling the shelves this morning.


Bobtanian Report 11 Mar 2020 23:34

Plenty bog roll in Sains.......


Allan Report 11 Mar 2020 23:40

Maggie, it has been like that for the last two weeks here.

OH went to Aldi yesterday morning (not to buy toilet paper) at about 9.00am. The toilet paper had all gone. They open at 8.30 am :-S

I know that there will be an increase, but there are only 9 cases of Covid19 in Western Australia currently, all in Perth. Why the panic? the poor so-and-so's who NEED loo paper and hand sanitiser can't get any.

What gets to me is the selfish behaviour of some of those with symptoms and have other factors such as travel or contact with confirmed cases, who have been tested and told to self isolate until the results are known aren't doing so.

One such person decided to go to a concert in Perth. The following day her test came back positive. :-|


Caroline Report 12 Mar 2020 02:14

Well it's official the end of the world as we know it....even my local stores are now sold out of loo roll and sanitizer!! we have maybe less than 100 cases in all of Canada none from community spreading. I get (but don't agree with) the sanitizer and face mask etc but what is it with the loo roll stockpiling???


Caroline Report 12 Mar 2020 02:24

I see America is banning all visits from Europeans as of Friday but the UK is allowed still.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Mar 2020 02:42

Yep ............... Trump has decreed no flights from Europe (excluding the UK).

Too little too late.

The US is so far behind the fast ball that it isn't funny any more!

NBA (basketball) has suspended its season. NHL (ice hockey) will be talking and deciding "tomorrow" (Thursday)

Mind you, I was more than surprised, aghast may be a better word, when I read that the UK had airlifted Brits from the Grand Princess, a coronavirus-ridden ship, dropped them off at the airport to get home by TAXI. It seems they were not checked on landing before being allowed to leave.

I didn't get whether they had been told to self-isolate or not.

Canada's 227 passengers from that same ship were brought back to Trenton Air Force base in Ontario, checked during the flight and on landing, and are now in seclusion for 2 weeks in the same motel that the passengers from the previous airlift from Japan were in. They were released last Friday! I guess just in time to deep clean the motel for these new ones.

But what were Boris and your health officers thinking, letting another lot go free, adding to the 2,000 from early in the epidemic and the ones returning from Italy and other parts???


Caroline Report 12 Mar 2020 03:52

The people returning from Italy etc and then going straight about their business is not a good idea. That said I'm not sure what advice we're giving to anyone from overseas as they get here either. As my kids said this evening what's to stop people coming to Canada from Europe then hopping over to America....and why America is letting the UK in when they have it is questionable.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Mar 2020 04:49

Your kids asked a good question!! There is nothing to stop them at the moment. Unless Border Security checks they have visas issued in the UK, and decide to not allow.

Local Border Security offices do seem to have a great deal of leeway in issuing orders ......... the one in Seattle issued an order to stop and question anyone with Iranian origins a few weeks ago. It cause absolute chaos at the border just south of Vancouver.


Rambling Report 12 Mar 2020 10:31

I was, coincidentally , reading about the science behind viruses last night (written long before this outbreak ) and found this interesting today. How soap works.


JoyLouise Report 12 Mar 2020 11:14

Not one loo roll in our Sainsburys this morning and it was announced over the tannoy that stocks of EVERYTHING would be limited.

Chatting to the lady in Wilko (where there were three packs of four left on the shelves, but no hand gel for the last few days, she told me that at 8.30, when they open, a few people get straight in and buy up the hand gel . Wilko staff members believe they are then being sold online at a vast profit.


Rambling Report 12 Mar 2020 15:52

It's also possible that the people hitting the shops for quantities of hand gel etc are employed carers, whose company bosses don't provide adequate ( if any) supplies.

For eg my friend has 3 carer visits to her each day, she is at very high risk, so the carers are particularly careful, as she is. She can't get out to buy soap or hand gel (or anything in fact ) so the carers go above and beyond to make sure she has what she needs to be safe as well as for themselves. They see many people in the day, all at risk.

As someone said to me elsewhere, " I may be "old and have health issues" but there are things I still want to do! "


SheilaSomerset Report 12 Mar 2020 16:20

There are places other than supermarkets where loo rolls may be had.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Mar 2020 16:27

" 'We also most definitely do not want fear mongering along the lines of Rollo's posts on here.'
No that's right people should listen to D Trump & B Johnson, they are the men in charge and know what they are doing ...(?) "

Nope. we don't want any fear mongering at all, period. full stop.

As far as I am concerned both Trump and Johnson are idiots ....... they lost the battle before it even began because they didn't believe it. They know/knew better than any expert!

Well, Trump said he was a genius and knew all about coronavirus because his uncle had been a specialist in viruses :-S . IMHO Johnson is just a twit.

Rollo is fear mongering by all the statistics he's posting.

FWIW ............... our PM Justin Trudeau announced this morning that he and his family are self isolating. His wife showed symptoms yesterday and has been tested. They are self isolating while they await the results even though the symptoms have since subsided.

There was a meeting planned for today between the PM, all the provincial Premiers and other cabinet ministers. That has been cancelled and replace by phone discussions.


JoyLouise Report 12 Mar 2020 16:33

Well! Here's something daughter has come up with - Trump has just put us right in the firing range for the virus by allowing flights from the UK to the US. Everyone from the banned countries will simply travel to the UK for an onward flight to the US!!

Boris needs to get a grip NOW!


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Mar 2020 16:39

Joy ......... or they'll fly to Canada and try for a land border crossing.

The problem for you is that you don't seem to have good controls at the border entry points. We hear of people flying into the UK and not even being given advice on what to do if they begin to feel ill .............. they're just let go! For example, you got people from the cruise ship Grand Princess the other day ..... quarantined on the ship for several days after days of cruising, with people having caught coronavirus on the previous cruise and people becoming sick on this last cruise. AND they're allowed to leave the airport in taxis and just go home!!


Canadian passengers from the same ship, who were under the same conditions for days, are in quarantine for 2 weeks on the airbase in Ontario.


maggiewinchester Report 12 Mar 2020 16:40

Don't you just love self-appointed 'experts'!

fwiw - this is what the Andrex website says about Andrex:

"ANDREX®, one of the UK’s most recognisable and celebrated brands, launched in 1942. We have been the nation’s favourite toilet tissue ever since. UK households use over 8 million miles worth of Andrex® every year.
Andrex® takes its name from the St Andrew’s Mill, Walthamstow, where it was first produced in 1942. It was originally developed from a design for a gentleman’s disposable handkerchief, sold exclusively in Harrods department store, London.
Andrex® was endorsed by Hollywood films stars of the day, who demanded that studios stock softer toilet tissue. By 1961 the brand achieved market leadership – and it has stayed there ever since."

Wiki says this:
"The concept of two ply luxury paper had been inspired by the facial tissues used by American women, as witnessed by the man who created the name Andrex, Ronald Keith Kent. It was the first two-ply tissue."

So basically, an English creation.


Rambling Report 12 Mar 2020 17:18

I must say I have much less of a problem with 'fear mongering', ie predicting the worst case scenario, that may not happen, than I have with people who ignore it or who try to play it down. If fear mongering is what it takes to convince idiots coming into the country to then self isolate, or to not ask b* silly questions like "should we have a corona virus party like they do with chicken pox?" ...then I am all for instilling a bit of fear!

IF I am on the Titanic I don't want to be told "everything will be fine, don't worry, she's unsinkable " blah blah, I want to be told ( or forced) to put on a life jacket, how best to get off the ship, and how to stay afloat as long as possible. ( I watched "A night to remember" yesterday ).

Bojo is playing a very dicey game, it could sink him quicker than hitting that iceberg if he gets it wrong. As for Trump, well we already knew he was ..... expression deleted.... insert your own....!


supercrutch Report 12 Mar 2020 17:29

The ongoing briefing seems to be both honest in its brutality and informative in it’s understandable content.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Mar 2020 19:30

Sophie Gregoire Trudeau came down with symptoms a couple of days after returning to Canada after several days in England attending meetings.

First we get Harry and Meghan from you, and they won't leave

now you send our PM's wife back in a very infectious state.

I don't know whether to thank you or curse you :-D


Caroline Report 12 Mar 2020 21:03

Ontario has closed all it's public schools for an extra 2 weeks after this coming week March break. The theory being families will go off on holiday for March break so we're forcing kids to stay away for 2 weeks.