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SylviaInCanada Report 17 Mar 2020 19:48

Caroline ...... that would be the 5th death in Canada. We've had 4 in BC, 3 were over this weekend, all connected with the same care home in North Vancouver.

I've just been listening to an announcement from our Premier and a couple of his MInisters.

They haven't declared a state of emergency yet.

All schools closed indefinitely, universities and colleges not mentioned but most have already closed classes on campus and moved to online teaching.

Finance Minister disclosed outlines for support for businesses

Apart from that .............. the largest department store in Canada, Hudson's Bay, announced about an hour ago that all stores will be closed for the next 2 weeks, effective immediately. Sales associates will be paid for scheduled shifts.

The city has already closed most city-run buildings, including community centres, pools, and libraries.

One of my friends with mobility problems is busy buying books online .... like me she doesn't like ebooks. I'll be ordering books later today.

Social distancing and self-isolation, plus frequent hand-washing, are still the order of the day.


JoyLouise Report 17 Mar 2020 19:54

Our schools are still open but I did hear that more than one head is short of teachers who are staying at home with a child with a temperature.

I do believe that Boris is using the children as guinea pigs to test out this herd-immunity theory?

I wonder whether he or anyone in Parliament are keeping their own children off school?


Allan Report 17 Mar 2020 20:40

I phoned the dr's yesterday to make an appointment as I'm down to my last few days of meds. The receptionist told me not to go into the waiting room but to phone them from the cat park (actually I'll be walking over there as it is so close). The dr would then phone me when she was available, and I could then go in :-S

I'm supposed to go to a funeral today, but I heard on the local news last night that the Funeral Directors are now saying that no more than fifty people should attend any funeral. I know that there will be more than that at this one, but I've also noticed that this particular funeral is to be webcast on the FD website. I think that that may be the way to go.

Also been announced that Bunnings have cancelled all sausage sizzles, and that WA Police will no longer be operating 'booze' buses, nor conducting static RBTs

Interesting times we are living in :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Mar 2020 21:16

well, our schools are on Spring Break right now.

Lots of parents have gone away with their kids, now scrambling to get back to Canada as not only have their holiday places shut down or are shutting down, but getting here from there (wherever "there" is) is becoming more and more difficult.

My daughter is on a plane tomorrow from Florida back to Nova Scotia, at least that is what we believe.

If any intending passengers on a Canadian airline have a cough or a sniffle, the Canadian government announced yesterday that the airline is mandated to refuse to board them. They're booked on Air Canada.


Caroline Report 18 Mar 2020 01:39

Yes sorry about that Sylvia I haven't been up on the news for the whole country for a few days there have been more deaths than I knew about.

Our main drug store is somehow going to allow only seniors and people with special needs etc to attend the first hour of every day...not sure how that will work for my local one which is 24hrs, but a good idea anyway.


JoyLouise Report 18 Mar 2020 09:14

Caroline, I read that one of our supermarkets is limiting the first half-hour of their opening time to over-70s. (They'll have to be fleet of foot or use a tick-list if they have memory difficulties cos half-an-hour ain't long for the slow-moving.)

Our 24-hour stores have begun to close overnight so their shelves can be stocked too. I like that because the older generation will get first dibs. I hope some members of staff are assigned to help those with walking problems.


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Mar 2020 19:32

BC declared a Public health Emergency yesterday, allowing the Public Health Officer to issue orders by voice, and without requiring permission from the Cabinet or House.

A Provincial State of Emergency has just been announced.

There will be a brief Legislature meeting on Monday, with reduced number of members, on Monday to pass necessary laws.

Vancouver has declared a City State of Emergency ..... which can be used to curb over-buying in stores and pharmacies.

The PM gave a long update this morning on financial changes that are being made to help people and businesses over the next weeks and months.

He also announced that a joint decision by Canada and the US has closed the border, except for supply trade, and for people who need to cross (eg, people who live on one side but work on the other.


Bobtanian Report 18 Mar 2020 19:50

I didn't want to start yet another post on this subject...
So.............its a straight C&p from another website...some of you MAY have seen it elsewhere....

Please be advised that this is not a political post whatsoever. Any political comments, then they will be deleted, the postee muted and comments turned off.

Many of you would have seen the recent press conference regarding the Coronavirus given by the Prime Minister along with the Government's Chief Medical and Science Officers earlier on this evening. They gave the Government assessment on as to where this country is in relation to the spread of this disease at this moment in time and they gave recommendations on what is going to happen next with regards to what the people of this country are to to do going forward.

If any are in doubt as to the Government Policy and as to why they are doing things the way their doing things then this might explain in simple terms what the Government policy means. I hope you find it of some use.

The plan is to segregate all vulnerable people (older, ill, disabled and at risk) let’s call this group A

Anyone looking after the older, ill and at risk can be group B

The general population / generally healthy can be group C

Group C needs to go about it’s business keeping the country moving, kids at school, us at work

Group B looks after group A and avoids contact with C

Group C is allowed to contract the virus and because it’s generally healthy it can cope with it better than group A

Group A and B are almost self isolating without the virus to avoid putting strain on the NHS and reducing the risk of getting the virus and then needing the NHS

Group C (the generally healthy) go through the cycle of contracting the virus self isolating and being looked after by healthy family members, friends and the local community

Anyone who has complications gets looked after by the NHS while groups A and B are kept away The NHS are not strained by A and B while its looking after complicated cases in C

As group C comes full circle and recovers it divides in to groups that take group B’s position looking after group A allowing group B to go though the cycle

With B and C though the cycle, A is free to have NHS to itself because B and C are now clear from illness and infection and hopefully have a degree of immunity from getting it again this season.

Hope this helps those that are worried or not sure of the plan

Everyone has a job to do for the above to work and we must all be resolute and understanding if we, as a Nation are to get through this.


Caroline Report 18 Mar 2020 20:30

There is some logic to that plan Bob.