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Gee Report 10 Jul 2010 21:38

Must add Miss Gaslight

Fanny, you are so right. They ate what they could could get and it invariably didnt involve meat

Just as the neandatol man...he ate mainly grasses as he wasnt fast enought to chase a brontosauus

Anything at all on your man then?


jax Report 10 Jul 2010 21:39

I'm here

puter playing up today must be over heating in this weather



Renes Report 10 Jul 2010 21:41

Hi all - well for once not asking a question - well just a Couple of little ones - has the visiting garden rat been dealt with?
And what present was bought for the Ivory wedding anniversary ?
Not seen outcome of either also after couple of months reading TTF s finally saw one I new something about - and posted - did not actually solve query - but I helped

Going to print it out and put on my notice board - or it that not the done thing - even for the first ?

Irene xxxxx


FannyByGaslight Report 10 Jul 2010 21:43

You have everything of any use that I have about him.

Witnesses are 2nd wifeys family whos roots are in Ireland
Oh..He couldnt write as he signed with his mark.

Any help?Nope.

This one is my hardest one,been trying for about 2 weeks now and got precisely NOWHERE.

That link you have posted just takes you to a box to send a message to the poster.

~~~~~~~~~~ to Ja...x


Gee Report 10 Jul 2010 21:49


The Rat....not been seen since 'breakfast/lunch and dinner' was offered

He may well be off flexing his 'Rictus' lips?


Cynthia Report 10 Jul 2010 21:52

Leave it to detective Gins..............

Just for you Ginnykins.

Typical Victorian diet
EGGS were an expensive delicacy which would be consumed by the poorest families only around once a year.

Lunch was usually a sandwich made from leftovers or a pie bought when funds allowed, and if money was short cheap soup was available in the street.

Up to 50% of the working class diet was made up of fruit and vegetables. Men tended to drink watered-down beer.

Evening meals generally centred around what was cooked on a Sunday – usually roast or boiled meat often served with suet pudding. It was served again on Monday, as a stew and for Tuesday and Wednesday, and Thursday could be a rice or a lentil based dish served with bread. Friday was traditionally fish.

- 'This is Nottingham ' website.

Hiya Ja...x

Irene, I chickened out and bought them a voucher from Next and a potted dahlia (which was the flower for that anniversary).


FannyByGaslight Report 10 Jul 2010 21:56



Renes Report 10 Jul 2010 21:56

Thank goodness - hope he did not decide to have a weekend in Andalucia ! Nah - they would not let "Rictus " lips thru security

Rene - my OH always calls me that - when not saying darlin' of course xxx


Renes Report 10 Jul 2010 22:01

Was the Dahlia - ivory coloured ? I suspect Next vouchers would be more appreciated than the faux elephant tusks

Irene xxx


Cynthia Report 10 Jul 2010 22:04

No, just a plain red one. Yeah, elephant tusks would've looked out of place on their walls! lol


Renes Report 10 Jul 2010 22:06

Oh sorry Jax - how do you get the thread number - oh b&&@ger back to asking stupid questions again



Gee Report 10 Jul 2010 22:07


They still live like that in Notts....PETER!

However, they do have Ikea



FannyByGaslight Report 10 Jul 2010 22:13

Errm ,actewely me name is Fans to you Rene ,not Ja..x,I was just sending a wave to Ja...x

To get the thread No you click on the thread and then copy the long numbers etc in the bar at the the top of the page.

Convey it to this thread, and paste...


Cynthia Report 10 Jul 2010 22:17

She's at it again!! Changing the headings. Time for bed.


FannyByGaslight Report 10 Jul 2010 22:18

Not full moon yet is it Cyn??

Night me old sweets..


Gee Report 10 Jul 2010 22:20;s called marketing Cyns

it gets peeps lookin


SlingerWood Report 10 Jul 2010 22:22

just read your 18:41 post...

She is just like that as well

Came home once from work and moned that there were 8 coat hangers on the beb.... Don't worry SHE says there be new things on them tommorrow.

Good night


FannyByGaslight Report 10 Jul 2010 22:22

Not looking for John Jones in Liverpool though ,eh Gins?

I DO like the sound of SHE Peter...
A good woman you have there,but you know that already...Nighty night.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jul 2010 22:28


late again today

OH wanted a cold hard boiled egg with his salad on Thursday evening

So he put one in water in a pan on the stove, turned the ring on ........... and went away to do something

He remembered 30-35 minutes later

water all boiled away, egg black and brown ......... and the teflon coating on the bottom of the pan destroyed.

The first I knew of it was when he appeared at my side with the pan.

The horrible burning smell is still around

and I have some flu-type symptoms which may be due to fumes from the teflon

oh joy!



SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jul 2010 22:29

night night everyone

sleep tight
