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## Canucks International ##

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The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 11 Apr 2009 09:12

G'Day All,
I hope you all have a nice easter. The weather has been good this week but it's supposed to cool down. I'm spending Easter with the daughter and 5 grandchildren and with any luck my son and his 3 will arrive tomorrow.

Best wishes to all


Diane Report 12 Apr 2009 14:00

Good afternoon everyone, just a quick message to say Happy Easter and hope you all have a lovely weekend.....

edith clace

edith clace Report 13 Apr 2009 10:34

Morning everyone, Another holiday on the way out. They seem to come

and go very quickly now. We had lovely weather for the week-end, sunny

skies and at last some warm temps.

Although we still have snow, signs of spring are everywhere. Crows,

eagles and gulls are back. The fox are not coming as often,I think they

may have some young ones. Haven't seen any bears yet Mary, but they

will show up soon.

The bulbs I planted last fall are just starting to peek through the snow,

How was the Easter meal Fred?I'll bet you enjoyed not having to cook!!

Hello to Ian, Dianne and all the rest, hope to hear from you soon.

Edith XXXX


badger Report 13 Apr 2009 14:52

Hi All.what a nice holiday so far for me,no cooking ,even today Liz has managed to do it for me,and i have had time to do more of the garden and sowing seed in the greenhouse.
The palm out front looks good and seems to be holding it's own,but i will keep my eyes on it for a couple of weeks.
We have been enjoying the grandbairns over the weekend and i have taken a couple of good photos with the new camera,so i will upload those later this afternoon.
found my new lappy too a H P 17" with a3 gig memory and a 360 gig hard drive,wi fi enabled and a built in wireless broadband connection ,reasonably priced too ,so i will def' not be replacing the desktop with a new one,think the missus has designs on the 15" acer,but ,no matter.,the large hard drive on the hp,coupled with the external drive means i don/t need the smaller one anymore.
Catch you all later,it's been a long three days what with one thing and another ,so ,i'm off for a mid afternoon snooze he he.Fred.


Lesley Report 15 Apr 2009 17:27

I am still missing in action!! My hard drive crashed and my lappy is still in the shop getting fixed. So no emails from me for a bit longer.
Take care you lot


badger Report 16 Apr 2009 16:12

Hi everybody,well,i for one def' know how Lesley feels with my xp desktop on it's last legs ,and me panicking trying to get all my data moved to the lappys before it crashes and burns.
I thought i would be ruddy clever and shunt all my data onto the external drive and just transfer it onto the lappys huh whos'e a clever bunny then,who went and tried to move xp files onto vista lol,what a daft thing to do.
I have learned something anyway,as it will now take me twice as long to do the job i should have finished today .
Weather here is still dismal and old Badger is fretting with being stuck indoors [whinge not fair humph ].
I have loads of seedlings wanting pricked out ,so ,i suppose i could go into the greenhouse and get on with that.See ya tamorra all.Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 17 Apr 2009 06:59

Hi everyone We are still having summer weather..wish it would cool down a is hard to sleep when it is so hot,,much prefer my doona and snuggling up under it..

Had a lovely Easter ...Nice and quiet..Took John to the Quack for his form to be filled in so that he can get a Disable sticker for the car so that I can park in a Disable parking spot..It makes it so much easier..for both of us...
Also had our flu shots and now have a touch of the flu so not feeling the best..butter...

Fred I have a 17" lappy..Dell.. and am right pleased with it..,hope you get yours sorted soon..

Les.. Time you got a new one...17" ...How is the sewing going...

Ian You sound busy with all the grandies ..still they are a delight..and keep us young..and

Hi Diane and Edith.. Hope you are both well..Wont be long Edith before you can get that bikini out again...hee hee hee...

Love to all..
Mary xxxx


badger Report 18 Apr 2009 10:42

Morning peeps ,from a very bright sunny [not] Newcastle where fred has finished a marothon puter binge, ooooer seeing letters before my eyes lol.
The vista desk top is now online and the missus has just commandered it ,so i am on my laptop,while the boss plays her games .
We now have two vista puters in the front room ,and one 15" laptop in the bedroom for Liz if she is unwell and can't get up.
All i need now is a wireless printer ,but i'm working on that ,with the idea that Liz would have a complete work station upstairs if it is ever needed.cooooo ,i don't 'arf look after her don't i?,still ,that's a lot better than a walking stick round the ear'ole ,lol.
There is still plenty to do out back despite the lousy weather ,tons of seedlings to prick out, and other seeds to put in,and ,the second tattie barrel to set away.
Time to get moving ,so i will sign off for now,Fred.



Aussiegirl Report 18 Apr 2009 13:05

Glad you are all sorted Fred and that you have got Lizz sorted also...She will be pleased about that..
Used the Disable parking spot yesterday and it was so much better both for John who didn't have to walk a mile to the chemist and me not having to push the shopping trolley up the hill to the car park..
We are now going to investigate if the drug John is on might be a cause of him getting worse since he started taking it..It was like a miracle the first day he took it but has not really done much since..He has got worse and he is thinking it might be the drug so he is going to have a talk to the quack and see if he could go off it and see how things pan out..ggggrrrr.....

Everyone is busy and here am I with a touch of the flu due I think partly to my grandies who are very generous with their germs and the flue jab I got last week..hee hee hee

Hope you all had a nice Easter.....

Love Mary xxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 18 Apr 2009 13:36

Morning Mary and Fred.

All the others seem to have disappeared into cyber space!!!!!

Our weather is finally warming up, snow is going slowly and as soon as

the ice leaves the lake we will get some real warmth. Saw the first flock of

robins so for sure spring is on it's way.

Have been following the Susans Boyle story, Wow what a delight to see

someone who is real. She is handling all the fame so well and does not

appear to mind all the nonsense with the media .

Fred, I wish I could start a garden too.!!!!!This time of year I miss my

old house and the big flower beds. Then sanity returns and I will plan

on pots and containers for my balcony.

Mary, know what you mean with the meds. Sometimes it takes a few trips

to the Doc to get it right.

Hope everyone is staying well, be back soon. Edith XXX


Diane Report 18 Apr 2009 15:03

Afternoon everyone, not a bad day here in County Durham.. so I have been tidying up outside a little, then having a rest, then tidying, then a bigger rest!!! Now I am catching up on what you all have been up to.. Edith, I have seen Susan Boyle on TV too, she has a beautiful voice. It was lovely to see the judges faces when they realised she was good, as I think they were expecting a good laugh!!!Good for her.
Sylvia how are you haven't heard from you on here for a while hope you are OK, and Les you must be very busy. Fred I love reading what else you have planted and what you are cooking up, you should be an author!! Hello to Mary and everyone else.. Have a lovely weekend.......


Lesley Report 19 Apr 2009 00:25

Got my laptop back today and now Norm is going to reinstall all of the programs for it still is not back on my desk. All my email addresses are in there and so no emails from me...guess everyone will be PO'd...what to do!

The kids and Rhian were here for the last three days. My heavens she is a busy child. She would run me ragged inside an hour. Finally introduced her to Bella and within the hour they were thick as thieves. Where ever Rhian went, Bella was right behind and vice versa. Bella barked, Rhian has been a "noisy" time but good to see them both very tolerant of each other.

Last night I made Baked Alaska for the first time. The whole event was fraught with Rhian stealing the ice cream tubs out of the freezer, and a merangue that would not peak....and then finally did. We all sat in front of the oven and watched it go brown and then off to the table to pig out....sugar highs all round. What a lot of fun. I shall make that again...its a real party recipe courtesy of Michael Smith on the Food Network.

Now there was an article about Susan Boyle that points out that her voice had been heard in the auditions prior to the TV airing...that Simon and the gang had been "tipped" off to look amused and then in awe. Never know about those shows. I think Susan will get a CD op just like that Welsh guy did a couple of years ago. He said he wanted to get his teeth fixed with the money....Susan should get her eyebrows plucked....just a thought!! And yes! I do think she has a lovely voice.

Next weekend is the semi annual "Artists Walk" here in town. Norm and I will be featured in the paper so are hoping for lots of "visitors". So I must sew like mad for a couple of days to boost my stock and to make sure I have enough aprons to sell the week after at the Spring Artisan Fair. Busy, busy and busy!!

Take care, and be good you lot.


Lesley Report 20 Apr 2009 01:29

OK Gang,
I am back on my loverly lappy however I have one small address book. Could you all please email me so that I can at least get you set up again.
My Normie has done a fabulous job with this and it is so much quicker. I have a new hard drive and some more ram coming next week. Still way cheaper than a new puter....and I like this one is an old friend!!
Have been "cutting" all day. I ordered a whole bunch of fabrics and had forgotten just how gorgeous some of them are. I will be able to send out some pics as soon as you are all set up again.
Going to make Plum Clafouti tomorrow. We have our committee meeting here tomorrow nite so I thought I would amaze them....hmmm! if it is as exciting as the Baked Alaska I can see we will spend the nite around the oven....ah! well, at least we will be toasty.
Luv Lesxx


Dorothy Report 20 Apr 2009 14:41

hello from a rainy barrie but it is better than snow though the weather this week-end was great, gosh the baked alaska sounded wonderful how brave of you to try it, I also have been following susan boyle I found a site that has her singing cry me a river the julie london hit one of my friends just loves that rendition but thought susan's version was very good . went down to brampton on friday to see a group we have followed and been friends with for over 33-34 yrs they are called Par 3 for any in the ontario area a irish group and they still sing as good as ever brought back many fun memories we even went to las vegas once for a week when they played there other than that nothing much new bye for now dorothy


Dorothy Report 20 Apr 2009 14:42

hello from a rainy barrie but it is better than snow though the weather this week-end was great, gosh the baked alaska sounded wonderful how brave of you to try it, I also have been following susan boyle I found a site that has her singing cry me a river the julie london hit one of my friends just loves that rendition but thought susan's version was very good . went down to brampton on friday to see a group we have followed and been friends with for over 33-34 yrs they are called Par 3 for any in the ontario area a irish group and they still sing as good as ever brought back many fun memories we even went to las vegas once for a week when they played there other than that nothing much new bye for now dorothy


Dorothy Report 20 Apr 2009 14:42

hello from a rainy barrie but it is better than snow though the weather this week-end was great, gosh the baked alaska sounded wonderful how brave of you to try it, I also have been following susan boyle I found a site that has her singing cry me a river the julie london hit one of my friends just loves that rendition but thought susan's version was very good . went down to brampton on friday to see a group we have followed and been friends with for over 33-34 yrs they are called Par 3 for any in the ontario area a irish group and they still sing as good as ever brought back many fun memories we even went to las vegas once for a week when they played there other than that nothing much new bye for now dorothy


Dorothy Report 20 Apr 2009 14:42

hello from a rainy barrie but it is better than snow though the weather this week-end was great, gosh the baked alaska sounded wonderful how brave of you to try it, I also have been following susan boyle I found a site that has her singing cry me a river the julie london hit one of my friends just loves that rendition but thought susan's version was very good . went down to brampton on friday to see a group we have followed and been friends with for over 33-34 yrs they are called Par 3 for any in the ontario area a irish group and they still sing as good as ever brought back many fun memories we even went to las vegas once for a week when they played there other than that nothing much new bye for now dorothy


badger Report 20 Apr 2009 15:49

Sorry to be so late everyone but i decided to reactivate the old hewlet packard xp because so many peripherals,including the printer is a bit iffy on vista along with my two dvd&cd roms that it is cheaper to reinstal windows xp pro for all my office work,instead of buy all new peices of software.
I went onto the net this morning via the lapphy,and downloaded th windows start up disc onto disc,then moved over to the desk top and made a floppy..
Once i had wiped the main drive ,i slipped the floppy in and and rebooted and then reformatted the drive,anmd now i am stuck lol,until my son comes with the windows 97 disk which he has at home.
When that,s done i can reinstal windows xp pro.
Thank goodness i kept all the old drivers and won,t have to look for them all on the net.
Time to go now ,and get the tea ready,Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 21 Apr 2009 02:49

Morning all.. We have had a little rain lately which is has cooled a wee bit but not enough for me...Down to the high teens and low 20's..just mild..

Fred You are having a lot of trouble with that puta..hope you get it sorted soon..

Les.. You are really going into production with those aprons..Do hope you are making some money out of it all...butter about the puta..

Dorothy You are having a good time with your friends.. Great to have friends that are not to far away to visit..Keep it up...

Sylvia Where are you.. Hope you are relaxing and having a nice quiet time with the grandies..Though grandies are not usually quiet at most times..hee hee hee..

JA Has been working to hard again..Keep telling her to slow down but I dont think she knows how,,Her job is a very busy one..

Hope Veronica Teresa and all the rest are ok and Hi to Di if looking in..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 21 Apr 2009 18:00

Hiya peeps,back again after two nice days in the garden,Nah Mary ,the two lappy's are fine ,and the acer that i gave to Liz ,is downstairs at the moment coupled to the workstation so that she can use the printer while i wait for the son to bring the windows 98 disc so that i can continue to reinstall windows xp.
I think i am going to get the others up and running too,the little desktop puters ,one xp and one vista,so once THEY are done ,i will put them away ,just in case.
I went out front yesterday and cleaned out and fed the top border by the hedge,dittto to the two small beds in the middle of the lawn,and then weedkillered the drive.
checked out the palm too ,and it seems to have taken fine . This morning I started out back with the buckets,feeding them ,and the borders alongside ready for planting out.
Time for a break with a cup of coffee and two slices of toast before starting in the greenhouse,transplanting Dianthus,Corriander,and Chervil,before putting the next load of seeds in,Busy Lizzy,Pyrethium Daisy,Aster,Red and Green Peppers,Cucumber,and few other bits and pieces .
Time to come indoors for a play on the puter ,not a bad start to the week .Catch you all later,Fred
Catch you all later,Fred.