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## Canucks International ##

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badger Report 22 Apr 2009 07:34

Ey oooop you lot,where is you all? lol,there's old badger ,up at five thirty am ,watering lawn to wash the feeder in because there is no rain forcast ,he drops the hose when finished and rushes to the puter,cuppa in hand ,and ,everyone else is still in bed?
Have to go to the foot clinic early this afternoon,and will call in on the way at B & Q for some bedding plants,the sort that are a b***** to start from seed he he,but apart from that ,there is nothing to do today apart from a little housework ,and play on the puter,so beware all ,there may be a few piccies coming your way,as i found a couple of Missy and Hissy as kittens[still miss Missy] but at least we have her sister who is a dear thing ,though still prone to ambush the missus at least once a day lol.
Looks like being a lovely day here ,so i will go and get the dusting done now,and that will leave the rest of the day clear,catch you all later Fred.


Lesley Report 22 Apr 2009 17:39

Normie and I are off to pick up our new van today. We traded in our Chevy Venture for an Aerostar with a camper conversion....bit like a VW. Its a bit older than our Venture but it has hardly any klicks on it and is in pristine condition. Still small enough to drive every day....good stuff!

We have applied to take two theatre students this summer but if we are not accepted we are thinking we might head out for Alaska....see that pie got us going...LOL

Have to get with the sewing so that I have lots to sell this weekend and the one after. Mary, I did make money before Xmas last year but not much so far this year.....I might go back on Etsy again but I really don't want anyone to pinch my new designs.

I think spring might be here...will have to get at that garden pretty's all go isn't it? Made a Plum Clafouti the other night. It was truly amazing. Years ago I used to be known for my desserts and then I went back to work, kids grew up etc.etc. and so I didn't bother anymore. Now I seem to be enjoying that again...ah!! and it will be back to Weight Watchers, won't it??

And a gentle reminder to everyone who has not emailed emails. I went back to the store and apparently the largest part of my hard brive that was buttered was there you have.
Be good and be happy.


badger Report 22 Apr 2009 18:30

Oh Christene,if only you knew ,can't get the perishing cat in now the weather is good,she is in to everything ,marching up the garden to the greenhouse with me ,jumping up on the bench to watch what i am doing,and inspecting all my growing buckets as i get them ready lol,the only time she leaves me alone is when i pick up a watering can or the hose pipe,then she is off like a bullet.
She is a dear little thing ,and keeps me company indoors ,and out ,sitting like a statue while i am on the puter.
Fred is off to bed now ,lots of sniffles and a pain across the forehead ,methinks sinisitis.
Catch you all tomorrow,Fred.


Diane Report 23 Apr 2009 09:03

Good Morning everyone.. Fred hope you are feeling better this morning...Just a quick note to let you know that my Canadian relatives have been in touch with me...(hooray!!) my "researching" has paid off, so thanks (especially to Lesley) for any information you gave me. It was because of searching for these relatives that I found the Canucks site, so I've found friends as well as family... Take care ....


badger Report 23 Apr 2009 10:20

Morning all ,yep ,a lot better this morning ,due i think to three doses of Vics nasal sinus spray ,wow ,that stuff gives you a heck of a kick,but i recommend it to anyone,as all i have left is a few sniffles ,the pain is gone.
It looks like the rain is coming early but ,no matter,i got the rest of the feeders on the garden and back lawn,so it is more than welcome and saves getting the hose out.
Liz is getting the hang of the lappy connected to the workstation ,but is apt to be a little too quick tempered when things don't load as she wishes and i am running back and forwards like a scalded cat[sorry Hissy],think i had better go for now and get her sorted because i will get no peace until she is sorted.fred.


Lesley Report 23 Apr 2009 17:52

Came home last night with a loverly is pretty cute. Treated ourselves to a chinese nosh. Haven't been to the Golden Dragon in ages so stuffed myself until ready to burst!!

Someone is coming from the newspaper today to take a pic of me and my aprons....heavens all this fame will surely go to my head...LOL!!!

Glad your rellies got in touch Diane. I have been asked to teach a genealogy course, a night school course at the local college. So I am thinking about that. It would be OK if they all had english or canadian rellies but what if they were Russian or from outer Mongolia or something...hmmm!!

Off to make myslef respectable!!

edith clace

edith clace Report 24 Apr 2009 01:26

Hello all, Arrived home from Thunder Bay with the same face I went with.

Was supposed to get the eyes tightened up so I can see better, but the

Doc decided it was "too involved" ???? Sent me off to another one,who

is overbooked so have to again wait for an appt. D---mn. If I wasn't in

danger of losing my drivers license I would say stuff it. Have no periferal

vision on the left side so will have to be careful.

Other than that all is well. Started my herbs in pots to-day so I can keep

them in until no more cold.

Les, happy to hear your sewing is going well, will look for you on Forbes

500 soon hee hee.

Fred as usual you are busy, good luck with all your plantings.

Hi to all who are missing , stay well. Edith XXXX


badger Report 26 Apr 2009 09:58

Hiya Edith ,glad to see you back at home lol,no doubt you will be sorting out your verandah ready to start on your herbs and tomatoes.
Just thought i would come on for a few seconds and bring the thread to the fore ,off into the garden now to finish putting the fifty bedding plants into place,be back this afternoon,Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 27 Apr 2009 04:13

HI everyone.. Our weather is slightly cooling down but a long way to go yet...

Les.. Our Celeb.. hee hee... Keep at it girl and we will see you in a posh magazine...Have a go at the Genie class,, It might be interesting,,When you get time send me a pic of the mobile...sounds interesting..But Alaska..a bit on the cold side if you ask me...hee hee hee..

Fred. I have never seen a lawn as green as yours.. and so lush,, Makes me realise how dry this continent is as to get a lawn like that you would have to have a sprinkler on all day every day and break every water restriction rule in the book..hee hee hee..and get fined a motza...hee hee...Hope your sinus is on the improve..nasty and not nice..I have the one cord that I can connect both of my putas to the printer..I just unplug it from a port on one puta and plug it into a port in my lappy..I didnt have to register my lappy either,,it works fine..

Edith So good to have you home safe and sound again..Butter about the doc but keep at them and you will get sorted soon..In the meantime you can plant your herbs and keep out of mischief..Do you still feed the fox.. Or had he got enough to eat now you probably have thawed out...

Diane How great to find family in Canada.. And to be in touch with them..I see a trip to Canada soon unless you live there already..Cant quite remember..but another branch in the tree to add..

Christine Yes my flu is about gone just a little cough and sniffle left thank you ..Was getting so sick of it..

Hope everyone is well..Sylvia Teresa Veronica and JA who is working to hard..and Ian,
Love Mary xxxx


badger Report 27 Apr 2009 11:56

Morning all ,back again ,too wet to work outside ,but ,not to worry ,the bedding plants are safe enough to leave until the weather improves,couldn't get them in last evening because company arrived ,and i couldn't go in to the garden while they were here ,bad manners and all that.
As soon as i get a wireless usb connecter Mary ,i will be able to get onto the printer from anywhere in the house ,or garden,by plugging in the connector to the mainframe,but there is no hurry
Liz is as happy as larry[whos'e he?].this morning ,running amok on the mainframe puter ,putting on her photos ,her own yahoo messenger ,msn messenger and what have you ,sigh ,looks like there is a new pilot in the drivers seat he he.
Well she has TWO puters now ,so i think i will put a lock on my laptop and vista tower so she can't commandeer those as well.
Seems like our Les is doing so well with her aprons that i reckon many famous chefs would be proud to wear one,lol,We have two very well known ones operating in Newcastle that look real clips that they should jump at the chance,and ,hell ,if it comes down to it ,i would pay for one ,and be proud to wear it too seeing as i'm the major cook and bottle washer.
Off to make my salad for tea ,Fred.


Lesley Report 28 Apr 2009 23:26

Hi Guys,
This is my second attempt to post....the last one vanished into cyber space and, more to the point, I have no idea what I said!!

Fred, many of the ladies who look at my pinnies say that they could imagine running naked around their kitchens wearing only my if that is something that is appealing to you I will gladly send you an apron....LOL!!

Mary our new van is very much like a VW Westphalia/Eurovan, do you have those in Oz?? It is certainly not as luxurious as the Roadtrek but it does have a comfy bed and a fridge and stove so I think we will be OK. Plus it is not overheight on the ferry and has really good gas mileage. We shall see....we are thinking Alaska.

Kathy was here for a few days. We had lots of laughs as usual. She and her Norm fell in love with our Bella and tried to steal her away when they left today...can you imagine that!!!!

I am off to sew, hopefully can get another 4/5 aprons made by friday when the show starts. After that I will settle down to gardening and genealogy for awhile.

Edith glad you are home safe and sound.

Love to all.

edith clace

edith clace Report 1 May 2009 00:10


Teresa In Canada

Teresa In Canada Report 1 May 2009 18:48

Hi Guys,

As usual I can't find the time to come on here regularly. Too much going on in my house right now. I think I had told you all that we were thinking of putting our house up for sale and looking for something smaller now that the children have all flown the nest. Well, we have been doing some renovations and now have had to put a halt to them for a bit. Bob's last Leukemia tests were not good and he is going to start Chemo on the 13th. He has had a ct scan and bone marrow aspiration and will get those results on the 12th. They have already booked the Chemo as they are quite sure he will have to have it. We don't know how many sessions or even the type of treatment other than the first one will be an IV. Before these last tests were done the doctor said that he still considers this to be a management phase and not life threatening, hopefully he will still feel the same way when we get the results of the test. Bob says he feels no different although has lost quite a bit of weight (some of it on purpose-arghhh).
Bob still wants to go ahead with selling the house, I am wanting to wait to see what happens, stay tuned!

I am also back at work so having to juggle my shifts so that I can go with him to the appointments. So, If i don't come back for a while it's because I simply don't have the time. I try to read the threads when I come home for lunch but don't always have time to reply.


edith clace

edith clace Report 1 May 2009 23:37

Hi Teresa Best wishes to you both. My thoughts will be with you.

Just try and make the best of each day ahead. Love Edith.


Dorothy Report 2 May 2009 14:10

hi teresa I hope that all goes well with your husbands tests results and the treatment that may follow how things have improved in the treatment of this illness over the years, hope to see you back on line when you can I don't contribute much to this site but enjoy keeping up with everyone, just had a one on one birthday dinner with my 10yr old grandson and it was a fun evening I like to treat them all to a special dinner out with me when it is their birthdays and theyget to choose the resturant. I have a birthday at the end of the month it is the 37th anniverary of my 30th birthday it sounds better that way!!! I see it is a bank holiday in england this week-end bye for now dorothy ( barrie ont)


Lesley Report 3 May 2009 02:06

Hi Guys,
Well day two at the Spring Fair and 10 down...get it??? The hall was filthy when we all arrived, the toilets closed and the stoves/ovens not working for our life likes curve balls.
Teresa, you and hubby are in my thoughts. I know they can do fantastic stuff....have a friend who was diagnosed some weird form of lukemia about 5/6 years ago and he is living life to the full each day. Your are in my thoughts!!
After a week of sunshine it is raining on and off today....sure hope that wasn't summer!!
Take care you lot and be happy.


badger Report 3 May 2009 11:02

Good morning all from one veeeery sore Fred,who bought it all on himself by refusing to admit that he is no longer a spring chicken and spent three days solid in the garden and greenhouse before having to admit defeat ,and has awarded himself the day off,[ouch].
Sound advice from Lesley,Teresa ,my mum beat kidney cancer for 20 plus years before it finally claimed her,and that was nearly 15 years ago now,things have come a long way since then ,so the prognosis is getting better all the time.all the best to the pair of you anyway for a good few years together yet.
I have sent out an email to a few people this morning ,my wife included,and have incurred her wrath he he,the email needs power point to open it ,and i forgot to install office 2007 onto her xp puter [oooooops] ,she is NOT impressed ,so i will have to put things right before the stick comes out.
The weather is a little iffy and i am waiting for a clear patch so that i can get the weed killer down next door before her son puts the mix of top soil and sand in place to take the turf,didn't want him putting weed killer down because he is not green fingered and i don't want him to do himself damage.
He has done a fantastic job of her patio though ,so i will just be there to watch him lay the turf to make sure all goes well
Hope everyone is having a nice holiday ,and hope that once the venue was sorted Les' ,that the show went well.
Nah,I had no intention of doing a naked chef impression Les' frightning all the neighbours with grizzled dangly bits on show ,lol,so i will pass on that offer thanks he he.
I think that the last of this years seed has been planted now ,so the next stage is potting everything on,before putting it out into the garden.
Must go now and get the dinner started,a steak and kidney pie today with a few trimmings for the grand bairn Chris ,who is a growing lad,he he ,you had better believe it lol,made a chicken curry last evening and within the hour he was asking what was for supper.
Catch you all later ,Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 6 May 2009 07:47

Hi everyone We have beautiful weather at the moment,,Sunny and mild,Around 23c and dry..

Teresa Big hugs for you and Bob.. Will remember him in my prayers and I am sure that he will be fine, He has done so well that I can see him continuing,,Sell the blooming house,, Will keep his mind off things at the hospital..and give him something to look forward to,,Make sure the kids are not to far away to help..

Les.. What a shamozzle ,,Bet you have it all sorted and hope you are selling lots of aprons..Bet Kathy was good value for a few days..

We are actually having a day out visiting on Friday,,We are going up to Tumbi Umbi to my brothers for lunch,,Its about a hours drive north and am looking forward to it..We never get out other than just to the shops and doctor so this is a first for really looking forward to being on the road again,,am beginning to get a touch of cabin fever. hee hee hee..

Well better go and sort out something for dinner..Keep well and mind the back Fred..

Love to all Mary xxxx


Diane Report 6 May 2009 09:32

Good morning everyone, hope all is well.
Hows your aches and pains Fred? Better I hope!!
Tereasa my best wishes to your husband, hope all goes well!
Lesley, busy girl enjoy yourself!!
Just wondered how Sylvia was, anyone heard, as I haven't seen her on here for a while...
Mary hope you enjoy your day out visiting your brother. It will be lovely for you I'm sure.
Hello to everyone else.
I haven't been too well the last few days (good days and bad as I'm sure everyone has) but today I'm feeling fighting fit, well fit, so I might do a few things in the garden, there again I might be tired out just thinking about it!!
Isn't this Swine Flu thing getting a little out of hand?? I don't know... what next...
Anyway take care and enjoy your day.....


badger Report 7 May 2009 16:23

Good after noon all ,from a very windy but sunny Newcastle,where old Fred has now finished for the day having put the last of the bedding pants out into the front borders and potted on the last of the veggie plants.
The chalet is looking good Mary ,all the tomato's are well away,the cucumber plants areall showing ,the three pumpkin plants are well away,and i am now awaiting only the pepper seeds to show through ,so ,i am well chuffed.
Liz bought a lovely meaty ham shank home from the market yesterday morning ,and set to and made six tubs of pease pudding for the freezer,and today she has made a huge pan of soup using the stock off the shank,a little of the meat cooked up with a mixture of parsnip ,carrot, onion ,leek, lentils split peas,small chopped swede and potato.
The rest of the meat has gone into five ham and egg pies ,luuuuuuverly lol,not bad seeing as the shank cost but £1-60.and most of the veggies came from the garden.
Please note Mary ,the floor of the chalet has been swept and washed down,just in case of unexpected visitors lol
Hope you are all looking forward to the weekend ,catch you all later ,Fred.