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## Canucks International ##

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Lesley Report 12 Jun 2009 18:31

Quickie from me today. We are having our yard sale this weekend. We have so much cannot imagine. I bet if I was stricter I could go back thru the house and find as much again. Norm and I are pack rats!!
So busy pricing all this stuff, getting the tables ready. Sure hope to make a little a lot of money!!!

Will let ya know come monday. Have a good weekend.


Diane Report 12 Jun 2009 18:38

Well its a lovely evening here in Durham, its warm and sunny and I have just finished pottering about in the garden. Grabbing a quick minute on here to catch up. Fred as always you sound busy and Lesley you certainly are always on the go, good luck with your yard sale, thats something we don't do here, we have car boot sales but I do like the idea of a yard sale. Mary hope your hubbys pains ease a little, and Edith hope your weather soon warms up. Hello to evberyone else and hope you all have a nice weekend.....

edith clace

edith clace Report 14 Jun 2009 12:19

Morning From a lovely warm morning, blue sky, no clouds and temps going up where they should be. At last, I do believe summer has arrived.I spent yesterday getting all the plants etc. on the balcony then had to reposition all the furniture hee hee.
Hope you are "rolling in dough" Les after a sucessful sale. They are a lot of work but the rewards can be great.
Hi to Diane, J.A. Mary, Veronica, Teresa, Ian, and any others looking in.Hope you are all well. hAD A "BEAR"sighting Mary but he was too fast to get a pic. Only saw his rump going into the heavy bush. Will keep the camera ready tho' .
Must get some porridge into me so bye for now. Edith XXXX


badger Report 14 Jun 2009 12:52

Just a quick one fromFred today who is still nursing a sore hand ,but it is slowly getting easier ,and there are no infections from claws ,or teeth,the perpetrator of this dastardly crime is lying under my chair purring her head off bless her ,having just polished off her treat ,lol.
Having the day off today no garden ,just the puter and the chair outside to soak up a little sun.
I will be keeping my eye on Liz closely today after her cousin ,passed away on Friday morning ,she is rather upset because this was her favourite of four daughters ,one of the others passing away last year.
Must admit ,she was a lovely lady i didn't get to meet often enough,and now ,of course it's too late.
One of the surviving sisters,Is coming over from Canada for the funeral and wake ,well the Larners are an old irish family after all ,so ,Fred will be on hand to ferry people from the church to hall for the life celebration,which this family will do in great style .as always,having photo's of their lives ,families, and good times .
You watch what you are doing Edith ,with those bears ,just in case one decides to come towards you ,not away from you lol.can't have our balcony gardener in hospital ,instead of enjoying the sun now it has arrived .
Got to go now and wash up after dinner ,a lovely madras curry with home made Pilau rice ,nice and tasty.
Tea i think a small salad with a little hard greek cheese and sun dried tomatoes .
Have to go anyway ,the peace will be shattered shortly when the son and trailer arrive home but we have had a quiet weekend for once.Fred


JALimestonePlains Report 14 Jun 2009 13:34

Hugs for Liz badger and you too, hard time

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All take care



badger Report 15 Jun 2009 07:40

Morning all ,wow ,what a downpour we had last night and i'm sure i heard a rumble of thunder in the distance too.
Hey what's up with the kids today ,lol.the son bought the van back last night after their trip down south ,and decided to stop off at their house for a meal BEFORE bringing the van back here.
Sooooo,by the time he arrived at the gate ,it was dark ,and it was tiddling down,anyone who has reversed a trailer into a narrow drive ,swinging round in a narrow road knows it is no easy task in broad daylight ,never mind in these conditions ,but after a few minutes ,he did manage. silly b***** ,he he.
The upshot of it is ,they have decided to get a newer van ,that is better laid out inside and is a good few feet shorter,which i wont argue with ,this one is 24 ft long ,and i only have just enough room to get my car in and shut the gate,a four ft saving would make a lot of difference,including my being able to get my mower onto the front lawn without having to lift it
Shopping today starting at Aldi who are offering three tins of Tuna for £1-30p so three lots for us while it's there ,and dinner today will be ,Tuna In Pasta shells ,nice andeasy.
Have to go tothe docs too ,having been naughty with the diet ,i got a rocket off him because my sugar levels were a little high,although the cholesterol level is still right down.
gonna take the missus her tea up now ,so that she can get her bum in gear .lol,shops hair appointment ,bits for the garden ,oooooo ,i do love Mondays he he,catrch you all later,Fred

edith clace

edith clace Report 16 Jun 2009 10:43

Morning everyone, Fred, if I see a bear it is from inside my car !!

I have watched the tourists walk up to them and snap a pic in the face.

Many of them(tourists) run for their vehicle, but don't try it a second time.

We were taught very young to respect wildlife, it's their plot leave them

alone. Lovely day coming up sunshine and warm temps

My herbs are growing like wildfire, basil is busting out of it's pot and

I had to put the parsley in a larger pot too.

Have 2 toms on one plant and lots of blooms so it may be a banner

year for the "balcony garden" . Must get on my way this a.m off to our

nearest town for shopping. See you all soon. Edith XXXXX


Aussiegirl Report 18 Jun 2009 03:22

Morning all.. We have rain.then sun.then rain.then sun..wish the blurry weather would make up its mind...
Went down to the big Mall and got a slow cooker which was on special..$49 down from $80..A good size to as I can make a big meal and freeze half for another time..Got a haicut and a few other things I needed..Was going to buy a book with recepies for the S/C but thought I would find more on the web so didnt thing is a new mattress but to get John out of bed and ready to go shopping is a task in itself..nothing happens fast in this house when it involves

Fred A smaller van would be a lot easier to manover..Ours was 17ft and that was big enough for was very cumfy with 2 lounges,one behind the table and one we could both put out feet up in the evening and watch the telly..cor I miss that van..
Sorry to hear about Liz's cousin..Big hugs for her...and glad you are looking after that hand..

Les.. WOW That was a big sale you had..Did it all go or are you stuck with stuff still..enjoy your trip to see the kids...

Edith..Near enough is not good enough...Hee hee hee...glad you have your camera ready....Hope you are well..

Hi Diane. Is Durham not far from Fred,,who is up north there must be sharing his sun...

Well have a love day all..

Love Mary xxxx


badger Report 20 Jun 2009 08:58

Morning all well ,we are now getting back to normal after getting back from the funeral and my missus picking at her tea,and eating very little.
She watched her cooking programmes last evening but didn't see anything ,if you know what i mean,and so at 9pm i had had enough and packed her off to bed to sleep it off.
I reckon her cousin Pat ,being four years younger has made Liz feel a bit vunerable ,but hey ,she is a spring chicken compared to a lot on here lol.
Edith ,the sensible one ,you did the same as we did when we went to the lion park ,stayed inside the vehicle with the windows up he he,but i have heard of a few daft b****s getting out of the cars with cameras,idiots all.
With the granddaughter here for the weekend ,and Chris arriving at around 10-30 ,it's full house ,lol,but it's what the missus needs to make her take an interest in things again.
I think i will do French Onion Soup for dinner ,along with french stick coated with Parmasan cheese ,and for tea ,a nice fresh curry ,either Khorma ,or Madras both of which the bairns like.
What a weekend this is gonna be. 20th of june ,nearly midsummer and i have the heating on 'cause it's ruddy freezing up here.he he.
This could be because the Hoppings started last night and traditionally it rains all week,so that any daft perisher going to the fair has to wear wellies to trudge through the muddy fields.
This has been going on in Newcastle for close on 200 years ,lol,some people never learn,or is it that Fred is getting past it? he he ,bit of both i reckon ,but i do admit on having some nice memories of walking round it with the mum and dad in law many years ago with the wife and brother in lawin tow ,mum im law winning things on the tombola and lotto stalls ,she was a pretty lucky lady in many ways [well ,look at the son in law she landed up with lol].
Going to take the boss a cuppa up now ,be back later.Fred.


badger Report 22 Jun 2009 07:54

Helloooooo,anyone there or are we all on holiday ?he he.
We had a pretty good weekend despite the lousy weather ,with the two grand bairns to keep us on our toes,and young Chris even helped me in the garden between showers with the planting,which helped me a lot.
After i had taken them both home last evening ,i got stuck in to it again ,and now just have the beetroot to go in ,and one row of late cabbage ,sorted.
We have young Sophie next weekend along with Chris ,so if it's nice ,i think it,s picnic time at Tynemouth,with plenty of sarnies and cakes ,and maybe ,if the big van is parked next to the church where the bro' in law was married ,we may get a bag of chips apiece.
We still have dull weather and drizzle hanging around so Liz and i will more than likely get a bus into town and have a mooch round the markets,that way getting our walk ,and staying reasonably dry at the same time.
I have my new glasses ordered ,a pair of reactrolights for the sun [and Cyprus] but i have been warned that they are no good for driving in sun,so the second pair are distance glasses too,and i have a pair of clip on sun shades that i will leave in the car at all times even got a new pair of reading glasses thrown in so i did pretty well i reckon.
Off for a saunter now ,enjoy your day all,and take it easy ,Fred

edith clace

edith clace Report 23 Jun 2009 11:53

Morning all, Sitting here in my cool apt. not looking forward to another hot

day. We expect another 28 or 29 to-day, I'm just not a summer person.

All the balcony plants are over growing their pots, toms coming along

really well. I agree Fred all the others seem to be on holiday, they need to

let us know how they are !!!!!! Lots of animals on the highways as the

bugs are driving them out of the bush, sadly a lot of them are dying as

they are being hit by the big transport trucks.

Wish my grandkids were younger Fred as they are fun to have for


Hope to hear from the rest of you soon. Bye for now. Edith XXXX


Aussiegirl Report 24 Jun 2009 06:17

Morning all Been nice weather here lately..only a few showers and in the high teens temperature wise..not bad for a winter..though it will get a wee bit colder in the next month or two..
Nothing much happening here at the moment..pulled a muscle in my back,,dont know how..but it has been giving me gyp for a day or two,,a bit better today but last night I had to take something for it to get to sleep..did some shopping today and dont think it helped,,carrying heavy shopping bags..but there is nobody else to help so I just get on with it...

Fred It must be lovely having the grandies there ..At that age they are great fun and quite helpful around the place..

Edith Time to get out the

Hope all are ok and enjoying life..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 24 Jun 2009 08:55

hi Edith ,Mary [who ,by the way Edith is keeping quiet about her beef and ale casserole so we don't get any sniff] lol
It must be upsetting to see animals hit on the roads Edith ,i have seen the odd hedgehog ,rabbit,and fox killed this way ,but only once did i see a deer hit in scotland ,and the bairns were in floods of tears,not a nice sight at any time.
Off to ther metro centre this morning early to buy a new mobile on contract ,this one will do all that my old phone does and goes cross network at no extra cost,of which i get 300 minutes of calls per month,and it has sat nav on board in case i get lost in town he he.
Best of all though it is Skype enabled allowing me to call anywhere in the world free of charge using the usb cable and the lappy ,how neat is that?,could even phone you two while on the caravan patio in Blackpool,[with my little stick of Blackpool rock] tra la la la laaaaa.
Well ,apart from the beetroot ,all is now planted but i had bother with loads of the seedlings this year ,so i landed up putting the brassica apart from the kale. in as seed straight into the buckets.
If this works okay i may well do a lot of planting straight to buckets infuture ,leaving the boss more room for her flower seed.
I think it may be the potting compost ,i havn't used that brand before but i suppose it's one of those things.
We have pumpkins wahey ,the bairns will be that chuffed when they come up next seeing as they started them off at school as a project and bought them home during the holidays.
The wife is doing realwell with her strawberries ,apples,peppers ,corriander,parsley and other herby stuff,that i think we will eat well this season,even the tatties are already at the top of the barrels,and looking really good.
I am thinking i should have put a date palm in the front garden with thw way this country is warming up lol,more free fruit ,and i am very fond of dates after getting the taste for them overseas.
It wouldcertainly be nice to see my orange tree bear fruit ,but that is well in the future it being only three inches tall at the minute.
Looks like being another very warm one ,but no matter,the old shorts are out ,the garden is watered and Old Fred is having the day off,even down to eating in the town,and this evening just having a bowl of corn flakes for tea ,no cooking at all ,yippee, too hot to cook,apart from Snags and a burger outside on the patio,maybe tomorrow.
The little indoor B B Q/grill we bought for indoor use when the weather is bad is very good ,i did snags ,bacon rashers and egg the other evening using no oil at all ,just that spray on ,low cal stuff ,and the natural fat out of the meat meat did the rest ,even the ebbs were beut' not greasy and cooked to perfection ,yes ,a really good buy.
Afterwards ,a quick wipe down with a damp cloth ,and good to go again.he he.
The cat got locked out last night night because she refused to come in when called,she was not impressed this morning when i opened up lol,she came barrelling in the door tail up ,and made a beeline for her breakfaast,after which she shot upstairs and jumped onto the bed,and went to sleep ,poor little thing ,he he,i don't think she will pull that trick again for a while ,she is too used to her comforts, one veeeeery spoilt Kitty.
Think we will do very well this autumn ,looking at a bumper crop of carrots ,parsnip,potato,and leek if this weather keeps up,soups wahey ,slurp.
Hope your back is getting better Mary ,nowt worse in the world than having trouble ,sitting down, trouble sitting still .and trouble getting up again [hugs] been there myself as you know and am now twinging in sympathy ,take care of yourself and get better soon.
Must leave you now ,and get ready to go swanning off for this phone ,free calls here we come he he.Fred.


Lesley Report 24 Jun 2009 18:45

Hi Guys, after weeks of dry hot weather it is raining today....finally. We really need it. Even tho we water our plants they like the real stuff better I think.
In case you wondered where I was...I am back sewing. I am in a weekend sale affair on July 11 and 12 and want to beef up my stock a bit. Then It will be back to genealogy as I have a new hot lead from Curious Fox and am anxious to persue it.
We are playing classical music on and off all day in the green house. My tomatoes are now to the roof and are covered in toms as well as flowers. Norm and I always wondered about the truth of music for plants....we think it works.
We are gradually getting our stuff together for the big trip. While we were over in Vancouver we went to Mountain Equipment and got bear spray, a canvas bag for me as I hate wearing a fanny pack and this little number goes crosswise over my shoulder. We also got a large first aid kit and a few other bits and pieces. Yesterday we installed a bra over the front of the van to protect against rock chips.Next we will protect all of the tanks and pipes underneath especially the propane and the air shocks. What a palava. You would think we were going to the end of the earth....hmm! maybe we are!!
While we were at the kids we slept in the van, close quarters but comfy. In the morning Rhian (and her Dad) brought us coffee in bed. We all sat in the van watching the raccoons in the yard next door (hard to believe this is in the heart of the city!) Anyway pretty soon the raccoons were having a little early morning nooky and Rhian says to me Gammie what are they doing? I reply playing. Rhian says what game is that?.... errr! where do ya go from there. We all just chuckled and Rhian climbed up into the pop top bed and seemed content to let it go.....whew!!!
That's me for to sew.


badger Report 25 Jun 2009 08:58

Morning Les' nice to see you again ,busy as usual,and getting ready for the trip.
Anyone out there in the ether,using skype ,with a skype mobile? Fred has just bought one and was interested to note that anyone with a skype enabled phone is able to call another skype phone anywhere in the world free of charge ,now i'm all for that ,so ,any offers
My new phone is just a normal contract phone ,set on 100 minutes a month and so many texts for £7-50 a month,but pressing the skype icon opens the programme up ,which is free to any skype number.any scot's ears prick up at the mention of free ,i'm no different he he.
Well ,i got up really early and got the back garden watered with the idea of getting the front hedges trimmed ,but it now looks like rain ,so it looks like i am going to get rained off lol.
Off to town this afternoon to pick up my new glasses ,plus my new reading glasses,so i am now set for the summer ,[when it arrives].
off now for a mooch round the boards before i couple my phone to skype on the puter so that i can see who is active that i know ,and of course ,put my number in.
Back later ,have a good day all .Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 27 Jun 2009 01:54

Morning all.. We have another mild this

Fred You seem to be getting in on the new age phones.. I am happy to stay with my little prepaid mobile that just sends and receives I am not techy minded like you and so will just stay put..It took me ages to learn how to send a message on my phone,,lol.. only did it as people kept sending me messages so had to learn how to reply,,,now have the hang of it but only just,,,hee hee hee,,,

Going to a concert at the Conservatorium Of Music this afternoon to hear my grandson play the violin in the Sydney Little people Youth Orchestra... Then we are off across the road to the Intercontenental Hotel for dinner as its my DIL 40th birthday also so we are celebrating with a slap up dinner..John isnt coming as he could not cope ,,it would be a long day for him..much the pity..

Les Sounds like you are getting serious now re the getting all the gear ready makes it seem like it is happening soon.Glad the bed was cumfy...Hope you make sots of money with the aprons,,,

Well better get showered and ready to go out.. Have a lovely weekend everyone ..Our lovely JA is on holidays visiting her daughter..

Hope all are well and hugs for them that are not ...

Love Mary xx


badger Report 27 Jun 2009 08:21

Morning peoples ,from a veeeery damp Newcastle O T,where old git Fred is getting ready for the monthly freezer shopping.
We will be out of here by 0845 so we are at the shop Netto,and Aldi by 9,am,
Netto have 2kilo chucks on offer at £2-30p [two of those] one for the pot ,one for the freezer,lol.
Netto do a very nice Chicago Town Lasagni which i cook ,cut into four and freeze down,lovely with a salad ,and Aldi do a nice veggie on which i do the same with.
Must get some new penn pasta too ,liz gave me a break with tea last night making a bacon ,cheese and leek pasta ,so nice ,and light,and very very tasty,a nice change from the tuna and sweetcorn on which we use pasta shells for.
Lokks like we are going to have a heatwave next week so i will be firing the outside B B Q up at least once to do some nice tasting low fat dinners,with maybe a jacket,some chicken ,or a coup-le of snags and a nice ,slow cooked beefburger ,complete with bun,and oh ,the wife wants warmed garlic bread, sounds good to me.
The garden is doing well now ,the roses are out just in time for the sun,and the scent of them and the dianthus will be lovely as the heat of the day subsides.
Just in case though ,the big pedestal fan is ready in the bedroom,so that we will be able to get some sleep,and as a last resort i can get the portable air conditioner out of the cupboard downstairs if it gets naughty.
Last time we had the fan on though ,i noticed that when i woke up ,Her Majesty was laid out at the bottom of the bed ,paws in the air and the breeze from the fan ruffling her fir,this cat has been here before lol.
We have to be really crafty now ,as she is herself,lying in the patio doorway from 7 pm so that we can't shut it to keep her in,he he ,any movement to close it,and she is on the patio in a flash ,looking at us with that [noooo ,too slow again]look, little B****r.i usually go through to the kitchen ,get her biccie box out and give it a shake while the wife shuts the patio door till there isn't enough room for the cat to get out of ,lol,get a different sort of look from her then ,a foiled again sort of stare he he.
Blime don't time fly ,in five months you will all be complaining that Chistmas is too near ,and i will be starting the search for the new car again.
Well ,that's it for now ,apart from wishing everyone a quiet relaxed weekend byeee.Fred.


Diane Report 27 Jun 2009 15:47

Hello everyone, well its quite miserable here today, damp, foggy and very warm so I think a thunderstorm is looming. Haven't done much family reseach the last couple of weeks, seem to have come to a bit of a standstill, so I'm giving it a rest to see if I get a new set of eyes when I start again. I have been helping my cousin with old records. He had boxes and boxes of vinyls lps and singles and wanted rid of them so we have been searching the net to see if there are some rare ones, most of them are run of the mill 1960s and early 70s but there are a few that seem to be collectors items so who knows he may get a few £s for them. Hope everyone is OK. How was your meal Mary? Fred I'm looling forward to our heatwave, although I am not holding my breath.
Been watching TV about Michael Jackson its such a shame, because regardless of his "strange" personal life, he was a very talented singer and brilliant dancer. Well thats it for now Have a good weekend everyone ....


badger Report 28 Jun 2009 08:34

Same here' heatwave? WHAT heatwave?,it's been drizzling all of 16 hours,and still at it .the cat isn't impressed and ,come to think of it ,neither am i.
I made a lovely soup with the chicken carcass,leek ,diced potato,lentils,salt and pepper,and a little corriander which will come in handy for the tea.
B B Q is out ,so i am doing toad in the hole for the grandson [requested ] with mash cabbage ,peas and slice green beans ,a nice easy dinner .
I can't even get into my garden ,so i'm sitting here in shorts ,knees losing their tan ,and cold ,lol,so i think it's research time ,or a visit to t'other site [facebook] which i am still trying to sort out.
Off for a look about ,hope you people down south and the west country are getting better weather than us ,shocking it is for poor northern folk.
see ya later Fred.

edith clace

edith clace Report 1 Jul 2009 01:34

Helloooo where are you all???? Just returned from a 10th birthday bash.
My great nephew had a laser tag party. This consists of a huge gun and
an activated head band..After 80 hits you are disabled and have to get a
reload. Lord to be 10 again.!!!!!!!!! 7 boys of the same age ripped around
the bush for 2 hours before they finally ran out of steam. After cake and ice-cream and a "loot bag" to take home it was all over. The quiet was
deafening hee hee. My niece and I also collapsed but her 2 boys were
playing a Nintendo game for another hour before they too hit the hay.!!!!!
Weather is the absolute pits again, this is one summer I am sure we will forget quickly. Little sun, little rain, little cold etc. can't seem to settle on any one thing, so we suffer.
Enough blather right?? off to watch some telly and then to bed.
Hope everyone is well Edith