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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 20 Aug 2009 13:16

Hi Ladies,

I didn't have time to get on here yesterday, so have just read all your messages.

Huia, I hope the clinic will get in touch with you very soon so that your problem can be sorted out. It's good that you cried and that there was someone there to comfort you. You have had so much stress and worry for so long, that it does you good to let it all out by having a good cry.
When do you next go to see Phil? I hope you will manage to find him a place in one of the rest homes before too long.

Mo, yes it is a bit annoying that they charge more in the art shop for their craft stuff, but some of the things they sell I haven't been able to find anywhere else. Seeing that the scrapbook is for a special birthday, I don't mind paying a bit extra for a couple of embellishments.
Do you know if your granddaughter has had her results yet? I keep thinking about her, and hoping that the news will be good.
Hope Roly is okay! Is it next week that he goes to the hospital?
Mo, I hope you are alright too, take care of yourself.

Liz, hope things are well with you and that your hubby's knee is better.
I've been feeling a bit down for a few days, but you have managed to make me laugh telling us about the bed. I would have loved to have been a fly on your wall.
It must be great seeing the Red Arrows flying over your house. I've only ever seen them on the television-- you never know I might see them at an air show one day. My son lives three miles from Heathrow Airport, and I love to sit in his living room and watch the planes just after take off flying quite low over the houses near him.

Jean, I read on Ann's thread that you haven't been feeling too good this week. I hope you are feeling a bit better today and a little less tired. I'm still waiting for Alun to send the photo--I wish I could do it myself without forgetting how to do it. Have you managed to book a few days away before your main holiday. You'll probably find that the break will do both you and Jeff good. Hope you'll find somewhere!

Marilyn, I don't envy you the job of sewing curtains- that's one job I hate, especially when you have to match the material. Good luck with them.

Ann, my sister-in-law had a rodent ulcer removed from her leg earlier this year, she is fine now, thank goodness. About eighteen months ago she suffered from a bad dose of shingles on her leg, after it had cleared she was left with a small spot, which over time grew bigger. My niece is a nurse and made her mother go to the doctor as she thought that it looked like a rodent ulcer. My sister-in-law thought that it was just a spot and didn't like to bother the doctor. Anyway all's well that ends well.

Love to Sue, Grace, Marie and Debbie.

Best wishes to you all.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Aug 2009 13:49

Hello girls. How are we all today.
Marilyn,have you been to the market in Norwich? When we go up to Caister,we very often go into Norwich,and I love to browse the market stalls. Mind you,we haven't been for a few years,so I hope it is still there.
The Red Arrows always appear at the Biggin Hill air show,and they are spectacular. But my favourites are the very old planes,such as the B52
bombers ie the Sally B.
Hope you get to finish the curtains soon.
Sallie,Roly is at the hospital on Tuesday. His appointment is supposed to be at 9.45,but I don't think we will get seen at that time.
What annoys me,is the amount the parking fees. The minimum payment
is £1.50,so even if you only have to drop a sample of there,you still have to pay the £1.50,even though you may only be in there a couple of minutes.
And there is still no news on my grandaughter.
My daughter is starting to feel a bit better now. This swine flu,is an awful
thing to catch isn't it.
We had to take a sample up to the hospital today,for her,as she cannot keep of the toilet. I know one of the side effects of tami flu is,the back door trots. But she had it,on the onset of the flu,and cannot clear herself of it.
I presume you will understand what I mean by [ back door trots ] without
my having to try and spell the full word.
I am wondering how both Sallie and Jeans daughters are doing. You have not mentioned them for a while,so I hope they are both o.k.
I hope you are feeling better today,our Jean. Back to your happy smiley self. We miss you,what are you up to. I hope you and J are being good,and not getting up to much mischief.
I wonder how Debbie and the children are now,after their holiday.
Cooooeee Debbie,~~~~~~~~to you and the kids.
Love to Marie,Grace,Sue,Huia,Liz,Ann.
Take care everybody. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 20 Aug 2009 14:01

Hello folks, nice to see your adds, I have some new painkillers now and I took one last nite and slept right through until 6.30. feel so much better today,

Sallie we wont be able to get away, J has to have yet another check up different doc, during early Sept, so we will go out if the forecast is good,and go out a lot for meals.... twist your ohs arm for the photo, I have just taken quite a few of my earlier scrap pages and tried to put them on the laptop ,I had even wrote how to do it, went really well until I couldnt see any pics, so when D comes home she will have to show me again...

I have had lots of scrap stuff off e-bay,very good prices, no problem getting them , I am addicted to buying on

love to all, and that has to include Mo, who has a little sulk if we leave her out....Jean xxxxxxx


Sallie Report 20 Aug 2009 14:46

Hi again everyone,

Mo, just thought I'd let you know that at the moment Jennie is fine. The new medication seems to be doing it's job, hopefully it will continue to do so. She still has to have her blood checked, but that's a good thing, at least we know that they are keeping a close eye on her.

Jean, sorry you aren't able to have the small break before your holiday.
Still, as long as things are all okay with J, that's the important thing. As you said you can always have some days out.
I'm a bit dubious about buying off e-bay-- and now I'm bothered about buying online after someone managed to use my debit card details to buy a computer for nearly £1,800. We had the money back from the bank after five days, but it was the inconvenience of not being able to get any money until they sent me a new card. The trouble was, I was down in Richard's for a week, so I had to borrow some money off him.

Well that's all for now girls, speak to you all soon.

Love, Sallie.xx


AnninGlos Report 20 Aug 2009 16:21

Mo I think that is one of the symptoms of swine flu as well as being an effect of tamiflu. Sounds nasty, Some people seem to sail through it and others get it more badly. I suppose it depends on your health when you get it and if your immune system is already not 100% Hope she gets better soon anyway.

Sallie, no idea where your card was cloned? Was it on the internet? What a pain!!!

Glad you had a good nights sleep jean and that you feel better today.

Sallie, I had a rodent ulcer removed from my upper abdomen February before last, the op was done under a general as the scar was so big. But this one on my shoulder is not that big so i am hoping it will be a local. was in overnight with the other one. The first one started as a patch caused by an allergic reaction to biological washing powder 30 years before the ulcer developed. The second is where my bra strap rubbed., there was a rubbed patch there for a year or so then all of a sudden it came up like a boil, which I thought it was, but it didn't go so off I went to the Drs that was in June, over 2 months to wait for an appointment with the dermatologist, then if he says it is a rodent ulcer, if it is like last time, I will have to see the oncologist about having it removed!

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Aug 2009 17:49

Oh my god Sallie. I do feel for you,about the debit card. It happened to Roly as well. But,the bank rang him and asked if he tried to buy something large,in a department store in America,and it had been used
in this country as well.
Apparantly,they had not got the expiry date right on the card,so it was queeried,thank god.
Ann,when my mum was alive,I had to take her to the hospital to have a rodent ulcer removed from her face. She had it done by a local jab,bless her. She kept saying "Oh I wish this spot on my face would go away".
But the doctor noticed it,on one of the occasions,that we had to visit him.
I thought they had brought the waiting times,for hospitals down. But it doesn't seem the case does it.
Oh Jean,please tell me J is o.k,and that this is just a check up for him,after
his OP.
He's gone through so much recently,bless him.
I am going to go and sulk now,coz our Jeans picking on me. LOL.Luvs ya
See you all later. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 20 Aug 2009 18:45

Yes Mo he is fine it was for a op about five years ago, I was hoping they would sack him this dont worry my little gum drop...You know up to being 65 he was never ill , always a fit sportsman, so he found it difficult
to come to terms with it all but I give him a clip round the ears and he does what he for asking....

love Jean xx


Huia Report 20 Aug 2009 21:28

Mo, the thing your daughter has is dire rear. Very easy to spell.



AnninGlos Report 20 Aug 2009 21:36

Huia I love it, that really made me laugh, so very apt.

Jean pleased to see yours is the same as everyone elses. We tell them what to do and they do what they want Lol!!!!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 21 Aug 2009 05:47

Just a quickie, and sorry I missed you out my dear Jean, glad things aren't too bad and hope you will enjoy your holiday, even without a break beforehand. I am still trying to organise something for our hols.

I heard some man on tv say the other day, Oh yes I wear the trousers in this house but she says which ones! Loved it lol

night all, I am off to bed, and woe betide him if my side is all hot and crumpled. He won't be long before he gets up as he has to be at work earlier today, trouble is it means he gets home earlier too, woe is me!

hope everyone has a good day, not too eventful but not too boring either.


Huia Report 21 Aug 2009 07:39

Spent a fortune today. I am getting new glasses, one pair close/distant for driving and walking round and reading, the other pair close/medium for using the computer. I thought I deserved to treat myself. $1116.50 (gulp). Plus I was told I had dry eye. Must have run out of tears. Now have to massage the eyelids daily (when will I ever get anything done?) and use some more drops, but not with the ones for glaucoma.

Visited a local newspaper yesterday to show them my baby. The young girl reporter bought one, now she wants to have a photo of me holding it to go in the article she is doing, also wants to know where people can buy it. I hadnt thought that far ahead!



JustJean Report 21 Aug 2009 11:25

Hello, Marilyn thanks for the photos of Marie I had a couple of her,but not these, the little ones are lovely, Marie isnt to bad either !!!

You know its hard understanding why one day you feel great and the next rotten , well today is the next one, My pains are back in the legs ,so now I take the painkillers which dope me for the rest of day........

LOve to all ......Jean xx


GRMarilyn Report 21 Aug 2009 12:33

Hi Jean,

Glad you got them Hubby had to down size them as they took ages to come through, but they are lovely.

Sorry to hear about your poor achy legs.....just sit and do nothing ALL day .we wont say anything to anyone ! LOL

Hope everyone else is OK.
Looking after grand daughter a busy day playing Mums & Dads !!

Marilyn x


Deborah Report 21 Aug 2009 14:58

Hi Everyone, how are you all today? Huia, lovely to see success coming from all of your hard work. What a perfect time for you to have something else to concentrate on. Good luck with it all. Also, one of my boys has Dry Eyes, meaning that the Oil Glands that usually line the lower eye lid, don't secrete sufficient oils to naturally lubricate the eye, so he ends up with scratched eyes, which make it painful for him. Our optician just gave him a small bottle of drops which are artificial oils suitable for the eye. Hot, sunny weather usually makes things worse, but this year, fingers crosssed, he hasn't had any problems at all, so good luck with your treatment.

Mo, yes, we do camp in a tent, and sleep on the floor in sleeping bags. I am still trying to get all the washing and cleaning done. I like to have everything done properly at the end of a holiday to save having to do too much before we use it all again the next time. Just need to air everything then. Most of it is now done and back in the attic, we just need to get the tent up in the garden and give it a really good wash and airing.

A gorgeous day here again. Daniel has gone low water fishing and just rung to say he and his friend have picked up loads of prawns. We have some of the lowest low and the highest high tides of the year this weekend, so they make for lovely walks along the beaches to see stretches of sand that are often covered by sea. On the west coast there are the remains of a forest which can only be seen on a few days in the year.

Hope this finds you all fit and well.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Aug 2009 17:55

Evening all.
Debbie,will you eat the prawns that Daniel has caught. I know I must seem thick,but if you do,is there anything special you have to do,to eat them,or can you just wash and eat them.
The only ones I eat,come from my freezer,so I am a bit ignorant.
It sounds like you have been busy,getting things sorted out.
How's your day been Marilyn. I hope you enjoyed playing mums and dads.
I tend to get carried away when my grandchildren come. Roly is always
telling me to be quiet,and to calm down. But I am a child at heart.
Thank you Jean,for putting my mind at rest,about J. What have you got planned for the weekend,anything exciting,pray do tell us.
Huia you were so right about my daughter having a dire rear. Poor so and so,she does have a sore rear end now.
I hope you are o.k Ann,and that you get your appointment soon.
Sallie,I am glad that your Jennie is well. Is it this weekend you are of to Wales again. If you are,I hope you have a successful time in your search.
Right,now our Jean. What the heck are we going to do with you. I wish there was something we could suggest to help you,with these pains.
Have you tried Crampex tablets,they are supposed to be pretty good. But
if you are on other medication,you would need to ask the pharmacist if you can take them.
I do feel for you though my love.
Best wishes to Marie,Grace Liz and anyone I have forgotton.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 21 Aug 2009 18:19

Hi Everyone,

Just popped on to see how you all are.

Huia, so pleased that you have treated yourself to new glasses, I know you need them but it's nice to be able to splash out a bit more money and buy the ones that you really like and that suit you the best. Hope you are feeling better today and not worrying so much. Have you seen Phil over the last day or two? I hope he has settled down at the hospital now. I'm sure everthing will work out for the best. Take care of yourself!

Ann, my sister-in-law had to wait three months to see a dermatologist, I was more concerned than she was, having to wait so long before seeing anyone She had her rodent ulcer removed under a local, so she was home on the same day.
I'm amazed that yours started as a patch from an alergic reaction from washing powder all those years ago. As long as it's alright now, that's the main thing. Have you had an appointment come through yet? Let's hope it won't be too long before you see someone and that you will be able to have it removed under a local.

Mo and Ann, I use to buy quite a bit online-- one of the places I use to buy from was a company in Stoke-on-Trent. It turned out that the person who used my card details bought the computer online from a computer company in Stoke-on-Trent. I don't know if there was any connection, but it does seem a coincidence. So now I am always reluctant to use our debit cards to buy anything online. The trouble is there are some things for scrapbooking that I like that I can only seem to find on the internet.

Mo, you are right about the cost of parking at the hospitals--if you are there a few hours it costs quite a bit. I think that some people might have complained at the hospital that Jennie goes to, the hospital is now doing a weekly parking ticket which costs £10, with no time limit on the ticket and can be used by any car. So when Jennie has to stay in, we buy one of those, and then work the visiting between us so that we can all use the same ticket. Oh, we do look mean, don't we?

Jean, sorry you are having a rotten day, I hope you feel better later on today. I will get Alun to send the photo to you over the weekend, I promise.

Marilyn, hope you have had a lovely day with your granddaughter.I hope you are alright!

Liz, hope your side of the bed wasn't too crumpled when you got to bed.
Have you decided on where you are going to spend your holiday yet?

Thinking of Sue, Debbie, Grace and Marie, Hope all is well with you all and your families.

Best wishes to everyone.

Love, Sallie.xx


Huia Report 21 Aug 2009 22:33

Sallie, you are not being mean, just frugal. And thoughtful not all turning up to visit at the same time. Much nicer to have only 1 or 2 visitors at a time.

Must get ready, havent visited Phil the past 2 days so will go this morning. Have finished breakfast, had my photo taken (holding my 'baby') by a friend for the local paper who are doing an article on my calendar. Have made a couple of phone calls. The dishes will wait until tonight, I have plenty more clean ones in the cupboard.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Aug 2009 01:11

Evening all, well the bed was ok but yet again my sleep was disturbed. It's been difficult all week. Last weekend someone new moved into a bungalow a couple of plots along from here, this house is at the end of the cul de sac and there are little driveways to three bungalows at one side and more houses the other. Everything big stops outside us and under the bedroom window, there are no gardens in front of the houses, only about a metre of grass, open plan. Really bad Feng Shui, as the headlights (poison arrows) shine at the house every time anyone drives down here to visit or come home etc, then they have to turn and reverse to get into their driveways so always a bit noisy. Monday the new bloke had some deliveries done, so lorry reversing noise, driver shouting (why do people think it is ok to shout in a street?) etc etc Tuesday the same and I heard the milkman stop and sit and chat on his mobile phone, he comes around 11 am, Wednesday was bin day, well the wheelie bins rumble and then crash as they are tipped into the lorry, then it reverses up the street, all the time the men shout to one another! Not long after that I got woken by the Red Arrows zooming over after they had displayed at Cromer Carnival!
Yesterday the new bloke had some more stuff delivered by a truck with a crane on! More shouting as he offloaded some wood, don't know what the chap is doing, it's only a little bungalow with a tiny garden, so no room to do a lot and there is already a shed and conservatory.
Oh for some uninterrupted sleep, oh and the last few days the farmer has been harvesting the potatoes in the field at the end of the garden so his tractor was noisy too, he will be out there today I expect and today, Sat, the bloke next door and his dad who is round every day, will be outside under the bedroom window cleaning their cars, and shouting at the dogs who they let roam round the close tiddling in everyone's garden!
Earplugs don't work so I suppose I will just have to hope I go into a really good sleep and don't hear them, will close the window in case, as it is cooler now and I won't melt!

Happy days, hope you all have a good weekend, and not too many major disasters.



Huia Report 22 Aug 2009 05:15

Liz, it is high time you considered emigrating to NZ. You know there is a bed here if you want one. I would be very happy with the company. We get on well on the internet, so I imagine/hope it would be the same in real life.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Aug 2009 05:47

Oh my friend, if only! I would have to drag my son with me tho, am already getting nervous about him going to the Reading festival next week (remember last year's fiasco with not having a ticket - no worries this year, he has ticket and travel arrangements all sorted and all paid for, his friend's Mum paid for him and her son and they have both been paying her back)
Imagine how I would worry with being so far away as NZ lol

One day maybe, if those lottery tickets come up trumps......

off to bed now, I guess I would fit in with the sleeping as would be the right way round lol

night love