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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 25 Aug 2009 15:47

Think we are all having problems sallie, despite GR telling us that nothing is wrong.


JustJean Report 25 Aug 2009 16:43

Hi, You are not theonly ones having trouble, I tried to get on had a problem with not able to post anything .... cant be us that are all wrong.....

We managed to get the shopping done before the rains came and stayed...
so I went for a it ever going to stop??????

Mo let us know how Roly got one please,

Ann if you dont mind me asking were do you come from originally.

love Jean x


AnninGlos Report 25 Aug 2009 16:56

Hi Jean, born and bred in Fareham Hants. Moved to Essex in 1968, then to Gloucestershire - forest of dean 1973, then to Bedfordshire 1981, back to gloucestershire 1992 where we came to rest. OH from Devon.



JustJean Report 25 Aug 2009 17:25

I was convinced Ann, that I knew you from my neck of the wood, you have a a though I have known you a long time, Daff favours a friend of mine especially with the hair cut......


AnninGlos Report 25 Aug 2009 17:53

Well, I am not sure where you are or come from jean but I think it is up north!!!! A bit of a way from Hampshire Lol!!! I have been told before that I have a double.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Aug 2009 17:55

Hello my friends.
Well after two and a half hours,at the hospital. I am pleased to say that Roly is sort of o.k. The specialist told us that everyone,has fat in the liver,and that he was not concerned with the cyst. But Roly had to have seven phials of blood taken. They are testing him for hepatitus B+C,and several other things. But if we hear nothing from them,then he does not have to worry,and they will do regular blood tests to keep an eye on his liver.
He has been told to stop drinking,and to lose some weight. We have been on a low fat diet for years,since his heart attack,so it's not the food
thats causing his problems.
It will break his heart,not to have a couple of pints,but he must listen to what he has been told.
The thing is,I dare not nag,as he is the sort to go an do what he shouldn't
if he is nagged at. I have moaned so many times in the past,about his drinking,not that he is an alcoholic,that sometimes it's like banging your head against a brick wall. But he must stop,not just for his own health,but
he has to realise that I am here,and he has kids and grandchildren to think of.
Right thats my moan over. I hope everyone is well. Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 25 Aug 2009 18:15

Hi All,

Mo, so pleased that all went at the hospital for Roly. Lets hope that will be that now, apart from keeping an eye on him. I've been thinking about you both today.

Sue, hope your son is home and that he is okay.

Debbie, how is your Dad? I hope he has had the results of his blood tests, and that it is something that can be sorted.

Huia, sorr to sound a bit dim, but I'm not sure what you mean about the photos. Have you been to see Phil today? If you have I hope that he was alright, and that your visit went well.

Just finished our dinner, having a browse round the boards, and then back to scrapping.

Thinking of you all.

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes.



AnninGlos Report 25 Aug 2009 20:57

Hello All, Glad the hospital appointment went well Mo. Difficult for Roly to give up his drink, especially if he goes to meet friends at the pub when he has a drink. we like a drink ourselves most evenings, it is a way we relax, it would be hard if we were completely forbidden it. I suppose he can't even have a half pint. Anyway, hopefully he will see that not to give up will shorten his life. Maybe better to wait and see if he adjusts to it on his own to keep the peace!!!!!


JustJean Report 25 Aug 2009 21:21

Hi, all, Glad the hospital trip turned out well Mo, I find I cant stand the taste of wine now, sad coming from one who could drink for England, not boasting .... I used to have market stalls and we all used to go out, always ended in all night sessions ....not good... so one day decided this wasnt a great idea and just stopped, havent drank since , only the odd shandy....just dont like the taste.... but always have some in the house so we can offer it to any visitors....J loves his wine, I love will no doubt make hisown mind up....Dont Nag you do to me.....xxxx

Ann , I come from Lancashire born and bred, never lived anywhere else would love to live in a villagey type atmosphere..... we go to a small town nearby to do some shopping and it still has a village aura about that for me would be lovely.......

sleep well everyone... love Jean xx


Huia Report 25 Aug 2009 21:34

Sallie and all,

The website I mentioned you have your own page and can put your photos on it. Then I discovered on the chat page I can copy one of the photos to the thread. They come up beautifully, in fact they block out some of the ads at the side. I have put quite a few photos on the thread, about every second time I post, it makes it look more colourful and interesting.

I visited Phil again yesterday. Once again he wanted to come home and after an hour of the same old 'lets go home' 'no' routine and him trying to find his way out I was in tears again. He wasnt wearing his top plate which is loose since he had lost it for about 3 days so it was suggested I get some polident for him and drop it off some time, so I hike the 100 miles back to the pharmacy, bought some, and hike the 200 miles back to the ward, just in time to see his sister and niece go through the door. I popped in briefly to say hello but didnt stop. I didnt want any more arguments from Phil. Handed the polident to the nurse and left. When I got back to Papakura (by train) I drove to a fairly quiet parking building and lay down on the bench seat of the ute with a couple of pillows and slept for about an hour. I then went and did a bit of shopping and then had a nice roast dinner and went to the church where we have choir and sat trying to read the paper until it was time for choir. I didnt stay the full 2 hours. When I got home I was dog tired so went to bed but tossed and turned until midnight so got up and had a sleeping pill. I then slept for 7 and half hours. Feel quite a bit better this morning. I am seeing my doc at 1.30 this afternoon about my stuffed up crusty feeling nose. Not sure if it is connected to the dry eye the optometrist says I have. Dry eye? I can still shed plenty of tears!

Breakfast over, must do the dishes from the last 2/3 days.



Zack Report 26 Aug 2009 11:52

Hello All , I have just spent the last 15 Min's writing a nice long post to you all and it just disappeared I am not a happy chappie I keep blaming my mouse but after reading your posts it appears it may be something else ===========me thinks.I am not going to waste time I wish you all a happy day & hope all the next posts are happy ones and I hope you are all tuning your vocal chords La La La
God bless you all especially you Huia my friend. Love to you all MARIE from OZ.


JustJean Report 26 Aug 2009 13:05

Hi, Marie, It is so frustrating trying to send an answer on here, it has been playing up all week .... just glad you are o.k. you could always send an E-Mail
we can always relay it to one another, the voice sounds

We have just booked another week away at the end of September to Llandudno, I get upset if we havent been.... we will be able to do some Christmas shopping..... for ME.....

still chucking it down, so fed up ......

love to all, hugs for Huia (((((((((((((( X ))))))))))))))))

Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 26 Aug 2009 13:55

I think the site is OK now, it certainly seems better and this was the message I got this morning from support:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This problem has now been fixed. Please go back to the site and try again.

Please let me know if you require further assistance.

Let us hope it stays OK.



GRMarilyn Report 26 Aug 2009 14:16

Hi Everyone.....

I'm back......have bought my sister home with me for a few day, and got my other sister coming up to join us for dinner tonight.

Hi Mo, glad Roly got his medical bits sorted, difficult when they like a drink. its the opposite with my dad he's 95yrs and the Doctors told him to carry on drinking the whiskey ...LOL....So he is ..LOL

Hi Jean & everyone else I am going back to read all the threads whilst I have been away...Gosh might be hear until tomorrow reading them all ...!!

Well I'm now going to get all the veggies done got a nice leg of Lamb.
Its absolutely awful weather here in Devon, whats gone wrong ????????

Take care all of you ,
Marilyn x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Aug 2009 14:54

I do hope that this site settles down soon girls. I am still waiting to hear from the. At least you got a responce Ann.
Nice to see you back Marilyn. Does your OH relise what he is letting himself in for,having you three sisters together in one house.
I don't know why everyone is moaning about the weather,it's absolutely lovely here. A bit windy,but sunny as well. Lovely drying weather.
Keep your chin up Huia. I know how hurt you must be feeling,about Phil,
but you are doing the right thing for him,and most importantly for yourself.
Have they done the assessment on him yet?.
Marie can you sing a bit louder please,my hearing is not what it was.
One day we will have to somehow get,you Ann and Huia singing together.
I am glad you got your other holiday sorted out Jean.
If we can get booked,we will be up in your neck of the woods very soon.
So watch out,we may pop in for a cuppa with you both.
Hello to all our other friends on our thread. It's getting so large now,that I
may forget someones name.
Love and best wishes to one and all. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 26 Aug 2009 15:24

Hi Everyone,
Just a quick look in before I go to do the weekly shop.

I hope everything is alright with everyone and their families. I'll see you all later, have to go now.

Best wishes.

Love, Sallie.


JustJean Report 26 Aug 2009 19:41

Hi, Mo, where are you looking to come to for your holiday? and what date.. I will be

Hi Sallie and Marilyn amd Marie and Huia and Sue and Ann and Debbie
and uncle tom cobley and all. hope I havent left anyone out....

J and I are off out tomorrow if the rain stops... then lunch . we didnt go today. well one cant get ones newly set hair wet can one?

Whoops nearly forgot Liz xxx

bye Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 26 Aug 2009 19:43

We are off out tomorrow, it is our 49th anniversary, we are going to Westonbirt Arboretum, then to Tetbury. wonder if HRH will be around?

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Aug 2009 20:32

Ha Jean,I am not going to tell you. We will just turn up,sooooo you can't escape from me ha ha.
Have you not heard of umbrella's Jean,it would save one from getting ones,newly set hair wet. lol
Congratulations on your anniversary Ann. I hope you have a lovely day out.
Hi Sallie,see you soon,when you pop back. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 26 Aug 2009 20:39

Thanks Mo, I am sure that we will.