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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 26 Aug 2009 20:39

Happy annivesary Ann and T have a lovely day, hope the sun shines....

love Jean xx

Dont you just hate it when folk drop in on you unexpected....!!!!!

J hogs the umbrella, I finish up with rain down my neck ....ugh....


Huia Report 26 Aug 2009 21:26

I am going to visit Phil again today. I missed yesterday as I had a docs appointment for my sinuses at 1.30. I dont look forward to visiting because I often end in tears with him arguing over whether or not he is coming home with me.

Apparently they are trying him on a different stronger medication to try to sort out his behaviour (trying to break doors to get out) but if it doesnt improve he wont be able to go to the rest home of my choice as they cant handle behaviour problems. :((( so he will have to go to another hospital (private?) in Mangere which is not so convenient for me. I just wish his brain would deteriorate more so he would forget about coming home, in fact I even wish he would die as he is not the man I married and it is no life for him, or for me. MR ALZHEIMER I HATE YOU!



LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 26 Aug 2009 21:30

Oh Huia
I'm sitting here in tears for you. It is a stinking illness that takes away the person you knew and loved and leaves this other body nothing like your loved one.

I hope your visit is more peaceful today and the medication calms him a little.

Remeber take care of yourself too while all this is going on

Linda :o) XxX


AnninGlos Report 26 Aug 2009 21:39

Sending you a big ((((((hug)))))) Huia, what an awful disease it is that robs somebody of their life yet leaves them living it. It truly is a living death. I hope that they can sort out Phil's medication so that he can be at peace with himself and you can get some rest.



Huia Report 26 Aug 2009 21:55

Thank you, Linda and Ann. I am sitting here in tears. No wonder on a couple of occasions I have found myself looking at the box for requesting a review. All I though I was doing was hitting the drop down thing for more pages.

I must go now and get myself sorted to go for the visit.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Aug 2009 22:34

E.mail sent Jean.


Sallie Report 27 Aug 2009 00:05

Hi All,
Sorry--couldn't back earlier, things didn't go as planned-- so I'm later than I hoped to be.

Huia lets hope they can sort out Phil's medication so that he can go to the rest home that is your first choice-- it will be more convenient for you.
Alun's brother-in-law has Alzheimers he was diagnosed with it five years ago when he was 58--I don't know how Alun's sister copes at times. He is on medication to try to slow it down, which has worked, but because we only see him every few months, we notice a slow deteriation more than the family that see him most days. It's a cruel disease, and my heart aches to see him like he is.
Huia, try not to worry too much and get too downhearted--it will be whats best for Phil and yourself. You couldn't carry on as things were.

Ann, happy anniversay for tomorrow, I hope both and your hubby will have a lovely day. Do you wonder where the years have gone? Sometimes, I wish I could hold on to time so that it doesn't go by so quickly.

Marilyn, nice to see you home again, it will be lovely having your sister to stay for a few days--hope the weather will be good for her stay with you.
Did you all enjoy your lamb dinner? I like most meats, but lamb is my favourite.

Mo, you've been lucky with the weather today-- it's been a bit wet and miserable here today--not drying weather at all. Never mind, at least we got the shopping done--and even better, my friend came shopping with us today, although I pushed her trolley and lifted stuff off the shelf and put them in the trolley for her. Alun pushed our trolley, so we managed to work it between us.

Jean, I'm glad you managed to get into Llandudno as I know that you like it there. Are you staying where you usually stay?
As both you and Mo say, there are lots of us on this thread now--the more the merrier. This is a nice thread, with lovely and caring people on here
and everyone is so friendly.

We haven't heard from Liz for a while, I hope she is alright.

Debbie, I hope you have had some good news about your Dad.

Sue, hope your son is alright.

Marie, glad to see that all is well with you and your family.

Grace, hope all is well with you and your family.

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!

Ann nearly forgot to say that our wedding anniversary is on Friday, it will be
our 42nd anniversary.

Well off to bed now, it's very late, but wanted to get this message written.

Best wishes to you all.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 27 Aug 2009 04:03

Huia, I am so sorry that you are going through so much heartache, no one can really understand what you are going through unless they have been there, we are always here for you even so many miles apart that cant seperate our feelings for you and Phil, it must be quite frightening for him, as he will know things are not right, so my love, you are both in our prayers and thoughts, hope you can get some sleep, try to get more rest during the day too...

much love and hugs Jean xxx

Sallie, we are going in an apartment that we have been going to for over 30 years, perfect for us, very classy and no kids , dont get me wrong I adore children, especially when they can go home with mum and dad, lol,
we have been there and done that,... so far no grandchildren, but I live in hope.....Liz is trying to book a holiday so that will be why she isnt on is the scrapping going, dont forget to let us see your pages....

sorry Grace , I forgot you yesterday, hope all is well with you...

love to all Jean xx


Huia Report 27 Aug 2009 05:23

Once again, thank you all for caring so much. I visited Phil today and he seemed calmer on the new meds. but he still wanted to come home. But at least I didnt finish in tears. I know he cant come home, after all he is not the man I married and it is for the safety of both of us. I am happy enough most of the time, not always in tears.

Happy anniversary to everybody who has one today, tomorrow, whenever. Ditto birthdays. I have just woken from a sleep that I had on the settee after I got home so am now having a cuppa and will get dinner in an hour.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Aug 2009 09:56

Good morning everyone.
Huia,I am so sorry I could not speak to you last night. I was so upset for you.
God willing help is now coming to you both.
Once they get Phil's medication down to a fine art,you will notice a new man.
And whilst you will never have the same man back,he will still be the person that you love underneath it all.
My love goes out to you. Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Aug 2009 20:55

Hello everyone.
What a day I have had.
We woke this morning,to find that we have a rat in the house. How do we know this,well,a couple of years ago,we had rats in our attic. And we had to have the rat catcher out,to lay poison bait.
And as had happened the last time,the blooming rat had eaten,some of the lovely plums I bought yesterday,and those it didn't like ,it had spat on the side of the fruit bowl.
It also decided to leave some rat droppings on the window ledge.
We bleached every where. But I am left feeling very dirty. And I am not a dirty person at all,but just feel that way.
So tommorrow,we have got the rat catcher coming out again.
I would not mind,but we have a cat,and she had been sniffing around the skirting boards yesterday,and we never thought nothing of it.
So tonight,I feel like sitting up,with a brick in my hand,to knock it over the head,should it decide to pay us another evening call.
The council are renovating some garages near us,and we are wondering if they have been disturbed from there.
I do hope you are all well.
Thoughts and prayers for Huia,at this difficult time.
Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 27 Aug 2009 22:00

Hello All,
Well we have had a lovely day today. We went to Westonbirt Arboretum and it was lovely and green, the sun shone most of the time and there were some very talented woodcarvers there doing chain saw carving, excellent, one had done a huge horse. We then went on to Tetbury, had a snack lunch (I had lovely chunky prawn sandwiches, T had a BLT baguette), then we walked around Tetbury, saw the Chipping steps and the wonderful cathedral like Gothic church. Then called in at 2 garden centres on our way home. This evening we had a take away Indian and it was really good. I have had a sherry and we shared a bottle of Cava so I feel great (and can still see to type straight!!!). Next year the Golden one DV.

Mo, don't envy you the rat, hope they catch it.

Sallie, happy anniversary for tomorrow


Sallie Report 27 Aug 2009 22:37

Hi All,

Mo I hope they catch the rat for you tomorrow. I can understand why you feel like sitting up tonight--I would be frightened to go to sleep.
When we were first married we lived in a house belonging to Alun's parents--all the dowstairs rooms had concrete floors apart for the one front room--where the old floor boards were still down. We use to keep things like the hoover, ironing board and ironing in there. The council had been putting new drainage pipes at the back of the house, disturbed a lot of rats, somehow they had managed to get get under the floor boards
and gnawed their way into the room, and through some of the ironing.
It was a horrible feeling to know that we had rats in that room, The rat catcher soon got rid of them, thank goodness.

Ann, so pleased that you and T had a lovely day. The wood carving sounded very interesting, the wood carvers are very clever and gifted people. I would like to have seen them.
Thank you for your good wishes for tomorrow.

Huia, I hope you are feeling a bit better and not so tearful. You know we are all here for you if you need to talk.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Speak to you all soon.

Best wishes.

Love, Sallie.xx


Huia Report 28 Aug 2009 00:48

Talking of rats -
Many many years ago (about 48 I think) we were living in an old house that went with the job. Our son's playpen was in the area just outside our bedroom, leaving just enough room for us to squeeze through the doorway. One cold winters night (and boy, was it cold there) I heard a funny noise somewhere so I got up in my jimjams and put on my floor length dressing gown and went to investigate. I found the noise coming from the stove in the kitchen so I was moving it around trying to find out what it was when suddenly a big rat ran out from behind and went into the other part of the house. I had a torch and went through and looked in the dining room/lounge but couldnt see anything so then I went into the narrow gap in our doorway and shone the torch in and THERE IT WAS on top of my husbands sleeping body. It jumped down and ran towards me but just as it got to me I jumped up (had pictures of it climbing up the leg of my jim jams) and screamed as I did, but as I didnt want to wake Phil or the children I screamed quietly. The rat disappeared and I went to the kitchen and had hysterics at the thought of screaming quietly. As a result of my hysterics I woke Phil anyway!
The rats used to chew away in the night in the wall at the head of our bed. One night I got fed up and thumped the wall. Poor Phil had been asleep (lucky blighter) and did not appreciate being woken. A few years later when we moved out the council for which Phil worked took some of the weatherboards off the side of the house and you could see that every stud had a big chunk chewed out of it.



JustJean Report 28 Aug 2009 07:00

Happy Anniversary, Sallie and Alun, have a lovely day. are you doing anything nice?

Huia, Rats dont even like talking about them !!! we had one many years ago we had a new bathroom put in and disturbed them, the rat man came and sorted it, seems they are on the up in Britain.....ugh....

Mo, are you o.k. I hated the feeling of knowing there was one in the house.

Ann, cant wait to see your photos, so pleased you enjoyed your day, has your sister heard any thing yet?

hope you all have a good bank holiday we are having very heavy rain at the whats new.......

love to all Jean xx


JustJean Report 28 Aug 2009 07:11

Huia, check your e-mails.....

Jean xx


Huia Report 28 Aug 2009 08:10

Jean, I check my emails several times each day! I have replied.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Aug 2009 09:01

Morning all.
First on my agenda,is to wish Sallie and Allun a very happy anniversary.
I hope you have a really lovely day.
I am glad you had such a special day yesterday Ann.
Huia,I had to laugh at my vision of you with that rat,climbing up your jimjams.
Update on THE RAT. When we got up this mornig,that darn thing had been back.
When we went to bed last night,Roly covered what was left of the cats food
in a double layer of kitchen roll. It had eaten through the paper,and gobbled up all the food remains.
It had also left us another dropping. So at least we have something to show the rat man when he comes.
Waiting for the man to turn up now. So when he's been,it will be back to bleaching everywhere.
Jean,I am still feeling horrid about this damn rodent. I keep hoping it's only a mouse,even though that is bad enough.
We have got brilliant sunshine again today. It's still windy though.
We have been so lucky in this part of the country,weather wise that is.
Hello to Marilyn,Marie,Sue,Liz, Debbie,Grace oh golly and all our friends on here.
Special HUGS for Jean and Huia. Love Mo xxx


sue Report 28 Aug 2009 09:08

Hello all

I did reply a couple of days ago but now see my thread vanished as well.

Luke came home the next day in a lot of pain,but he is getting better day by day. We should get a appointment to go back next week to check it is setting right. He is finding it difficult to hold the cast as the only position is to have his hand straight up. They didnt give him a sling this time.

Happy Anniversary Sallie the sun is out in the midlands to day so hope it is with you on your special day. Are you doing anything nice?

Mo me and Adam were watching the rat catcher on tv last night. I am thinking of you today. I hate Rats but Adam has seen them in the pet shop and thinks they are nice.

Huia hope the new meds work better for your Husband. Take care of your self.

Hope everyone has a good bank holiday weekend, make the most last one of the summer, lol.



AnninGlos Report 28 Aug 2009 09:46

The sun was shining here but now it has clouded over. I did a bit of cutting back just now in the garden and it is really cold in the wind, more like October - think i will move to Kent!!

Mo, hope the rat man soon cometh.