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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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Zack Report 20 Apr 2011 06:43

Hi Moombi,
I hope you dont mind me popping on to this thread, I usually post on the Just Jean thread and also the Wattler's thread , I have read a few of the posts and I see some of my cyber friends posting on this thread also, so I thought I would like to say hello to you all.

M-in-laws, I was lucky I liked mine she was a bit excentric but very kind. It was a pity the children and I did not get to see her very much .
we moved around as Terry was in the postoffice and he moved for promotion.

Hi Ann. I hope the weather is being kind to you in Tenerife. Our weather in Bathurst, is becoming cold at night we have had frosts in the past week and to-day it is cold and overcast, but I am holding out until tonight to put the heater on.

Hi Sylvia how is that grandson of your's? How are you, have you gotten over the shock of the dental costs .

My research on the Hayward's of Lismore is finally showing some fruit and I hope to have some member's of the family at the Reunion in Mackay Qld in October this year.
I have spent hours going through records my eyes are sore at night & then I find it difficult to get to sleep with all the information going around in the brain.

Hi Linda in Birkshire,I am about to start putting all my bulbs into my garden's some jonquels are poking their heads through like Moombi's are.
We were talking to our neighbours late yesterday it seems we have some foxes as they have lost some chooks and a duck. luckly we don't have fowls.
Aquestion for Moombi , do you live in the Moombi ranges near Tamworth ?
My husband was the postmaster at Armidale we lived in Armidale for 12 years
We split up and he moved to Casino then to Coffs Harbour. I moved to Bathurst to be near 4 of my children who were living and working here.
I worked at the Armidale Hospital then Bathurst Hospital until I retired
Seven years ago.It was wonderful to retire, and I have enjoyed every moment of it.

I wish you all a Happy Easter ,
Kindest regards,


moonbi Report 20 Apr 2011 07:28

hi Marie.
dont mind at all, the more the merrier.
very nice to hear from you.
Another aussie is a treat,

Im posting today as its too cold and wet to be outside. we havent had any frost yet thankfully, but usually its about May when that happens.

I borrowed this indigeneous name, as it was my sporting house, when I was in high school. I grew up in Hervey Bay, but now live down south on the border Nsw Vic. Albury/wodonga
Wishing every one a blessed Easter.


Zack Report 21 Apr 2011 12:43

Hello Moombi,
I read some of the back posts, some one said they didn't know what wattler's were, the name comes from the wattle tree so the ossie members call thenselves Wattler's

.We have had a beautiful day here to-day .I went and did some shopping this morning and after lunch I pulled some weed and tieded up.Because I have not been able to get about the weeds have gone mad with all the rain we have had.
You mentioned you grew up in Hervey bay does that mean you were a Queenslander?
I was born in Mackay Qld a lovely place.
My father was in the railways, during the war we lived in Gladstone, after the war Dad was sent to Alpha in Central Qld. so we had a few moves and a good life.
We ended up in Rockhampton .
When I married we went to livein Melbourne ,
two of my childrenwere born there.
My husband was promoted to Colac we spent 12 yrs. there and my other 4 children were born in Colac, another promotion to Castlemaine where I would have been happy to stay, but another promotion saw us off to Armidale NSW where we spent 12 years there.

Two of my children graduated from the University of NewEngland. Kathleen their sister had already gone to the Uni. in Bathurst and was living there.
When I seperated from my husband ,I moved to be near them, so that is how I ended up in Bathurst and I live almost behind Mt. Panorama where the motor races are held in October each year.

Do you have any hobbies apart from Family research . Ann is a card maker and a very good one.I have dabbled in a few things when I had our children I made all their clothes including school uniforms. I also used to do a lot of knitting especially wollen socks for winter as Victoria (especially Colac and Castlemain )were very cold., now I do some knitting for my grand daughters and also beanies for the premi aids babies in Africa.
Enough waffling on,about my life LOL.
I hope Ann is having a lovely holiday.She should come home with a tan.

I meant to buy a lotto pick to-day and forgot , it would be so nice to win a few thousand, I would go to Ireland for at least a month and stay in Cork and try to find my gt grand fathers birth place then up to West Meath to try and track down my gt.grandmother 's family.---It's all a pipe dream but it's nice to dream.

The time is 9.34pm EST.
Time I though about going to bed as it took me ages to fall asleep last night.

Good night and I wish you all a Happy and Holy Easter.



moonbi Report 26 Apr 2011 01:29

Dear Sylvia, may I ask a general question of you about parish records.

Is it worth trying to go beyond the date of 1540 for parish records in Great Brington Northamptonshire.?

my earliest find is a marriage in 1538 for a girl Lyon/Lyne at Eydon.


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Apr 2011 03:28

Hi moonbi

nice to see you on here!

I'm sorry ......... I have no idea.

So much depends on how far back teh parish records go, and how many of them have been put onto the web

I think the only place to search would be the new beta.familysearch site

don't forget the back slash

The other possibility might be to go to the Rootschat site, join it, and then ask for help on there. There are lots of people who offer help.

when you're on the Home Page, scroll all the way down until you see a Heading Jump Straight to Your Area of Interest

Click on England

Then scroll down to Northamptonshire

There are people on that site who have incredible access to old records ...... or know where to go. I've had great help with OH's family in Westmorland.

Hope this helps



SylviaInCanada Report 26 Apr 2011 03:31

Hi everyone

I do hope that you are having better weather than we are here! It's been dull, rainy and chilly both Sunday and Monday

OH was going to plant his Russian Blue Potatoes today (Monday), but it was too wet .............. so he worked on finishing the kitchen instead!

He got the Yellow Golds in a couple of weeks ago, but we do like the blues as well.



wisechild Report 26 Apr 2011 07:11

I have a question.
Genes advertise that they have 11 million members. So where are they all?
When I first joined 5 years ago, there were 8 or 10 pages on the Trying to Find board alone each day. Now there are rarely more than 2.
Does nobody need help any more or are they using other sites as well.
I wonder how many members there would be if Genes removed the lapsed ones.


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Apr 2011 08:01


I sometimes wonder that!

I think the vast majority of the "11 million" are actually Free members ..... which means they cannot post on these baords (although they can read them

Personally, I think the active members could be 1 million, or even as low as 100,000 ...... but it is hard to judge as many members only come on here to do their tree.

I think probably less than 1,000 ever look on these boards.



AnninGlos Report 26 Apr 2011 14:58

Sylvia is right, their claim is a bit of a con because it counts anyone who registers not just paid members so it sounds good.

Hello Marie, good to see you posting on here. The weather in N Tenerife has been a bit disappointing, we have had some really hot days so have a tan but we have had equally as many cool days and also rain. We shall go back to May next year. However we shall be back before then in August/September when it will be much warmer.


wisechild Report 26 Apr 2011 15:38

Hi Moonbi.
Have a feeling that parish records only started to be kept in 1538. Before that you need to search manorial records which are not available on line (as far as I know) & are generally written in Old English or Latin.
There was also a gap in the keeping of parish records when Cromwell was in power, but don´t ask me the dates of the Commonwealth. I can´t remember.


moonbi Report 27 Apr 2011 01:41

Thank you Marion, looks like I need to stop looking. then again I can always dream that
Maybe my lady was named after Queen Eleanor.

The weather here is fine and sunny, with a cool breeze. So we are wearing jumpers, and I have the fire going as inside it is coolish.


Cath2010 Report 30 Apr 2011 07:49

Hello all,
back from my hols. Had a lovely time, very relaxing.
Hope you are all well.

Cath xx


SylviaInCanada Report 30 Apr 2011 21:49

Hi all

lovely to hear you enjoyed your holiday, Cath, and that you had a relaxing time.

The weather is lovely here ...... and I've got a rotten cold. Managed to avoid getting one until now!

going off to hide myself away!



moonbi Report 1 May 2011 04:16

hello all
its been a busy week with g'son and other events.
Im so pleased you had a great holiday Cath. did you get to do what you hoped to do.

Sylvia sorry to hear you have a summer cold and feeling so awful.
do sit in the sun for a bit, to help chase away the blues.

we have had nice weather here on the border, its quite humid again and so i think there is a chance of rain tomorrow. which would be good as the farmers are starting to put in the winter crops.
first to go in is the canola. then wheat followed by barley and lastly oats.
farmers are getting good prices for lambs over the last 3 weeks. about $150 aus each for a top class weight.

last thursday my daughter had her graduation ceremony for health science bachelor of Nursing Div 1.
the Chancellor of the uni gave each graduant their degree papers. it was so nice to see her in the gown and hat. I felt so proud of her because it has been a long 8 year effort for her.

Son1 graduated some years ago with his Bachelor of Arts Communication and Media. he is the one who lives and works in Maine, US.

Son 2 still waiting to hear when he is to start his Navy training.

Best wishes to all


Cath2010 Report 1 May 2011 07:13

Morning all,
Hello Marie, welcome to the thread.
Sylvia I hope you feel better soon and dont hide away for too long.
Annette well done to your daughter, you must feel very proud.
Overcast and dull here this morning but hopefully the sun will be out later and I can get out in the garden for a while.
My 81year old mother in law is in hospital. She had a fall whilst we were travelling back from visiting her, she has badly bruised ribs and a crack in her ankle. I spoke to her yesterday and she is doing alright so fingers crossed for a full recovery.
Enjoy your day whatever you're doing,

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 1 May 2011 17:01

Sylvia, hope your cold is better soon. I had one while in Tenerife but it didn't last as long as usual and I only had a tickly cough afterwards for a couple of days.

We got back yesterday at 11pm, a long journey not helped by delays by Iberia Air in Madrid an hour and a half nearly, then because they had not been given a slot another half hour on a very hot aircraft, an old one, air con was useless and people were not happy. In fact if people asked theya ctually gave out free water!!! Then when we got to near landing Heathrow was busy so we had to fly almost to Birmingham and back to waste time. Still we are home, had a great time and are now knee deep inw ashing and ironing and gardening!!


SylviaInCanada Report 2 May 2011 19:22

Hi everyone

This cold is an absolute doozy! and just seems to keep getting worse

Annette ...... well done to your daughter

Maire .... welocme to the thread

Cath ...... so sorry to hear that your m-il had a fall. Do hope she gets better soon.

Hi Ann ......... glad to see you back home, even though it was such a struggle to get back!

Today is Voting Day here, a Federal Election ................ and it is pouring with rain, and chilly.



Countrymouse Report 2 May 2011 19:59

In reply to, 'Has the heart gone out of the boards?' I have not been on here for a while as I thought there was a lot of bickering and very slow movement on the boards. However looking now it does all seem so much better. As I work etc I am not on here loads but it is good when his nibs is asleep or whatever!!


Cath2010 Report 2 May 2011 20:07

Hello Countrymouse,
we don't bicker on this thread we're a friendly bunch. Nice to hear from you.
Hope everyone has had a nice day, been cold wet and windy here.
Back to work for me tomorrow, been off since 6th April so not looking forward to it.

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 2 May 2011 21:14

Certainly no bickering on this thread, all welcome, all friendly.