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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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Cath2010 Report 21 May 2011 19:23

Wow Ann sounds like you enjoyed a few treats :D A little of what you fancy does you good.
Been in the garden today, it was so warm. Caught up on a load of housework too so feel pleased with myself.
Hope all are well

Cath xx


SylviaInCanada Report 21 May 2011 23:31

Hi all

taht sounds lovely Ann, really mouthwatering!

We've had about 4 days of levely warm sunny weather here, but it changed to rain overnight, and today is chilly as well as damp ...... had to put the heating back on mid-morning!

Monday is a Stat holiday ... same as your Bank Holiday

The Monday closest to May 24th is Victoria Day

began originally to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday (May 24th)

now considered the start of summer for Canadians



moonbi Report 22 May 2011 03:07

In among the cold cloudy days we had a lovely day yesterday.
The sun was out and quite warm if we sat out of the breeze.

our coats on, young g'son and I went to the local football game. Sorry to say the local team "Bulldogs" was beaten by the neighboring team.
but we had a good time watching.

also women played netball games on the new courts that were remade quite recently. I watched a bit of one game too. At half time we got hotdogs each $3, and little boy enjoyed a freddo frog in green jelly $1 as well. I really wanted a hot coffee, but it was very expensive.
I enjoyed being out of the house for the afternoon.

Ann, those treats at the Dorset farmer's market sound very special. love cheese!

Cath, lovely feeling to get on top of house work, what did you do in the garden?
My daffodils are quite high now, and the ones in the front are starting to develop flower heads.

Sylvia, are you much better, and your virus is gone?
Did your oh enjoy his visit with your friends? and how was hotel service?

It looks like I may be traveling to Adelaide during July. So I have a few weeks to plan and pack.
My nephew's wife is interested in family history and wants to get together with me, so I will organize one afternoon for that. Up till now I didnt know about her interest in family.

best wishes from Annette


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 22 May 2011 07:23

Hi Everyone
I am back from a lovely 5 day break in The Highlands of Scotland. It was really beautiful there and the weather was kind though changeable. We saw all 4 seasons in one day. Went to the top of the Cairngorms, where it was like a hurricane and it also snowed too. When we left Friday we saw new snow on the mountain tops.
Have spent some time in the garden and been clearing the finished forgetme nots and bulbs, need to shop now for bedding plants. Hubby cut the grass. He is back to work this afternoon.
I have 3 more days of caring for my one little girl, before I retire from childminding and she goes to live in Singapore.
I now need to think about what I can do for myself in retirement. More crafting and more Family history research, for starters. Then there is reading, decorating and gardening too.

Enjoy the day it looks good in the south east

Linda :-) <3


SpanishEyes Report 22 May 2011 14:57

Good morning to you all. Sorry I haven't been on here for a while but life has been very busy in the nicest possible way, plenty about that on my daily diary thread.

Ann, yes I was seriously think of taking on an OU course re researching ancestry,but after I read your message I looked into it further and was surprised at a) the cost
b) the amount of time needed each day
c) do I really want to have stress come back into my life.
You of all people Ann, have helped me through such difficult times so you question was taken seriously.

It is a beautiful day in my part of Spain and it ISA very still day.

I have quite a lot of family members who emigrated to Australia.
And some live(d) in Sydney,

Friends have just left after having lunch with us

Monnbe very intersting about your Spookie time

16.01hrs Spain




SpanishEyes Report 22 May 2011 14:57

Good morning to you all. Sorry I haven't been on here for a while but life has been very busy in the nicest possible way, plenty about that on my daily diary thread.

Ann, yes I was seriously think of taking on an OU course re researching ancestry,but after I read your message I looked into it further and was surprised at a) the cost
b) the amount of time needed each day
c) do I really want to have stress come back into my life.
You of all people Ann, have helped me through such difficult times so you question was taken seriously.

It is a beautiful day in my part of Spain and it ISA very still day.

I have quite a lot of family members who emigrated to Autralia
And some live(d) in Sydney,

Friends have just left after having lunch with us

Monnbe very intersting about your Spookie time

16.01hrs Spain




AnninGlos Report 23 May 2011 22:03

I think that is a very sensible decision Bridget. I think at the moment that it would be very stressful for you to undertake the study by OU. Maybe later when you have got your health back fully.


SylviaInCanada Report 24 May 2011 00:33

Hi all

The sun finally beat the clouds, so we had a gorgeous afternoon for this holiday Monday

Daughter phoned in late morning, so both OH and I had lovely long chats with her.

Graduation ceremonies at the university start on Wednesday .......... there'll be 23 ceremonies between then and the following Wednesday.

OH is Student Marshall, and attends all of those ceremonies!



moonbi Report 24 May 2011 07:18

Oh my goodness Sylvia
23 ceremonies

He must have incredible stamina for that.!

I found one quite enough.
when my daughter graduated last month, there were over 200 in her year. all to shake hands and tip the hat.


Cath2010 Report 26 May 2011 19:49

Evening all,
lots of problems getting on here today, seems to be ok now though.
Been wild and windy here today, more like winter :-(. Hope it improves for the long weekend.
Have booked to go back to Ireland at the end of September :D :D :D
Just have to work a bit harder for my spending money now.
Hoping everyone is well

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 26 May 2011 22:10

That is a lot of ceremonies Sylvia.

Cath, seems like you have had the same weather as us in Dorset. Last day of our holiday today it was very showery and windy with glimmers of sun.


SylviaInCanada Report 26 May 2011 22:38

He came home absolutely exhausted yesterday ...... and HUNGRY!

They are getting more and more students coming to grad ........... which is good, except that means that there are really too many at any one ceremony

thus the ceremony runs over time, it takes longer to get everyone out of the theatre, then the next lot in, etc etc

The first ceremony started at 8:30 am, then 10:30 am, 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm

He had time to eat 2 halves of strawberry and 1 small chunk of melon

They had TWO minutes between the ending of the 10:30 ceremony and getting the students together for the 1:30 pm!

He said that thye will ahve to seriously consider adding at least one more ceremony, on the Saturday morning.

Just out of interest ...................

His "job" involves,

getting the students into line up in the "marshalling" room, getting them loosened up, and telling them what to expect.

leading them about 300 yards from that building to the theatre.

getting them into the theatre and into the correct seats so that they will go up on to the stage in the right order.

Then he stands on the stage at the top of the stairs (about 5 or 6 steps), and checks that each student coming up has the certificate, and a little card with their name on it He then directs the student to hand the card to the Dean reading out the names, and tells the student to whisper the name to the Dean if there could be a pronounciation problem.

He jokes with them to try to keep them "loose" as they wait for the student in front to have hand shaken, etc

Then he gives them a little push to start them across the stage, reminding them to stop at a certain point ("feet marks") so that their photo can be taken.

He loves it!!

Meanwhile, there is an almost 80 year old retired Professor standing at the bottom of the stairs at the other side of the stage waiting to catch the ones who fall!



AnninGlos Report 27 May 2011 17:45

Just as well he loves it Sylvia to go without food for that long!!!


Benjamin Report 27 May 2011 20:15

I am doing well on my family tree. Concentrating on the Oxfordshire rellies. Found a few of them originated in Gloucestershire including the Cudd's.


SylviaInCanada Report 27 May 2011 20:46

Hi all

He did much better yesterday .... took 2 bananas and a granola bar with him, and nibbled on those, as well as grabbing stuff from the "snack" trays

But they are going to have to increase the number of ceremonies!

I think they work on getting about 100-150 students through a 1½ hour ceremony, that may also include an Honorary Degree recipient, who of course gives a speech ........ but so many more students are now attending that they're getting close to 200

OH said he left the stage during one of the ceremonies, and found 2 of the janitors sitting waiting for the end ...... and complaining that they didn't have time to clean between ceremonies. Most important, of course, being cleaning the toilets, and then the auditorium.

They hadn't finished the toilets when the "adience" for the next ceremony was being shown in!

Benjamin .................... you are doing well!

Your "CUdds" from Gloucestershire couldn't have become "CAdds" centred in Buckinghamshire could they??



AnninGlos Report 27 May 2011 22:03

Well done Ben, you are doing well. Where in Gloucestershire?

Sylvia, at least he got a bit more toe at then. But it isn't good if they can't have time to clean the toilets is it.


David Report 27 May 2011 23:24

I have returned to GR after almost a year of not using it. For the most part it is an enjoyable and rewarding forum in more ways than one. However there are people who I refer to as " GR Nazi's" - not the nicest term but apt. One of the reasons I stopped using the forum was the attitude of some of the frequent users - they seemed to think they own GR, their attitude and tone of messages to others were at times rude. Unfortunately that attitude still exists in some. I know a lot of people on here give there time freely to help others - I can also understand why some people must get frustrated - however I fail to see why some people respond to requests in the manner they do. You don't have to help its a voluntary thing so if someone's post is annoying you then just dont post a response. If you feel you must respond then try to be gracious about it. If this offends anyone I apologise in advance but it is something I have been wanting to say since I came back to GR. Thanks and try to have a good day.


SylviaInCanada Report 27 May 2011 23:53


What you say might have some truth in it

but this thread is not the place to say it!

Unfortunately those who you might be accusing do not read or post on here.

and so you are just upsetting some very nice people who only want a place on which to chat.

If you feel so strongly, then I suggest that you start your own thread.

But do be aware that what you are saying may be taken as smearing ALL helpers.



David Report 28 May 2011 01:15

Hello Sylvia

thank you for your response, however I think the title of this thread is exactly why I posted here.

I believe my comment makes it clear that I am not smearing all helpers as I state 'in some'.

But to make it clear my comment only applies to ONLY TO A FEW on GR.

Some of those who this comment refer to actually have made comment on this particular thread.

Again thank you taking the time to reply to my posting



Robin7 Report 28 May 2011 01:26

Well had a bit of a rubbish week at work but now its the weekend and im off to see Richard Marx in Liverpool on Saturday night.

Never seen him live before but i can not wait. have a FAB! weekend everyone. :D