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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 28 May 2010 18:14

Oh Maureen.Mel decided it was best to start again with the thread so we could get rid of all those deleted posts.I think people didn't realise it was stiil going.
Get your thinking cap on and see if you can remember what you were first posting way back lol.
I'm sorry your Mum is still so bad.What happens at night time.Is she ok to be on her own?

I can't believe I haven't been on here since this morning.I have been a busy girl.My back is killing and the back of my thighs from the weeding lol.I

Mandy maybe your OH was just being on the safe side with that wood lol
Are you talking to eachother??

Ann I think just having Hayfever makes you feel drained.What tablets do you take?

Must go and get some marinated chicken in the oven ...BBL


Jane Report 28 May 2010 20:14

Another early memory I have is sitting on our gatepost waiting for my Dad to come home from work.I have a photo somewhere of me perched there lol.I think I was about 3.
Sitting on the back doorsteps having a tea party with Jesus (my imaginary friend) lolol .The steps were painted in that shiny red paint.


David Report 28 May 2010 21:25

I deleted that as it may have offended


Jane Report 28 May 2010 21:47

I missed that David lol.PM me with what you posted.I'm not easily offended,as you know.


Frank Report 28 May 2010 22:28

Evening all,
Cleaned all the windows today, up and down the steps has Bugge#ed my legs again, and my left arm (my good one) is aching again.

Maureen, I was the original little brat. If there was trouble to be had I was there. My nickname was "BUSTER" and could and would take on any dare. Got me into loads of trouble, but that what growing up is all about. Hope your Mum starts to improve, give her our regards.

Mandy, your OH made me think of my Dad. whenever he did anything with wood. It was always 4" x 2" with 6" nails, when he built the chicken house, you could have housed an Elephant. and when you went into the run, would always catch your head on the long nails, sticking through. I remember one day he was putting something up, and my elder brother was up the step ladder with a 14lb sleg hammer to hammer in the wood that dad was holding. He swung the hammer, missed the wood and hit Dad. He ran round the garden, swearing, YOU BLOOD#,BLEEDE# BLOOD#,BUGGE#, SODING HELL. We all had a laugh but daren't let him hear us, OR ELSE.

Today has been a milestone in my life. When Dad died 30/01/1958. I said to myself I hope I live as long as him. Today at I passed that point in my life. THANK GOD.
So stupid really, but it has stayed with me for over 50 years.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 29 May 2010 09:51

Morning and we've had some rain!! grey skies today.

I hope it's enough to have done a bit of good for t he garden, it needs a water!!


Jane Report 29 May 2010 10:22

Morning Mel and all.
Well I went out in my wet weather gear and it stopped raining 2 minutes later lol.I ended up carrying my jacket at is was just too warm.
I must crack on and get a few things done before we go out for lunch.

Frank things like that do stick in your mind don't they.I am glad you reached your goal !!


Frank Report 29 May 2010 10:48

Morning from a damp Northants. Raining quite hard at the moment. Ros is on her Saturday run with her friend, Old gas bags.!!!! They only see each other on Saturday's.

Lewis set of to South of France tea time yesterday. with Mum and Dad and his friend Harry. It's Harry's first time away without his M & D, bet they will love it. No.1 son won't fly, so they drive down. Catch train, and stay overnight in Hotel, then set off again this morning. They should arrive about 4pm. They own a very large 6 berth caravan. with decking all around the front, with large sun canopy that covers the whole area. Ideal when it's hot.
Out again Jane, Us poor people have to stay at home with bread and scrap.!!!!! Bring me back a "Doggy Bag" I don't know what real food tastes like Ha Ha Ha. Don't over indulge.

Ros tried the new rollers that arrived yesterday, NO GOOD her hair is to short, I have to send them back after the weekend. What am I going to get her now ????

Where's Shirl,??? Hope alls well with her andOG.


Jane Report 29 May 2010 11:33

Yes Mandy,just us 2.Hannah is getting ready to go to London to see this chap who she met at the wedding in Dubai......3rd time now!!!!!!!


Jane Report 29 May 2010 11:54

What is that window spray called Mandy.I have big problems cleaning mine.I think they look fine when I have done them but then from a different angle they look terrible still lol
No heavy rain here,just some light showers so far.Shame about the Rollers Frank.You got jewelry too didn't you?She is a lucky lady.


Jane Report 29 May 2010 12:04

See you all later.


Frank Report 29 May 2010 12:04

Mandy/Jane, I find the best for windows is hot soapy water with a sponge, then squeesy thingy, then polish with a soft duster. It works for me, and I don't get any complaints.

Have just painted three doorframes Off the lounge, in a small area where beedroom, bathroom go off of lounge. Ros stripped the paper last week. Now we can get the new roll up.

Still raining here,!!!


Ann Report 29 May 2010 12:32

The red stuff for tiles and porch steps was called 'Cardinal' and my Ma used it all over the joint ,even on a pair of my shoes once-you put one sort on as a paint,and then kept up the gloss with their polish.She just liked to paint things.
I've only just found this thread(new to having a 'puter at home)and have much enjoyed reading about all the things I remember---I also remember Virol with affection-loved the taste,but then I also loved cod-liver oil! I also remember my great-gran feeding me (?)Duff's plum jam on Nimble(cotton-wool tasting)bread.

Ann(now in Brussels)


Jane Report 29 May 2010 14:56

I'm stuffed lol.We had a SUPERB lunch.No room for pudding though.I did enjoy my wine.I couldn't decide what bottle to choose so the owner brought me 2 tasters of different ones.I already had one glass ,so there then 2 more and then another clean one lol.So I had 4 glasses !!!!!!,plus another that I had water in.

Hi New Ann,welcome to the thread .Do stay with us please.Do you live in Brussels?
Got your PM Mandy thankyou.


Frank Report 29 May 2010 15:36

Welcome Brussel sprouts !!! Ann.

Home alone again, DIL has to take somethings back to MK so madam has gone along. Have found a programme of ROD Stewart. that I recorded months ago sitting here singing to all the tunes " The way I feel tonight" "I don't want to talk about it " makes me quite sad, most of the songs are on a record "Across the waves"/ocean. recorded in 1976/7 just after my ex marriage broke down, makes me think of my children. My daughter and Grandchildren I haven't heard from or seen since 1995. Won't go into reasons why, but very upsetting for me, when I sit and think about it.

Still very overcast here and still spitting of rain.

The Cardinal red polish, reminds me of the Old Black Lead that we used on the kitchen range.

Just playing "Maggie May" GREAT.

My Gran at Canning Town had one and it always looked as bright as A BUTTON she always kept it looking good. Did any of you get sent to the hardware shop for a pot of "Elbow Grease" I did, as a young boy. !!!!

Ann in Brussels where were you from in the U.K. ????Try to keep with us, we really all a great bunch, who get on so well, so you will be made most welcome.


Frank Report 29 May 2010 15:39

Jane, Where did you go for lunch not the "PHEASANT" far to good for you.!!!!


Jane Report 29 May 2010 15:48

Frank ,yes it was the Pheasant.Nothings too good for me lol.
I am going to PM you now.


Jane Report 29 May 2010 18:37

That's the lady Frank! It was great to talk to you I'M NOT POSH!!!!!! lololol


David Report 29 May 2010 19:00

When we were kids, people who had their own house were POSH. People who had a car were POSH.
People who went away on holiday werePOSH.
People who had more than "enough" money were POSH

Well I own my own house, my own car, I am in debt to no one.
Yet I know I'm not POSH

So how has the definition of POSH changed down the years ?


Jane Report 29 May 2010 19:26

David ,my parents bought our house in 1962/3.It was a brand new house on a small estate.We were thought as the posh people in the village.I hated being called posh then.We weren't posh at all.Yes we had a car and a house but we were not posh lol.I'm not sure how Posh is thought of these days.