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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Frank Report 1 Jun 2010 22:01

Annx, your OH sounds a bit like me, I am not normally alowed to hang out the washing, but when I do I have to put her "SMALLS" at the top of the line which is shadowed by our "Blue"tree. that way nobody can see them.

When I moved into the house at Gayton,the old couple before papered on top of paper. I used an industrial paint stripping heater ,to get back to the plaster. which was as it was when put on the walls. Then able to decorate as I required. I would never, not strip the wall paper first.


maggiewinchester Report 1 Jun 2010 23:54

David, I had a cat once that was forever getting abcesses - obviously the rat won sometimes! I used bread poultices on him - and it worked!!
I asked the vet about it, and after having said cat in overnight to remove one from his face - and the cat being very good whilst being treated (he didn't have to be sedated), but howling all night, the vet suggested I never brought him back to get an abcess treated, but carried on using the poultices!


David Report 2 Jun 2010 08:03

The poultice is a cheap yet efficient method of drawing the puss or poison out.

Was remembering that old Jack and Jill nursery rhyme. Did they really use vinegar and brown paper to help heal broken bones? How did that work?


David Report 2 Jun 2010 08:10

Under wear on the line. When Ellen does it my shhorts are pegged from the waist, when I do it I peg them from the crutch, why is this.Ellen insists hers are pegged close to the house.

Do people really pay so much attention to other peoples washing?


David Report 2 Jun 2010 08:26

Les Dawson had a character called Cosmo Smallpiece who used to say Knickers Knackers Knockers


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 09:53

If I wore pretty dainty pants I wouldn't mind them being on show on the line lol

Morning Everyone.
It's bootiful here now after thick mist first thing.I had to put the fan on me when I got in just now .It was really warm down the lane.
I have a couple of things to do and then I will be putting the rest of the bedding plants in.

Why do men never hang washing on the line the right way???????

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Jun 2010 10:15

Morning all,

Bright and sunny here today with white fluffy clouds in a bluebell sky.

OH is off up the top of the garden with his new toy. He has to back it off the trailer!!!! I had better go up and make sure he is ok in a minuet.

Well I had to catch up on all your posts and it took ages. It was a sure sign that most of you had rain yesterday the same as me. It did brighten later in the day though and the evening was nice and sunny. Too late to do anything outside though.

Talking of poultices I remember when I used to go down the stables after school and a horse had got strangles they used to put a mustard poultice strung under its throat. They would be swollen and very sore looking. I can't for the life of me remember what it was that caused strangles in horses???

I can hear the digger going so off to take a look............ and maybe have a go.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 2 Jun 2010 11:18

I have caught my first RABBIT in my trap!!!!!!!!! OH asked what I had had in the trap to tempt it in there?? I only had dried grass on the bottom and scrivled dry cabbage leaves inside that had been in there about three weeks!!


SplashOfColour Report 2 Jun 2010 11:48

Hi, I'm new to all this ,but been reading thruough all your recent chat. Very entertaining. As for hanging up washing, my mumalways told us if you wear it on the top, hang it from the bottom and if you wear it on the bottom, hang it from the top. As for knickers, I don't care who sees them on the washing line, at the end of the day we all wear them. When we were kids my mum used to put rollers in our hair at night when we went to bed if we were going somewhere special the following day or getting our school photo taken. Nightmare. Also if we had a bad cough which bothered us at bedtime she used to put a lump of butter rolled in sugar onto a teaspoon for us to suck to help the cough, I used to get margarine as I hated butter. Nowadays if Benylin doesn't work you are left to cough your guts up, which I have been doing for the last couple of nights. Anyway I gather most of you are from England. I'm Scottish and the weateher in Edinburgh today is rather pleasant. Might even sit in garden later.


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 12:22

Welcome Splash of colour,
It's great to see a new name to the thread.We have Fiona who lives in Hamilton,Shirl(Whose thread name shows as Tracy) don't ask lol she lives in Ontario,and we had Debs from Utah,but she hasn't been around lately.
We do have some laughs here you know especially with our Frank.He will be tickled pink to have another 'girl' here.
I have never heard of the sucking a lump of butter rolled in sugar!! it sounds horrible.
I am just off to put these plants in now.Do stay with us Splash.(is there a shorter name we can call you by????


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 12:26

Men huh Ann!!!!!!!!!.Chris is always coming in with a cut or a gash dripping blood asking if there are any plasters.he fell off the ladder the other week.And as for our Frank !!!!!! well we all know what he is like lolol

Rabbit stew tonight then Mel!.I don't want to know the grizzly details of how the little dear will be disposed off.


Frank Report 2 Jun 2010 13:11

Welcome Splash of Colour,

A new girl for my collection, !!!!

Jane the other day I mentioned Butter and sugar teats. Mum would put a lump of butter rolled in sugar in a muslin square. Tie it so it looked like the size of a large marbal, then pip it to the grandchilds coat or dress. and they would suck on it. As Spash said it was good for sore throats

What a different a day makes !!! I have been in the garden, shots only since 10am. trimmed the lawn edges, and mowed both back and front lawns. They look great. Ros is tidying the borders, then going to plant loads of bedding plants. Won't be doing the decoration today>

Mel, Do you do rabbit pie or baked rabbit. When I was first married my Ex decided to treat me to a rabbit pie. She went to the butchers and bought the largest rabbit he had. When I got home from work, there is was As big as "DESPERATE DAN'S COW PIE" I could have feed the street with it. On a Sunday morning when I lived in a small country village called Hullbridge, we had fields for miles at the back of our house. I would go off and pick baskets of mushrooms, and leave them on all the doorsteps, ready for Sunday breakfast. I was known as the "MUSHROOM MAN"

David, I suffered with boils as a child all on my neck and shoulders. An old remedy was to heat the neck of a bottle and place it over the head of the boil to"DRAW" it. Mum also used Bread poltice. I remember once when about 9 years old I had a BOIL IN BETWEEN THE CHEEKS OF MY BUM I would have to sit in a couple of inches of water with this special stuff in the water, and squeeze it 4 times a day. When comming home from school during the day to carry out this deed, a neighbour noticed I was walking with my legs apart. She said "YOU DIRTY LITTLE BOY" I'll tell your mother what you have done !!!! thinking I had messed my pants. Silly old CO#.


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 13:54

Oh Frank,you are a card lolol.What a place to have a boil and you were only a little boy.

Just listening to the news!!! These poor people who have been killed and injured by this nutcase.I hope they catch him soon.

☺Carol in Dulwich☺

☺Carol in Dulwich☺ Report 2 Jun 2010 15:02

I Remember when...

All soft drinks came in bottles and you could get a deposit back.

Cars had no air-conditioning.

There was 'free air' at all service stations.

You got your windscreen cleaned, for free.

You could go as a child and buy your mum a pack of cigarettes.

Music was on vinyl records 45 rpm and albums were 78 rpm.

There was only AM radio.

Everyone took the bus to town.

Typing class was noisy.

Most of the change in your pocket was copper.

Motor oil came in metal containers.

Toothpaste came in metal tubes.

The balcony at the cinema had the best view.

Every one you knew had a vaccination scar.

You believed everything the Government said.

The worst you could do socially was drink a beer.

You could call a doctor and he would come to your house (the same day).

Men put on a suit, they also put on a hat.

Your male teachers wore ties and female teachers had their hair done and wore high heels.

Mum was at home when the kids got home from school.

Nobody owned a purebred dog.

You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny.

It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents.

The worst thing you could do at school was smoke in the toilets

People went steady

You got in big trouble if you accidentally locked the doors at home, since no one ever had a key.

Lying on your back on the grass with your friends and saying things like 'That cloud looks like a ...?'

Jumping waves at the ocean for hours in that cold water.

Stuff from the store came without safety caps and hermetic seals because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger.

Remember when being sent to the headmaster/headmistress office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home.

Basically, we were in fear for our lives, but it wasn't because of shootings, drugs, gangs, etc.

Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat!

But we all survived because their love was greater than the threat.
Going to the bank meant going inside
cashing a check - no automatic machines.
Decisions were made by going 'eeny-meeny-miney-mo.'
Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, 'Do it over!'

'Race issue'; meant arguing about who ran the fastest.


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 15:30

Brilliant Carol.I'm just inspecting my vaccination scars lol.Smallpox on the right arm and a deep pit on the left from my BCG that I had at a few months of age.I will through all your memories again in a bit.Must get on with these plants.I just came in for a drink of water .


Frank Report 2 Jun 2010 15:40

Hi Carol, Welcome to the mad house
You have never spoken truer words, If only life was that simple today. We would all be better off.

Yes to go before the Headmaster was always two on each hand. whether it was exams or not..You couldn't write or hold a pen, for hours. I would always get back to class and ask to be excused to go to the toilet. I would then put both hands in a bowl of cold water to get the swelling down. Just think if they still caned children today, I am sure there would be more respect for authority.
I was school cricket and football captain, when I got caught smoking ,at six o'clock at night, by a Teacher walking by, where we were playing.He reported me the next day. I was called out in assembly, and cane in front of the whole school, and lost my captaincy. And they complain today !!!


Tracey Report 2 Jun 2010 15:49

Hi Splash--I'm from Dundee---now canada-----

Yes we have sun in Scotland-------not in the sky---IT'S OUR SUNNY NATURE lol xxxx(((no-crack's-Frank))
My dad would get boils on his neck and that;s how i'd do it with hot bottle .

Carol ---good old day's yes??


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 17:02

I don't think I had the cane ,but I did get the ruler across the hand a couple of times Once was in Biology class by Mr.Gilbard.Horrible man.It wasn't even me that was causing trouble !!!!!!!.Honestly it really wasn't.It my friend Anne lol
I remember Neville putting papers down the back of his trousers when he had to go for the cane.He was a bit of a bad lad and I remember he beat up the Chemistry teacher in the toilet.I think he was expelled then.


Tracey Report 2 Jun 2010 18:21

That's the WORD-RESPECT--Frank-----gone out the window these days'--------

Policeman on the beat could and did give the wild boy's a clip on the head---
girl's could go to if some fellow was buging you------
Pulled my hand away once while getting the strap( I-know-hard-to-believe))--and it hit my wrist that was soar----


Jane Report 2 Jun 2010 18:39

I was always taught to respect others and I have passed that on to my two.I gets my goat when I see young children being rude and swearing at adults should they be told off for something.I do think most children are respectful but it's the ones that aren't who give the others a bad name.
I know when my son was about 14/15 he was went through a stage where he was a bit mouthy to teachers ,because he thought he was right and they didn't understand him.I had a few calls to go in to see the teachers,but thankfully that phase didn't last too long .I was certainly no angel at school ,but was never rude to a teacher.