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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2010 09:07

Morning you two and all,

Well the suns out this morning and I wonder what this day bring? I may go shopping, don't know yet, it could be quieter on the roads or it could be busy.

Do you still get Brillo Pads in the shops?


Frank Report 31 May 2010 11:08

Where is everyone this morning,????

Quite overcast and chilly here this morning. Forcast says it's better down your way Mel. I'm going to Tesc#'s this morning I will look for Brillo's and report back. (Soapy squares of scouring wire wool) certainly did the job.
Layed in bed last night and the name EDMUND HOCKRIDGE came into my head. What were his songs???I think he had a very deep voice !!!!


Jane Report 31 May 2010 11:08

I'm sure they still sell Brillo pads Mel.I hate the things.
Chris seems to be fine this morning.He slept solidly for 13 hours!!!.I think he is looking forward to our week in Suffolk.He has been looking up walks to do.I might join him on one!!


Jane Report 31 May 2010 11:10

snap Frank.We posted at the same time.I don't think I know the name Edmund Hockridge.


Jane Report 31 May 2010 13:55

Mandy I have seen Omo in shops abroad,and I think possibly Tide too.I know you can get Vim.It plays havoc with your skin ,makes it all dry.I know we mentioned it not so long ago about the bath being cleaned with it and getting a gritty bottom lol.
Ann ,I think my first pocket money was thruppence,then sixpence,next a shilling ,then 1/6 and finally like you half a crown.I'm not sure if I had to pay for riding lessons.I don't think I did

It is so dull here no sun at all so far,but also no rain.


Tracey Report 31 May 2010 14:43

Hi I'm BACK-------Comp has been down--and yes OG not at his best ????
have been going mad without this ((mad-with-out-it) ok ok------

Yes Sue we could re name to ---War Vet---Doctor's-Nanny's Teacher's-vet's-Artist--Builder's-Gardener -Caregiver's-and Cook's--- ALL OF WHICH WE ARE--with more chilhood memoies--than you can shake a stick at------or we can just stay with' what we are''FRIENDS'' we like best try us--------

bbl xxxxxxxx

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2010 15:02

Oh good shirl's back. I thought you may have had pooter probs as you said a while ago it was playing up!

Yes you can still buy the old vim and I do use it sometimes for things that cif won't shift.

You can still buy Persil Handwash but it's not the same as it was in the 1960's. They have changed it a couple of times since then. I used to boil all my sons nappies in Persil and when they were cold they would be in like a jelly soap. That has all disappeared now and you get a residue of white powder which I think they put in as a filler. Personaly I would rather pay a bit more and have more soap in it like it used to be.


Jane Report 31 May 2010 16:25

Hi Shirl ,we have missed you you know.Let's hope your puter behaves itself now .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2010 17:05

Have'nt heard from Debs for ages.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2010 17:05

I wonder if ciggy butts would work now!! I could do that...............................................


David Report 31 May 2010 17:27

Victor Sylvesrter?
Edmundo Ross?
Teresa Brewer?
Ann Shelton?


Frank Report 31 May 2010 17:42

Hi, was just going to say Brillo in Tesc#'s £1.14 pack of 12. Had a bit of lunch out "Hungry Hor#e" two for £8.00 plus drinks.

My old Darlin' is back again hows things, Shirl. Missed you !!!

Never did get 2/6d for pocket money. I use to work on milk rounds for my money. Then at 13 paper rounds. You certainly had a charmed life. Horse riding leasons eh. The nearest I got was on the back of the Milk cart pony.!!!

Was talking to Jane, about "Utility mark" furniture which you could get on rationing. after the war. Not the best craftmanship in the world but did the JOB, same with armchairs and sofa's Everywhere was LINO even on the stairs. Dad made bedside mats and hall runners from Wool and canvas. Use to have a block of wood with a groove on one side..You would wind the wool, round and round. till the block was full, then cut down the groove. This gave you even lengths of wool which you used to put through the canvas with a hook and tie the wool in a knot Keep going across the canvas and then start the next row. Took him months to make a mat. but I bet they would still be good today. !!!

OMO was said to be a signal,that loose woman used. They would put it on the front windowsill to let the other man know that OLD MAN OUT (OMO) Who knew that. ????


Frank Report 31 May 2010 17:45

Yes David.


Jane Report 31 May 2010 17:59

My Mum used Omo Frank.She would have had a dicky fit if she thought people thought she was loose lol.She certainly wouldn't have put it in the front window.That would have been far too common lolol.


Frank Report 31 May 2010 18:19

of course POSHY !!!!


David Report 31 May 2010 18:22

Another scourer/bleach was Ajax ?

Then there was those blocks of hard green soap

Who could forget that early TV ad ? Have you got BO ?
Well whose going to tell you ? LOL


Jane Report 31 May 2010 18:41

Was that the Lifeboy Ad David the BO one?.I always loved the smell of Dettol .I still do.I always have a bottle of that in the cupboard.I liked to see the water turning white when the Dettol was poured in.


David Report 31 May 2010 20:19

As a boy I had a large carabuncle in the middle of my back.
Used to get get bread poultices put on it .


David Report 31 May 2010 20:21

Wrights Coal Tar soap, a very distinctive smell.


Frank Report 31 May 2010 20:56

No Mandy, I did 3 paper rounds. one to a mental hospital, one to Dr. Barnadoes houses in a large area in Woodford Bridge, also an evening round. London Evening News, Star, and Evening Standard. I think there is only one London Evening paper now !!!

Did you girls have rags put in your hair,???? My mum would platt my sisters hair, and incouperate their bow into it. If they took it out she would know.Then it was smacked legs.

The OMO tale was in the 60s when I moved up from London. It was rife in Burton Latimer (Churchill Road) Jane knows where that is. Don't you.