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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 09:48

Morning all on a dark and gloomy morning.I think the rain is due to arrive here later ,about lunchtime.
Frank I think I will have have a peek down Churchill Rd and see what kind of things are in the windows lol.
I never had rags in my hair as it was curly enough without any help.It was always kept short when I was young.I didn't have long hair until my teens.


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 10:23

Ooops ! I spoke too soon .It is just starting now.
Must get to the PO quick I think.But there will be a huge queue with folks paying their car tax today.


Frank Report 1 Jun 2010 12:33

Been raining here since I got up and still is.

Mel Thats Sods law, I am not a Tidy paper person, so most of the things I need to keep I put on my computer rack, loads of it !!!!

Jane a lot of the kitchens were on the front of the houses down Churchill Road, If there are any there now, God only knows what they are trying to attract if they were the original people !!!!


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 13:35

Well Frank I thought I would have a look lol,so I popped along to Churchill Way and not an OMO packet in sight!!!!!.Nor any others.It all seems all above board.It is a very long road isn't it.People might have thought I was Kerb Crawling lolol
It seems to be brightening up here although I don't think we are out of the woods yet.It hasn't been heavy rain though.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Jun 2010 14:08

It seems we had quite a lot of rain last here. The garden dirt is actually wet today not like the other day when we had a sprinkling and there is about an inch in the bucket I left outside the back door with a lettuce in. Border has come through ok all except the last big clump of lupins I meant to tie up yesterday and forgot. Some laying sideways now.

OH has just left to go and pick up his new toy!!!!!


Tracey Report 1 Jun 2010 14:39

OK Frank- I love you too but enough of the OLD bit---lolxxx
Dave --Ray Anthony's--Blue Tango ??
must say i liked coal tar soap even brought some back last time I was home
good for the Monster's hair when they went camping---No you cant get Lifeboy
soap now--How about that Carbolic pheww--

During the war ((no-not-boar-war-Frank))--Scabies broke out the whole school had to have Sulphurbathes what a smell that was --and as you came out a nurse was standing with this jar of something & shaveing brush and would brush us all over BOY did it STING---#####


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 16:20

Well ,I have a done all I'm going to do now until I start the dinner,so I will get my cuppa and book and sit with my feet up for a little bit.

Ann I know you lost your X .Have you just got it back or am I imagining things?


Maureen Report 1 Jun 2010 17:19

Just popped in quickly to say hello. Was skimming through the posts and read Frank's to someone called Sue, YOU GO TIGER !!!!!

My mum was only home two days and we called an ambulance to take her back in, she is quite poorly, just taking one day at a time.

Weren't they lovely photos of little Sofia, she is so pretty.

I will try and log on a bit more but what with spending half the day at the hospital and then fitting everyday stuff in doesn't give me a lot of time.


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 17:35

Maureen I'm sorry your Mum is so ill.Is it the pneumonia or the Diverticulitis that is making her so poorly?
Yes both Frank and Shirl commented on Sue's comment lol.I di make me smile.
It seems we are going to get some more nice weather from tomorrow up until the weekend.I hope it doesn't all go Ti** Up when we go away.


Frank Report 1 Jun 2010 17:39

Been a damp horrible day here, and it's still raining.

Did a bit of painting this morning, the trap up into the roof. seemed to get forgotten, when I did the door frames. Will try to get the paper on tomorrow, only a small area, but very fiddly. Won't take a roll of paper. but with all the cutting round 4 doorframes, will take me most of the morning. Ros, will paste the paper while I hang or vis a versa.

Annx, I knew the rags were for some reason, couldn't think what. I know my sisters always complained about them.
Another childhood memory. On a Saturday night when Mum & Dad popped over to the Fox and Hounds for their one evening out a week. and a couple of drinks. Us kids would decide to make CHRISPS. We would peel a load of spuds. cut them as thin as waffers, and drop them in the boiling lard (No oil in those days) when cooked we would salt them, but they never taasted like "SMITHS" with the little blue salt pack.
Pears soap was the first present I bought for my first love in 1951. a pair of bars in a christmas pack. Can't think what they cost. but too much realy. Was tight even then !!!!! Only joking I would give my last penny away if someone needed it. !!!

My dinner is in the oven Jane, just got to put the veg on. Dinner for about 6.15pm.

See tou later.


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 18:10

Mandy ,I have just realised it is Tuesday and not Monday,which means the recycling bins have to go out.It does put you out doesn't it.I hope I remember when it is thursday as I have roots and haircut booked .......and I can't possibly miss that lol.I have a lot of the grey stuff showing.
When I was about 6 I persuaded Mum to let me have a fringe cut.She hated it ,I loved it.I have never had one since.
When Hannah was 3 she had some chewing gum(I can't believe I let her have any at that age) but she did .Anyway somehow she got it all stuck in her hair,and I could not get it out.Luckily Nigel ,my hairdresser lived 2 doors away .He must have only been about 18 then .and he came up with his scissors and cut it all out lol.He still remembers Hannah sat on a stool in the kitchen screaming her head off while he did it...He thinks she is stunning now lolol


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 19:28

I am looking forward to getting my hair done ,to find out how the 'GOK' thing went.
Yes Sofia has the biggest eyes and looks as bright as a button.
Fiona has had her scan today I think .


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 19:32

LOL Ann I bet he pegged them out as wide as possible!!!
I know when we used to go Eurocamp holidays and I did a bit of handwashing .I used to hide my pants behind everything else.I didn't want the whole campsite seeing my Bridget Jones's lol


Tracey Report 1 Jun 2010 20:32



Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 20:47

Gerraway Shirl ,your'e not that desperate for a bar of soap or two even if it is Pears are you??? lolol.I think our Frank is a generous soul.


Tracey Report 1 Jun 2010 20:59

Ann cheekie-OH tell him to watch out he dosen't run into your FIST-OF-THE-END-OF-YOUR-HAND-----LOL!!!!XXXX


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 21:21

I have the giggles now Ann lolI bunch mine up a bit too !!!!!!! Not that anyone will see them on the inside of my rotary .I'm glad It's just not me .Big pants are comfy though.Can't be doing with those stringy things !!


David Report 1 Jun 2010 21:22

14 layers of wallpaper, I recommend Polypeel
Tip a bottle into a pail of water.
Brush it on liberally, come back lter when its soaked in and the paper peels off easily.

Don't recall Blue Tango Tracey, will listen for it.

Those taxing their cars would find it so much easier to do it online.


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 21:29

I have no incoming emails to read .But nothing shows up as a problem.I have Entourage.


Jane Report 1 Jun 2010 21:53

I will be disappearing up the stairs to bed shortly so will say Night Night now.xx