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FRANK06 Report 4 Jul 2010 00:04


Welcome to our on-off-on-off-on-off-on thread but I'll have to disappoint you.
Contrary to Cynthia's above comment, my tame sporran is not called Ginny............not that there's anything wrong with Ginny of course, lovely name but our Cynthia does get a little mixed up at times.
She thinks that a sporran is a furry leather purse but it's actually to keep your kilt from blowing all over the place as you wouldn't want that ;)

Been at my daughter's again getting on with some more d-i-y in the bathroom and that's the electrics sorted.
It was quite new light which ended up taking me three hours !

No light when I arrived so swiched off fuse, fitted light and nothing.
Checked connections, switched on ....nothing.
Removed light fitting and replaced with single bulb on wire to check the workings ....nothing.
Removed old light switch and canibalised another old switch to check ....nothing.
Went to local diy shop to buy new pull switch, fitted....nothing.
Went into cupboard to look for drill and switched on light......nothing.

excuse my asking s-i-l, but that circuit beaker at the end supposed to be off as well ........... dohhh !

Well, my s-i-l did take us out for dinner to make up for it :))

Back tomorrow to carry on the good work and we have ten days left until daughter is rush then!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Sylvia, sounds stunning.


Tabitha Report 4 Jul 2010 07:25

Morning all

Sounds fun Frank - you must take with my OH - he has nearly re-wired this house since he moved in - dread to think what my mum was living with before then - wonder it didn't catch fire.

We had loops of electric cable lying about all over the attic floor.

Happy anniversary Evelyn

What a narrow escape Jeanie

I take is Robert is having a nice cool time in his shell as its so hot outside

Will pop back in later

We went to Canterbury yesterday - to do some more family tree work - just a short distance from Brighton only about 90 miles - on the way home we poped in to the In-laws in Southend - 90 miles away - then home to Brighton 90 miles - so all in all a 90 mile triangle. If anyone wants to google map it - we do strnage things like that all the time

Brighton - Canterbury - Southend-on-sea - Brighton quite logical really

See you all later


Gee Report 4 Jul 2010 07:45

Frank...I know what you mean about Cynthia!

A word of warning Frank, you've probably already noticed this...

....she can be a real flirt at times

Naughty Cyns ;)


Susan Report 4 Jul 2010 09:01

Hi Everyone

Got back about and hour ago,it is so cold in Perth .

We were very glad to get back to Busselton light our fire and I am just going to get into a nice hot bath.

Western Australia is getting very unseasonal cold weather ,breaking all records and I never thought I would say this but I wish Summer would come back.

Ginny welcome to our thread,sorry to hear they zapped yours for no reason I suspect.
I don't know why they sticked this one they have not told me but they did say sorry for deleteing the thread and put it back sticked.
They did say it was a tech problem and we were not reported for anything ,that made us feel better as we knew we did not do anything wrong on here.
I think they will probably unstick it when they think it will not delete itself again.

Evelyn, a very happy anniversary to you and yours and many more to come ,enjoy your special day..

Jeannie that sounds like a close shave and it is the same here in OZ men are the worst drivers ,they are always in a hurry.
When we came to the UK for our last holiday we hired a car and we were surprised at the speed you are allowed to drive on your motorways ,our freeways you are only allowed to do 110 klm per hour,I think that is about 60 miles an hour in your turms.

Frank nice to hear from you we have missed you,can you do elecrical work on your house yourself we are not allowed here you have to have a qualified electricion to do it ,or are you one .
You sound very handy to have around the place for all the odd jobs,your dau is a very lucky person.
We have to help the kids when we can don't we little sweethearts.

Well I am off for my bath check in later.
Nice to home.


Robert Report 4 Jul 2010 14:41

Came out of my shell to see what was happening.

Is "our" Susan the same Susan who posted on CHAT board, "21 things you can only get away with saying on the 4th July" today?

Surely not!!


Cynthia Report 4 Jul 2010 14:45

So sorry Evelyn....a bit late, but I hope you had a very happy anniversary. Most remiss of me. Tut tut.

Ginny, that Frank....well, he', he's ok really!!

Don't forget to let us know about that new grandchild of yours Frank - glad you are still being useful around the place.

Sylvia is also 'stunning' because of that rolling pin of hers. watch out!

I think that was a nice day out for you Anne...what's wrong with a 90 mile triange if you've enjoyed it :)

It's cooler today here Sue...but not as cold as your weather!

Must get some messaging done. Take care folks.


Dozey Report 4 Jul 2010 15:17

See what you've done now Robert! Only came on to nudge up and now I've got to go and find out what I can get away with today:-)) I hate to miss out.

Good luck with your messaging Cyn.

Edit: Oh Robert that is saucy - or is it just my mind?


Robert Report 4 Jul 2010 16:20

Hi Jeannie,

I thought nothing could shock me at my old age but Susan's posting on Chat this morning certainly has.

Just what sort of people are we involved with? What next?


Cynthia Report 4 Jul 2010 16:39

Must state that it is NOT our Susan who has put that post on - you can check the numbers. Very vulgar and unnecessary indeed. Interesting that no one has added to it - or they hadn't when it was pointed out to me.

How come it is has not been deleted by Genes????


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jul 2010 20:09

Hi all

hmmmmmmmm ... so thee is a thread I have to go and read on Chat ........ if it's still there now!!

Had a great time last night

as per usual over here, dress code varied from t-shirt and trousers (couple of the men) to "garden-party" summer dress (some of the women). About 10 per cent of the men wore suits, the rest wore blazer or sport coat with trousers.

In other words, I fit right in!

We only knew about 4 or 5 people other than the couple ............ but it was one of those friendly, easy evenings. There were 4 other couples on our table, none of whome we'd known before, and there many silences!!

Food good :)))

The after-dinner entertainment, to begin the dancing was ........... an Elvis Presley impersonator

to be more precise .......................... a Chinese-Canadian Elvis Presley impersonator!

He acknowledged his ancestry with comments about Jackie Chan (quite a famous film star in "action" movies)

He was good!!!

Queen's off to the races in Toronto in a short while, after attending church in Winnipeg (ony a cuple of hours flying time away from Toronto!!)

hope you are all behaving



SylviaInCanada Report 4 Jul 2010 20:12

good lord!!!!

but it's also good to see that no-one else has posted on it!!


FRANK06 Report 4 Jul 2010 21:42

Wow, home again and my poor old knees are aching.

Tiling and coving done in the bathroom and I am glad I invested in an electric wet tile cutter........takes all the hassle out of cutting tiles and makes it so much easier when cutting lots of tiles..........£40.00 from B&Q
it's also handy as I have my own bathroom to do next so that was good practice with my s-i-l..
I don't have any trade experience, just get the DIY book and read soon learn from your mistakes and it saves a fortune .
I've installed a new shower, lighting, moved the toilet pan, bath and washbasin so I'm only left with the tiling, coving and flooring (laminate I think)
.........then it will be on to the kitchen.

We've only recently reclaimed our spare bedroom which was so full of..........well, everything, so we had a mad clearout.
Amazing the stuff you can accumulate over the years!

My daughter's two cats were jumping about all over the place, even when I wasn't cutting tiles, so we are wondering if they are perhaps aware of an impending birth............animals know these things.

Ginny, I'm well aware of our Cynthia's wily ways (thank goodness for spellcheckers ;) as shortly before our last thread was deleted, she was knocking back the silks & satin in favour of Chanel No.5. your dreams, Cynthia.

and thanks for the vote of confidence.



Susan Report 5 Jul 2010 03:50

Hi Everyone

That is DEF not me on Chat,I never post there and never will.

I have just made my first Request Review to Genes I don't want people thinking that smutt is mine.

Robert !! I PM'd you,don't want you thinking its me on Chat.

Frank you sound like you can do anything ,you are also a Tiler as well that is the OH's trade and the eldest Grandson Apprenticship trade,he has nearly finished thank goodness.
People put tiles everywhere over here as it is cooler in Summer and believe it or not warmer in winter.

Cold, wet and windy today no hope of getting the washiing dry.
Catch you all later.


Dozey Report 5 Jul 2010 07:47

Hi everyone

Susan - I suspect you will not have been the first to Request Review on that one. Don't think GR staff work over the weekends so probably it will still be around for a while at least.


Cynthia Report 5 Jul 2010 08:57

Good morning all. A very brief visit as I am out for the day. Sue, I too have reported that thread so Jeannie is quite right, and we knew it wasn't you my love. I have also asked that surely there must be a weekend moderator around!

I post on Chat if a subject comes up which interests me - it doesn't happen often, just now and again. If the thread becomes unpleasant, I leave very quickly. I rarely delete what I have put because I am willing to be seen to stand up for what I believe in.

I have noticed that some of the subjects which are posted are what I would call 'unnecessary', if you follow my drift.

Had better go and get ready - a nice day out with friends - just the job and much needed.

Must say.....Frank.....I am SO impressed by your skills. Now, I have a wall

Hope to see you all tonight. Cx


Robert Report 5 Jul 2010 11:37

Hi Folks,

I have apologised to Susan for the upset I have caused her, not for a minute thinking that the input was "our" Susan's.

I don't know anything about numbers or even where to find them and as a punishment I have banned myself from this -or any other - Thread until after my next Birthday at the end of this year - by which time I shall be too old!!!

Love to all,



Dozey Report 5 Jul 2010 12:46

Oh Robert. Do not do that. Sure Susan didn't think you really meant it. Anyway, I didn't. Pop out from your shell now and again to say Hi to the folks. You'll be missed - particularly by Frank. Sure he doesn't want to be the only chap on here.



Dozey Report 5 Jul 2010 14:00

You can rest easy now Susan. I book marked it - just checked - it's gone. Can I make a suggestion. Adopt a Community Name - will make it clear when its you. How about a song? If you knew Susie, like I know Susie - oh, oh, oh what a gal!

Oh dear, you've probably heard that once too often:-)))



Cynthia Report 5 Jul 2010 18:55

Hi everyone, back from a lovely day out with good friends.

I have received an email from GR stating that they have deleted the offending thread thank goodness.

Robert, you really don't need to disappear you know - here is how to find anyone's number.......simply hover your mouse over their name.....and that's it! Your number is 6742794. It's one way of telling the difference between members witht he same name. Fortunately, not many folk seem to be lumbered with my moniker!

Well, messaging time is here I go!


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Jul 2010 19:27

Hi all

there is one other Cynthia that I have seen on a thread, failry recently at that!

.............. but I almost always check the number of names of people I think I know (especially on threads other than the ones they regularly post on), just to check.

Robert ....... when you hover your mouse over the name, their membership number shows along the bottom of your screen ...... it's a great long line of unintelligible words (to me anyway!!), and at the very end is a sequence of numbers. That's the person's membership number.

off to mooch around
