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Tabitha Report 23 Jul 2010 13:54

Afternoon all

Sorry Maria - I am at work at the moment so can't help with any searching. I am sure the others will be able to do something to help.

Sounds like a lot of fun going on in peoples trees around here.

Bigamy seems to run riot in & around our trees - I have at least one in my tree and one in the OH tree - obviously it was too expensive to divorce in those days. I have serial marryers (is there such a word) several of my GGG's married at least 4 times. At least the wives died first. Well I have been married twice & think i am happy to stop there.

Where did he steal the turkey from?

Jeanie - we will miss you

Cynthia - don't forget if you need Kent info let me know - we tend to visit a lot but maily East Kent - I can go to West as well - or West Sussex and sometimes Surrey.

Our families/family trees tend to cross borders a lot - so we visit a few diff record offices around the country Norfolk/Suffolk/Kent/Sussex/Surrey/Hampshire - I really need to spend a few nights in London - but the cost is a bit prohibitive - even the train for the two of us including underground would be £50 Peak time to get to the RO early and get time to do some work. I need to spend a few nights up there soon.

The friend I told you about died yesterday morning - it was all very quick, which was good for her but a greater shock for us - they told us at work yesterday lunchtime.

Have a good weekend everyone - we are off to the Outlaws this weekend so I will be off line as they are very techno challenged.

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 23 Jul 2010 20:12

Hi all

having a quick look in during a quiet moment .......... a friend has come to visit J (+ M & MJ of course), so I've left them to it in the other room ... we see this person regularly, and she is J's friend really. Much older than J, but she was J's "boss" for 2 or 3 summers when J had curating-type jobs at a local museum.

Sorry to hear about your friend Anne

Take care everyone



Cynthia Report 23 Jul 2010 20:58

How come you all get to have interesting rellies in your trees? Mine are soooo boring. sulk.

Anne, very sorry about your friend but I agree with you, it is a blessing for her but sad for everyone else.

I will pm Maria and suggest she puts her message on TTF.

Had fun going to the local archives today to research my friends tree - have got a bit stuck now though!

Met a chap in the archives who has Asperger's and felt so sorry for him as he has obviously led a troubled life with little support.

The girl in the library recognised me from somewhere but couldn't think where. When she remembered it was from about 8 years ago and she says I haven't aged at all!!
What a nice person!

So Frank, what do you think to that???



Dozey Report 24 Jul 2010 00:25

Hi everyone

Josie - Don't know how I missed it - must have skipped through too quickly. My son is an Alistair too. You're worried about him moving out. I'm hoping mine will find another woman to take him off my hands:-))) He's been home and away, home and away more times than I like to count. My lecky bills would certainly reduce as well. And what was that police officer doing in your tree when the convict assaulted him?

Evelyn - interesting? Moi? Live quite a mundane boring life. Probably apart from recent trip to Portsmouth the most interesting things I've posted were quotations from a book.

Sad news about your friend Ann - but a blessing in disguise probably for her at least. It's always hard for the families though.

Cynth - it's all the good deeds you do that keep you looking the same after 8 years - sure of it.

Goodnight and look after yourselves everyone.



Susan Report 24 Jul 2010 11:43

Hi Everyone

We had a very busy last two days,the weather has been wonderfull sunshine all day so we got stuck into the garden on Friday ,I got all my Roses done weeds all puled out.

The garden looks a treat,it won't be long before the Roses shoot again..

Today the OH and I went out to the forest again for some more wood,I always enjoy it ,we take a lunch out with us and of course a coffee.
It is a very nice day out and we always go with our friends,we have a bit of a laugh as well.

Anne very sorry to read about your must have been a terrible shock for you all.

Jeannie are you sure you won't change your mind ,you will be missed.

I am going for a long hot bath ,I must admit I do have a few sore bones.



Dozey Report 24 Jul 2010 14:19

I don't think so at the moment Susan - but it is a woman's perogative to change her mind I suppose.

Well, I've been putting out a few feelers about the chap I thought was a bigamist. Appears someone else thinks so too. Hope to be in direct contact fairly soon but she's about to go on holiday. If I'm not a member when I get details I will not be able to post on boards but I can always send a message through to anyone on here that I've had previous contact with and let you know what happens:-)))

Sunday is my long soak to ease the bones day if I'm not going to the greyhound meet.



Cynthia Report 24 Jul 2010 21:02

Hello folks. It's been a busy day what with one think and another. Nothing terribly exciting but just keeping on keeping on!

Just watched a dvd of Whisky Galore....what an old film that is but still amusing.

Wood collecting with friends sounds like a great excuse for a picnic Sue. Haven't been on a decent picnic for absolutely ages. Something to think about maybe....

Just going for a browse's only 9pm and I feel like it's nearly midnight!!

What's happened to our Frank? Must be doing a lot of babysitting......but then, it seems he can turn his hand to anything these days....bless.

See you all tomorrow. Love, Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 24 Jul 2010 21:09

Hi all

a picnic in the woods sounds a great idea

We now have a total fire ban in BC ....................... no open fires anywhere outside, no camp fires. It is still possible to go camping and cook, as long as you use a camp stove with propane, white gas or charcoal briquettes. The fire hazard is Very High, and getting close to Extreme ........ even in city parks in Vancouver



Kiwibird Report 25 Jul 2010 04:16

Hi everyone,
no chances of starting a fire around here, everything is absolutely sodden from all the rain..... and there is more predicted for tomorrow

I am sorry to hear we are going to lose you Jeanie, will PM you with my email.

You wouldn't like to pop over the ditch and weed my garden for me would you Susan?

I took myself to the movies yesterday afternoon rather than sit at home in the cold by myself, as the OH had decided to go and see a sci fi film with his brother, and our son. ' Predators' is not my cuppa tea.
I went and saw an action comedy called Knight and Day starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz,
I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was such a pleasure not to hear the F word used continuously as is the norm in most of these movies. No blood and gore, violence was limited to mainly shooting.
It was full of great action car chase sequences, great scenery and some great lines from the actors. Would definatly recommend it.

I treated myself to sitting in the Gold lounge that has lazy-boy chairs.
I waited half an hour after the movie for their movie to Finnish then we went and had dinner at Burger king.
Got home in time to watch the movie on TV.

Catch you all later Josie


Dozey Report 25 Jul 2010 09:30

Good morning All.

It's a little grey and drizzly here but still warm.

Will look forward to hearing from you with e-mail address Josie. Can see I'll be sending our more than my usual quota of e-Christmas cards this year! Christmas just gone was one to NZ and one to Cyprus. Do not have their home addresses so it's a handy way of letting them know I'm still thinking of them.

I'm not supposed to sit for long periods of time - have to keep my feet up so I've not been to a cinema in ages. Wait for son to go to Blockbusters to get them when they are available - can then recline and watch them at home. I'll make a note of that one. From what I've seen on TV it hasn't done well at the box office in America but in view of your recommendation I'll certainly put my order in. Agree with you - too much unnecessary swearing and violence in a lot of films these days.

Hope you have an enjoyable day.



Susan Report 25 Jul 2010 11:46

Hi Everyone

Well I spoke to soon, the rain is back it all started again today a bout lunch time so we got our load of wood yesterday just in time.

Josie I can't say I am a big fan of Tom Cruise,I don't like his religion or his manner,I don't think I could sit through one of his movies.
I have heard good reviews about this one though.

We have had a rest day today thought we deserved one,I am waiting for Who do you think you are to come on ,it is one of my favorite shows.
They have taken Time Team off again,we can't have the shows until the brits have seen it first so waiting! Waiting! .

We seem to have lost the boys ,Frank must be busy with his new Grandchild and Robert just won't come out of that cave,he must be very cosy in there.

Reece my thoughts and love are with you.

Going to get a wine and sit and watch my show.
Catch you all later.


Tabitha Report 25 Jul 2010 16:17

Afternoon all

Very grey & humid here - we do need the rain but after I take the washing in please.

Good to be back on the Internet - Outlaws were fine and the rest of the family have all gone camping now school is out - one lot in a caravan and the ones with the money have goneto stay in a tent - not really their style but their friends wanted to go. They usually go for the 5* properties. It will be a whole new experience for them.

I think the Tom Cruise film sounds quite good & will look out for it on Sky - can't afford the cinema theses days for the 2 of us it cost more than my weekly bus ticket.

Must get on the tree trail again I have loads of things to look up and brick walls to knock down (if I can)

Jeanie why not go for the basic member & you can still get PM's from us and type on the thread. Send me your email by PM. OH's niece has just got another Whippet puppy - she has Pippa (15 mths) white with grey markings and I beleive the new one I beleive is a fawn colour called Willow - we hope to pop down for a visit soon just for a few hours.

Well off to get the clothes in and sort out things.

Thank you all for your kind words - just heard from her hubby that the funeral is on Friday.

Take care all


Dozey Report 25 Jul 2010 18:47

Understand where you're coming from on Tom Cruise Susan - especially the religion part. However, he has made some terrific movies. Minority Report for example. A most unusual film and you must admit he's quite easy on the eye!


Cynthia Report 25 Jul 2010 20:17

I have to say that Tom Cruise is not on my hit list for movies stars particularly........he's okay....but....if you know what I mean.

I thought the Predator film with Arnie in it, was a horrible and daft film to be honest. Not into sci-fi one little bit. Now detective films? Oh yes. In fact, just waiting for the new Sherlock Holmes film to come ontv at 9pm. Hope I'm not too disappointed with it as I adored Jeremy Brett in the series.

The fire warning sounds a bit hazardous need some of Sue's rain methinks. I get concerned about the careless or even ruthless folk who disobey the warnings and cause distress to so many folk.

This morning I woke up and peered at my little clock......only 4.45 I thought, but it was quite light and I was awake. Next thing is, OH's alarm clock sets was 7 o'clock! My little clock was lying on it's side!!! Ho hum. What would Frank have said to that??

Have done today's messaging and had some pleasant replies and some mystified replies. The latter from folk who are really struggling.

Love to all. Cx


FRANK06 Report 25 Jul 2010 21:57

Well Cynthia,

I'd say that you require a bigger clock so that you don't need to peer and what were you doing to knock your little clock over anyway.................
By the way, that was nice of the librarian to say you hadn't changed in eight years but she may still have been wearing her reading glasses.

I woke up freezing this morning with my OH complaining I was on her side of the bed BUT she had most of the quilt......women !

My daughter has stopped breast feeding but young Nieve is doing well and just so peacefull and well natured, just like her grandad ;))
They have decided to rehome their two cats which may or may not have caused problems but they are going to the home of someone whose cat had just died so ready made trained, neutered and snipped..ouch!

We then had a Skype call from Sophia in USA who is four months old now and becoming quite boisterous.
Just great to see them both doing so well.

I was getting organised for tiling our own bathroom which also means moving the bath and basin a little but as we have great gran coming next week to see young Nieve I'll just leave the hard work for another week.

OH wants to see Toy Story 3 but it certainly is getting rave reviews and Woody beats Tom Cruise hands down!

Hope Sherlock Holmes in the present day is good as I am taping it.

P.S 100 degrees in Washington with crazy humidity..........yeugh!


FRANK06 Report 26 Jul 2010 00:23

Two strange occurrences..........

1. Two foxes sitting in the middle of the street screeching at each other, what a racket.
We often see a solitary fox wandering up the street early in the morning but never two???

2. Earlier on today I watched a young feral cat climb 25 feet up a tree and get stuck hanging from an outer branch.
Another young feral cat from the same litter (I think) climbed up the adjacent fence and onto the same tree.
It then climbed up the tree trunk level with the other cat and "encouraged" it to follow back inside to the trunk, then down out of danger............craziest thing I've ever seen.

One clever cat and one thick cat ;)

P.S I think they were both females.........


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Jul 2010 04:17

Hi all

hmmmmmmmmmmmm ............... nice to see Frank again, lovely to hear the "kiddies" are doing well.

MJ is still breast-feeding, putting on the poundage, now weighs around 17lbs ....... and has been allowed to develop into one who rules the roost.

He cries,

they jump

grandma and granddad are keeping their lips zipped!!

Had a lovely afternoon earlier ....... we went to look at 2 places that J worked on when she worked for as an architect for a year in Vancouver 2006/7.

One of the buildings was in the Athletes Village for the Winter Olympics last February ..... now being reno'd for sale. Looked at one of the show suites. Pretty nice, lovely view ................ but over-priced in my mind.

Then down to the gritty part of town to look at an old hotel that she planned a renovation on. It was opened last year as what we call Single Room Occupancy ............. ie, housing for people on social assistance who wouldn't be able to get into accomodation elsewhere because of drug/alcohol/mental problems. It was originally built ca 1900 as a very spiffy hotel ......... it looks very spiffy again! Would have loved to go inside it to see what it was now like. The plan for its occupants now includes practical and medical help to get and keep clean.

When J first saw it, the top floor had been inhabited by pigeons for many years .......... it cost something like $500,000 (ca £200,000) to clean the guano!

Then out to campus, and OH bought some more native plants to go into his "native garden", ie one half the front garden!

They leave for the friends on the Island tomorrow, so it will be back to normal for us ..... until Saturday when we pick them up from the ferry.



Tabitha Report 26 Jul 2010 13:12

Afternoon all

Looks like they have made a rod for their own backs with the little one crying and them jumping - they will soon learn.

Nice to hear the babies are all doing well - shame about the cats - I take it they didn't like the baby being around then.

Very strange day here at work - everyone seems really fed up and dragging me down with them - can't wait to go home .

See you all tomorrow


Cynthia Report 26 Jul 2010 15:12

I have just had a message from Reece to say that her beloved husband left this life with grace and dignity at 11pm on Saturday. The family were able to be with him which must have been a comfort for them all.



Susan Report 26 Jul 2010 15:44

Hi Everyone

What very sad news,My thoughts and love are wih you Reece
and all your family.
It is heart felt knowing he did not linger and suffer and all his family was around him when he passed.

I was going so say I had a good day today but now I just feel sad.

Frank it is nice to have your witty way back to cheer us all up ,we really have missed you.

Now if we can just get that Robert to pop in .

I am off to bed ,see you all tomorrow
