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Tabitha Report 11 Jul 2010 10:52

Some of us keep flowers in Vases or Gardens Cynthia.

Have a lovley visit

Josie & Sue sorry to hear you are suffering with the cold weather - I remember 6 months ago we were sheltering under our duvets knee deep in snow - when you ladies were out sitting by the pool & having a barbie.

Talk about role reversals - have to admit I didn't think OZ & NZ got that cold.

Feel like I am on a piece of elastic this morning - up early put out the last of the washing sheets etc - pack up car with recycling - go to the tip visit all the different containers - get home - sort out bits and pieces - OH gone out to wash the car - then it starts to dampen - out with the wash basket bring in the sheets - then sunshine so out again with the washing - 10 mins later - it starts to shower - back out again - now the sun is back - contemplating leaving the washing out.

Pop back again later - its so nice to have a weekend to our selves for a change.


FRANK06 Report 11 Jul 2010 20:06

I don't know,

I go away for a weekend of painting at my daughter's and come back to find Sylvia's OH being pilloried for cooking.

Come on Sylvia, he was multi-tasking which is normally a female many people do you know who can boil an egg while simutaneously burning a pan?
Teflon was created for the space industries to combat intense heat so you OH was obviously carrying out some top secret testing for NASA.

How about crochetting and using the laptop at the same time...........multi-tasking again.
My mum was a great one for knitting and ended up with an electric knitting machine so we always had something "we could grow into" ;)

Well that's the nursery and the bathroom ready, so all we need now is a little bundle of joy.........three days and counting.
Our other daughter was on Skype with our grandaughter in the paddling pool as it's 95f / 36c and too hot to go out so probably the same as your lot Sylvia.
Been raining and windy here so no chance of a hosepipe ban, surely...........

Now that we've finished with my daughter's my OH wants me to get on with tiling our rest for the pure at heart ;)

I was replying to a post which was casting aspersions on the Scotlands people site suggesting that it was rubbish as the poster could not find anyone on it even though she had all the details.

A PM quickly showed that while she was looking for Thompson was actually Thomson and Rendell......actually Rendall.
Two marriages and two births found without spending 1 credit.


It's hardly rocket science !

By the way Cynthia, what are you keeping in that garage .........late rhubarb or mushrooms.
Are you allowed to water it with your hosepipe ban?


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Jul 2010 20:20

Hi all

Hope daughter doesn't have to wait too long Frank, this is the part when you want it all to be over!!!

no ........ I did not give OH a hard time. He didn't do it deliberately!

The little bowls of vinegar and ones with baking soda that I have spread around the house are finally beginning to get rid of the burning smell.

Just had a long chat with J ...... MJ was at the doc's on Friday for the 4 month check. He's grown enormously in the last month. Now 15 lbs 8 oz, and commensurately long ....... so he is apparently in the 75th percentile. He was in the 50th a month ago!

She wants me to make sure that the weather has cooled down by the time they get here a week tomorrow!

It is actually cooler today .............. only going to get to about 26C instead of Friday's almost 35C!! The officialt temeprature registering place is the airport ...... which is flat and by the sea so is always at least 5C cooler than anywhere else. When it was 34.8C in the shade n my back garden on Friday, it was just under 29C at the airport ........ still a record for the date however!

take care



Cynthia Report 11 Jul 2010 20:21

Gotcha! Just happened to pass by and there he is! Busy as usual - what a hero! Don't forget to let us know when the baby arrives will you Frank?? Well done you on your Scottish lookups..........either some people can't be bothered or they can't cope with too much info.

I think that every day I have to go step by step through the procedure of how to find and respond to threads with at least one person. They either can't find the FAQs section, can't understand them or haven't even tried!! Fortunately, I am quite a patient

What do I keep in the garage? Well, not the car for sure! Actually, it's quite a tidy garage but the drive is a wee bit narrow up to it and OH is worried that I will tipple over into next door's garden [slightly downhill you see]. OH doesn't drive anymore so it's over to me....not literally I hope!

My friend was very pleased with her flowers and gift so that's fine. She is rather tired as they had a family party yesterday so it was a bit hectic. She was 'chilling' today!

Off for a mooch. Love to all. Cx


FRANK06 Report 11 Jul 2010 20:38

Well Cynthia,

She has been back on to thank me but still can't find her dad who was "definitely" born in Scotland.
She has all his details but can't bring him up on Scotlandspeople.
All this after I showed her step-by-step how to search using Smith to show how the matches drop quickly as yo enter more detail.

Last search found 226467 matches for Smith.
Last search found 16066 matches for John Smith.
Last search found 133 matches John Smith 1910.
Last search found 30 matches John Smith 1910 Glasgow.

..........and she has just let me know she has found him.

Whoopee ;)

Daughter is neither up nor down and spent most of the day following me around, tidying soon as I put something down, it vanished !

Still just a neat little bump so fingers crossed.


Cynthia Report 11 Jul 2010 20:42

Patience paid off then Frank! :))

Strange.....thought men didn't have much patience

but then

our Frank is special :)


FRANK06 Report 11 Jul 2010 22:28

Patience Cynthia,

I was pulling my hair out............mind you it was covered in paint anyway and I still have plenty of it.

Mostly grey with some satin white and steely blue hues by Dulux ;))

Forgot to say, one of the cats got into the bathroom and jumped up onto the freshly painted window ledge, creating nice little paw prints on the verandah until he was caught.


Susan Report 12 Jul 2010 03:01

Hi Everyone

We are still ducking the rain wind and hail, at least the water dams are getting some water flowing into them .....that will help get us through summer.

The OH hates going off to work in bad weather,would love to stay around the fire.

Frank !! glad to have you back and what a wonderfull job you are doing for your daughter,she is a very lucky girl.
Waiting to hear the good news anyday then are we,so many babies being born by people I know at present.
I wish Robert would come back,I feel like I drove him away ...I hope I didn'nt.
He must really like that cave.

I found Scotlands people very easy to find people on,but it is all in the spelling this game .

Josie !! so glad you love your job and the people you work with,makes for good working relations if everyone can get along .

Better get some housework done,drying the washing indoors on the drying stand not worth putting it on the washing line.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Jul 2010 22:16

hope that the fact that no-one has been in yet today means only that everyone is busy

we've had quite a dramatic drop in temperature today!

It clouded over last night, then high winds came in early this morning ..... branches and trees down all over the place.

But the temperature dropped to only about 15C this morning, and it is still only about 21.5C in the middle of the afternoon ............. still with a very strong breeze blowing!



Cynthia Report 12 Jul 2010 22:29

Quite right Sylvia. I thought today was going to just drift along.......wrong!

Shopping.......arranged a coach trip for 40 people.......out for lunch......visited friends.......ironing......meeting at someone's house. phew!

I've known quieter days!!

Getting used to the tinkering done by GR. When you send pm's now, I have to include a heading or it doesn't send - maybe you've all noticed it by now. Various little changes here and there I see.

Well, it's been a long day.

Keep smiling everyone. Love. Cx


FRANK06 Report 12 Jul 2010 23:50

Now Cynthia,

Just be careful at your age.............don't want to overdo it.

Have you qualified for a bus pass yet ;))

........too late, I've turned off my computer,

Night all. X


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Jul 2010 00:58

night all

sleep tight

I think Frank likes living dangerously!!


Susan Report 13 Jul 2010 08:26

Hi Everyone

Sylvia same weather here but temps a bit lower,I have never known it to be so cold in OZ and I have lived here now for 44 yrs.
We did have a bit of sunshine this morning but it is overcast again.

My Diet is going well I have lost 5 kilos so far in four weeks,I am going to get down to about 60 kilos if I can so I can get rid of these Bloodpresure tablets.
Not the weather for walking or I would have lost more,it is not the same riding a bike you do not burn the same calories as walking.

It is a bit quiet on the thread lately possibly due to the sticking of the thread maybe or like Sylvia said we are all too busy.

Grandchildren on school holidays at present so they are poping in every now and then for a drink or a feed with there friends... so I am making sure I have plenty of snacks for them.

Better get some dinner on be back tonight,I wish Robert would come back,I am worried I have scared him off.

Love to everyone


Susan Report 13 Jul 2010 13:36

Hi Everyone

Very quiet today,just finished the dinner dishes.

I think I might have an early night tonight,it has been a busy one .

Catch you all tomorrow.


Cynthia Report 13 Jul 2010 21:02

Hello everyone. It IS quiet isn't it? Maybe it's to do with the thread being stickied as you say Sue. We were all anxious to keep it at the top of the boards maybe. Mind you, I think everyone will still pop by as and when they can.

Congrats on your diet Sue........[sighs.....picks up another piece of shortbread]

Frank! As Sylvia says, you must like living dangerously.......I'll be nipping round to borrow that rolling pin of hers...........actually, yes, I do have a bus pass....and the picture is even reasonably flattering!

Well, it's raining at last....not a downpour, but it's wet. It it stays around for a while it will do the plants the world of good.

Sounds a bit dramatic in Vancouver!! Your weather seems to go from one extreme to minute you're melting and the next you are being blown to bits. Take care of falling branches!!

Off for a mooch. Cx


FRANK06 Report 13 Jul 2010 22:55

To she of the bus pass and rapidly inflating circumference,

Has that Robert been smuggling you in some supplies of shortbread on his way back from the cave.

It's just a very good thing that spare tyres are much smaller these days in order that they may be hidden away easilly.
............not sure if that applies to yours of course.

Missed again............ ;)


Dozey Report 13 Jul 2010 23:45

Hi everyone

Yes, think you are right. Now I know this thread is at the top of the board fail to come on as it doesn't need a nudge.

We've had rain as well Cynthia. Not a downpour but a gentle persistent rainfall which has refreshed the garden no end. Surprising the differences in the weather reports from the four corners!

It's pretty late so I'm off to bed now - fancying a bit of that shortbread.



SylviaInCanada Report 14 Jul 2010 04:48

Hi all

Frank certainly does like living dangerously!

not much happening here ...... the temeprature is a much more pleasant 20/21C, with the night going to be about 13C



Cynthia Report 14 Jul 2010 09:23

ooooOOOOOHH! Frank......well......I'm......stuck for words

[and that doesn't happen very often]

Plenty of shortbread left Jeannie. It was a gift from my next door neighbour - we keep an eye on his house when he is away.

Love to all. Cx


Susan Report 14 Jul 2010 11:16

Hi Everyone

Not quite so bad today though it is raining as we speak.

Those shortbread bickess sound lovely but I won't break my diet,I am feeling so much better just loosing 5 kilos.

Frank you do live dangerously,I don't think I would like to face Cynthia and that rolling pin.
I still have my mothers wooden rolling pin,Dad gave it to me when she died in 1982 ,I do not use it but I do treasure it ,my mum was a great cook.

Is there any chance one of you wize genealogist can help me out with my thread request on thread no 1229959

Will be back later.