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Susan Report 20 Jul 2010 14:53

Hi Everyone

Glad to hear your family arrived safley Sylvia,I hope you have a wonderfull time together.

I would love to be in your shoes having a baby in the house.

Evelyn it sound s like you are having lots of fun,I remember going away on holidays with mum and dad in the Caravan,would love to go back to those times for a few hours.
My aunt and uncle still do it all the time ,she loves to go to Ireland that is a counrty I have not seen yet,lots about on TV,will get there one day.

We had a very nice sunny day today so I went out to the garden ,time to cut back the Roses,I just do a few bushes every day around now so by the end of the weekend I should have them all done.....I have 22 bushes I did not mean to buy that many but every time I see a Rose I like I have to have it.
My OH was very pleased when I said I am not buying any more.

I am off to bed ,hope the weather is kind to you all.


Susan Report 21 Jul 2010 04:11

Hi Everyone

Very quiet today and it looks like they have unstuck us .

I can't say I am sad about that as I did think it was not nessasary at the time .
I also think it caused a bit of strife on the boards too with others comments about it .
I did not see any of them myself ,anyway we are the same as everyone else now .

Another nice sunny day today so out I go to do some more Roses,will drop in later.


Cynthia Report 21 Jul 2010 09:02

Oh....I didn't notice we had been 'unstuck'. I do wish they would make their minds up!

I hope everyone is able to find us again.........sigh

There has been heavy rain again during the night apparently but dry spells forecast for today. Must get the washing out then!

You must have an enormous amount of roses to cut Sue - you seem to be forever cutting them......:)

Right: washing:bedrooms:bathroom:baking. It never ends.............

Missing Josie for her latest news on her new job - wonder how it is going...?

Catch you all later. Cx


Susan Report 21 Jul 2010 13:34

Hi Everyone

Cynthia I only have 22 bushes but I am cutting them back a couple at a time ,My back aches after cutting two back.
It must be the age thingo.

Back to the optomistrists tomorrow going to do a field scan on my eyes ,he thinks I may have gloucoma as my presure was up in boths eyes last week when he tested me so it would explain a lot about my eyes latley.

I wonder where everyone is and no sign of the boys for a few days.

Well I am off to bed,cold wet and windy again.

Love to you all


Evelyn Report 21 Jul 2010 15:59

Hello Everyone,
All is well here in Brittany, not as hot today thankfully, we had some welcome rain overnight.
I have spent quite a lot of time today watching a family of baby wrens, pure delight, such busy little birds and so tiny, they make our friendly robin look enormous.
Glad our Anne was not involved with the latest tour company to go bust, it must make the life of a travel agent hellish, also that of the tourists of course.
My thoughts are with Reece, bless her.
Ron is watching Countdown, eyes OPEN as well, now theres a first.
I am going for a walk along the canal bank now, there are some very attractive lockkeepers cottages with very pretty gardens so I shall enjoy my walk.
Will pop in as and when I can, much love to you all
Evelyn X


Evelyn Report 21 Jul 2010 16:03

Just a quickie,
I have decided not to have a birthday party this year, I dont think I would enjoy it without Reece


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Jul 2010 21:40

Hi all

OH has taken J and family out to the university ...... they're going to go on the Treetops Walk at the Botanical Garden

I don't do tree top walks ...... not after freezing on one in W Australia (in the Valley of the Giants, Sue) ........ so I am staying home

It's getting warm agian..... so I have the fan blowing on me.

MJ had a bath in the kitchen sink this morning before they went out



Cynthia Report 21 Jul 2010 22:00

MJ being the baby of course!!!!

Every time I think it's going to be a quietish, ordinary type of day, I end up meeting myself coming backwards!!!!
I get more rest on a busy day!

Visitor just left so having a quick browse and then off to bed.

I understand about your party Evelyn - no problem.

I like roses too Sue. We have a couple of bushes and OH has brought me a rose into the kitchen and put it in a wine glass for me - I can look at it whilst washing the dishes........ah bless.

Well done on getting your name on the Success board Sylvia! Just watch that head of yours when you go through a

Night all. Sweet dreams. Cx


SylviaInCanada Report 21 Jul 2010 22:32




Cynthia Report 21 Jul 2010 22:49

Just putting some silver polish on my shopping list.

Memo..........halo cleaning liquid.

Also needed to clarify the sink situation......don't want people's imagination going into overdrive :)))



Susan Report 22 Jul 2010 08:11

Hi Everyone

Sylvia that tree walk is very scary,I have been on it and went all the way around but my sookie Brother chickened out at the start of it he is so scared of hights.
We have taken all our visitors there.
I hope you have a wonderfull time with your family,the babies grow up so fast you cannot miss anything.

Evelyn it sounds like you are having a great time,I would love s stroll along the banks to see the gardens ,it sounds very peacefull.

I don't blame you for not wanting a party,we are all a little down over Recce and her Husband,we can only pray for him and keep up the possitive thoughts.

Cynthia our last house will only have a few Roses as they do take a lot of looking after and as you get older it gets harder to do it.
Two more years and we will build our little retirement house and sell this one.
We plan to travel so I may catch up with all of you one day ,That would be wonderfull.

I had better get dinner on ,be back later.


Kiwibird Report 22 Jul 2010 08:20

Hi Everyone,
Nothing very exciting happening in 'my neck of the woods' at the moment

the weather is still wet and cold but the temps are starting to go up to the double figures during the day. And can even feel a little warmth in the sun when it shines,

My 20 year old son Alistair who still lives at home has started making big plans to move out and go flatting as soon as possible.

He is 6ft 3 and well build and works as a security guard but he's still my 'baby' and I am finding it rather emotionly challenging at the moment.

there are benefits in him moving out.......smaller power bills for a start when he takes a ton of electronic gear with him.
A much reduced food bill and I can drop my 50gig fast speed broadband plan that costs a $100 a month down to a 10gig plan.

My OH has already made plans for my Son's room and can't wait for him to vacate.
However part of me is worried that he will not be able to take of himself.
Pretty irrational of me ah, I suppose though that this normal for mothers when their sons leave home!

Continuing to enjoy my Job.

Catch you all later Josie


Cynthia Report 22 Jul 2010 08:48

We downsized on retirement Sue and it's so much easier I have to admit. We only have a little patio area now but it's amazing how much 'greenery' we have. Someone who called on us last night was really impressed by how much you can grow in pots and planters. Recommended.

Sons leaving home? Well, I have to admit I missed mine but he got married when he was only 23 - so that was a whole new scenario for all of us. I'm sure your son will be absolutely fine's the mums who have the probs!! You could always give him a crash course on cooking, washing, ironing, hoovering etc.....:)) Glad you are still enjoying your job. Keep in touch.

Off to the docs with daughter this morning....thrillsville.

Quick browse and then away. Cx.


Tabitha Report 22 Jul 2010 13:34

Afternoon all - still not had any rain - we miss it here in the south

Strange day I had on Tuesday - found out about Reese & her OH and then got to work to discover the same news about our friend, when we all thought she was bouncing back again. Its all so sad , she knew she wouldn't make Christmas but wanted to be there when her daughter got home, now it seems she won't. All she seems to do at the moment is sleep, but it means she is out of pain for a while at least then.

Nice to see the weather is getting better on the other side of the world.

On another note do you realise its only 5 months to Christmas - how time has flown this year.

Not having a lot of joy with my tree at the moment - My OH & I have decided to try and write up a list of all our brickwalls and try and see if we can find out anything anywhere.

At least if i have a problem I can call on all you lovely people for a quick nudge in the right direction.

I have one who just seems to have dissapeared - I can find her on 1841 census and I can find her marriage details in 1836 (no cert then unfortunatly) - no birth records or father/mother and can't find her death cert. All i know is her husband married again - but said he was single on the marriage cert the 2nd time round - all very dodgy.

Anyone see Brucie on WDYTYA on Monday? My OH didn't find it at all interesting - I just like watching them - I think the worst was Rick Stein closly followed by Davina - now they were both very boring.

Well back to work - things seem to have slowed down a bit - hence the lunch hour update for a change - don't expect the lull will last very long.

Take care all - keep up the good work


Dozey Report 22 Jul 2010 18:31

Hello everyone

I've had a little look at what's been going on while I've been away. I too have been thinking of Reece since the news broke and sent her a PM - but words do seem inadequate at a time like that.

I do understand why Evelyn has thought it necessary to cancel the party. Perhaps next year there will be happier circumstances.

At last I have something to say which may be of interest to you. My daughter and I took a trip to Portsmouth yesterday. Normally I'm not a good passenger - prefer to be the driver - but was glad she was in charge yesterday. Sign posting to the Spinnaker Tower seemed a bit lacking. However, she had been before and found the car park. Walked through an excellent shopping centre to get to the Tower where we met up with recently found relatives. Hadn't been in contact with a Briaris since my mother died in 1964! We met the great great granddaughter of my grandfather's older brother and her mum - who, of course, married a Briaris. We sat in an Italian restaurant near the entrance for about two and a half hours, looking at old photos exchanging information and chatting generally. They were extremely nice, warm and friendly people and we are looking forward to meeting up with them again.

Some of you probably already know that my sub runs out at the end of next week and I will be taking a break. Know I will miss chatting and nudging on the boards but feel it is about time I concentrated on something else - at least for a while.

Will pop in again at least once to say goodbye.


Edit: Yes, I watched Brucie's WDYTYA on Monday. I found it quite fascinating myself. Of the American ones the first two I found a bit boring and fell asleep. Unfortunately missed Susan Sarandon - which I've heard was better.


Cynthia Report 22 Jul 2010 20:49

Jeannie, that sounds like a lovely day for you. Hope you can do it again soon. What fun.

I have 'chatted' to a few relations on here and elsewhere but we have never met. It must be so exciting.

Sorry you are not renewing your subs....are you sure about this? I wouldn't let my membership lapse as I enjoy the various friendships I have made on here. Have another think.

I am beginning a tree for a friend of ours. There is to be a surprise This is your life for him soon and I thought I would just do his father's side for him. It dawned on me today that he is local to where we live so I can go rummaging around the local archive service etc. - this is something I have never been able to do for my own family because we live so far away from Kent and Bucks. I think I am going to enjoy it!!

Love to all. Cx.


Dozey Report 22 Jul 2010 23:56

Yes, it really was even better than I expected. Have taken a look at my tree today putting faces to the names from the couple of family photos she gave me. My mother's cousin looks a right old tyrant and she said he ruled his household with a rod of iron. Thought my dad was strict but he was nothing compared to that guy. However, her great grand-father was a really handsome guy and a different kettle of fish altogether I think.

Unless I'm proved wrong I may have found a serial bigamist in the family. Put out some enquiries. Do hope I get some helpful replies.


Kiwibird Report 23 Jul 2010 08:50

Hi Everyone,
Just popped in to boast us back to the top of the page.

The break through in my tree I mention about a week ago has just changed track and continent.
I thought I had finnaly made connection with an English cousin, it now looks like an American one. The person who contacted me on Genes was a Librarian from Colne Lancashire who was trying to help A visiting American women trace her Grandmother.
So am now waiting to make contact with this Lady in Florida.

Sorry Jeanie to here about your serial Bigamist
if it's any consolation I have a convict who was deported to Australia for stealing a turkey and assaulting a Police officer in my tree.

Must go and retrieve my Roast from the oven.
Catch you all later Josie


Evelyn Report 23 Jul 2010 10:36

Good Morning All,
Jeanie I shall miss you a lot if you do decide not to renew your subs, your input is always so interesting and I look forward to hearing from you, please stay if you can.
I have been busy watching a family of wrens this morning, they are so tiny and absolutely beautiful they or at least 2 of the family came on the veranda and were very close to my feet, I put a few crumbs down for them and they stayed to eat them after which they quickly lost interest and flew away.
We are going to Rennes for lunch today so I had better make a move to get ready, much love to all of you
Evelyn X


Maria Report 23 Jul 2010 12:04

Hi iam trying to find my aunty Jean Procter born in Lancaster uk.I know she emergrated to Texas and married a Adele thompson and had two children Kevin and Phylis i think.she must be in her eighties now.