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SylviaInCanada Report 5 Jul 2010 20:34

Just had an email from someone I tried to help some time ago

What a story!

"I thought I would just bring you up to date on the saga of trying to find xxxxx .......I had such great help from various people and you were right in it with me trying to do the impossible to find this birth, it is solved....and you will not believe it but its true.

I got in touch with his daughter and she told me what had happened..

He was born in 21st Feb. 1899, mother was actually xxxxxxx and father zzzzz, at the time of birth they were not married, they did not get married until 1902.......the birth was not registered until 1954, yes that is right, 1954.....

I can only guess at the reason for registration then, maybe as he was getting older he thought about possible age pension coming his way or needed a birth certificate for some legal reason.

I am told that the mother decided to do it and she actually died the next year...

How can anyone last nearly a lifetime without being registered as being alive, I cannot understand it Sylvia...

I thought I would just let you know the outcome, I am still getting various details about the family"

But how lovely to be told the outcome



Cynthia Report 5 Jul 2010 21:17

That was nice of the person to let you know Sylvia. I am now wondering if I ought to check 54 years after his birth for my missing

Have had a lovely day out with very old at their house, out for lunch, back for coffee. Old times always chatted about and laughed

Back to the ironing of course!

Love to all. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Jul 2010 21:33

Glad you had such a good day out with friends.

we're trying to find the time to go and stay with our friends on the Island before J and co arrive

looks as though we might have to wait until after they leave in August!

We don't seem to have more than 2 days (1 night) free .......... and it's a bit expensive to travel over there for just one night.

I usually look for births upto 5 years later ....... but I'd not thought of doing it after 50+ years!



Dozey Report 5 Jul 2010 23:48

Well that really must have given you a buzz Sylvia. Obviously you must have been instrumental in helping to solve the mystery. I do know it was not compulsory to register births at one time. Think it was late 1800s when the law was passed but pretty sure it was before 1899.

Time to turn in. Be back tomorrow.



Susan Report 6 Jul 2010 03:11

Hi Everyone

I thought I posted last night but it seems to not have come up ,OH well !!will do it again.

I did Pm Robert a second time just to reasure him he did not upset me, I knew he would not really think it was me .
That thread is gone now ,deleted by Genes.
I don't know how some people think it is Ok to wright things like that on a public site.

How nice for a person to get back and let you know the outcome of something you worked on ,I wish it was done a lot more.
That is a bit strange to not be Reg for so long ,I wonder how he managed for the first 55 years ie : school reg ,child endowment and the likes.

I see Ginny thread started again ,good on her they all help the new members and makes less work for the helpers.

Cynthia Glad your day went so well ,it is always nice to catch up with friends.
We had a good wekend away too,no rain driving up to Perth but rain on the way home ,we just drove slow ,make sure we get home safe.
We had the kids ringing us telling us to drive safe .
We think we are now the children and they tell us what to how times have changed.

I am off to the bank before the rain starts again ,check in later.


Cynthia Report 6 Jul 2010 13:39

Afternoon all. Not many about today I see.

Cloudy but quite nice here today.

Off on the school run soon so just having a mooch around. Cx


Evelyn Report 6 Jul 2010 14:26

Hello All,
I am having trouble with the Wifi here at the moment.
We have been out for lunch I had a delicious steak and Ron had salad.
The weather is delightful nice and sunny with a cooling breeze, just my style.
Regarding folk not being registered, I was told at Edinburgh Registar House that in the years that Diane, My mother was born in India whilst her father was serving there with the Seaforth Highlanders, service men whose children were born abroad were not obliged to register them and it is quite possible that Diane was never registered anywhere, which of course adds to the problem of finding her, seriously I dont think we will ever find her roots.
Fingers crossed my youngest granddaughter,s eyes are O K at present, she had further botox and it is working at the moment.
I have a good book to read so am going to sit outside in the shade and have a good read.
Love to everyone

Evelyn XX


Cynthia Report 6 Jul 2010 22:12

Sounds like you are having a relaxing time Evelyn, enjoy it and I hope the weather lasts for you.

Have done the school run; fed and watered them and they've gone home......bless.

Had an email from's such a shame she can't get back on here. As Anne has already told us, Debbie paid for another 6 months and, after 3 weeks it closed down. GR denies any responsibility so it looks like Debbie has paid for nothing!

Well, maybe it's an early night after having had an early morning.

Night folks. Cx


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Jul 2010 00:46

Hi all

had physio today, then sushi lunch, afternoon coffee ............ and finally got home!

It's a lovely day today .......... summer is finally here.

The temperature will be up to close to 30 tomorrow, then muggy nights.

I really like it when the temp is about 20-22C ...... above that is too hot for me.



Susan Report 7 Jul 2010 04:13

Hi Everyone

Nice weather Sylvia,we could do with some of it here.

It is so cold ,we had a lot of rain last night but the sun is out this morning so I am off on my bike to do some banking.

My mother was born in Burma in a British army garrison 1932,her birth was registered along with her twin sister.
Have you been intouch with the army about this at all they may come up with something for you.
You can also ring them ,141 2242146 ,they were very helpfull when I got my Grandfathers Military records.

Well I am off for my ride.
Will check in later


Cynthia Report 7 Jul 2010 09:05

We could do with some of your rain Sue. It's just been announced that there is to be a hosepipe ban in this area from Friday evening. Oh dear.

Wonder how Anne, Josie and the rest of the crowd are?

Robert, could you give me a wave please, it's kind of lonesome on here?

Back later. Cx


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Jul 2010 19:21

Hi all

everyone must be busy ..... I do hope that is why it has been so quiet.

Sitting here with a large fan blowing on me ................ it's already 26 outside at almost 11:30am.

Never satisfied am I!!!

C .... is it Debiie's connection that won't let her post or GR that has for some reason cancelled her membership???

Please give her my love if you have contact again



Cynthia Report 7 Jul 2010 22:16

Hi Sylvia, this is what she says:

"I've had trouble with my Genes Reunited. I paid for another 6 months and 3 weeks later it closed me down, I obviously have a virus but GR refuse to believe me, I'm really annoyed as having paid for 6 months and only getting 3 weeks is not very fair. GR say there is nothing wrong with my site and it must be my computer but I have had it checked and all is fine.... So I no longer have any access to the site."

I have no idea what the solution is though.

Goodness me. One day you have the central heating on and the next it's a large fan. You mustn't know whether you're coming or going!!

We could really do with some heavy rain here to be honest and I am not looking forward to our proposed hosepipe ban at all. Seems really strange to be wanting rain to arrive!

Well, it's getting late so night night all. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Jul 2010 22:51


yep, our weathermen are noting the fact that we have had no chance to get accustomed to warmer temperatures ....... we've basically gone straight from 16 or 17C to mid-20s in just a couple of days.

It's now over 29C at almost 3 pm

and, of course, very high UV factors

That's a pity about Debbie ..... and most aggravating!

sleep well



Dozey Report 7 Jul 2010 23:21

Edited out late night ramblings which were probably a load of nonsense about password.

Night night.



Ann Report 8 Jul 2010 05:45

do you research irish roots?


Dozey Report 8 Jul 2010 07:47


Sorry cannot really help you with that but I have just put a search in on the Trying to Find Board "irish roots". You might like to do the same. Have copied one thing which may be of use to you:-

The site address is
This is a very significant event for anyone tracing their Irish roots. Only the 1901census and 1911 census were preserved in full and the best thing is that its all FREE to view.

Also you could in the names of specific people to see if information has already been found. I'm assuming you are a new member and may not be aware of how helpful search facility can be.

You could also post a request on Trying to Find or the Tips Board just asking for anyone with helpful tips on Irish records.



Tabitha Report 8 Jul 2010 13:56

Afternoon - very quick flying visit

i am well - far too hot in the Greenhouse here - very muggy

Far Far too busy (never thought I woudl ever say that - at the moment i am in at 7:30am (with very good intentions of doing lots of little things till 9am)when phones go live - Have i actually done what I set out to do - NO NO NO - worked through lunch every day so far - Took me over an hour to finish a small cup of soup (in between calls) the other day. then i leave at 6pm and still haven't managed to do half the work that came in over the phones

I am so losing it and tomorrow there is only 2 in most of the day instead of 6 so it is going to be much much worse.

Have to go had a quick 10 min break kust for a change.

Take care all


Cynthia Report 8 Jul 2010 19:54

Poor sounds horrendous for you. Just don't go overdoing it. Look forward to hearing more from you when you have time.

Jeanie, I sent Ann a pm too, just in case she didn't look back in here. Hope she gets sorted.

Had a nice lunch out today with a friend....lots of unusual for me!

Had a couple of giggles on threads and messages today. One lady thought a member of her family had had 'a unfair' with someone and then I got a message from somebody who had forgotten that she had posted a thread.....yesterday!!! Hey ho, it all goes to make this site good fun!

Going to sort out one of my own rellies now!! Love to all Cx


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Jul 2010 21:38

Hi all

over 30.5C outside, over 32.5C inside, and it is only just after 1:30pm.

The hottest part of our day is usually around 4 or 5 pm .................

my internet wasn't working this morning ...... wonder if it was due to the heat???

off to mooch around
